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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation/Chief Executive Officer/Updates/January 2025 Update and the translation is 46% complete.



今、世界が私たちに求めているものは何か、多くの難しい質問が投げかけられています。どのように応えるべきでしょうか? 全ての答えは持ち合わせませんが、昨年8月にみなさんへ宛てた私の手紙を読みなおすと、希望を持ち続けられる確かな理由がありました。

私たちの仲間とプロジェクトへの 増大するリスクと脅威に立ち向かう中で、ボランティアコミュニティを如何に強化するかという問題を振り返ると、いくつかの勝利を祝えることがわかります。以下に示すように、2024年の大型選挙年の終わりに、ウィキメディアコミュニティはプロジェクトに襲い掛かった誤情報攻撃をかわしたのです。規制が強化される中で、ウィキペディアはEUデジタルサービス法に基づく最初の監査で良好な結果を残しました。そして私たちはウィキメディア財団の最優先課題として、技術要請への資金提供に有意義な前進を続けています。






昨年は、コミュニティ要望リスト改良し通年プロセスにすることで、この軌道を継続してきました。私たちは新しく設置された製品・技術評議委員会を含め、コミュニティメンバーとより密接に連携し、私たちの仕事にとって最も影響力のある優先事項を評価してきました。また、新しい世代の人々がウィキペディアの内容をどのように読み使ってくれるかを実験したいという、ボランティアの要望にも対処しています。私たちの読者経験チームは6つの実験を実施 しており、どこに時間と注意を投資するかを学んでいます。もしあなたがこの活動について考えをシェアしたいなら、どうぞこちらの記事 をチェックして私たちの次年度計画のための質問をご覧ください。




私はウィキメディア財団法務顧問のスティーブン・ラポートで、10年以上財団法務チームの仕事をしています。 昨年はウィキメディアの法的活動と方針にとって重要な年でした。私たちは、ウィキメディア・プロジェクトを数多くの複雑な訴訟と法的脅威から防御し、ボランティアを支援しましたが、それにはドイツでの重要な勝利も含まれます。また現在進行中のインドの訴訟やそのほかの地域での訴訟も支援しています。財団の法務チームは、世界中の自由な知識を守るために受けた要請と対応について、年2回公表しています。





2016年、私たちはウィキメディア・プロジェクトを長期的に支援するための、ウィキメディア基金の立ち上げに成功しました。それ以来、基金の資金を増加させ、賢く投資するために、寄付者とコミュニティーメンバーによる委員会を設立しました。基金が1億米ドルに達した時、基金に寄付してくださった方々に対し、どのような財政支援を希望されているか伺いました。この対話から私たちは、ウィキメディア・プロジェクトの技術革新のために資金を分配する戦略を立てました。ウィキメディア基金の今年度の計画は こちらからお読みいただけます。



Hi everyone, I’m Anusha Alikhan, Chief Communications Officer. Since joining the Foundation in 2019, I’ve seen the reach and influence of the Wikimedia projects grow substantially. This has brought more attention to our collective work, highlighted the need to strengthen the global understanding of our model, and deepened connections with volunteers across the world.

In the past year, Communications teams have supported the rollout of improved technical features like Dark Mode; facilitated the co-creation of global meeting spaces like Afrika Baraza, WikiCauserie, the CEE Catch-Up for increased connections; and increased regular communications through the Foundation bulletin, Tech News, and Diff. And our teams worked side-by-side with many of you to make Wikimania 2024 a success.

Efforts like WikiCelebrate, Knowledge is Human, and Wikipedia Needs More Women have raised the visibility of Wikimedia’s work at a time when capturing mindshare online is even more difficult than it has been in the past. We’ve experimented with using regional conferences to share more analytics and data from our Brand Tracker, and other research projects like this recent report looking at how young knowledge creators attribute Wikipedia on social media.

In the media, we’ve navigated challenging moments. Importantly, we’ve also shared positive stories, including the top 25 most-read stories on Wikipedia and creative resources like these 13 WikiMinute videos (and counting!). Our media work has also been critical in supporting global advocacy efforts to make sure that key decision-makers understand the need to protect public interest projects at a local and international level.


