Strategi/Wikimediabevægelsen/2018-20/Arbejdsgrupper/Fællesskabets helhed
Movement Strategy Working Groups |
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Thematic Working Groups (2018-2019) |
Writing Working Groups (2019-2020) |
![]() | Movement strategy working groups are currently undergoing a transition as the process moves from drafting recommendations to synthesizing those recommendations into one coherent set. We are not in an open consultation phase at the moment, but you can review the draft recommendations below. |
Tillid, respekt, inklusion, udbrændthed
- structures, practices and resources necessary for supporting a culture of trust and collaboration in Wikimedia communities and organizations;
- the future perspective of engaging and including newcomers in a sustainable manner;
- balancing workload and personal health;
- critical roles in the communities and providing support to retain people with these roles and responsibilities.
Communities are the essential and driving force of the Wikimedia movement. If we are to “carry on our mission of developing content as we have done in the past”, and go even further, inviting more people to join in - the health of our communities is the critical factor for success.
Joining and participating in Wikimedia communities can be challenging. Some communities, cultures, and minorities have suffered from exclusion more than others. Toxic behavior and harassment have had a negative impact on participation in our projects. Even those operating in the best of faith may inadvertently turn potential community members away. Those who stay are faced with the challenge to balance huge workloads with their personal health, while the movement is lacking strategies to prevent burnouts.
Our success has generated an overwhelming amount of maintenance and monitoring, and we have addressed these challenges with tools and practices. These practices aim to ensure the sustainability of our on- and off-wiki communities and provide solutions for executing diverse roles and responsibilities. Introducing new solutions always comes with the risk of turning away community members – either because of change aversion or because these tools are mainly made for expert users.
We need to figure out what we need to change to be able to welcome people into our movement from a wide variety of backgrounds, across language, geography, ethnicity, income, education, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, age, and more to build strong and diverse communities. In order to work towards our strategic direction, we need to ensure that our communities are places that people want to be part of and participate in. We also need to ensure that our communities are sustainable, that key roles are filled, and that long-time members do not burn out or struggle with overcommitment.
We have already made some progress and conversations around Community Health are happening across the movement. We need to set a positive vision and ensure that this is continuously a part of the work that we do.
If we were to overcome some of the challenges in our community relationships and build healthier communities, it would be possible to be more inviting and inclusive to newcomers and increase the diversity of the people who contribute to our projects and the diversity of content with that.
Vejledende spørgsmål
These questions are not meant to be answered one-to-one but should help the group frame their own conversations and their consultations with movement stakeholders.
- How do we as a movement define the term “community”?
- How can we ensure that our communities are places that people want to be part of and participate in, and how can we make people stay?
- How do we engage and support people that have been left out by structures of power and privilege?
- How can we either prioritize or balance the need to bring new community members into our movement and meet the expectations of existing contributors?
- What strategies can the movement develop for their constituencies to better balance huge workloads with personal health?
Navn | Organisation / projekt | Rolle | Geografi |
Chinmayi S K | Simple APG Committee | Frivillig | Sydasien |
Jackie Koerner | Frivillig | Nordamerika | |
James Heilman | Wikimedia Foundation (bestyrelse) | Bestyrelsesmedlem | Nordamerika |
Jamie Lin | Wikimedia Taiwan | Bestyrelsesmedlem | Østasien |
Jan Eissfeldt | Wikimedia Foundation | Ansat | Vesteuropa |
Kartika Sari Henry | Wikimedia Indonesia | Bestyrelsesmedlem | Sydøstasien |
Maor Malul | Affiliations Committee | Frivillig | Sydamerika, Vestasien |
Mervat | Wikimedianere i Levanten | Frivillig | Vestasien |
Pavan santhosh.s | Center for Internet and Society & Telugu Wikipedia | Ansat | Sydasien |
Philip Kopetzky | Wikimedia Østrig | Bestyrelsesmedlem | Centraleuropa, vesteuropa |
Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight | Affiliations Committee | Frivillig | Nordamerika |
Sandra Rientjes | Wikimedia Nederland | Ansat | Vesteuropa |
Virginia Díez | Wikimedia España | Ansat | Vesteuropa |
Reports and documents
Please take a look at the draft recommendations (September 2019):
- A joint set of rules we all agree to live by (a.k.a. Code of Conduct)
- Redefining power structures to better serve the communities
- Building the leadership of the future
- Structure for handling conflicts- before, during and after
- Investing in building an inclusive global community
- Newcomers are a key indicator to the success of the movement
- “Democratizing” participation (making Wikipedia/Wikimedia everyone’s responsibility) and reducing barriers for participation
- Privacy and security for everyone
- Opening the circle: All terrain readiness
- Network to continually support community health
- Aligning resource allocation with community health goals
- Investing in equity-centered technologies
First draft recommendations are available as well (August 2019).
There is also an abbreviated, translated version prepared for easier engagement.
Scoping document
Aktiviteter og rapporter
- Survey results (October 2019)
The group conducts online calls every two weeks (usually on a Monday). In case there are no minutes published, the call has been postponed.
Wikimedia Conference Working Group Report (2018)
This is an overview of the outputs from the discussion about Community Health at the Wikimedia Conference 2018. The group discussed: 1. What the scope of this thematic area should be; 2. Who should be in the Working Group; 3. How the Working Group should work.
- Samtalens fokus
The group focused on the issues of trust, safety and new users.
Hvad? | Hvem? | Hvordan? |
The group formulated questions that related to:
According to the discussion group, the Working Group should include some of the following:
The group made the following suggestions:
If you would like to know more details about the Working Group discussions on this theme, please consult the documentation.
Eksisterende materialer
This is a non-exhaustive list. Please add more sources that provide context, background information and insights related to the thematic area.
- Strategic Direction - Limits of Wikimedia: What we should improve?
- Phase I, Cycle 2: Healthy, Inclusive communities
- Community health initiative
- Research:Community health
- strategy:Community health
- m:Category:Community Health learning campaign
- Decolonizing the internet conference by Whose Knowledge
- Charting diversity
- ...