विकिमीडिया कान्फ्रेंस २०१७/दस्तावेज़ीकरण/आंदोलन रणनीति ट्रैक/दिन २
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मुद्दे और अवसर: प्रतिभागी नेतृत्व की चर्चाएँ
The first round of the participant-led discussions took place on Friday afternoon. For space and rationality issues, the results of this first round are shown below together with the results of the second and third round that took place on DAY 2.
ऑपन स्पेस तकनीक का परिचय
Open Space Technology is a methodology developed by Harrison Owen when he was seeking feedback from a conference and realized that participants considered the coffee break the best part of the programme -- the one bit that he had not prepared for. What would this mean for designing a conference? What happens in a coffee break? You talk with the people you want to talk to, on your own time, following your own interests. Owen took these principles further and designed Open Space Technology (OST) as a method that has now been used for over 30 years in various conference and meeting settings.
Open Space Technology is based on self-organisation. Participants suggest and host conversations within the frame of given theme, and then share a brief report capturing the main key points and conclusions. The methodology has four guiding principles and one law:
चार सिद्धांत[1]
- 1. जो भी आता है वह सही व्यक्ति है...
- 2. यह जब भी शुरू होता है वही सही समय है...
- 3. जो कुछ भी होता है वह एक चीज है जो हो सकती थी...
- 4. और जब यह खत्म हो गया, मतलब हो गया.
एक कानून
- 5. Law of Two Feet: If at any time during our time together you find yourself in any situation where you are neither learning nor contributing, use your two feet, and go someplace else.
प्रतिभागीओं की अगुवाई वाली चर्चाएँ
Below is a list of topics proposed by participants during the Open Space Technology sessions. The titles were slightly adapted to give a better sense of their focus, based on the announcements made by the discussion host at the beginning of the activity.
The titles are displayed in tables which also indicate the assigned spaces (numbers) in which the conversations took place, the number of session participants indicated in the posted report, and links to reports made by discussion hosts in scanned PDF format of handwritten reports, typed on a word editor or posted on Meta.
राउंड १
# | शीर्षक | मेज़बान | लोग | रिपोर्ट |
१ | Wikimedia as a free, open knowledge hub | The DJ | ६ | पीडीऍफ़ / गूगल डॉक |
२ | पाठकों के लिए उपकरण: बुकमार्क, देखे गए लेखों की सूची, आदि | WMTH | ५ | पीडीऍफ़ |
३ | कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता: बर्बादता का पता लगाना सिफारिश सिस्टम; मीडिया को वर्गीकृत करना; पूर्वाग्रह? आचार विचार? | एरोन हेलफैकर | १४ | पीडीऍफ़ / गूगल डॉक |
४ | Biomimetics: What can we learn from the evolution of complex systems (super organisms; stigmergy, etc) for the software system and... | श्यामल | २ | पीडीऍफ़ |
५ | सभी सिक्षा प्रणालियाँ विकिमीडिया को (समझें और) एक सिक्षा उपकरण के तौर पर इस्तेमाल करें | वाहिद | ९ | पीडीऍफ़ |
६ | लोकलुभावनवाद और नकली समाचार विकिपीडिया को कैसे प्रभावित करते हैं और हम क्या कर सकते हैं? | सबरिया | ८ | पीडीऍफ़ |
७ | एक आंदोलन बनना: बहुत आसान... पर बहुत मुश्किल। | लुकास | १८ | पीडीऍफ़ |
८ | दीर्घकालिक, पारस्परिक रूप से लाभकारी ग्लैम साझेदारीयाँ | सारा सनाईडर | १० | पीडीऍफ़ / गूगल डॉक |
९ | तीसरी जमात के स्कूल विद्यार्थियों को विकिपीडिया योगदानकर्ता बनाना | मानोस | ५ | पीडीऍफ़ |
