Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Working Groups/Community Health/Minutes
This page contains summaries of meeting minutes for the Community Health working group, one among the nine working groups involved in the Wikimedia Movement 2018-20 Strategy process. The full versions of these minutes are accessible on Google Drive, but given their extensive length and detail, only their summaries are being shared here for the time being.
[edit]21 October
Next steps: 1. The WG members can (optionally) refine recommendations and prioritize them; 2. The members are to decide (individually) whether they would like to continue working in the next Strategy phase and, if so, in which roles.
Prioritizing is controversial. Some members believe that all Community Health recommendations are equally important, while others think that, if all WGs stick to their entire set of recommendations, it will be challenging to synthesize all of them together.
An alternative is to sequence the recommendations according to their implementation and/or mergeability with other WGs. A visual representation (i.e. a flowchart or a map) will be created to show how CH recommendations connect to each other and to other groups as a last task.
Most WG members are considering continuing through the next phase, although no one has stated a final decision (please inform us if/when you have!).
As the potential last meeting, some look backs were shared. A next meeting will only be scheduled if it proves necessary to align on the flowchart task.
[edit]30 September
Harmonisation Sprint feedback
The harmonisation sprint never produced the intended meta recommendations, but the Community Health Working Group identified and worked with three clusters of overlap (Roles and Responsibilities, Diversity and Inclusion, Capacity Building) and hubs, which took the entire day, making course corrections hard for the next few days of the meeting in Tunis.
- The Working Group members found it very hard to select a few words for the post-its, which was not helpful in bringing out the best picture from the many recommendations which had been made.
- There was a deep understanding about the design principles of fulfilling these recommendations, and a decision was made to look at principles and not structures moving forward.
- Community Health Working Group only chose 3 principles to work on, and got applause for one of the chosen principles!
- Other feedback received was that Community Health Working Group recommendations can be implemented right away!! as they can help for example the Community Engagement Team (WMF) in their work.
Activities post harmonisation:
- The Board meeting to discuss recommendations was postponed to February 2020, more information has been published to the community similar to what was shared with the Working Groups
- Before moving forward in coming up with Harmonised drafts, Working Group members have been asked to recover their energies and commitment levels, having read all +300 pages of recommendations, in the last two weeks .
- Initial ideas for next steps will be shared in the Steering group call on 1 October 2019
- Some of the Working Group members felt bringing in expert advice to write the meta recommendations might not be a good decision as the recommendations need an in-depth knowledge of the movement, but advice regarding the process will be important for the next steps.
- Some of the Working Group members reaffirmed commitment until the final product is delivered to the board.
Next Steps:
- Interested Working Group members will be connected to Movement Strategy community engagement regarding the next steps in the community conversation and use of Wikimedia Space.
- A decision was made for the Community Health Working Group to put activities on hold for the time being, but keep the mailing list open, and the usual call time (ABBA) schedule, then reconvene after the Core Team provides next steps
16 September
The main discussion was about the Harmonization Sprint in Tunis.
- Ways to deal with contradictions, thinking about implementation and communication with the Working Group members to remotely involve them in the event.
- Follow up will be made through Telegram and potentially some extra calls with the other Working Group members who will not be in Tunis.
2 September
The 3 harmonization sprint participants will do the final edit for the recommendations. Everyone else to add references, and other materials they think would help the recommendations. External researcher will add references from the survey and report.
- There was an agreement on all recommendations, apart from Recommendation 2 and 6 with the caveat that further work is needed.
- Returning editors concept recommendation will also be reviewed.
- No call on Monday Sept. 9
- Monday Sept. 16 will be to discuss the recommendations of other Working Groups and support harmonization representatives
[edit]17 August
Wikimania in Stockholm
The following recommendations were discussed with the participants in the Strategy Space;
- Rules and Regulations (Decision making process and leadership)
- Safety
- Community Diversity and Growth
- Agile + responsible support of Community Health
12 August
Wikimania preparation
The design of the Community Health session at Wikimania's Strategy Space was thoroughly discussed. It was agreed that Pavan and Jackie will receive help from the Core Team in facilitating the session, but will be free to design it and run it in the manner they prefer.
Given the limitation of time, the group will have to prioritize which recommendations to discuss at the Strategy Space. Pavan and Jackie are to decide which ones, as there wasn't much specific feedback from other members on that regard. Other members are to submit any questions/proposals to Jackie & Pavan before Tuesday, as the program design will be fixed as soon as Wikimania's main event kicks in.
Other Agendas
The following agenda items were postponed into a later meeting due to the urgency of Wikimania setup:
- Further Work on Recommendations
- Start of expert analysis
- Determining the need to Identify and interview more experts
6 August
The Core Team held a Wikimania design session with the representatives of the Working Group at Wikimania. The Working Group highlighted the fact that some community members might be without a background of the Movement Strategy Process and some recommendations might not be accepted by the Community.
5 August
Review in person meeting
Members of the group are generally happy with the in-person meeting in Amman. There was an impression that it helped “build confidence” in the process of recommendation articulation, as well as remote participation which went remarkably well.
Next steps: Pre Wikimania and Post Wikimania
- The group agrees that the collective summary document, created by Sandra, is appropriate to be submitted to the Core Team.
- Pavan & Jackie may set up a special call to discuss how to use it at Wikimania and how to prepare for the conference.
External Consultant's work: Status
Working Group members are in touch with the researcher. It’s not clear whether it’s appropriate for her to start working now, but the group agrees that her contract must be signed ASAP.
Expert interviews: Status
Mervat is in charge of phrasing a reply to the respondents who are asking to retrieve their survey answers. She’ll discuss the message with the group before sending it over.
Wikimania meeting
- The next regular meeting might be cancelled depending on Pavan & Jackie’s decision regarding a special Wikimania preparatory meeting.
[edit]22 July
Introduction for the external analyst
Melissa (the external analyst to be contracted) was an observer for the call; as soon as the budget and contract start date is approved, she can start invoicing her time. She has read about undesirable behaviour on Wikipedia, Barriers and threats against newcomers, women (misogyny), physical health of contributors and the majority of contributors being white men from the global North.
- Scoping questions and external experts will all be part of the information to be used for the Community Health research.
- The Wikimedia global community is complex, diverse, and the Working Group has already commissioned surveys and interviews across the movement.
