Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario/Site visit July 2014
Report of the site visit to the Wikimania Esino Lario bid. July 18th, 2014
Preparatory work and Documents
[edit]The map of Esino Lario on Open Street Map.
Description of the site visit
[edit]Arrival of the participants from Varenna. Deror and Manuel travel through the road of Valsassina (this allowed us to show both ways to Esino: from Parlasco and in the return way through Varenna).
Street Bellano-Parlasco-Esino Lario (Strada della Valsassina)
Conference rooms and facilities
[edit]Former building of Museo delle Grigne (collaborative space)
[edit]Arrival in Esino Lario and visit with Deror and Manuel of the former building of Museo delle Grigne.
- Photos of the former building of Museo delle Grigne
- Description of the former building of Museo delle Grigne (collaborative space)
Villa Clotilde and its garden
[edit]11:00 "Villa Clotilde, via Montefiori 18. Office space and maybe registrations. Working at the tourist office Tecla Bertarini and Ester Maglia; tel. office 334 15 81 114. Villa Clotilde garden and new museum. Currently under renovation (planned and financed project, execution due at the latest September 2015). Near-by Internet access point (broadband) in Esino Lario (via Montefiori)."
- Photos of the Museum delle Grigne (new site) on Wikimedia Commons
- Description of the multimedia room at the Museum delle Grigne (new site)
Primary school
[edit]11:30 Primary school, next to Villa Clotilde. Teacher Elvezia Bertarini.
Theatre of the Kindergarten
[edit]12:00 Visit to the theatre of the Kindergarten. Teacher Giusy Barindelli tel. 0341 860 184.
We pass in front : Meeting and La Montanina (with Rosa delle Alpi managed by COE 0341 860 111), former museum Museo delle Grigne (a public building which will become a collaborative space), City hall, Montecodeno (a private building).
La Montanina
City hall
Location of the tensile structure
[edit]12:10 Tensile structure. On the way to the sport hall we see from above the location of the tensile structure (2 structures to provide lunch for a total of 500 people) and we pass by the via Crucis by the sculture Michele Vedani.
Sport hall and multifunctional space
[edit]12:30 Visit to the sport hall. Reference person Giovanni Viglienghi.
- Photos of the sport hall of Esino Lario
- Description of the Sport hall (sport hall and multifunctional space)
Former Cinema
[edit]Former Albergo Italia
[edit]Lunch at Albergo ristorante Centrale
[edit]13:14 Lunch at Albergo ristorante Centrale, via Solferino 11 - tel. 0341.860 004. A vegetarian meal arrange with the expected Wikimania Esino Lario price to test the kitchen, the style and some local recipes.
Risotto with porcini mushrooms.
grilled vegetables
with some cheese: gorgonzola, taleggio, latteria and formaggio di capra.
Coffe at the bar restaurant 58
[edit]14:30 "Coffee at Bar restaurant 58, via Montefiori 33.
Examples of accommodation
[edit]15:30 Visit to some examples of accommodation.
Villa Gilera
[edit]Villa Gilera. Owners Luciana Nasazzi and Piermassimo Viglienghi. An example of villa available for Wikimania Esino Lario.
Private apartments
[edit]Apartment. Owner Matteo Grassi. An example of apartment for rent in Esino.
Scout centre - former Ristoro
[edit]Ristoro (in Bigallo, direction Ortanella). Owner Giammario Acquistapace. In Esino this is the simplest accommodation we have far from the city centre (around 20 minutes by foot).
Example of outdoor space
[edit]San Pietro in Ortanella
[edit]17:00 Visit to San Pietro in Ortanella. Example of outdoor space for gatherings, excursions and events. In Ortanella there is also camping space, Albergo ristorante Cacciatori tel. 0341.860219 and Agriturismo tel. 333.46.89.885.
Departure of some of the participants.
Working session at Villa Clotilde
[edit]Deror and Manuel have a working session at Villa Clotilde to prepare the report of the site visit. Deror leaves for Varenna to take a boat at 18:30 and Manuel with other participants travel to Varenna to visit some other possible venues-accommodations and to have dinner there.
[edit]18:15 Departure from Esino to Varenna.
19:20 In Varenna, parking in the city centre (parcheggio coperto a pagamento). Quick visit to
- Villa Cipressi. Director Davide Dell'Era 0341 830 113. From the garden on Villa Cipressi we can see Villa Monastero. Reference person Dott.ssa Della Torre tel. 0341 295 450.
- Royal Hotel. Piazza S. Giorgio, 2. tel. 0341 815111."