१० | विज्ञान और डेटा: हम वैज्ञानिक आंकड़ों (विज्ञान; डेटा; मेटाडाटा; प्रशस्ति पत्र, मेटा विश्लेषण) का बेहतर प्रतिनिधित्व कैसे करें? | फिन | ३ | पीडीऍफ़ / गूगल डॉक |
२१ | विकिमीडिया में रिच इंटरैक्टिव मीडिया | ब्रियेन बावोल्फ़ | ३ | पीडीऍफ़ |
२३ | परियोजनाओं पर उत्पीड़न का विरोध करना | डैनिट | ६ | पीडीऍफ़ |
राउंड ०२
# | शीर्षक | मेज़बान | लोग | रिपोर्ट |
१ | The tools we need to do our work better: (1) Content: protect, improve, add to; (2) Community: morale/projects; editor retention; (3) Outreach: e.g GLAM/Links to other groups, recruitment of new editors | कास लिबेर | ३ | पीडीऍफ़ |
२ | ग्लैम: कार्यक्रमों (एडु.विकी, ग्लैम-विकी, विकीप्रोजैक्ट दवा, आउटरीच) के लिए उपकरण विकास | शानी | २६ | पीडीऍफ़ |
३ | Supporting contributions for illegal (persecuted) minorities - e.g. copts, homossexuals, protestors | फे | १ | पीडीऍफ़ / गूगल डॉक |
४ | भाषा विविधता और नुकसान: अल्पसंख्यक भाषाओं पर अधिक ध्यान कैसे दें | विक्टर सेमेनिआक/गैलडर गोंजालेज | १० | पीडीऍफ़ |
५ | बिना स्रोत वाला ज्ञान: अप्रकाशित, बिना स्रोत वाले और मौखिक ज्ञान के लिए हमारे विकिमीडिया पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र में एक स्थान | सांड्रा | ५ | पीडीऍफ़ / गूगल डॉक |
६ | ओपन एक्सेस: बड़े सूचना पारिस्थितिक तंत्र में विकिपीडिया की भूमिका क्या है? | Megs | ५ | |
७ | और कई भाषाओँ में अधिक सामग्री | लैला | ५ | |
८ | एक स्वस्थ समुदाय संस्कृति का निर्माण करना | निक के | ७ | पीडीऍफ़ |
९ | Making a global hyperlinked, free wiki digital library. Wikisource, Wikidata, Wikiquote. | ऑब्रे | ६ | पीडीऍफ़ |
१० | इंटरनेट के पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र के अनुकूल बनना | लुकास | ६ | पीडीऍफ़ |
११ | जो समुदाय अभी मौजूद नहीं हैं उन समुदायों को कैसे शुरू किया जाए? | इस्लाहाडो | ८ | पीडीऍफ़ |
१२ | मिडियाविकी को अधिक सामाजिक बनाना: एक एसे उपयोगकर्ता पृष्ठ की कल्पना करें जिसमें सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं का योगदान समयरेखा की तरह सूचीबद्ध हो | टोनी थॉमस / फ्लोरियन श्मिड | ७ | पीडीऍफ़ / गूगल डॉक |
१३ | Unintentional bias: What do we not know about systemic bias and its effects on diversity and inclusivity? + Biased topic groups | अनसूया / डगलस | २० | पीडीऍफ़ |
१४ | क्या संपादकों की गिरावट और संपादक प्रतिधारण एक झूठी समस्या है ? | एदुआर्दो | ८ | पीडीऍफ़ |
२१ | सभी प्रकार के ज्ञान को बांटने के लिए मिडियाविकी को अव्वल दर्जे का उपकरण बनाएँ | मार्कुस | ६ | पीडीऍफ़ |
२२ | Integrate Wikimedia activities with efforts to make the presence of our species on this planet more sustainable | डैनियल मिएटचेन | १ | पीडीऍफ़ |
२३ | Build special sister sub-projects for sharing content and allowing micro-contributions. | गेराकी | ||
२४ | क्या हम एक सामाजिक न्याय आंदोलन हैं? | क्रिस्टोफ | १० | पीडीऍफ़ |
२५ | How will we make sure that our message will be known among General Public? People know Wikipedia, but not the Movement or its goals/people/setting. | ? | ||
२६ | Partnerships: Growing the Community with sense of partnership | ओलुशोला | ७ | पीडीऍफ़ |
२७ | विकिमीडिया में लिंग अंतर | विकीदोने / विकीमुखेरेस | ९ | पीडीऍफ़ |
२९ | Making community consultation more effective and less resource intensive (and more fun?) | लोजविक | ७ | पीडीऍफ़ |
३० | How to reach out to people in rural areas (in developed countries) | जॉन सैडोव्सकी | ८ | पीडीऍफ़ |
३१ | सामान्य भाषा के आधार पर समुदायों को एकजुट करना | बेहरुस मोंड |
राउंड ०३
# | शीर्षक | मेज़बान | लोग | रिपोर्ट |
१ | Integrating Wikimedia workflows with research workflows | Daniel Mietchen | २ | पीडीऍफ़ |
२ | ऐसी चीजें बनाएँ जो विकिपीडिया नहीं हैं: सभी ज्ञान विश्वकोशिक नहीं है | कोरेन | ११ | पीडीऍफ़ |