In-person meeting (26-29 July 2019)
The in-person meeting schedule has already been shared all Working group members are asked to keep adding documents and comments.
- Philip and Sandra will be joining via zoom.
- There will be knowledge exchange between Jack from Partnerships on Friday, and Susun from Diversity working group on Saturday.
- Working Group members present in Amman on Thursday 25th to meet at 6pm in the lobby for an informal meet, greet, and check in.
15 July
Status update on external analyst:
External analyst briefed informally about the work of the Community Health Working Group and invited to the next call as an official contract and onboarding are being prepared. Survey results will be shared with the external expert for analysis.
In-person meeting: Status and questions:
Agenda for the in person meeting was drafted and will focus on drafting recommendations, and analysing the input of the survey. Remote participation will be planned for some members who will not be joining, and members from other Working Groups like Partnerships and Diversity.
Road to Wikimania:
- Working Group members requested to share any ideas or concerns that they want to be discussed during Wikimania.
- The expectation for Working Group members at Wikimania is to create a common understanding of the (Movement Strategy Process) MSPRO, gather feedback regarding what can be changed and engage with participants.
- There are 90-minute slots for each thematic area - all WG members to co-create these sessions, depending on where they stand in the process and what kind of input is most helpful.
- Visiting other Working Group sessions to lay the foundations for Harmonization, start synergies and identify overlaps.
- Creating a user journeys through the recommendations, especially for Community Health onboarding, can be a great idea to make the theme more tangible for the broader community.
8 July
External analyst
The top 3 candidates were screened by the Working Group members who will finalise the researcher (final candidate) and communicate to the Core Team for further administration actions.
In-person meeting: Status and questions:
Travel logistics to Amman for the in person meeting are being coordinated by the Core Team with on-ground support from Mervat.
Synchronising recommendations prior to Wikimania
The Core Team will provide additional guidance regarding for a shared understanding of both the process and the recommendations to avoid contradictions and confusion ahead of Wikimania.
ESEAP meeting highlights:
- Discussed the necessity of having a local Trust and Safety team for dealing with harassment effectively and swiftly.
- How to enforce and implement the policy/code of conduct in the events
- Mentorship for new members.
- A lack of encouragement for individuals and User Groups in our movements.
- Establishment of guidelines for collection and usage of data: Misuse of personal information has led to many community members leaving our movement.
- We need guidelines for the collection and usage of this data.
1 July
Expert interviews and external analyst
Working Group members who signed up to carry out expert interviews are requested to provide an update so that the interview/survey can be sent out within the next few days.
- The Core Team requested Working Group members to forward names of experts (who are not Working Group members) if they have some in mind.
- If the Working Group is not able to find the right external expert, other options can be explored before or during the Community Health Working Group in person meeting.
In-person meeting: Status and questions:
- Some of the Working Group members who will not be able to participate in-person will join remotely
- Philip and Virginia to inform the Core Team and facilitator about remote availability, this will be added to the in-person meeting agenda that was shared.
- All itineraries for Working Group members who were available in the call were fine. Mervat is preparing invitation letters for members that will need travel visas.
- Schedule outline spreadsheet has been shared for members to add their thoughts.
Summary of ESEAP Strategy Summit 2019
Jamie Lin shared some of the updates from the ESEAP Strategy Summit which included Capacity Building, Trust and Safety topics in the region, and beyond, such as;
- Harassment.
- Protection of personal data so that it’s not tracked on social media, and other channels.
- Teaching materials for community mentorship from the Foundation.
- Incubation hubs for community capacity building for Wikimedians.
Summaries of the already conducted in-person working group meetings
- An update from the Capacity Building Working Group was shared by the Core Team.
- Working Group liaisons can also reach out for updates from fellow liaisons and ways of remote participation in the in-person meetings.
[edit]24 June
Expert interviews
Working Group is following up on expert interviews with target candidates expected to be experts in communities, rather than the Wikimedia Movement, once ideal candidates are selected, interviews will be conducted.
Status and translations of the Kraken survey
The Working Group will reach out to the Core Team for more information and current status update of the general survey, before proceeding with the Working Group (Kraken) survey.
External analyst
The statement of work has been sent to the Core Team for contracting an external analyst.
In-person meeting: Status
The Core Team would like to do everything to ensure that all members of the Working Group can participate in the in person meeting. Working Group members are advised to get familiar with individual visa requirements.
Community conversations, May edition:
The Core Team has been working to bring more diverse voices to Community Conversations, and would like to make attempts to engage the English Wikimedians to receive feedback for Community Health.
- Feedback received from Cameroon WIkimedians, might require context and clarity.
Access to email account for outfacing communication of the working group
The Core Team, with Office IT, is helping out on setting up an email account for outfacing communication of the working group.
ESEAP Strategy Summit 2019
East, South East Asia, and Pacific (ESEAP) regional summit will be held 29-30 June 2019. Community Health WG can use this opportunity to get feedback for the scoping documents and Kraken survey.
- Community Health representatives at ESEAP will try and engage Japanese community members.
17 June
- Working Group members will request members to volunteer and translate the Community Health survey in different languages. The Core Team will be provided with additional links that can be added on to the main (general) survey.
- The Working Group is finalising the external analyst's job description, which will be forded to the Core Team once completed.
- The Core team is working on providing the necessary documents that are needed by the Working Groups members for participation in the in-person meeting.
- The May edition of Community conversations has been shared with the Working Groups
- Access to email account for outfacing communication of the working group is still in progress.
- Expert interviews will require a methodology and guidelines around the experts to achieve comparable results which are different from the Berlin or Kraken Survey.
10 June
Translation of the survey Working Group members will request for volunteer support to translate the responses of the survey (This support is for languages that cannot be supported by the Working Group members)
Expert consultation
The Working Group will need to discuss the role, skills and expectations from the expert consultation, then come up with a plan inputs needed from the experts.
Wikipedia's role in suicides (In reference to the Bristol University interview and Survey)
There could be different kinds of interventions that the Community Health Working Group can think about.
- There were discussions about providing a helpline (number), however, Google already does an excellent job of this and other measures have been found to be more effective / are supported by stronger evidence
- Wikipedia articles do indicate availability of support
In-person meeting
The in-person meeting has been confirmed, travel team will be in touch with the Working Group members, any other clarifications can be directed to the Core Team.
