Универзални кодекс понашања/Смернице за спровођење/Гласање/Извештај
Извештај о повратним информацијама бирача из процеса ратификације Смерница за спровођење УЦоЦ
Након завршетка нацрта Смерница за спровођење Универзалног кодекса понашања, (УЦоЦ) почетком 2022. године, Викимедијина заједница их је одобрила гласањем у којем је учествовало укупно 2.283 члана заједнице. Од тога, 1.338 (58,6%) гласача је подржало смернице како су написане, док је 945 (41,4%) било против. Гласачи долазе из 137 заједница, а првих 9 по бројности су: Википедије на енглеском, немачком, француском, руском, пољском, шпанском, кинеском, јапанском, и италијанском језику, те Мета-вики. Погледајте страницу са резултатима.
Они који су гласали имали су прилику да дају коментаре на садржај Нацрта документа. 658 учесника је оставило коментаре. 77% коментара је написано на енглеском. Гласачи су коментаре писали на 24 језика, а највише на енглеском (508), немачком (34), јапанском (28), француском (25) и руском (12). Овде можете погледати излазност према Викимедија пројекту.
Ова анализа је урађена како би се идентификовале главне теме коментара и истакле области документа које су у њиховом фокусу. Анализа коментара има за циљ да појача глас заједнице и допринесе читавом процесу. Прикупљене информације су већ усмериле особље Комитета за питања заједнице ка правцу у којем треба да наставе да истражују побољшања. Ове информације ће такође водити и ревизију Смерница за спровођење УЦоЦ-а коју ће завршити Комитет за ревизије.
Метода анализе
Након што су контролори-волонтери потврдили да није било неправилности у гласању, пројектни тим УЦоЦ-а је превео повратне информације на енглески и груписао их у категорије.
Рад на превођењу водио је тим за Стратегију и управљање покретом уз помоћ другог вишејезичног особља Фондације. Тим за политику Поверења и безбедности је категорисао коментаре у теме, анализирао резултате и саставио извештај који је подељен са Одбором повереника Фондације Викимедија, Комитетом за израду ревизије, и 'објавио на Мета-викију.
Категоризација повратних информација
Након првог круга анализе коментара издвојило се девет тема које су искоришћене за почетну категоризацију. Слика 1 у Додатку даје детаљан преглед коментара и њихове репрезентативне вредности. У појединим случајевима, исти коментар би био стављен у више категорија ако би се дотакао више тема. Процес категоризације је открио потребу за даљим подгрупама прве 3 категорије како би се организовала различита мишљења. За категорије које захтевају континуирану организацију или подгрупе, додати су графикони да додатно илуструју поткатегорије које су креиране. Детаље о темама и подтемама са цитатима можете пронаћи у наставку.[1]
- ↑ Цитати су скраћени и правопис је коригован ради лакшег разумевања
Повратне информације
This is a larger category that covers all general feedback (positive and negative) that was not directly relevant to the UCoC or the Enforcement Guidelines as well as comments directed to the Wikimedia Foundation. It was broken down into the following sub-categories:
- General Positive Feedback
- "...I am all in favor of any means that would make Wikimedia a more pleasant and safe space."
- General Negative Feedback
- "The Foundation displayed a gross lack of respect for the community, and a gross lack of understanding of the community, in trying to push through a Code without bothering to seek community approval of the Code... revising the guidelines won't change my vote... the Code itself was botched... you need to start from scratch, letting the community develop something new and seeking consensus for it."
Figure 2 in Appendix reflects the distribution within this bucket.
Bureaucracy and top-down processes may create unnecessary burdens and barriers
Comments in this category varied in themes and were further grouped to highlight the various opinions and concerns expressed. A few of them are listed below with some example quotes:
- The Enforcement guidelines are too top-down or authoritarian
- "I oppose this top-down takeover of the project…."
- The Enforcement guidelines are bureaucratic
- "The whole Universal Code of Conduct is too complex, will create much bureaucracy and take [the] effort away from [the communities]..."