३ | Wikipedia and Libraries: How can Wikipedians/medians become better informed about what libraries have to offer (more than books). How can we invite our librarian colleagues to join? | मेरीली | ११ | पीडीऍफ़ / गूगल डॉक |
४ | Experts: Our allies, partners, collaborators, co-contributors. | सैन्ड्रा ऍफ़ | ६ | पीडीऍफ़ / गूगल डॉक |
५ | हमारी आजादी को क्या नष्ट कर सकता है, और हम इसे कैसे रोक सकते हैं? | स्लाश्मे | ४ | पीडीऍफ़ / गूगल डॉक |
६ | Balancing the distribution of funding resources | ओलानियन ओलुशोला | ७ | पीडीऍफ़ |
७ | Offline: Who needs it the most? How do we get it there? In 2017: 4 billion people. In 2030? | ? | ? | पीडीऍफ़ |
८ | 3D Objects: Storing, sharing, viewing/using | डगलस | ४ | पीडीऍफ़ |
९ | २०३० तक हमारे मंच (मीडियाविकी) पर हमें क्या चाहिए या किस चीज़ की आवश्यकता है | स्नोवोल्फ़ | ८ | मेटा |
१० | Readers: How can we achieve a better understanding of the needs of our readers, and how can we interact better with them? + Engaging with our readers: Inform, Educate, lowering barriers to participation, showcasing our content | Joseph Seddon / Martin Rulsch | १२ | पीडीऍफ़ |
११ | Building capacity in small, emerging communities: What does it mean? | रबैका | १५ | पीडीऍफ़ / गूगल डॉक |
१२ | अफ्रीका के बारे में सामग्री बढ़ाना। उत्तर-दक्षिण अंतर को ख़त्म करना | मरियम | ४ | पीडीऍफ़ |
१३ | Listening to community voices, making decisions + governance. | एडवर्ड | ५ | पीडीऍफ़ |
१४ | Editing from messenger apps: What if we could edit Wikipedia, Wikidata, TranslateWiki, etc from WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger or WeChat? Come talk to me about this idea. | आमिर आहारोनी | ५ | पीडीऍफ़ |
१५ | लोगों में २०३० में किस जानकारी की आवश्यकता होगी ? | John | ||
१७ | Wikimedia SAARC: Legalisation, partnership, guidelines, funding, awareness about wiki in regional language, collaboration and resource sharing, learning pattern, increased readership | भारत, नेपाल, बंगलादेश, श्री लंका के विकीमीडियन |
२१ | गुम हुआ इतिहास | फे | ४ | पीडीऍफ़ |
२२ | विकी परियोजनाओं पर चिकित्सक जानकारी | शानी | ||
२३ | आजीविका सृजन: क्या यह एक विकासशील देश में एक मजबूत समुदाय के निर्माण के साथ संयोजन में किया जा सकता है (सामान्य आंदोलन को नुकसान पहुंचाए बिना)? | एड | Joined #11 | |
२४ | How do we provide the proper means for everyone to understand the world? | क्रिस्टोफ | ७ | पीडीऍफ़ |
२६ | How do I get resources for my (super cool) project? Grants? Annual planning ? Partners? | आरोन | ३ | पीडीऍफ़ |
२८ | Better onboarding to Wikimedia efforts: Visual organisational overview of tasks, responsibilities, boundaries; simplify organisational overview; help people find their place with least effort | ? | ||
२९ | Reduce mismatch between Wikipedians and Wikimedians (we are on the same side) | विकीदोने | ||
२५ | हम क्या भूल गए हैं? | नांगारा | पीडीऍफ़ |
Distilling Key Points
Conversations within the Open Space Technology session started to naturally produce key points and themes. As stewards of the Wikimedia movement, participants were asked to select and report the points that might have greater significance from a strategic point of view. These points were then clustered into ‘soft categories’ by the participants and refined by the core team – not yet solid themes, but somehow giving the content some form. At the end, participants were invited to look at the clustered key points and add relevant input they might find missing under any of the categories.