Expert interviews
The Working Group members are free to carry out interviews or consulting other community members while developing recommendations, besides the expert consultations. The Core Team can support if transcription or any other support is required.
3 June
- The Working Group can start draft preliminary recommendations by looking at previous responses from surveys.
- Kranken survey is linked in the general Working Groups community survey, which will be sent out mid June.
- The in person meeting for end of July has been approved, location in Amman, Jordan. Core Team will be in touch for the travel arrangements, venue, etc.
- The Working Group will be contacting a list of experts via email
- The Expert Consultation’s analysis and job description are in progress.
- Community Liaisons feedback will be provided through monthly reports one of which has been shared with the Working Groups for comments.
[edit]27 May
Progress on the survey
The Core Team will not include the 3 community Health questions on the general survey as per the previous discussion. The Core Team’s general survey required legal review, and GDPR compliance. It’s not certain if this is the same case with the Community Health Survey
Preparation of in-person meeting
The Core Team has been in touch with the Wikimedia Foundation Finance team about the in person meeting, and will get back to the Working Group about final approval.
Working Group Timeline check
The Working Group might need to change the planning/timeline as results from the survey will not be ready in June. Starting in July, the Working Group will start drafting recommendations until the time of the in-person meeting.
Expert consultation
Working Group members are still working on the profile of the external expert, approach, procedures, and requirements for a researcher, results would be needed before Wikimania.
20 May
In person meeting and sprint
The last weekend of July had been selected for the in-person meeting, Community Health Working Group needed to confirm the number of days, Working Group participants and if there would be possibilities of pairing an in-person meeting with another Working Group. All this information is needed to proceed with the approval process by the Wikimedia Foundation Finance team.
- The chosen dates for the in person meeting were selected as 26, 27, and 28 July 2019 in Amman, Jordan, with 25 and 29 July as the arrival and departure dates respectively.
- The visa policy for Jordan is favourable compared to other countries, and the preferences for the 3 days was to get more work done.
- The Working Group will discuss representatives and availability for the harmonisation sprint, once a location has been determined. Selected members need to speak up about their capabilities, and not feel obliged.
Community Surveys:
- Community conversations feedback requested for more specific questions to the communities.
- The branding change is still in discussion, the Community Health Working Group Survey will refer to Wikimedia.
Working Group Support requests
The Working Group will need expert support during the analysis phase, but Working Group members will still be responsible for the final evaluation of the results since they have been involved more in the process and are the drivers of content.
- If the Working Group can propose a draft description of the required role, the Core Team and any one from the Working Group can proceed with sharing in circles outside Europe and North America.
- Working group members can suggest an expert for this role, within or outside the Working Group itself.
Sandra’s upcoming sabbatical:
- Sandra will be on a sabbatical in June and July.
- Philip will cover for her as the coordinator during that time.
13 May
Progress analysis for interviews
The Working Group discusses responses received so far from the survey, as more responses to the survey are still coming in, a suggestion was made to have a short summary of analyses and insights from all these responses.
Progress on the development of the survey (First draft)
The survey subgroups are meeting to discuss and refine the structure of the information in the survey which has a deadline of 17 May, 2019 to be finalised.
Representation of the working group at Wikimania
Jackie will represent the Community Working Group at WIkimania. Maor will check availability and get back to the Working Group.
In-person meeting and Working Group timeline
The Working Group confirmed the need for a facilitation, and Core Team member’s presence at the in-person meeting. Prefered locations were also determined and ranked.
- The Working Group reviewed activities on the schedule for the next months (until mid-August).
6 May
Interview synthesis
Rosie and Jackie refined and synthesized the data from the gender mapping diversity interviews
- There are more requests from people to take part in the survey, although the deadline had passed, while others could have responded in other languages besides English: one response in French was received.
- The data will be analysed as it comes in (on a rolling basis so that the questions can be adjusted as needed with the available information.
- The previous reports of the gender mapping survey were by a Contractor who came up with more themes from the collected data.
- if we approach the WMF, we might be able to get analysis done by June (mid)
- Jackie has also previously done data research, analysis, and can take two weeks to analyse the data for integrating in the next steps.
- A suggestion was made to adopt one/two questions and do an internal analysis that will be shared with the Working Group members.
Community Conversations Report
The Core Team posted the (March/April) community conversations report as a pilot for Working Groups to consider, and provide input or comments for the next report to the Community Engagement specialist.
[edit]29 April
Connecting with Diversity Working Group
- Rosie invited Susun Wilkinson from the Diversity Working Group, to share intersections like guidelines for online projects, having a safe environment for online events (including events not funded by WMF).
- Although both Diversity and Community Health Working Groups have not yet started developing recommendations about these topics WMF has a universal CoC as part of the mid-term plan which includes the above mentioned areas.
- Diversity and Community Health Working Groups will have deep-diving, and could have joint solutions on recommendations.
Update on Steering Group call April 23
- Sandra made some notes from the Steering Group call, a key highlight was a change in the timeline for the process, with synchronisation to happen in September.
- This is meant to meet the needs of the Working Groups to carry out research, surveys, community and Wikimania enrichment as recommendations are being formulated.
Timeline check - engaging groups and experts:
- Cash rewards might de-motivate the community, and the Core Team will follow the Foundation’s guidelines for motivation and rewarding involvement instead of paying volunteers to do any work.
- Hiring consultants, researchers to support the work is possible since it’s a different arrangement that usually requires a contract to be signed.
- Some of the experts who are part of the Movement might not require a monetary compensation, while others, especially from smaller organizations, might do.
22 April
Finalising the list of experts
Rationale needs to be explained for the inclusion of names for the experts.
Survey Progress
The Survey was finalised, but there’s need for more details on whether Survey results will be used as Primary material for recommendations or the Scoping documents.
In-person meeting progress
Most of the Working Group members have filled the travel template, but two members can not travel for the in-person meeting.
Channels for Community Conversations
Discussions happening outside Meta, like in the Spanish Community need to be brought back to the Working Group?
- Strategy Liaisons will report back to the Core Team and relevant Working Groups regarding the Community Conversations.
- Information from Strategy Saloons, focused interviews need to be provided well in advance of the In-person meetings for the Working Group to make sense.
- Input from the Communities that are not actively participating is also needed for diversity of voices.