- Mandatory training is unreasonable
- "Any expectation of training is unreasonable. There is no expectation of training for *anyone* in *any* permission level *anywhere* on Wikimedia projects…."
- Affirmation is an unwanted imposition
- "I am opposed to the idea of administrators being required to agree to a loyalty pledge of sorts, among other things."
- U4C committee
- "The bar currently set for cases to be heard by the U4C is very high and is likely to keep the status quo of exclusion and unhealthy communities for years to come..."
Figure 3 in Appendix reflects the distribution within this bucket.
Enforcement guidelines may backfire and create an unhealthy imbalance of power
Comments in this category highlighted the potential arbitrariness of the Enforcement guidelines and how it could cause abuse of power among enforcers and eventually damage communities. Comments in this category were also further sub-grouped into the following topics:
- Arbitrariness
- "The general thoughts in the Universal Code of Conduct seem good, but I am afraid some users may pervert the Universal Code of Conduct into something that protects the aggressor."
- Abuse of power
- "Just another power grab of the WMF and other groups who want to rule the projects without contributing."
- Hurts diverse ecosystems
- "We fear that this will create a further gap between light users and heavy users and that the population of Wikipedians will decline further."
Figure 4 in Appendix reflects the distribution within this bucket.
Supportive of the Enforcement Guidelines and/or UCoC
Comments put in this category were generally positive and optimistic about the need and impact of the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines. Some examples include:
- "I'm really happy that the movement has as a reference a code of conduct that is put into practice universally, in all projects and in all language versions. The parts I like the most? Practicing good faith and empathy, opposing the abuse of power, privilege or influence…"
- "I agree with the enforcement of the Universal Code of Conduct, as it aims to help community members identify situations of bad behavior, which is something that should be supported with all the possible tools, and these guidelines are a strong ally in prevention."
The UCoC and/or Enforcement Guidelines do not support Wikimedia movement values (ie: privacy, freedom of speech, volunteerism, etc.)
Comments on this topic talked about how the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines could suppress the rights of community members such as privacy, freedom of expression, etc. They also highlight the political leanings of the policy, as well as the misalignment of the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines with the values of the movement. Examples of such comments are:
- "More emphasis should be given towards the state of neutrality within our contents, especially regarding social issues. Any Wikipedia content should not be leaning towards any side of the political, economic or social spectra…"
- "The UCoC pays insufficient respect to the fundamental and universal right to freedom of expression and, in its current form, intolerably infringes on that right."
UCoC and/or Enforcement guidelines lack global diversity
Comments in this category highlighted the lack of diversity and diverse geographic/cultural contexts, lack of translation into multiple languages, as well as ambiguity in the choice of words and text in the Enforcement guidelines. Some comments here include:
- "Each community has its own culture and mindset, and enforcing the same rules for everyone will be unjust and will result in an oppression of minority cultures and groups."
- "...it includes lack of expert understanding of local laws such as intellectual property and led to populism & influence-peddling amongst community members."
- "The UCoC, as drafted … is written with a Western perspective in mind, which is liable to result in irreconcilable cultural clashes between the wikis responsible for enforcement and the communities they're being asked to enforce this on have a doubt about the judgment the UC4 will have to made on the issue on projects and communities whose history, cultural environment and language it does not understand or not well…"
UCoC is not Necessary/Locally Relevant
These comments highlighted the self-sufficiency of projects to regulate and resolve issues themselves and how having a UCoC and its accompanying Enforcement Guidelines are unnecessary and not needed. Examples include:
- "I reject the introduction of a mandatory UCoC for the major, established, and functional Wikipedia language versions (including the English, German and French) for fundamental reasons. Such a code already exists in these projects and cannot be imposed from the outside. I see here the very serious danger of a split and weakening of the global community through forks."
- "Each community must be sovereign in defining its founding principles."