19:34 Dinner in Varenna. Ristorante pizzeria Victoria Grill, Piazza San Giorgio 2, tel. 0341 815 111.
Thanks to all the participants.
Guests - members of the Wikimania Committee: Deror Avi and Manuel Schneider.
Attended the visit Mauro Cassina (cassinam), Ilario Valdelli (ilario), Fabio (fabexplosive), Lorenzo Losa (Laurentius), Dario Crespi (yiyi), Eike, Simone Sala, Pietro Pensa and his three daughters, Matteo Triani (Phyrexian), Giulia Castiglioni, Iolanda Pensa (iopensa), Catherine de Senarclens, Carlo Maria Pensa, Serena Nasazzi, Laura Grassi, Giovanni Dell’Era, Elisa Dell’Era, Rina Dell'Era, Giammario Acquistapace, Luciana Nasazzi Viglienghi, Giulia Grassi, Giammario Acquistapace, Giuseppe Acquistapace, Elvezia Bertarini, Giusy Nasazzi, Ester Maglia, Giovanni Viglienghi, Anna Dell'Era, Ambrogio Ratti, Virginia Bertarini, GianClaudio Ferraroli. Thanks to Laura Terzoli for the beautiful decorations with flowers at Villa Clotilde, to the restaurant Centrale and bar 58, to Maura Nasazzi for the last-minute visit to the former Albergo Italia, to Carlo Maglia for the editing of the map and to the director Davide Dell'Era of Villa Cipressi and Dott.ssa Della Torre for Villa Monastero. Thanks also to Esino Lario city council for authorizing the visit to all public venues and to the school district of Bellano for the visit to the primary school.
Feedback and suggestions emerged during the visit
[edit]Some of the issues emerged during the visit
- Registration system. We should use the online registration system used previously (i.e. Wikimania Haifa). The system can allows us to manage registrations and accommodation together and it can allows us customize questions to participants.
- Options - accommodation. We have different kind of accommodation. Proposing accommodation with different options can allow to meet properly the needs and expectations of participants.
- Connectivity. The technical project for the connectivity has been at the centre of discussions. New ideas have emerged thanks to the different skills and experience of the participants at the site visit. The project will be integrated and modified with different options.
- Program and conference rooms. The location (with a mix of conference rooms, bars, restaurants and outdoor space in great proximity) provides a very new scenario for Wikimania. We have discussed about the possible schedule, the format of the sessions, the way calls can be sent out to invite attendees to propose their topics and the most suitable rooms for the different sessions.
- Number of presentations and different formats. On one side there are people interested in reducing the number of presentations for Wikimania Esino Lario (this is also a topic which has been discussed among previous participants of Wikimania from Italy); on the other side it seems at the moment that the presentations (with a call for presentations) is the easiest way to get people involved in applying and proposing their topics; having many slots for presentations has also the advantage of facilitating the rating (if we reduce the number of presentations, the risk is to have only the regular speakers obtaining the highest scores and being selected). Maybe Wikimania Mexico City could be an occasion to discuss further Wikimania program and to explore ways to engage participants in new proposals (at the moment in the call for presentations there is already the possibility to select different kind of sessions but people do not use this possibility much).
- Thematic discussions in the primary school. The shape of the primary school (with a main hall and several rooms) appears to be specifically suitable for thematic sessions. The idea is to concentrate in that location 1/2 day or 1 day discussions about specific topics (i.e. education, GLAMs, technical). Concentrating a topic in one area allows attendees to move between rooms and to browse among presentations and speakers. The distance between the primary school and the fiber (connectivity) makes that space the most suitable also for the hackaton and for technical sessions.
- The former Museo delle Grigne (collaborative space) can eventually host also presentations.
- The sport hall appears to be suitable for larger presentations.
- It appears that the use of the former cinema can provide the necessary space to allow participants to split more equally. Upgrades on the former cinema are also considered very interesting for people in Esino Lario and it is something desirable also locally.
Further reading
[edit]Further documentation on the site visit
[edit]- Presentation of the gathering and of the day on Wikipedia in Italian
- Images of the site visit July 2014 on Wikimedia Commons
Press releases
General on Wikimania Esino Lario bid
[edit]- Wikimania Esino Lario 2016 project presented in Spring 2014
- Wikimania Esino Lario 2016 project presented in Autumn 2014
- Wikimania Esino Lario bid on Wikimedia Commons
[edit]- ↑ Foto by Carlo Maria Pensa, who was obviously there too.