- Increase the frequency/touch points for the community conversations to all the Working Groups.
- The design has been open to include members from different movements and organisations. Working Group members are encouraged to find members/experts from such organisations and movements.
15 April
Discussion around Sydney’s presentation:
The on-wiki consultation on meta is in English, but the responses can be provided in any language. Volunteers have been requested to take this up in local languages (time engagement of 3 hours for translation).
- In touch with Train the Trainer event exclusively for Women
- Request participation from members of the Community Health Working Group.
Sydney Poore highlighted key areas of the User reporting system consultation
- Word cloud has been generated by the internal stakeholders meeting (various components of people working with the Wikimedia Foundation including Trust and Safety, Product and Design, Legal team) to produce higher quality reports that can be successfully processed without alienating the victim.
- The User Reporting System has two major components: Tech and Social component with objectives to define;
- The essential components of a user reporting system, and which of these are missing from the current method of handling cases of harassment.
- Building one or more features.
- Public and private aspects of the user reporting system
- Important open questions that the product team should investigate and test prior to starting development?
In-person meeting
- The participation of the Core Team is dependent on the interest of the Working Group members, but Wikimedia Foundation member presence is required for Trust and Safety as advised by the travel team.
- The Working Groups’ sprint changed schedule, will not affect Community Health Working Group in deciding the in person meeting, which should function as the main drafting event for recommendations.
Timeline progress
The Process of identifying the key questions from our scoping document and finalising the experts will be an important task which will also help in identifying the methodology for the Community Health Working Group.
8 April
Review of the Wikimedia Summit in Berlin
A general consensus was that the Summit was very productive, mainly for the Community Working Group: people engaged with the topics and themes, although there was no much interaction between Community health and the rest of the Working Groups, which will be a key focus in the coming months.
Documents as a basis for further work
The important part of the scoping document are the questions, making them simpler, and finding the answers to the questions, the working group can refer to the cluster documents and results of the interviews held at the Summit in Berlin. Focus of future work of the group is to advance with the scoping document, not the cluster documents.
Gender mapping group survey and further process
The Working Group is designing a survey to a specific gender mapping group, and might consider creating one for the broader community. If there’s need of any tools or translation into various languages, they can send a request to the Core Team.
New schedule for meetings
Meetings and office hours will be altered via the ABBA-schedule (A=UTC 16:00, B=UTC 14:00) every Monday, the next regular call will be at 14:00 UTC, next office hour at 14:00.
[edit]25 March
Feedback about scoping documents:
No feedback had been received on the document that was submitted, so it will be used as a final submission for conversations at the Wikimedia Summit.
Wikimedia Summit 2019
A highlight of Working Group activities to happen on Friday was provided including;
- Reconnecting, speeches, and ice breaker activities.
- Bring up to speed the organised affiliate members and other participants who are not invested and aware of the Movement Strategy Process.
- Mapping out the inter-dependencies and ensure synchronisation across Working Groups.
- Some Working Group members will also be part of the Affiliate Selected Board Seats (ASBS) session.
- Orientation and discussion of the plan for Saturday.
- Thematic discussions, aimed at better engagement and active participation of the community members.
Individuals are advised to notify the Working Group members about other parallel responsibilities that they might have to fulfill.
- A lightning talk is recommended for Day 1, to allow for interaction. Working Groups have a dedicated corner and the materials can be made available for conversations to take place.
- Instead of a group presentation, an elevator pitch or a summary that indicates key aspects of the work of the Community Health Working Group with a condensed and concise overview of the work would be useful.
- Materials that can help in building conversations will be provided by the Core Team.
It was mentioned that instead of a presentation, Community Health Working Group will have a short summary representing their work.
Elevator pitch: An elevator pitch for Community Health should be prepared to capture attention and interest.
Know where other groups intersect with Community Health
Community Health members discussed overlaps and feedback that needs to be provided to the Scoping Documents of the other Working Groups as an outline of key items and (feedback in italics);
- Roles and Responsibilities Scoping Document:
- Responsibility of the Foundation
- Communication practices
- Recommendations for more research
- Resource Allocation:
- Did not find Knowledge as a resource
- Who will be the recipients of resources?
- Partnerships:
- Addressing infrastructural challenges for the Strategic Direction
- Barriers/research
- Burnout of community members.
- Product & Technology
- Did not mention AI, user security
- Technical capacities in relation to ethical pitfalls - can technology be used in a way that is a risk for the users?
We (Community Health) should bring up AI with tech. This was just published looking at AI to help address “bullying” in schools in Japan
- One of the important ideas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to build tools that can prevent harassment, our tech does not involve any AI and is not as effective as it should be.
- Along with AI, humans also need to be included in this conversation going forward.
- Our current defense against misuse of tech is not competent and we need to update those systems.
- Diversity
- Creation of content where male is the norm
- Questions of the Diversity Working Group align with us.
- There is a mention of Code of Conduct which is exciting.
- Orthography, scripts and question 8 for Diversity were also interesting and exciting.
The point of age is important. Ireland is making editing Wikipedia mandatory, we have not discussed age in our Working Group. Younger users perspective regarding community health. This can be discussed during the summit or after the summit.
- Advocacy
- Liked that they acknowledge that there is no single unifying definition of Advocacy. What we are working can be used across online communities.
- Theory of change methodology was interesting and the framing of the necessary conditions.
- Cross utilisation of Wikimedia projects.
- Adverse or unaware environments as enabling environments.
- Capacity Building: Lots of overlap.
- Burnout.
- Decentralisation of Capacity Building
- Mapping of the existing resources.
- Communication as a capacity, high touch effort requiring a significant amount of time and resources.
Capacity Building should be thinking about the decentralised and centralised approaches of building capacity.
- Revenue Streams: Not a lot of overlap
Taking notes and Communicating roles
To avoid miscommunication and bring clarity to the points that are being discussed, individual members are encouraged to specify the role or position that they represent when taking part in the conversations. Please share notes with the other members of Working Groups about conversations that happen outside of the official note taking area.
Materials to prepare and have printed at the Summit:
- Cluster documents are not yet finalised and might lead to more questions than helping conversations, people who are not part of the Movement Strategy might be overwhelmed with all the information, contact information and meta pages can be shared.
