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Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Shared Knowledge/Impact reports/Q4 2017

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This is an Impact report for the fourth quarter (Q4, October through December) on the 2017 APG grant to Shared Knowledge, with special consideration given to the 2017 Annual plan.

For monthly reports about our activities during this quarter, see October Activity report, November Activity report and December Activity report.

You can also see our Financial report for the same period.




Editing competition


Editing weekends

Editing days


Exhibition "Brazil through photographs"

Wiki Loves Food 2017


Name of project Achieved outcome Explanation


  • 1 geoexpedition (Caves near Prilep) & several visits (Suva & Kitka Mountain)
  • 3 new + 8 improved articles
  • uploaded images: 87
  • all pictures are used in articles

Editing competition

  • 2 competitions held
  • 17 participants; 12 different users
  • 301 created articles + 18 improved articles
Editing competitions topics were: "Wikification improving" and "Volcanoes"


  • 2 edit-a-thons held
  • 19 participants; 17 different users
  • 27 created articles + 2 improved articles
Edit-a-thon topics were: "Brazil" and "Psychology"

Editing weekends

  • 3 editing weekends held
  • 15 participants in total; 10 different users
  • 43 created articles + 6 improved articles
Editing weekend topics were: "Brazil", "Mayors of the municipalities in Macedonia" and "Vegetables"

Editing days

  • 4 editing days held
  • 16 participants in total; 9 different users
  • 49 created articles + 9 improved articles
Editing days topics were: "Food", "Moons of Jupiter", "St. Clement of Ohrid" and "Formula One circuits"


  • 3 photohunts conducted
  • 6 participants
  • 94 images uploaded
  • 6 articles created
  • 16 articles improved
  • 65,49% of images used in articles
Photohunts were conducted in Mavrovo National Park, Objects in Skopje & Kisela Voda and Aerodrom Municipalities

Exhibition "Brazil through photographs"

  • 20 images printed with QR-codes
  • 2 weeks long exihibiton
  • over 40 visitors on the opening
20 images of nature and buildings in Brazil, which have been chosen as the best qualified pictures on the contest "Wiki Loves Earth" and "Wiki Loves Monument" held in Brazil.

Wiki Loves Food 2017

  • 67 participants
  • 915 images uploaded
  • 10,05% of images used in articles

Description of activities and learning


Each of the programmes have their objectives (listed on grant page). This section will describe how the activities during the 3rd Quarter lead contributed towards their fulfillment.




Goals met by this activity

By this activity we aimed to discover as much as possible unknown or less known geographical locations and features in Macedonia on remote places with difficult access. Considering that the main aim of the Geoexpeditions in 2017 were caves and mountain peaks, we definitely achieved the aimed goal as we have visited 3 caves and 1 mountain peak in this fourth quarter of the year thus completing the year with 8 caves and speleological features and 26 mountains and peaks as well as 7 rivers, 9 lakes, 2 swamps and 7 villages.

Some considerations

Geoexpeditions this year were conducted with a close collaboration and support from mountaineering club "Transverzalec", professional speleological club "Zlatovrv" and with experienced hikers and scholars (professors & researchers) which gives the opportunity to expand the cooperation of Wikipedia with different groups of science, dispute and society.

Editing competition

Goals met by this activity

With the editing competitions, we are joining forces to create as many articles as possible within a certain longer time period. A jury then decides the winners, who are awarded. This quarter we organized 2 editing competitions with considerable outcome of 301 created and 18 improved articles by 17 editors who participated.

Some considerations

Considering the large number of articles which have very scarce content or are not meeting the standards of Wikipedia articles we decided one topic to be "Wikification improving of articles" which can also be used in the future as the community grows and newly registered users making their first steps in editing short articles throughout the year.


Goals met by this activity

The edit-a-thons aim to increase community spirit in working towards a common goal on a certain topic that has been agreed as being of importance. Quality is improved both by covering missing topics and by extending existing articles. In this fourth quarter we held 2 edit-a-thons.

Some considerations

Regarding that this type of activity is organized somewhere outside with a group of newly registered or less skilled and familiar users we used the chance to incorporate this 2 edit-a-thons within a larger weekend events. Therefore topics of the edit-a-tons were: "Brazil" - which was held one day after the opening of the exhibition "Brazil through photographs" and the second one was "Psychology" where we held a lecture on editing articles on Wikipedia as well as for all other Wikimedia projects such as Wikimedia Commons etc. in the conference hall of the National Library on the day before the Psychology edit-a-ton.

Editing weekends

Goals met by this activity

With our editing days, we encouraged Wikipedians to devote more of their free time in writing on relevant topics for the duration of a given weekend. Considering that this fourth quarter we had 3 editing days where 15 users participated creating 43 and improving 6 articles which indicates that we met the goal.

