
Who I Am and Volunteer Work
I am Italian and Swiss, I live in Milan and I work in Switzerland. I've been contributing to Wikipedia since 2006, mainly about contemporary African art. As volunteer, I have been chair of Wikimedia Italia (2020-2024), chair of the Wikimania Committee since 2017, lead of Wikimania Esino Lario in 2016 (our world gathering in a mountain village of 700 inhabitants over Lake Como), national coordinator of GLAMs for Wikimedia Italia (2024), and coordinator of the Esino Lario Ecomuseum delle Grigne since 2009. I am a member of Wikimedia Italia and Wikimedia CH, co-funder of the associations InFormAzioni and Wiki in Africa.
Here are the initiatives I'm currently involved in and here my past projects. Here my COI.
Professional Experience
I am senior researcher and head of the research area "Culture and Territory" at the Institute of Design, Department for Environment Constructions and Design at SUPSI, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland. At SUPSI I am also involved in Open Science and member of SUPSI board.
I have been scientific director of WikiAfrica from 2007 until 2012 and I conceived and directed in 2011 "Share Your Knowledge: Wikipedia and Creative Commons for cultural institutions".
I am an art historian with a master degree at the Catholic University of Milan and I have two PhD titles in "Social anthropology and ethnography" at the EHESS in Paris and in "Territorial government and planning" at the Polytechnic of Milan.
Contact me
What I am working on, What I have being doing, Conflict of interest, notes.