18 March
Discussion focused on the monthly Steering Group meeting update, Wikimedia Summit Preparations and the Scoping feedback
1. Summary of the Steering Committee meeting
Community Health members (Pavan, Philip) took part in the Steering Group meeting for all Working Group coordinators where next steps after scoping were shared: the Working Groups will energise, synchronize with other groups other, review the published scoping documents, and prepare for the Wikimedia Summit.
The Core Team offered to publish all WG calls’ summaries on Meta, and take this task off of the Working Group’s plate. Summaries will be created and share with the WG up to 48 hours after the call. If the CT does not hear any request for correction, deletion or any other kind of veto after 24 hours, the Core Team will publish the summaries.
2. WMSummit 2019 (schedule, plans and preparation)
Among activities that can be done before the Wikimedia Summit, Community Health Working Group is invited to determine linkages, overlaps, and liaisons, with other Working Groups and identify materials, glossaries, or any reading materials they would like to share with the participants at the Wikimedia Summit.
- Working Group members who have been selected by the group Working Group to represent the group at the summit are asked to attend all WG and plenary sessions in that role. Members who are representing their affiliates are encouraged to find a balance on which sessions to attend, but the schedule of the Summit will mostly avoid conflicting sessions anyway.
- The Group has been encouraged to keep the two non-present members informed via email about important issues that come up at the summit.
- There might be a need for Working Group members who are attending Summit to take decisions like inviting someone into Working group or giving away key questions from scoping documents based if decided to be in the scope of other WGs. The Core Team asked the group to request those who will not attend to give the group a mandate to take decisions at the event. (Action item for Pavan, done already)
- WGs are asked to ensure that all important questions and results of their sessions are documented on sticky notes, flipcharts, or online. Content on paper will be digitised by support staff, harvesting at the plenary sessions will be organised by the design and facilitation team.
- After the Summit, feedback from the summit participants and from the community conversations will be incorporated by the WGs into the final versions of the scoping documents.
- Community conversations will already start this week, and will include channels like meta, different language wikis, a survey (also for anonymous feedback), facebook or telegram groups.
- The Core Team will work with the CH group to see if it would make sense to design – aside from the general survey with 3 questions per WG – an additional survey focused only on community health. The results can then feed into the WG’s analysis.
3. Feedback gathered about our scoping document (if any)
A Wikimedia Summit India session was held on 16-17 March to have people understand and provide feedback to the scoping documents, these were the responses;
- The scoping terminology seemed hard for small communities to understand.
- Suggestions might not be the real solutions to challenges, since they are answered by local communities.
- The programmatic changes might happen before the structural changes.
These responses were expected from the community, and considered as helpful, which is the reason for having community liaisons to organise and get community feedback.
11 March
The Working group discussed the final output for scoping documents
Recap from Wednesday and the previous meeting
The informal meeting on Wednesday 6 March was aimed at compiling the 3 scoping documents into one document that will be published and shared for community conversations and the Wikimedia Summit.. Other content or extra questions not included in the scoping document will be added to the questions for the community survey that will also be used as part of the community conversations.
- Sandra and Jackie worked on the final merged scoping document that was submitted to the Core Team.
- The Core Team provided feedback on community questions, which the Working Group can optionally consider, by Tuesday end of day, if they need to update their documents.
Final output of scoping document(s)
The Core Team provided their reflections to the submitted scoping documents, which the group might include by Tuesday 12 March. These reflections are also meant to act as an orientation to what will come out of (feedback from) community conversations.
Some of the Working group members provided feedback and comments, while others still felt frustrated due to the changing demands of the process, which could have negative consequences on the Working Groups.
- The Core Team acknowledged that the need for adjustments was communicated very late, and that more clarity needs to be provided on the big picture and the purpose of the community questions.
- A draft document with some of the questions for the general community survey was drafted and not yet updated.
4 March
Main focus was to determine when scoping would be finalised
The discussion was a follow up to the previous week’s sub meetings about finalising the three clusters for scoping - Group culture, Structure/ Decision making, and Participation, Resources and Processes - these clusters had been reduced from five to three), most of the activities during this meeting were done asynchronously on the scoping document.
The scoping sections for each of the three clusters were reviewed, but some of the members never felt the document was ready to publish.
- Chinmayi offered to work with Jackie on the additional questions to engage community members as a ‘focus group’ that will be put up on meta in case they are not included in the final scoping document.
- If the Community Health Working Group is working towards one consolidated scoping document, it should not appear to have missed out on the voices of communities but must acknowledge the feedback and voices of the marginalised communities.
- The intended audience needs to be specified, for the 3 community questions, whether new or more questions should be prepared for the affiliates attending the Wikimedia Summit.
[edit]25 February
The discussion was about the steering Group monthly update, Scoping document and guiding questions, as well as follow up sub meetings in the week
Scoping guidelines/questions
The scoping guidelines were shared to better explain and clarify different sections in the scoping template, for example the length of the document being 2-3 pages, looking at the challenges of the being achieved in the current situation and envisioning Wikimedia 2030,.
- The scoping will have questions, a background on how the questions were raised, and the impact we want to achieve.
- There will also be 2-3 granular questions to the community, and areas that we want external experts to work on.
Review of Scoping Documents
There are 3 scoping documents (Resources and participation, Group culture, Structure/decision making), and 5 clusters,
- Group culture and Structures/decision making reflect the focus we had for Community Health, but there’s need to rephrase them so that people understand our content better.
- Phrasing of the questions to find a way of getting quality rather than negative feedback.
- If there are some areas that seem to be neglected and not connected to the scoping documents, they can be documented in a meta page, or somewhere they can be contextualised. The 3 Working Group meeting in Berlin also had some questions that do not have context, which were raised but not sure how the answers would be based upon or how they can be answered
Community conversations on the scoping questions will happen after translation on different community channels like village pumps, meta, and other options. These questions can be modified in the end of March/beginning of April, with input from the Strategy Liaisons, external expertise (in the analysis phase).
- The core team and strategy liaisons will be around to support and facilitate these conversations.
- If people don’t feel comfortable publishing their responses for privacy, anonymous views and other channels where people do not need to provide their names, will be possible.
- Strategy Liaisons will to reach out to these particular communities that are not represented, around the time of the summit (focus in on the 9 language liaisons - Arabic, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese - at the moment)
- Would be helpful for the Community Health Working Group members to get together to answer such questions on communities that are not represented.