- "I don't see the need for additional regulations. Our community, I believe, handles conflict situations quite well, and I don't see what the desire for more regulation is coming from.
UCoC text is discriminatory
Comments in this category highlighted the text in section 3.1 of the UCoC that states that the policy "does not endorse race and ethnicity as meaningful distinctions between people" and how that enables racism and discrimination. Examples include:
- "... I cannot endorse this policy with this statement in it. People DO experience discrimination based on race and ethnicity and it is painful. This notion ignores the problem and minimizes the experience of People of Color in the world."
- "UCoC as written is offensive, discriminatory, unenforceable and lacks sufficient stakeholder engagement."
- "...Race and Ethnicity ARE meaningful distinctions and form the base of an equitable approach which is prompted by the Foundation."
Right to be Heard language
Comments here focused on the need for a "right to be heard" policy where the accused will have the right to argue their case out or explain their point of view before a decision is made.
- "It is absolutely necessary to include a right to know what you are accused of. Even more important is the right to be heard for the "accused". In spite of repeated comments in this direction, these basic requirements of a fair process were not included in the enforcement guidelines. Hence, the Guidelines are unfit to guarantee a fair process."
The report is now accessible to community members to review the data that was collected. Private identifiable information was removed from the vote comments, and the vote comment data is now available for review here.
There are limitations on the usefulness of the data. Only 658 participants left comments in 27 languages. Seventy-seven percent of the comments are written in English. Given the size of our community, this is too small a number to be representative of all views. To mitigate this, during the next round of community conversations, the UCoC project team will emphasize outreach to encourage participation from more community members.
Despite these limitations, voters from different size Wikimedia communities with different types of governance structures left comments providing diverse viewpoints on conduct and enforcement issues The comments were anonymous so the voter could freely express their opinions without concerns about reprisal.
This analysis of the UCoC voting results, the identified themes and feedback, in addition to data collected in upcoming conversation hours, will serve as guidance to the Revisions Committee to adapt and improve the current version of the guidelines.
- Note: Charts may display incorrectly in mobile responsive view.
- Figure 1
- Pie chart of all vote feedback categories
- Discriminatory text: 19 (2.2%)
- Right to be Heard: 39 (4.4%)
- Feedback on Foundation: 32 (3.6%)
- Hurts Global Diversity: 52 (5.9%)
- Anti-Movement Values: 50 (5.7%)
- Unhealthy Imbalance of Power: 113 (12.8%)
- Unnecessary / Irrelevant to Local Communities: 127 (14.4%)
- Supportive of the EG/UCoC: 172 (19.5%)
- Bureaucracy: 151 (17.1%)
- General Feedback: 128 (14.5%)
- Figure 2
- Pie chart of subcategorization relating to General feedback
- Positive Feedback: 4 (3.2%)
- Other (feedback on language): 18 (14.4%)
- Attack on conservatism: 2 (1.6%)
- Ratification process: 20 (16.0%)
- UCoC Phase 1: 44 (35.2%)
- Other (psychological manipulation, polite pov pushing, etc.): 37 (29.6%)
- Figure 3
- Pie chart of subcategorization relating to Bureaucracy and top-down processes may create unnecessary burdens and barriers
- Complex Outsider Intervention: 19 (9.0%)
- U4C: 20 (9.5%)
- Too Top Down: 33 (15.6%)
- Bureaucracy of process: 35 (16.6%)
- UCoC Training: 60 (28.4%)
- Affirmation of UCoC: 44 (20.9%)
- Figure 4
- Pie chart of subcategorization relating to Enforcement guidelines may backfire and create an unhealthy imbalance of power
- Specific to RU.WP: 2 (1.6%)
- Specific to JA.WP: 10 (8.0%)
- Arbitrariness (Language is not fit for purpose): 31 (24.8%)
- Hurts Diverse Communities: 37 (29.6%)
- Concerns of Abuse of Power: 45 (36.0%)