Hello, I am Jaime Villagomez, Chief Financial Officer, and I have been a member of the Foundation’s executive team since 2016. You mostly hear from me about the successful audit reports that the Wikimedia Foundation and now Wikimedia Endowment receives each year, and our efforts to continue improving how we share financial information. This year, the Finance & Administration team has led budget efforts to increase the resources we provide to movement entities. We also prioritized cost-saving initiatives that significantly reduced the size of the Foundation’s office in San Francisco as we prepare in September 2025 to bring together all staff for the first time since January 2020.


Hi, I am Courtney Bass Sherizen, Chief People Officer, the newest addition to the executive team. My first day on the job was at Wikimania 2023 in Singapore, where I began my learning journey about Wikimedia through an intense week of conversations and meetups with volunteers from around the world. This perspective has served me well, as many Foundation staff come from the Wikimedia movement and all of our staff are expected to understand the central role of volunteer communities in our shared mission. The People department supports the needs of a remote-first, globally distributed workforce of which about half of are located outside of the United States. My team supports managers and staff with recruitment, learning & growth, performance management, as well as the Foundation’s strong commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion – work we are proud to share and learn from affiliates as well.

Update on Pilots

A final note from me on the Board of Trustees recommendations following the Movement Charter process last year. Last October, the Board shared next steps to assess how the Wikimedia movement can responsibly shift more accountability and decision-making to representative councils and volunteer-led bodies in the areas of responsibilities proposed by the Movement Charter Drafting Committee.

This mapping exercise was completed with input from interested stakeholders to provide further analysis of community input provided throughout the charter process, including areas of agreement and divergence. These ranged from more equitable representation and accountability in decision-making; the desire for more clarity about the roles and responsibilities of movement bodies including affiliates, hubs, and the Foundation itself; as well as comments in favor of evolving existing grantmaking and fundraising approaches.

This mapping has provided encouraging support for the following three pilots where progress has been made since October. Anyone is invited to learn more and provide comments at the on-wiki spaces linked below:

  1. Global Resource Distribution: Earlier this month, this Diff blog was posted outlining next steps to create an interim Global Resource Distribution Committee in March, including a call for nominations for this Committee in the month ahead. This is intended to pilot a volunteer-driven global body to set strategy for distributing grants and resources across the Wikimedia movement, and to make recommendations to the Wikimedia Foundation for funding regional and thematic activities and initiatives in support of the mission of the Wikimedia movement.
  2. Product and Technology Advisory Council (PTAC): In October, members of the PTAC were announced and have just finished their first in-person meeting. This body brings technical contributors, affiliate representatives, and the Wikimedia Foundation together to co-define a more resilient, future-proof technological platform.
  3. An improved strategy for supporting movement organisations: The third pilot focuses on the ecosystem of movement organizations – including existing affiliates and proposed entities like hubs, to be more closely aligned with the resource distribution approach in the first pilot. This has commenced with fact-gathering sessions focused on key stakeholders, including the Affiliations Committee and Affiliate Executive Directors, to better understand how movement bodies can be organised for the future needs of our movement.

Hearing from you

The year ahead is going to require even more resilience. I mentioned a few months ago that in tough moments, our global community always finds its way through. That’s what the Wikimedia movement has been doing for nearly 25 years. Now, when the world is really counting on us, we’ll need to come together even more.

Last year, the Foundation’s leadership experimented with Talking: 2024 as a way to reduce the barriers for anyone to ask for a conversation with Trustees, me, or any of our executive leadership. We are continuing that effort through "Let’s Talk" and hope you will take up the offer if you would like to engage with any of us.

In addition to the many other mechanisms for connection that Anusha mentioned above, we will look for more opportunities to gather interested volunteers and other stakeholders to help us think about how to respond to the changes all around us (e.g., former Trustees, the Foundation’s annual planning retreat this March, in-person and virtual community convenings, Wikimania, etc.).

Finally, here is the agenda for tomorrow’s quarterly Open Conversation with the Trustees if you would like to join.

Thank you for reading this far,


Maryana Iskander
Wikimedia Foundation Chief Executive Officer