27 February
(Note-taking here was only for half of the one hour meeting duration)
- The community conversations will be initiated on Meta, then Strategy Liaisons will bring them to the respective communities and language wikis, on village pumps or relevant channels, if the Community Health Working Group would like to do a Survey, they can work with Core Team, considering what will happen to the data and survey results.
- In the previous Strategy process (in 2017), there were Strategy Salons conducted in different places, which is planned to happen a little bit later in the analysis process around May/June, where these salons can provide insights to answer these questions with new voices or external partners.
1 March
Structures, processes and resources in support of community health
- The focus in this meeting was to add content, comments and finalise the 3rd scoping document: structures, processes and resources, questions in the community section will be asked to the community, but the Working Group needs to have a better understanding of which feedback is expected from the community.
- Questions which are already defined and known to most community like conflict of interest might need to be left out of the scoping questions. Chinmayi will make further comments about this topic in the document.
Community questions
- Community questions need to be designed in a way that the community can self regulate, and be interested in sharing their own culture, values, that are accepted behaviours in their environments, but this depends on the target community and what they might be interested in, it would be better to have this in an external looking/approach.
Group culture
- All Working Group Members need to provide comments, as per their wiki knowledge, use suggest mode, and provide any missing terms and topics in the scoping documents. It would be good to have participation, together with access, as sometimes access affects participation, and creates a huge gap.
- In terms of advocacy, and participation, there was project tiger done in India, which can be an example of taking this beyond the communities to newcomers for participation.
18 February
There were no comments from the Previous meeting notes, the discussion focused on Wikimedia Summit planning, cluster documents and scoping as well as Community Health Working Group coordination.
Action Items from the last meeting
Most of the action items had been completed.
- Pavan Santosh and Jackie Koerner will follow up merging documents in the next few days.
- Mevant was invited to the Product and Technology Working Group who liked the idea of discussing overlaps between their group and community Health in their next meeting.
Questions on the Working group schedule leading up to the Wikimedia summit and beyond
- From the office hours on 11 February, a schedule was made that’s to be followed until the Summit.
- Expectations of the Working Group and what the Summit will provide
- The Summit is a platform for the organised part of the movement to get together. It’s dedicated to the Movement Strategy Process and a chance for the Working Groups to speak and talk with on of their main stakeholders of the movement to help refine and talk about the analysis work after scoping.
- The movement stakeholders can provide perspectives, inspiration and a reality check on what’s being discussed at the moment by the Working Groups. There will also be online conversations with other parts of the movement (The summit schedule is still being finalised)
- The Working Group will expect to determine areas of synergies, interact with other Working Groups, and determine what will happen in the next months or weeks before Wikimania.
- While the Working Groups are deep in the process, there will be parallel sessions that will take care of onboarding new people to the Movement Strategy process at the summit.
- All the scoping documents will be published on meta for community conversations starting in March, the Working Groups can reach out to experts, analysing and determining how they will come to the answers of questions raised in the scoping documents.
Clustering document(s) and scoping
These two topics had been talked about during the office hours on 11 February, if there are overlaps, bringing them into one or two documents won’t be a problem. Combining the clusters, filling the scoping documents and asking the group to comment and review these documents can be done moving forward
- Filing the two scoping documents (Scoping document structure/decision making - work in progress and Scoping document group culture - work in progress) will come from the two current documents that Jackie Koerner is working on.
- Jackie will send out the merged cluster documents to the group (this week) for feedback.
- combined cluster document
- The Scoping questions guidelines shared by the core team will help to filter and look at scoping content in a wider view
- The guide has a strategic direction, the Community Health Working Group needs to determine relevant themes and how these can be involved in the current documents and discussions.
- Looking at how the Community Health questions and current work are geared towards the Strategic direction, and if the questions in the criteria are at the right level.
- The next office hours meeting can be changed into a regular call, and might need an external facilitator.
- Phillip and Pavan might need to brief the facilitator before the call to provide context: Pavan to write an email to follow up with Philip.
- Everyone is invited to contribute to the development of a definition for community health.
Sandra Rientjes will not be in position to fulfill some of the duties and discussions as the Working Group Coordinator due to a staff gap (staff member who left) with lots of deliverables at Wikimedia Netherland, she will not leave the group but will not be as active as before, Pavan and Phillip offered to join in as new coordinators, until April when Sandra is back.
11 February
- Working Group Office hours discussion about Ideas on the definition of community Health Development, Scoping timeline/schedule, and contributing to the cluster documents.
- Scoping documents will be published March 4-8 2019. More structured information will be shared
4 February
The discussion focused on wrapping up the cluster documents and updates from the meeting of the Working Group coordinators
Core Team joining the meetings
- The Core Team has dedicated one person per Working Group to directly join the calls and provide direct answers on the process, related to the support needs of the Working Group, so that feedback is not waited until the next meeting.
- This is a key factor to make sure that all Working Groups are aligned and have a direct line with the Core Team.
- The Working Group can also determine if they do not wish to have the dedicated person present in their calls.
- Note taking will still be done by the Information and Knowledge Management Team.
Wrapping up the cluster documents
- The 5 cluster documents will be maintained, but need to be merged for overlaps.
- Structured/decision making and Group Culture/Behaviour) have been worked on, and Working Group Members have been asked to review these two, and other documents, so that they are completed this week.
- Leadership and structure were huge components, as part of the overlaps.
- There’s need to develop a template on how a community develops over time, versus capacity models and content for knowledge and opportunities for people to be supported to become successful.
- There could be more patterns when the documents are merged to come up with rich content.
- If there are any missing competences/content or pieces of information, these can be highlighted using the suggest mode in google documents using the two documents that have been worked on (we can give this the next 24 hours)
- If there’s anything that can be examined further, please reach out to Jackie Koerner.
- There’s a scoping template shared by the Core Team: As long as content is good and it makes things more clear for the Working Group, the Core Team is fine with merging the scoping documents into the template."
- But for the community conversation, it would be good to have not more than 5 questions to make it easy for community feedback, for example at the Wikimedia Summit.
- All the guiding questions to be created will be the basis that lead to the recommendations, trying to avoid too many questions will make the work easier.
- After clustering, maintaining one document might be easier, it would be good to have a single version at the end.
