Affiliations Committee/Candidates/2024
The Affiliations Committee is seeking new voting members and advisory members.
The Affiliations Committee, or AffCom, is involved in recognizing new affiliates, helping them retain their affiliate status through yearly reportings, and supporting conflict mitigation challenges within or between affiliates. AffCom makes recommendations to the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees on the recognition, approval, and existence of Wikimedia movement affiliates. AffCom helps Wikimedians from around the world self-organize into chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups, and to gain official recognition from the Wikimedia Foundation.
Volunteers in this role should be experienced Wikimedians from any project, have experience working with affiliates to practice good governance. International perspectives, collaboration, teamwork and experience handling sensitive situations are among traits needed. Given the scope of work, proficiency in English is required along with the availability to attend meetings. AffCom seeks voting members committing an estimated 7-10 hours monthly for a 3-year term and advisory members committing an estimated 4-5 hours monthly for a 1-year term. The voting members and advisory members can have the option to run again for either position after completion of their terms.
More details about the work of AffCom may be found in the committee's charter here. It is recommended, but not required, that voting members serve as advisory members for a period of at least one year before becoming voting members of the Committee. If you are interested in applying to the Affiliations Committee, please submit your application using the template below.
Members are required to sign the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information and must be willing to comply with the appropriate Wikimedia Foundation policies (such as the access to non-public information policy and the privacy policy). These positions require a high degree of discretion and trust. Members must also be at least 18 years of age and of legal age in their country of residence.
As committee members may handle private information, candidates will need to submit proof of identity and age to the Wikimedia Foundation at secure-infowikimedia
org. Members can hold this position on the Committee under a pseudonym, but the Foundation needs to confirm the age and identity of members. To learn more about how the Foundation protects your privacy, see the privacy policy.
Applications for AffCom will open to be posted on Meta-wiki for comments on October 16, 2024, and the application period will be open until November 18, 2024. Applications will remain open for comments from the time of individual submission until December 2, 2024.
Submit your application
You can submit your application using the template below.
Please follow these steps:
- Enter your username in the field below and click on the button.
- Fill all the requested information and publish the page.
- Please send an email to cst
org to confirm your submission and to coordinate next steps. Your candidate page will be linked below for community comments.
After the application period ends, candidates may be invited to attend an interview with the Board liaisons to the Affiliations Committee as part of the process. AffCom members who are not candidates and Wikimedia Foundation staff may join the interview to provide support.
The candidates listed below have applied to join the Affiliations Committee. Selected candidates may be appointed to a 3-year term as voting members or to 1-year term as advisory members.
Thank you for reviewing the community members who have put themselves forward as candidates. Comments may be added to the talk page of each individual candidate page. While community input is a helpful and important part of the committee appointment process, please add references if you write a comment that is not supportive of the candidate. This process is supported and covered by the friendly space policy and the Universal Code of Conduct.
All applications
This list is automatically generated.
- *Youngjin
- 1233
- 787IYO
- Aafi
- AgnesAbah
- Alphaechoromeo
- Andikan Efiok Eduok
- Bijendra Hansda Purudhul
- Biplab Anand
- Bobbyshabangu
- Buszmail
- Dera xoxo
- Din-nani1
- EYo237
- Galahad
- Gopavasanth
- HakanIST
- J ansari
- Kaizenify
- King ChristLike
- Lajmmoore
- Laliv g
- Maor X
- Nwonwu Uchechukwu P
- Pavanaja
- Robertjamal12
- Rosy Cleopatra
- Royalesignature
- Serine Ben Brahim
- Sir Amugi
- Soni
- Tarunno
- Teles
- Tesleemah
- Tochiprecious
- Uncle Bash007
- Xelgen
- Zbobai
- geraldshields11
- notafish
- कन्हाई प्रसाद चौरसिया