Result of key points (clustered in ‘soft categories’):
Photos of each of the clusters are available. Click on the heading of each cluster to view it.
०१. अन्य मिडिया
- Graphics are handled like text on wiki
- Rich media such as video is used to tell stories
- Democratizing media editing
- गैर-पाठ आधारित शिक्षा का समर्थन करें
- सभी ज्ञान तक पूर्ण पहुंच (सभी भाषाएँ)
- Multimedia / non-text media will be a vital component of Wikimedia projects
- 1 लाख खरब स्वतंत्र रूप से लाइसेंस प्राप्त फ़ोटो
- There are things we need to do to survive before we dream on new directions
- Being a leader in building and delivering open and free knowledge
- क्या विकीपीडिया यहाँ होगा? यह कैसे विकसित होगा?
- हमें यह मानना पड़ेगा कि हम एक सामजिक न्याय आंदोलन हैं
- Knowledge is more than Wikipedia but Wikipedia draws people in
- एक आंदोलन बनें
- The Foundation’s work will be understood by the general public
- Prioritizing movement goals over institutionalisation or bureaucracy
- The ecological footprint of the movement will be minimized
- 7 अरब पाठक और संपादक
- We should see our movement as a whole - budget, plan, resources - then decide who is best placed to do it
- Open, friendly culture towards new volunteers
- विकियों को योगदान करने के लिए खुश स्थान बनाएँ
- सामुदायिक संस्कृति स्वस्थ होगी
- स्वस्थ समुदाय बनाने में योगदान डालें
- अनाम पहुंच के लिए मित्रतापूर्ण समर्थन
- Foster effective communication in our movement
- विकीमीडिया समुदाय नए उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए एक स्वागत योग्य वातावरण बन गया है
- Mobbing/moral harassment: study attack on personality; user isolation; passive denial of services; distributed in time, place, method, unproven on single act = toxic environment
- Protect/improve: content, community, morale, outreach.
- Easy to contribute: welcome partnerships; welcome individuals, understand motivations
- Transparency / Accessibility: Easy to understand how knowledge is created and why it is trustworthy;
- Make absorbing/contributing knowledge fun and easy and free.
