Dengan melanggan Berita Teknologi, anda boleh membantu memantau perubahan perisian terkini yang mungkin memberi kesan kepada ahli Wikimedia, dan menerima rangkuman mingguan di laman perbincangan anda, tanpa melibatkan terma teknikal.
Dapatkan berita teknologi
- Langgan di wiki
- Langgan ke suapan web
- Anda juga disarankan untuk melanggan menerusi senarai mel kami.
Read or advertise Tech News
- Baca terbitan terkini
- Baca terbitan lama
- Advertise Tech News! If you know people who would be interested, invite them to sign up for talk-page delivery and the mailing list, add community pages for talk page delivery (with consensus), or display your Tech News readership or translation volunteering with userboxes.
Bantu menulis Berita Teknologi
Tambah maklumat, walaupun jika anda tidak pasti ianya wajib atau penting. Adalah lebih baik untuk membuang sesuatu di kemudian hari berbanding terlepas maklumat yang sepatutnya perlu diletakkan.
Perlu diingatkan semasa melakukan suntingan:
- Gunakan bahasa yang ringkas, bukan teknikal
- Gunakan perkataan yang singkat, umum dan kata kerja aktif;
- Gunakan
untuk singkatan dan akronim; - Pastikan entri yang pendek (sebaiknya tidak lebih daripada dua ayat ringkas);
- Pautkan ke wiki yang lebih terperinci, kandungan yang mudah diterjemah, dengan meletakkan pautan paling penting terlebih dahulu
- Gunakan
) untuk perkara yang terdapat di kebanyakkan terbitan akhbar (versi MediaWiki baharu, pelbagai mesyuarat) dan(
) untuk perkara lanjutan ditujukan kepada para editor teknikal.
Check the following sources of information. Choose those you understand and are comfortable with: if you understand code, you can look at the commits, for example, while summarizing mailing list discussions may be more appropriate for someone who doesn't code:
- The #user-notice tag in Phabricator;
- Recent wikitech-ambassadors messages;
- Recent wikitech-l threads;
- Upcoming deployments;
- Wikimedia Foundation Tech Blog.
From those sources, select what you think is relevant:
- for Wikimedians without specialized technical knowledge, who may otherwise not learn about technical changes that may affect them;
- for people who relay these news to their fellow editors, like village pumps or noticeboards.
Add material to the next summary.
Any contribution is useful, even just adding a link. Other contributors can help write or simplify a longer description later.
There are more ways to add information to Tech News.
The next issue is scheduled for publication on 2025-03-03.
- Inclusion criteria and deadlines for contributors
- Publication manual for new issues
- You have a question about how to contribute to Tech News? Please contact us
- Issues when sending out the newsletter are documented at Tech/News/Problems.
All weekly summaries are translatable. If you can write in more than one language, please consider translating summaries, for the benefit of your fellow editors.