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Fundraising 2012/Prevajanje/Sengai appeal

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This page is a translated version of the page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Sengai appeal and the translation is 50% complete.
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    Osebno sporočilo od
    urednika Wikipedije, Dr. Sengai Podhuvan


Od Wikipedijskega urednika Dr. Sengai Podhuvan

Rodil sem se kot revni kmet v Indiji, leta 1936. Danes se zanašam na urejanje Wikipedije.

Želim, da bi bila Wikipedija na internetu za vse naslednje generacije. Problem nastane pri tem, da moramo plačevati za strežnike, sodelavce in druge infrostrakture, ki obržijo Wikipedijo na spletu brezplačno in brez oglaševanja. Če le morete, prosim prispevajte denar v višini $5, $20, $50 ali kolikor hočete.

Ko boste nekje mojih let, bi verjetno radi delili svoje znanje s drugimi po vsem svetu. V življenju sem bil učitelj, dosegel sem PhD, bil sem urednik okoljske publikacije za 14 let, postal oče petih hčerk in enega sina in še vedno menim, da sem kmet, ki živi na vasi s enim plugom.

I wrote my PhD on the topic of indigenous games in the Indian State of Tamil Nadu. Maybe you will never look up one of my articles. But it pleases me that thousands do. And I am proud that whatever subject you want to learn about, you will probably be able to find it on Wikipedia.

When I purchased my first computer in 2005, just using the mouse was difficult because my hands shake. But by 2009 I had discovered Wikipedia. One day, I created an article about ancient Indian poets. I added about 30 of their names to the page and then I went to sleep. The next morning, I found 473 names on the page. That is what makes Wikipedia work!

Please consider joining our effort by editing or by making a donation to keep Wikipedia free.

Thank you,

Dr. Sengai Podhuvan PhD
Wikipedia author