- Having different documents is an intermediate step to sort thinking and scoping, to help (the Working Group Members or a reader who has not been part of the conversations) understand where something came from;
- Can also be reflected by “labels” or “key words” at the top of a section
- Having different documents is an intermediate step to sort thinking and scoping, to help (the Working Group Members or a reader who has not been part of the conversations) understand where something came from;
Meeting of the Working Group Coordinators, and Working Group support services
Community Health Working Group sent an update of the Working Group progress to the rest of the Coordinators (participants) on mail.
- The notes of the meeting from the Working Group Coordinators were shared.
- Community Health Working Group had already utilised support services from Virtual Facilitation, but the Working Group had decided, they did not need a facilitated meeting at the moment when sorting the scoping and documents, maybe for another brainstorm.
- At the end of February there will be the first official scoping check-in point, when all Working Groups present their scoping documents, in preparation for the broader community as well as participants of the Wikimedia Summit to review.
- If there are any delays, this will be like a point of assessment, until the end of March 2019.
- Feedback from the affiliates at the Wikimedia Summit and an online community conversation, in different languages in March for communities and individuals will be part of the community consultations.
- Working Group travel: Wikimedia Foundation Travel Team recommends travel requests to be provided at least 12 weeks ahead of planned travel dates and meetings, the Working Group should inform the Core Team of any travel plans as soon possible.
- Confirmation of interim coordinators to become permanent coordinators: Sandra Rientjes and Pavan Santosh had been selected as the Working Group representatives.
[edit]28 January
- Working Group discussed the best way of organising clustered documents for everyone to understand, and possibilities of using a template
21 January
Clean up the cluster documents
The cluster topics included:
- Group culture/behaviour
- Participation
- Resources/processes
- Structure/Decision making
- Thinking/open mind
Cluster leads prepared the cluster documents to work in small groups to come up with;
- a summary/overview of main considerations/thinking,
- the possible focus for recommendations/solutions.
- An indication on which recommendations should be forwarded to the Foundation so that preparatory work can start.
- Some of the discussions in the subgroups were about the definition of community, reviewing the criteria for people outside the affiliates model to join the (Wikimedia) community and the idea of external expertise, holding interviews as well as identifying organisations to get in touch with.
Working Group Liaisons
Working Group liaisons (like Rosie for Diversity) can discuss content, and also find other ways on how to collaborate or find synergies.
14 January
- Discussion on the support of administrators' potential need for mental health services. Trying to solve the potential technical and legal pain points.
7 January
Moving Forward documents
Output in the earlier Strategy discussions has to be reviewed to incorporate content into the moving forward documents. Clusters can detail anything that’s abstract and might need to be fast tracked, for example writing a media wiki extension for secret/valid voting on some issues
The cluster leads to mark clusters for quick findings. Working Group members were allocated the following clusters;
- participation
- Resources
- Thinking/open mind
- Structure and decision making
- Group Culture
Facilitation will be determined when subgroups (clusters) have completed and shared with other subgroups to brainstorm results in time, before Wikimedia Foundation’s All hands meeting, or exploring other communities.
Liaison with other groups
The main role for other Working Group Liaisons would be to share relevant inter linkages with other Working Groups.
Rosie is in touch with the Diversity Working Group, the other liaisons are;
- Pavan: Capacity Building
- Philip: Roles & Responsibilities
- Mervat: Product & Technology
- Rosie: Diversity
Iberoconf 2019 (February 8-10)
The agenda for Iberoconf 2019 is being drafted, Virginia Diez from Community Health Working Group will be attending to have discussions about the Movement Strategy process. There are 11 - 12 people from the Strategy Working Groups, Core Team presence would help to engage the members.
Safety Ombudsperson for the Working Group
In one of the working group’s office hours, the question of a Safety Ombudsperson for the Working Group was raised. Building on this, the Working Group discussed whether this should be a responsibility for the coordinator(s) or a stand-alone role.
- A stand-alone model was agreed. Jan was nominated for this, further questions will be directly discussed as appropriate via mail with Jan.
[edit]24 December
Liaison relationships with other Working Groups
More responses from people taking up liaison roles is required, and a concrete communication message needs to be drafted that can be used when approaching other working Groups, some of them might be on holiday, so this will be on the agenda for the next Community Health Working Group regular meeting in January.
Moving Forward documents
Pavan came across people working on Community health in various ways in India who provided recommendations, on participation, resources, structure, group culture and suggestions on processes and guidelines that need to be in place for community health, both online and offline. He also discussed some ideas on Community Health with the Wikimedia Foundation staff liaison. Pavan will be sharing notes from these discussions.
Facilitation of meetings
In order to move forward faster, the Working Group will talk to facilitators to progress with this task which requires content generation from the 5 clusters that can have small groups making summaries from breakout sessions just like in the previous facilitated meeting.
It had been agreed to have the document worked on till January when people are back from holiday, a reminder will be sent to have members’ input before the facilitators are invited. Facilitation will only be needed for selected meetings as agreed by the Working Group members.
Platforms and the next meeting
There are minor connection problems with hangouts/meet, so it will be the primary platform for Community Health working group discussions, zoom will be mainly used for facilitated sessions.
The next office hours session is on new years’ eve, since most members might be on holiday, the Working Group will consider meeting again in the new year for the regular call, and resuming office hours.
17 December
- The Working group discussed representation at the Wikimedia Summit and a summary of the meeting with Kathrine Maher.
10 December
Progress Moving Forward
The working group agreed to set a deadline for adding raw ideas to the five “moving forward” documents by 12/24/18 and publish preliminary recommendations by mid January for affiliates input prior to the Wikimedia Summit in Berlin.
Planning a meeting in real life
The Working Group will need to make a decision on
- The need for an in person meeting
- If it will be combined with a meeting of another group, e.g. diversity
- Date and location
Working Group liaisons and coordinators
Rosie was voted as the Liaison for the Diversity Working Group, and Pavan volunteered to become one of the co-coordinators for the Community Health Working Group
Wikimedia Summit and monthly activities participation
Communication to confirm participation in the Wikimedia Summit was sent out. Mervat made a presentation during the Metrics and Activities meeting.
[edit]26 November
- The Working Group discussed the nature of the output terms of content, level of detail, the structure of the end product to present during the Wikimedia Summit in Berlin.
