Ázijský mesiac Wikipédie/Rozhranie nástroja
Please note: XXX is a placeholder and SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN YOUR TRANSLATIONS
- Digit grouping symbol, can be empty: 1 000 000
- Examples: 1,000,000 (a billion)
- Decimal symbol: 0,25
- Examples: 0.25 (a quarter)
- Language name: slovenčina
- Examples: 日本語, русский
- Log in: Prihlásiť sa
- Log out: Odhlásiť sa
- Editathons: Editačné maratóny
- Comment: used as a header on the editathons list page
- Start message: Editačný maratón začne XXX
- Examples: The editathon will start in 4 days
- Comment: Don't translate the preposition (will start, not will start in)
- End message: Editačný maratón skončí XXX
- Examples: The editathon will end in 1 month
- Comment: Don't translate the preposition (will end, not will end in)
- Finished message: Editačný maratón skončil
- Title of the button that adds an article: Odoslať
- Title of the button that opens the jury tool: Hodnotiť
- Title of the juries list: Členovia poroty: XXX
- Header of the table column that contains user's name: Redaktor
- Header of the table column that contains the number of articles that were submitted by a user: Články
- Header of the table column that contains the number of user's points: Body
- Header of the table column that contains the points for an individual article: Článok
- Header of the table column that contains the date and time when the article was added: Pridané
- Header of the table column that contains points received by an individual article: Body
- Date format to show the article submission date and time: 5. septembra 22:31
- Examples: 5 September 22.00, 10.31 pm September 5, 09-05T22:01:17-05:00
- Comment: Details on the format
- Registration warning1: Len redaktori zaregistrovaní po XXX sa môžu zúčastniť v tomto editačnom maratóne.
- Comment: not used in Wikipedia Asian Month, for future reference
- Registration warning2: Len redaktori zaregistrovaní pred XXX sa môžu zúčastniť v tomto editačnom maratóne.
- Comment: not used in Wikipedia Asian Month, for future reference
- Namespace warning 1: Je v hlavnom mennom priestore
- Namespace warning 2: Nie je v hlavnom mennom priestore
- Comment: 'Main namespace' is articles, other namespaces include 'Talk', 'User'
- Creator warning: Vytvorené redaktorom
- Creation date and time warning: Článok bol vytvorený XXX
- Examples: The article was created at 5 Sep 10:31 PM
- The word “symbol” in singular: XXX symbol
- Examples: 1 symbol, 1 символ
- The word “symbol” in plural: XXX symboly
- Examples: 20 symbols, 20 символов
- The word “symbol” in plural2: XXX symbolov
- Examples: 22 symbols, 22 символа
- Comment: Used in languages with complex case systems, like Russian
- The word “word” in singular: XXX slovo
- Examples: 1 word, 1 слово
- The word “word” in plural: XXX slov
- Examples: 20 слов, 20 words
- The word “word” in plural2: XXX slov
- Examples: 22 words, 22 слова
- Comment: Used in languages with complex case systems, like Russian
- Bytes: XXX bajtov
- Examples: article size is 50 bytes
- Not authorised message: Nie ste autorizovaný
- Network error: Chyba siete. Prosím, skúste to znovu: XXX
- Examples: Network error. Please try again: connection failed
- Not found: Článok nebol nájdený
- Back: Späť
- Cancel: Zrušiť
- Next: Pokračovať
- Examples:
- Add: Pridať
- Title: Názov článku: XXX
- Duplicate by you: Tento článok ste už pridali
- Duplicate by others: Tento článok už pridal iný redaktor.
- Please log in: Pre pokračovanie sa prosím prihláste.
- Log in: Prihlásiť sa
- User hasn't pressed the Save button: Vaše zmeny budú zahodené.
- Yes, I agree: Zahodiť
- Cancel: Zrušiť
- Article size in symbols: XXX znak, XXX znaky
- Article size in bytes: XXX bajtov
- Creator's name: Vytvorené
- Comment: who started the article
- Created on: Vytvorené
- Examples: Created on 5 September 10:31 PM
- Date format to show in the jury tool: 5. septembra 22:31
- Examples: 5 September 22.00, 10.31 pm September 5, 09-05T22:01:17-05:00
- Comment: Details on the format
- Added by: Pridané
- Comment: the person who submits the article to the editathon
- Article not found: Článok nebol nájdený
- Error while loading: Chyba načítavania: XXX
- Comment: komentár
- Total points: Spolu: XXX
- Save: Uložiť
- Skip to next: Preskočiť
- Does this article satisfy the requirements? Akceptovať článok?
- Article satisfies the requirements: Áno
- Article does not satisfy the requirements: Nie
- Article is accepted: akceptované
- Article is not accepted: neakceptované
- Contact information: Ak máte problémy s týmto nástrojom, kontaktujte, prosím, redaktora Le Loj.
- Users (in main screen): Redaktori
- Articles (in main screen): Články
- Marks (in main screen): Známky
- Without marks (in main screen): Bez známok