Some considerations

We chose the topics to be current and linked with our other projects and ongoing events thus for the editing weekends in this quarter we dedicated the topics "Brazil" in order to create and improve articles for the QR-codes on the images on the exhibiton "Brazil through photographs"; "Mayors of the municipalities in Macedonia" in order to create and improve articles due to the Local elections for mayors and councils held in October and "Vegetables" in order to use as much as possible of the pictures uploaded within the contest Wiki Loves Food 2017 in Macedonia.

Editing days

Goals met by this activity

With our editing days, we encouraged Wikipedians to devote more of their free time in writing on relevant topics for the duration of a given day. Considering that this fourth quarter we had 4 editing days where 16 users participated we met the goal.

Some considerations

We chose the topics to be current and linked with our other projects thus for the editing day dedicated on "Food" we chose this topic in order to use as much as possible of the pictures uploaded within the contest Wiki Loves Food 2017 in Macedonia.


Goals met by this activity

The aim of this project encourage individuals with interest in topics to take initiative in formulating their own expedition plans, thus widening coverage of content, widening the community and promoting innovation within it. Also, we see the Photohunts as a chance to find and recruit new members and volunteers who will participates on the Expeditions and all other Wikimedia projects.

Some considerations

In this quarter we approved 3 photohunts. All of the participants were females and two of them are semi-professional photographs who participated in the "Wiki Loves Food 2017" competition, one girl as a contestant and the other one as a member of the jury.



Exhibition "Brazil through photographs"

Goals met by this activity

Macedonia-Brazil photographic collaboration is a project of Shared Knowledge which is organized as an exhibition of the winning photographs of Wiki Loves Contests in Brazil and Macedonia. An exhibition of images from Brazil is held in Macedonia, while at the same period in Brazil is held an exhibition with pictures from Macedonia. All of the images have printed QR-codes with links to the articles in Wikipedia and the program of the exhibition includes events of our other projects such as edit-a-thons, lectures etc. The project emerged as a result of the contacts established by Toni Ristovski on the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin in April 2017 and it was not primarily included in the Annual Plan for 2017.

Some considerations

On 13 October 2017, on the occasion of marking the establishment of diplomatic relations between Macedonia and Brazil, a two-weeks long photographic exhibition titled "Brazil through pictures: In front of the eyes of the Macedonian public" was officially opened in Skopje. The event was part of the photographic collaboration between Shared Knowledge and Wiki Education Brazil with the goal of promoting the cultural and natural heritage of both countries through photographic exhibitions. Over 40 visitors were briefly introduced about the Wikimedia projects and the idea beyond the photographic collaboration, which was followed by a presentation of a geopolitical analysis of the development of relations and cooperation between Macedonia and Brazil. Afterwards, the audience had the opportunity to see 20 images depicting cultural and natural heritage of Brazil, much of which were winning photographs from the previous editions of Wiki Loves Earth and Wiki Loves Monuments in Brazil. The images were displayed with QRpedia codes, enabling the visitors to easily navigate to Wikipedia articles about the topics depicted. There were also two editing challenges, an editing weekend and an edit-a-thon, as side events that attracted editing content on topics related to Brazil. Considering the positive outcome of this activity we will continue with this kind of project in the future.

Wiki Loves Food 2017

Goals met by this activity

Following the preparations during the previous month, on the 1st of November, we opened Wiki loves photographic contest, that we decided to focus on the food, especially on traditional Macedonian and regional dishes and cuisines. In previous years, Shared Knowledge have organized Wiki Loves Earth and Monuments photographic contest with significant success and this year it was decided that Shared Knowledge will organize Wiki Loves Food competition for the first time, which is in fact only the second Wiki Loves Food contest organized world wide, after its establishment by Wikimedia India in 2015. The contest was completed with 915 images uploaded by 67 registered contestants. Also, for this competition we made a instructional video-tutorial which will be used further in the future in all other activities where newly registered members should upload images and files on Wikimedia Commons.

Some considerations

On the 16th of December, after a period of preparations, together with Slow Food Vodno , we held the award ceremony for the Wiki Loves Food photographic contest. The Wiki Loves Food photographic contest attracted significantly large attention in the public thus several media outlets reported from the competition. The competition itself went excellent resulting in 916 uploaded images from 67 registered competitors who covered 100 different traditional dishes from the Macedonian and regional cuisines. This topic, traditional cuisine, led us to the collaboration with the Slow Food organization whose members wholeheartedly helped us in the promotion and judging of the contest as well as the organization of the award ceremony which at the same time was celebration of their Terra Madre day. The event was attended by around 70 people among which the winners and the other authors of the 10 best photographs who got their images printed in large format as well as a gratitude certificate for participation in the contest. Following the positive outcome there will be signing a memorandum of cooperation and other joint project activities with Slow Food in the next period.