- The facilitated meeting was generally helpful, facilitation will be requested when necessary
- Cluster documents, matrices and work assignments for Working Group members were reviewed.
- All working Group members are volunteers, two coordinators were selected, and future events for the Working Group were discussed.
19 November
- Working Group discussed the On-boarding plan for new members by the Working Group members and Core Team
- Possible overlaps with the Resource Allocation Working Group and how the recommendations end product would look like.
12 November
- The meeting on November 12th was held as a brainstorming meeting over 2 hours, with groups being split into 3-4 people for breakout sessions. The results of that brainstorming session will be published at a later date.
- The group also decided to hold office hours every second week (alternate week from the normal meeting) for group members to catch up on the previous weeks' events and coordinate housekeeping and administrative matters. Participation in those calls is voluntary.
[edit]29 October
- 4 new members were contacted by Sandra and are expected to join the group within the next week or two
- The brainstorming meeting was postponed until November 12th in order for the new members to also be able to join - they will also have had their onboarding session with the core team at that point
- In preparation for the brainstorming meeting, the group will collect questions that they want to see discussed in that session
- The mediator of the brainstorming session will take those notes into account and also talk to the coordinator (Sandra) and Virginia
- Virginia will also be presenting the groups current setup and status to the attendees of the Volunteer Supporters Network meeting in Vienna on November 10th
- Notes from the GlamWiki conference in Tel Aviv will be shared at the next meeting (brainstorming or otherwise)
- Next meeting on November 12th
15 October
- There are no comments on or amendments to the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Sandra gives a brief report on the call which the Core Team organised with the interim diversity coordinators. The CT’s reason to organize the call was that there was increasing confusion and some frustration in the Working Groups about the diversification process, and the fact that ‘the real work’ had not started yet. The conclusion of the meeting was that the groups can begin the scoping phase as soon as names for additional group members have been passed on the CT. There is no need to wait until the new members have been onboarded.
- Finalizing diversity process - the group decides that there is no need to come up with additional names to fill expertise gaps. We may have a lack of expertise in certain areas, such as tech-solutions for community health and active community management, but we can bring in experts in these areas if/when we need them. From the list of names we already came up with to fill obvious diversity gaps, every member of the group will select 5 and indicate their choice in the spreadsheet. Votes have to be in by Sunday, October 21.
- Getting to work! - the group discusses how to get started with our real work: elaborating the strategic direction to the topic Community Health. We realise that there is still some unclarity concerning the exact time line and the ‘terms of reference’ for our end-product. Also we have not yet really had an open discussion on community health, nor a chance to get to know each other’s ideas, hopes and expectations. This would be a longer meeting (max 2 hours) and will take place on October 29th.
- Reading and resources list progress - everyone will keep adding relevant or really good resources/reading materials to the list.
- Kaarel and Philip provide feedback on the CEE Meeting as seen on The CEE etherpad
- Philip offers to facilitate the next regular meeting, planned for October 29.
1 October
- Working Group members shared a reading list and references, and the diversification plan by the Core Team.
[edit]17 September
- According to the core team, the working group should encourage more members to complete the expertise form, although this group already has a high completion rate. After the new members have joined the working group, the group should then focus on defining the scope of their work.
- The document detailing the expertise present and required should be seen as a “living document”, i.e. it will change over time depending on the expertise the new members bring and the results of the scoping process. This can also result in the working group requesting outside input for certain topics, for example researchers in a certain field.
- The WMF staff briefing needs should be filled out in the meantime to start gathering resources on the topics the group thinks will be important in the upcoming months.
- A document with a list of reading materials will be set up, including suggestions on the talk page of the working group on Meta.
- A meeting in person would be beneficial but financing and the timeframe are unclear so far, needs to be further discussed with the core team.
- The decision is made that the summaries of the working group’s calls should be published on Meta.
[edit]27 August
Gap analysis
- East Asia and SouthEast Asia candidate idea submissions look solid while differently abled and Sub Saharan Africa still look like a challenge.
- For differently abled, the Working Group will need more time to think through how to fill this gap, aside from one possible Malayali community member (wheelchair bound person) and one blind person, possible members on the autism spectrum would be highly desirable but challenging to identify suitable candidates.
- There was a LGBTQAI application, which will be explored further but would also desire a member from the trans community.
Decide on proposed candidates and actions
- Working Group going over the list to verify all the names prior to submitting to the core team, the list of names does not include names that were already rejected last time. The core team will do an outreach to the candidates together with the Working Group.
- The Working Group acknowledge that people might go through periods throughout the time of the working group’s existence where one has to step back temporarily to address real life needs.
- If the Working Group cannot reasonably propose names for members addressing gaps from within the movement, external candidates that demonstrate an understanding of the kind of platform and movement our communities rely on can also be identified.
Next Steps
The Working Group will Prepare for next meetings: frequency, communication channels, tasks, and expectations.
13 August
Diversification template, process, and gaps
The process of diversification has started, with an aim of having all the working groups fully represent the diversity of the movement or at least fill some gaps before starting to work together. The process of diversification has started, with an aim of having all the working groups fully represent the diversity of the movement or at least fill some gaps before starting to work together.
The Working Group was asked to work with the diversification template, and determine if the questions relate and apply to the Community Health working group. Some of the gaps identified included more representation from the following communities:
- African (specially Sub Saharan Africa) communities.
- South East Asia communities.
- East Asia beyond mainland China.
- Women of color or other people working on representation issues within the movement.
- Non-binary identities and LGBTQ+ community.
- Island people, broadly-construed
- People who are different abled in terms of capability, including:
- autistic spectrum disorder community.
- blind
- physically-challenged, e.g. wheelchair-bound
- Outside expertise. What can we learn from other open communities? How community health is identified and handled?
- Academics researching our focus topic.
- Individual contributors
There was a discussion about the role of external people within the group, the time commitment to work in the group and whether having external people within the group is the best for bringing in their expertise or there are other possible ways to reach more people. The current diversification (in terms of geography and affiliate or role) of the Community Health Working Group can be found on meta:
Another suggestion is to design a Working Group coordinator for diversification and then appoint two co-coordinators for the rest of the work.
- Sandra volunteered to be the interim coordinator
[Category:Community Health Working Group|Minutes]]