- पाठकों को हमारे समुदाय का हिस्सा माना जाता है
- हम समुदाय के भीतर स्वस्थ बातचीत करेंगे
- We will have increased communications between projects (lower the barrier to communication 1:1 / 1:many)
- Better processes to deal with harassment on and off Wiki
०४. सिक्षा
- उन लोगों के लिए विकिपीडिया बनाएँ जिनके लिए इसकी आवश्यकता है
- Educational platform for humans and machines
- शिक्षा के साथ मजबूत भागीदारी की आवश्यकता है
- मेरी जरूरतों के अनुरूप: मेरे पास रोमन इतिहास के बारे में खुद को शिक्षित करने के लिए ३० मिनट हैं
- सभी शिक्षा प्रणालीयाँ विकिमीडिया को शैक्षिक उपकरण के रूप में उपयोग करते हैं
- Wikimedia projects be a key method/resource for language learning
- Support collections and archives of media
- Educators use and trust Wikimedia products
- Specialist knowledge communities are actively part of the movement
- Larger presence in education from early age
- Make teachers/professionals practice the largest online/offline educational carrier together
- Embrace learning outside our encyclopedia
- Open up to new ways of learning
- The young generation embraces the concept of sharing as something that enriches society
- Personalisation of learning and exploring knowledge
- Foster media literacy in education and society
- Wikimedia projects will help citizens to be more information literate
०५. साझेदारीयाँ
- Bring research and experts close to Wiki projects
- That inter-affiliate activities become a standard practice. Doing stuff together becomes the norm
- By 2030 work together with organisations that have the same goals - “movement partners”
- Pursuing our mission through partnerships (external/within movement) is the norm and ingrained in all projects, programmes and activities
- विश्वसनीय भागीदार बनना
- Expand partnership beyond the immediate allies
- Expand to take more active role in open knowledge, especially as it relates to Wikimedia as part of information ecosystem
- दुनियाभर में लाइब्रेरियन = विकिमीडियन बन जाए
- That software partnerships are standard practice and dispersed
- विशेषज्ञ समुदायों के साथ अधिक भागीदारी
- Foster and leverage GLAM collaborations to improve our content
- Contributor gender balance reflects the real world!
- Be more systematically welcoming to movement members
- More diversity as a value of the movement vs. homogenization of the world
- What would it take to achieve no gender gap (47-50% women)
- We have a more mature approach to diversity
- Inclusive attitude - let me help you
- Culture shift towards broader inclusiveness - age, gender, education, geography
- More different people (outnumber us in the room)
- Close the contributor demographics gaps
- विविध समुदायों की भर्ती और उन्हें साथ में रखना
- Make room for “non-wikimedians” and under-represented points of view
- विकसित देशों में अधिक भौगोलिक और आर्थिक विविधता
- सभी पक्ष आते कहानियाँ इकत्रित करें
- Diverse content on Wikimedia projects from under-represented communities
- More diverse content, specially under-represented communities
- हमारे ज्ञान अंतरालों को कम करना
- कौनसी सामग्री अभी मौजूद नहीं है?
- Collective understanding of ‘problematic bias’
- Wikimedia content should reflect the World, not only editors
- मौखिक/अमूर्त स्त्रोत का विश्वसनीय स्त्रोत बनना
- Provide tools that enable people to share knowledge beyond Wikipedia
- पहले विविधता के लिए बनाएँ
- Thriving new Wikimedia ‘storytelling’ community (broadening the meaning of knowledge)
- नई परियोजना जिसमें लोक या स्थानीय ज्ञान के साथ खतरे में मौजूद इतिहास को शामिल किया जाए
- Take more active role in reaching out to new language communities with more contents in more mediums
- Become the knowledge hub for receiving, disseminating and connecting open free knowledge
- Find a place for none written/scientific knowledge
- ज्ञान के कई रूपों को गले लगाना
- ज्ञान के अधिक रूपों को स्वीकार करें
- विश्वकोषीय ज्ञानविज्ञान से आगे बढ़ो
- अंग्रेजी केंद्रीयता से दूर हों।
- मेटा अनुवादकों का एक समुदाय बनाएँ
- Wikimedia projects will have adequate knowledge diversity among all cultures, languages and dialects
- अब अंग्रेजी को 'सामान्य भाषा' बनाए रखने की ज़रूरत नहीं है
- भाषाई विविधता को सुरक्षित रखें
- २०३० तक सभी भाषाओं में ज्ञान तक पहुँच
- Encourage content creation and dissemination in underserved languages
- Make forgotten/lost knowledge/languages revive
- Access not just by language but also by reading level
- एक आंदोलन के तौर पर हमारा अंग्रेजी केंद्रवाद पर कम बल होगा
- Honouring the importance of language, culture and documentation/knowledge diversity.
