Translation requests/WMF/Inside Wikimedia Video Dec 2008/ang
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- ang/Ænglisc (published)
- ar/العربية (published)
- bg/български (published)
- ca/català (published)
- cs/čeština (published)
- da/dansk (published)
- de/Deutsch (published)
- el/Ελληνικά (published)
- en/English (published)
- eo/Esperanto (published)
- es/español (published)
- fa/فارسی (published)
- fi/suomi (published)
- fr/français (published)
- hu/magyar (published)
- id/Bahasa Indonesia (published)
- it/italiano (published)
- ja/日本語 (published)
- jv/Jawa (published)
- ko/한국어 (published)
- ms/Bahasa Melayu (published)
- mt/Malti (in progress)
- nb/norsk bokmål (published)
- nl/Nederlands (published)
- oc/occitan (published)
- pl/polski (published)
- pt/português (published)
- ru/русский (published)
- sv/svenska (published)
- tr/Türkçe (published)
- vi/Tiếng Việt (published)
- yue/粵語 (missing)
- zh-hans/中文(简体) (published)
- zh-hant/中文(繁體) (published)
1 00:00:11,189 --> 00:00:17,325 Sēo Wikimedia Foundation is sēo þēodness, þe awreþaþ Wikipedian and eahtsweostorlic, uncēap gewitnessweorc. 2 00:00:17,968 --> 00:00:22,733 Wē sindon grēat, swīþe folclufod webbsīde. Wē sindon sēo fēorþe brēmoste on þǣre worulde. 3 00:00:22,632 --> 00:00:26,595 250 þūsendþūsend lēodas brūcaþ hīe ǣlcne monaþ, and wē ne sindon fremusēcende. 4 00:00:26,736 --> 00:00:28,354 Hēo hæfþ tōþuniendu beorht geblēod gefēlnes. 5 00:00:28,970 --> 00:00:32,388 Ic gelīefe, þæt þæt forme þing, þe mec ofwundrode þā ic hider cōm, wæs efne hū lȳtel þæt gebundene weorc is. 6 00:00:32,632 --> 00:00:38,519 Þā mǣstan lēode þencaþ, þæt hit sīe hwæthwæge grēat gebunden weorc, habbende eall gecund ādihtenda and ungewitfull andefn macienda - ac sōþlīce hit swā nis. 7 00:00:38,642 --> 00:00:42,735 Efne þā ic wearþ gehȳred, ic þōhte, þæt ic cōm on swīþe grēate þēodnesse 8 00:00:42,963 --> 00:00:45,493 and ic cōm hērin and tō þǣre tīde wæs hit nēahlīce fīf menn. 9 00:00:53,149 --> 00:00:57,691 Mǣste, þāra wē dōþ and mǣst þæs weorþes, þe is gemacod þǣre þēodnesse and þǣm gebundenan weorce 10 00:00:57,998 --> 00:01:00,680 is gedōn be willendum wiercendum ofer þǣre brādnesse þǣre worulde. 11 00:01:00,927 --> 00:01:03,804 Hēr on þǣm hēafodbūre is weorcendeþrēat þrēora and twēntigra lēoda, 12 00:01:04,127 --> 00:01:08,491 and þæt wē dōþ is tō macienne hit ēaþra tō þǣm and tō awreþienne þā willendan wiercendas and þæt weorc, þæt hī genēþaþ tō fremmenne. 13 00:01:11,796 --> 00:01:15,473 Wē sindon þæt lȳteloste dǣl hēr on Sane Franciscoe - hit is wīde grēatra þonne þis. 14 00:01:16,651 --> 00:01:20,169 Sēo gewitness is uncēaplīce gearu tō wīde mārum lēodum þonne hit hafaþ gebīen gēara. 15 00:01:20,648 --> 00:01:23,885 Wikipedia is gearu on 264 sprǣcum. 16 00:01:24,363 --> 00:01:31,894 Þæt grēatoste dǣl mīnes weorces is tō macienne grēatra þā dǣlnimunge þāra Wikipediena sprǣcsīdena. 17 00:01:32,086 --> 00:01:33,622 Wē willaþ grēatra þā dǣlnimunge macian. 18 00:01:33,756 --> 00:01:38,885 Wē willaþ mǣst fremman mid sumum þrēatum and bældan rǣdendas onmiddan þǣm þrēatum sōþlīce tō weorþenne ādihtendas. 19 00:01:39,093 --> 00:01:41,802 Wē fremmaþ mid þūsendum and þūsendum willendra fremmenda. 20 00:01:42,308 --> 00:01:45,986 Lēodas ne sindon gehȳred tō dōnne hit, ac hī dōþ hit for þǣre lufe þæs gebundnan weorces. 21 00:01:46,784 --> 00:01:49,294 Ān þing, þe manige lēodas ne understandaþ, is, þæt -hī- cunnen ādihtan. 22 00:01:49,689 --> 00:01:54,833 Hit is sēo betste bīsen tō uncēapre gewitnesse. Nān waraēowung. 23 00:01:54,993 --> 00:01:57,145 Ic sēo folclīce gōdnesse on þǣm weorce, þe ic dō. 24 00:01:57,409 --> 00:01:58,574 Wē sōþlīce sēoþ þā āran. 25 00:01:58,572 --> 00:02:00,071 Hēo is woruldwīd fremmung. 26 00:02:00,216 --> 00:02:01,135 And hēo is uncēap. 27 00:02:01,077 --> 00:02:05,231 Wē genēþaþ tō giefenne uncēape gewitnesse lēodum - ofer eallum dǣlum þǣre worulde.