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This page is a translated version of the page Tech/News and the translation is 24% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Monitoring and understanding all the technical activity happening across the Wikimedia movement is a difficult and time-consuming task.
By subscribing to Tech News, you can help monitor recent software changes likely to impact Wikimedians, and receive a weekly summary on your talk page, without technical jargon.

තාක්ෂණ පුවත් ලබා ගන්න


There are multiple ways to receive Tech News:

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Tech News is published every week. You can:

තාක්ෂණ පුවත් ලිවීමට උදව් කරන්න

ලියා එය සරල කරන්න

Do add material to Tech News! Any additions are always very welcome.

Add information, even if you are not sure it's vital or important. It is better to remove something later than to miss information that should have been included.

සංස්කරණය අතර මතක තබා ගන්න:

  • සරල, තාක්ෂණික නොවන භාෂාවක් භාවිතා කරන්න;
  • ක්‍රියා පද සඳහා කෙටි, පොදු වචන සහ සරලව භාවිතා කරන්න;
  • කෙටි යෙදුම් හා සංකේත නාම සඳහා <abbr> භාවිතා කරන්න;
  • ඇතුල් කිරීම් කෙටියෙන් කරන්න (වාක්‍ය දෙකකට වඩා ඇතුලු නොකරන්න);
  • Link to details, ideally translatable content on a wiki, with the most important link first
  • Use ([[File:Octicons-sync.svg|12px|link=|class=skin-invert]]) for items that are in most issues of the newsletter (new MediaWiki version, some meetings) and ([[File:Octicons-tools.svg|15px|link=|class=skin-invert]]) for advanced items aimed at technical editors.
වෙනස්කම් නිරීක්ෂණය

Check the following sources of information. Choose those you understand and are comfortable with: if you understand code, you can look at the commits, for example, while summarizing mailing list discussions may be more appropriate for someone who doesn't code:

Select information

From those sources, select what you think is relevant:

  • for Wikimedians without specialized technical knowledge, who may otherwise not learn about technical changes that may affect them;
  • for people who relay these news to their fellow editors, like village pumps or noticeboards.

Add material to the next summary.

Any contribution is useful, even just adding a link. Other contributors can help write or simplify a longer description later.

Get started

The next issue is scheduled for publication on 2025-03-03.

Translate and localize

All weekly summaries are translatable. If you can write in more than one language, please consider translating summaries, for the benefit of your fellow editors.

Translate the next issue.
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