- छोटे समुदायों के लिए मदद और संसाधन प्रदान करें
- Ensure fair resource allocation to everyone, specially minorities, small languages and people with disabilities
- Wikimedia projects will be one of the main tools that close the gap between developed and emerging economies by providing educational content / opportunities
- Emerging communities have grown and are well interconnected
- Remove all barriers of access to knowledge
- More participation from ‘non-represented’ from ‘well represented’ areas (rural areas, illegal immigrants, arts and crafts people, disabled, poor suburbs)
- Encourage sharing knowledge and expertise without learning Wikitext or policies (wo being an insider?)
११. स्वचालन
- Use instant automated content translation for ensuring neutral point of view
- हमारे पास अधिक स्वचालन होगा
- Machines handle automatable tasks sensitively and effectively
- Drive artificial intelligence without linguistic change
- Wikipedia as an interactive, augmented reality tool - ‘Wiki Assistant’
१२. अभिनव
- Provide access to a broad range of data sets and analysis tools to everyone
- We dare to experiment and learn
- अधिक जोखिम लें
- Contributing to Wikimedia projects is as common as posting on social media
- Not afraid to stop / kill experiments
- Interlinked knowledge everywhere in our projects with/for the world
- विकीकोइन मुद्रा
- Edit by default - more experimental UIs and made-ups
- Text-to-speech edit possible for mobile devices
- Invest in usable and appealing design to serve users better
- Adapt to the ecosystem of new technologies on the internet
- Keep up with changes in user experience / expectations
- Develop (new) ways of contributing to facilitate growth
- Reach across technology islands
- Preserve the ‘edit button available to everyone’ principle while embracing new platforms - sustain the livability of the content (always can edit/contribute)
- We have more technical resources to fit our needs
- Wikimedia content should adapt to different internet speeds
- Update Wikiprojects for digital natives
- दुनिया भर में इंटरनेट एक्सेस की गुणवत्ता अलग-अलग होगी
- Wikimedia doesn’t track you (e.g. government spying, data selling, etc.)
१४. हमारे आदर्श
- Wikis = Example of co-operation for the World
- We will enable people share knowledge and values outside of the Wikimedia projects
- Defend and promote verifiable knowledge
- Defend and maintain the free (no cost + freedom) web
- The brand ‘Wikip/media’ is protected against sell-out
- We faced the creation of knowledge focusing on quality
- Editors/Readers are good at source evaluation
- हम विश्वसनीय सामग्री प्रदान करते हैं
- Our collection of free knowledge is protected from anti-knowledge influences
- Help restore public faith in verifiable facts
- Increased evaluation of projects
- Filter all contributions from certain users - relative / credibility sources about topics
१६. क्या गायब है?
- ग्लैम के बारे में क्या? - यह एक व्यापक थीम होना चाहिए
रयान मर्कली, क्रिएटिव कॉमनज़ का सिईओ

Ryan Merkley, CEO of Creative Commons (CC), joined the Wikimedia Conference to share his own experience of developing a movement strategy for CC. Below is an approximate capture of some of his key points:
- Ryan started by thanking participants for the privilege of speaking in his mother tongue. He framed the context of his talk: 18 months developing a movement strategy for Creative Commons, where he applied much of what he learned from the Wikimedia Movement and its predecessor in setting up their own movement.
- Ryan introduced himself as the CEO of Creative Commons, but also as a Wikipedian - with a few edits erased by a bot - and a Mozillian, affirming that we are many roles and in many ways part of of one movement of open access to knowledge and creativity.
- Creative Commons is known for open licenses, but people might not know about its education projects, advocacy, and making goods publicly available. Ryan gave the example of a partnership with the the Metropolitan Museum in New York which took seven years to set up.
- The heart of Creative Common’s organisational strategy is to “build a vibrant, usable commons, powered by collaboration and gratitude.” It is a simpler form of gratitude to acknowledge the creator of the work, and to do it enthusiastically.
