アンゴラ; ベナン; ボツワナ; ブルキナファソ; ブルンジ; ジブチ; カメルーン; カーボベルデ; 中央アフリカ共和国; チャド; コモロ; コンゴ民主共和国; 赤道ギニア; エリトリア; エスワティニ; エチオピア; フランス領南方・南極地域; ガボン; ガンビア; ガーナ; ギニア; ギニアビサウ; コートジボワール; ケニア; レソト; リベリア; マダガスカル; マラウイ; マリ共和国; モーリタニア; モーリシャス; マヨット; モザンビーク; ナミビア; ニジェール; ナイジェリア; コンゴ共和国; レユニオン; ルワンダ; セントヘレナ・アセンションおよびトリスタンダクーニャ; サントメ・プリンシペ; セネガル; セーシェル; シエラレオネ; ソマリア; 南アフリカ共和国; 南スーダン; スーダン; タンザニア; ガンビア; トーゴ; ウガンダ; ザンビア; ジンバブエ
Regional calendar
Please reach out to your Program Officer if you are interested in applying before making any application or if you need flexibility on dates.
8月11日 – 2024年9月8日
9月11日 – 2024年10月16日
10月16日 – 2024年11月4日
11月22日 – 2024年12月12日
7月1日 – 2025年7月31日
2026年1月30日 / 2026年3月31日
2月10日 – 2025年3月1日
3月3日 – 2025年4月11日
4月11日 – 2025年5月1日
5月20日 – 2025年6月25日
2026年7月31日 / 2026年8月15日
- Azogbonon, August 2021 - Engage in the promotion of free knowledge, the development of Beninese and African content (history, culture, men and women, etc.).
- Aristidek5maya, August 2021 - I am a photography consultant and professional image reporter in working life. As a Wikimedian, I am a volunteer trainer and head of the ウィキクォート project within Wikimedia Cote d'Ivoire. Finally, I am President and co-founder of an NGO which fights for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Côte d'Ivoire.
- Fjmustak, August 2021 - I'm a Palestinian volunteer editor on Wikipedia from Jerusalem, founding member and former treasurer of Wikimedians of the Levant User Group and a member of the Arabic Wikimedians User Group.I have been a Wikimedian since 2005, editing both the English and Arabic Wikipedias. I have a passion for the free dissemination of knowledge. Most recently, I have been coordinating activities of the Wikipedia Education Program in Palestine, at both the high school and university levels.
- NANöR, September 2021 - I'm from Syria and living in Sweden. I'm a geologist and have a master's degree in Palynology from Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris. I'm a volunteer editor on Arabic Wikipedia where I created my account in July 2019. My contributions are very various between: Biology, Art, Geology, Currency, History and Movies, but I most focus on lists and featured lists. I believe on teamwork and encourage it by creating and participating in workshops.
- CapitainAfrika, September 2023 - I have joined the Wikimedia Movement from 2017. Certified trainer for Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program, I played an important role within the Wikimedia movement in the DRC in programming events and supporting local leaders of new communities in the country.
- Gilbert Ndihokubwayo, September 2023 - I’m Information and communication professional from Burundi, a certified trainer for Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program, Kiwix for Schools. I have joined the Wikimedia Movement from 2019. I support the vision of a world in which every single human can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.
- Ibrahim Elaidy, September 2023 - I'm a Digital Marketing and Content Specialist From Egypt, I'm Admin in Arabic Wikipedia and a founding member of Egypt Wikimedians user group, I have been a Wikimedian since 2007 and I have many contributions and roles in several Wikimedia projects.
- Dnshitobu, September 2023 - My name is Fuseini Mohammed Kamal-Deen, a co-lead of the Gurene Wikimedia Community at the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group and a professional teacher and projects coordinator in Ghana. I am passionate about using technology to promote education, biodiversity, and cultural heritage.I am a member of the Cybersecurity Professional Association in Ghana. I am a co-facilitator in the Dagbani Wikipedia Saha tele-education program on TV.
- Pellagia Njau, September 2023 -I'm a Computer Science Engineer from Tanzania, I joined Wikimedia Movement in 2017, with different contributions and roles. I'm also a Kiwix Co-Ordinator in Tanzania and interesting in gender related programs.
- Reda Benkhadra, September 2023 - I'm from Morocco and have been actively contributing to Wikimedia projects since 2012, serving as a founding member of Wikimedia MA User Group and leading various campaigns and activities, both online and on-site, to promote free knowledge and bridge content gaps.
- Iwuala Lucy, September 2023 - I'm a Language Professional and passionate about Indigenous Language Advocacy. A member of Igbo Wikimedians User Group and Wikimedia User Group Nigeria. I also serve as Core Team Member of Wiki Loves Monuments International Team.
- Nehaoua, September 2023 - I hold a master's degree in Highway and Bridge Engineering and work as a Civil Engineer. I've been an active Wikimedian since 2009, contributing significantly and taking on various roles across multiple Wikimedia projects. I volunteer as an editor on French and Arabic Wikipedia, as well as on Wikidata, WikiSource, and Wiktionary. I am a member of several Wikimedia groups, including Wikimedia Algeria User Group, Wiki World Heritage User Group, and the Arabic Wikimedians User Group.
- Aimeabibis, September 2023 - I am a cartographer with a passion for information and communication technologies (ICT). As a Wikimedian, I am a volunteer trainer and responsible for projects related to the Gender Gap within the Wikimedia User Group Benin. Additionally, I serve as the volunteer treasurer for the association les sans pagEs.
Inactive and Past Committee Members
Rapid Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2023-24 (SSA) | |||||
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Rapid Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2022-23 (SSA) | |||||
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Rapid Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2021-22 (SSA) | |||||
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General Support Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2024-25, 期別 1 (SSA) | |||||
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General Support Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2023-24, 期別 2 (SSA) | |||||
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General Support Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2023-24, 期別 1 (SSA) | |||||
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Multi-year proposals 2023-24 (SSA) | |||||
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General Support Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2022-23, 期別 2 (SSA) | |||||
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General Support Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2022-23, 期別 1 (SSA) | |||||
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Multi-year proposals 2022-23 (SSA) | |||||
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General Support Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2021-22, 期別 2 (SSA) | |||||
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General Support Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2021-22, 期別 1 (SSA) | |||||
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Multi-year proposals 2021-22 (SSA) | |||||
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Wikimedia Alliances Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2023-24, 期別 2 (SSA) | |||||
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Wikimedia Alliances Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2022-23, 期別 2 (SSA) | |||||
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Wikimedia Alliances Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2022-23, 期別 1 (SSA) | |||||
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Wikimedia Alliances Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2021-22, 期別 2 (SSA) | |||||
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Wikimedia Alliances Funds - 予算年度(FY) 2021-22, 期別 1 (SSA) | |||||
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