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Wikimedia Brasil/Report/2023/Products and Technology/en

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Report of activities for 2023 - Products and Technology

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First quarter report (Jan-Mar)


Concept of the Dashboard for the Wiki Loves Monuments Upload Tool

Outreachy is a program that provides internships for individuals from underrepresented groups in the tech industry. The project aims to increase diversity and inclusion in the tech community by providing paid internships and offers a supportive environment for interns to develop their skills and gain experience whilst contributing to the development of open-source software.

In 2022, WMB has proposed a project called Develop features for Wiki Loves Monuments App[1] for the creation of an interactive Dashboard for the Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil App. The project was accepted by the Outreachy organizers and by the end of December 2022 we started working on it with a Nigerian software developer in this new feature. It was a great experience to expand our network and experience mentoring projects. The outcomes will be implemented into the app before the next Wiki Loves Monuments contest and the participants will be able to not only contribute their images to Wikimedia Commons but also see a live dashboard of their contributions on the application.

Other metrics related to Products and Technology activities executed in this quarter are listed below:

Other metrics
  • 68 participants[2][3][4]
  • 5 resources[1][3][4]
  • 1 new tool for registering learning and quantitative reports of activities[5]
  • 379 media files uploaded to Wikimedia Commons[4]
  • 103 items created or edited in Wikidata[6]
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Second quarter report (Apr-Jun)

Results and Learning Evaluation System

Logo for the Results and Learning Evaluation System

Reporting is a fundamental part of the activities Wiki Movimento Brasil and others in the Wikimedia Movement organize. It touches everything we do and is especially related to the initiative 35 - Facilitate a culture of documentation, part of the Recommendation 7: Manage Internal Knowledge. In recent years, there's increasingly more interest in the learnings of the activities in opposition to only the quantitative metrics. In March 2023, we launched the tool called SARA (acronym for Sistema de Avaliação de Resultados e Aprendizados in Portuguese, or Results and Learning Evaluation System); We have been using this tool since then and last quarter we made significant improvements and bug corrections and adding new functionalities: We are now able to visualize, for example, if specific metrics of our activities plan were met, allowing us to analyze which are the metrics that need more attention.[5]

Other metrics related to Products and Technology activities executed in this quarter are listed below:

Other metrics
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Third quarter report (Jul-Sep)

Lusophone Technological Wishlist

Logo for the Lusophone Technological Wishlist

In early May, Wiki Movimento Brasil, along with Wikimedia Portugal, Wiki Editoras Lx and Projeto Mais Teoria da História na Wiki, established a dedicated committee. This committee gathered individuals with a strong tech-oriented perspective in their wiki endeavors. Their primary mission was to oversee, validate and coordinate the methodology behind a research initiative within the Portuguese-speaking Wikimedia communities. This research, called Lusophone Technological Wishlist, aimed to identify and prioritize the technological innovations wished for by community members.[18] Moreover, it sought to identify tools and platforms in need of change, ultimately enhancing the user experience for those engaged in reading, editing and researching the Wikimedia projects in Portuguese.

The research aligns closely with the objectives outlined in initiatives 9 and 10 of the recommendation 2 - Improve User Experience and harmonizes with initiative 43 of the recommendation 9 - Innovate in Free Knowledge. The primary goal of this research was to foster the integration of the Portuguese-speaking communities into a strategic and collaborative process. This process was designed to facilitate the identification of technological bottlenecks within the Lusophone projects, which, in turn, hinder the onboarding and retention of new and seasoned wikimedians.

The research unfolded through a structured sequence of four distinct phases: Submission, Consolidation, Prioritization and Publishing. Each phase was marked by a discussion with the Committee. In the initial submission phase, dedicated Wikimedians put forward proposals and engaged in discussions, evaluating the viability and validity of these submissions. Following this, the Consolidation phase started, where the collected proposals were selected into a cohesive framework. The prioritization phase followed, and a voting period was initiated to categorize the proposals into four key groups: Prioritary, Important, Neutral, and Not a Priority. After obtaining the committee's validation, results were made public in the form of a prioritized list that highlighted the most desired changes and innovations of the lusophone communities. This process involved 17 proposals, with participation of at least 30 distinct editors, who played a crucial role in the submission and prioritization phases.

After the publication of the list, we aim at investigating the resolution of the proposals. For that, we proposed a project to Outreachy –which was approved–, to mentor a prospective intern to work on the proposals.[19]

Other metrics related to Products and Technology activities executed in this quarter are listed below:

Other metrics
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Fourth quarter report (Oct-Dec)

Outreachy 2024

Logo of the Outreachy project

As we presented in the first quarter report, Outreachy is a program that provides paid internships for individuals from underrepresented groups in the tech industry. The skills and abilities the interns develop whilst developing in open-source softwares are the main objective of the project.

In 2023, following the experience we had in the last time we applied, WMB has proposed two new projects, which were both accepted and had already started. The first one, already announced in the last report, is a project called Addressing the Lusophone technological wishlist proposals for implementation of the Lusophone technological wishlist proposals, working with Python and Javascript. The second project is called Assist Capacity Exchange Development for the development of the Capacity Exchange platform, working with the Django framework in Python.

The interns were selected and have already started working on their projects. Details about them and their progress can be found in the pages of the projects: Lusophone technological wishlist and Capacity Exchange.

Other metrics related to Products and Technology activities executed in this quarter are listed below:

Other metrics


  1. a b Outreachy 2022: Develop features for Wiki Loves Monuments App
  2. Consultancy to Wikimedia Deutschland on the UNLOCK program
  3. a b Wikidata Lab XXXVI: Participatory Machine Learning in Wikimedia: ORES (OpenDataDay)
  4. a b c Wiki Loves Folklore Brasil 2023
  5. a b Results and Learning Evaluation System
  6. Upload of metadata of monuments listed by the Municipal Council for the Preservation of Historical, Cultural, and Environmental Heritage of the City of São Paulo
  7. a b c Wikisource workshop
  8. a b c 1st meeting with the Committee for the Lusophone technological wishlist
  9. a b c 2nd meeting with the Committee for the Lusophone technological wishlist
  10. a b c 3rd meeting with the Committee for the Lusophone technological wishlist
  11. a b c Wikicontests tool workshop
  12. a b Meeting with the Wiki Loves Monuments International Team in Vienna
  13. a b Launch of the Lusophone technological wishlist
  14. a b c 1st Python Programming Workshop
  15. a b Results live of the Wiki Loves Folklore 2023 in Brazil
  16. a b c d Wikidata Lab XXXVII: Uploading images to Wikimedia Commons with OpenRefine
  17. Lutz
  18. Lusophone technological wishlist
  19. Outreachy December 2023 round
  20. a b Support to the event "Caminhos Pelotenses"
  21. Launch of Wiki Loves Monuments
  22. a b Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil upload workshop
  23. 1st meeting of the "(Re)imagine the sociotechnical infrastructure of the Wikimedia Movement" axis subcommittee
  24. 2nd meeting of the "(Re)imagine the sociotechnical infrastructure of the Wikimedia Movement" axis subcommittee
  25. a b 4th meeting with the Committee for the Lusophone technological wishlist
  26. 2nd Python Programming Workshop
  27. 3rd Python Programming Workshop
  28. Wikiscore
  29. a b c Wikidata Lab XXXIX
  30. a b Wikidata Lab XXXVIII
  31. 4th Python Programming Workshop
  32. 5th Python Programming Workshop
  33. “Oficina de programação em Python” (Python Software Foundation)