- “It’s worth acknowledging that our work is political” - he said - “Open knowledge is a political act. We need to stand together to protect each other. There is power in that.”
- Creative Commons’ communities rose by individuals that met people around the world and asked them whether they wanted to be local affiliates with adapted portable licenses. Once there was an international license, we took away from the local affiliates what gave them pride. So we needed to understand: we gave people a head start (preparation) with a set of questions and a series of inquiries, we brought in research and did surveys around the world. What we learned is if we wanted to reach people we needed to communicate in their language. For the first time, content was translated in major selected languages, and that made a big difference.
- Talking about the strategy writing process, Ryan described that a 20-person drafting committee was a “special circle of hell” - moving from individual contribution to institutional settings and lawyers. First draft of the strategy was sent out for consultation, to then integrated all received comments and criticism. The Creative Commons Summit in April will bring the strategy back to the community in order to complete the process.
- “Your work is important - it feels like it’s just a bunch of sticky notes on the wall, but they contain important insights. It’s hard to think of strategy.”
- Making a dramatic pause, Ryan said: “You are weird... And so am I. The things we care about very deeply wouldn’t count as top 10 for most people. If I do rank top issues for others, we (strange people) know that open knowledge contributes to every single one. We are in this together - I am climbing into that hole with you.”
Questions and Comments from Participants
Q. = Question / A. = Answer / C. = Comment
- Q. We identify as movement but we don’t know what is behind it… Where are you?
- A. Ryan made a difference between ‘franchise’ and ‘movement’ - Movement revolves around shared values, using tactics that may not be yours. Movements don’t decide who comes in, it’s based on the values people care about. I would say I am in ‘the movement’ and so are a lot of Creative Commons people.
- Q. About the people that are not in the room. In your case, the consumers, in our case the readers of different Wiki projects. But another part are the communities - in the movement management side, there is a feeling that communities are doing something readers don’t care about.
- A. It is not only about editors and readers, but also those who produce primary sources, so we can quote them; we need journalism to be good. We need the internet to be reliable.
- A. If strategy is not frustrating and doesn’t give you the feeling that you left something behind, you have done it wrong. It should feel hard, and frustrating… and having hard conversations about what not to do, rather than what to do, because we are only so many with only so much time and energy. Half the strategy will be written in this room, the other half will be written as you implement it - you are bound to get some of it wrong.
- C. Copyleft, as a movement, is even less important than it used to be. Remix culture is there but not in the terms you wanted or liked it to be. We placed that in “dying” [trends] analysis.
- A. Copyleft as the set of licenses that qualify as free and open and don’t restrict uses like commercial use. I don’t think that idea is less relevant today. I will tell you that copyleft is on the rise, specially CC0, because some of us are making the case for what is the added value of that. It’s used by governments, and companies like Flickr, who got a lot more content once they adopted it… “Pick big fights with your enemies, not small fights with your friends. There are a lot of enemies out there, let’s point our attention at them.”
- Q. When I first heard about Creative Commons I didn’t know there was a legal component. I am looking for a space where I can share and access content without going through a corporate owned portal.
- A. Creative Commons lives in all kinds of companies like Flickr (Verizon). There is no ‘front door’ to the commons. We are trying to address that - features like boxing for photographers, one-click attribution... We need tools that support the use of the commons.
- A. There isn’t one archive - Internet Archive is the likely host. CC grew the way it did because it built on the tools that people were already using. CC search gives you the list but directs you to the platforms. If we become a competition for platform partnerships, we have to consider the impact…
- Q. How about the legal component applied to patents?
- A. Could Creative Commons have a space in the patent world? A lot of people ask for specific licenses for exe, .com, education…
- ↑ Adapted from Open Space Technology. (2017, January 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:43, April 4, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Open_Space_Technology&oldid=759475691
- ↑ इस बात के बारे में कोई स्पष्ट सहमति नहीं थी कि क्या यह शीर्षक उचित है या नहीं।।