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The 2008-09 confirmation has begun.

The 2008-09 steward elections are a good opportunity to check if we are still happy with our current stewards. To make the process as smooth as possible, here is how things are organized.

To comment, please log in with an account that has edits (on any wiki) before February 1st 2009. During the 2009 elections, please mention if you are unhappy with one of the persons listed below and why. For example, you may mention inactivity or negative behaviour. Inactive stewards, as stated in the steward policies, will lose their steward access.

At the end of the elections, the current and newly elected stewards will consider complaints left on this page, and choose to remove stewardship as necessary taking into account both the comments left by community and their own perspective and understanding of the job. All stewards will go through this process after each election.

See also:


২০০৮-০৯ এর চুড়ান্ত কার্যক্রম ফেব্রুয়ারী ১ এ শুরু হবে। স্ট্যুয়ার্ড নির্বাচন ২০০৮-০৯ বর্তমান স্ট্যুয়ার্ডদের মূল্যায়নে একটি ভাল পদক্ষেপ। এ প্রক্রিয়াকে যথাসম্ভব সহজতর করতে কি করে কার্যক্রম সংগঠিত করা হয় এখানে তার একটি আলোকপাত করা হয়েছে। স্ট্যুয়ার্ড নির্বাচন ২০০৮-০৯, এর প্রক্কালে নিম্নলিখিত কোন কোন ব্যক্তি সম্পর্কে আপনার অভিজ্ঞতা সুখকর নয় এবং কেন তা উল্লেখ করুন। যেমন, আপনি তাদের নিস্ক্রিয়তা, নেতিবাচক ব্যবহার ইত্যাদি। স্ট্যুয়ার্ড নীতিমালা অনুসরণে নিস্ক্রিয় স্ট্যুয়ার্ডদের ক্ষমতা বিলোপ করা হবে। নির্বাচন শেষে বর্তমান এবং নবনিযুক্ত স্ট্যুয়ার্ডগণ অভিযোগসমূহ বিবেচনা করে স্ট্যুয়ার্ড-ক্ষমতা বিলোপকরত নিজস্ব দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি থেকে সমঝোতার লক্ষ্যে ব্যবস্থা গ্রহন করবে। সকল স্ট্যুয়ার্ডকেই প্রতিটি নির্বাচনের পর এ প্রক্রিয়ার মাধ্যমে অগ্রসর হতে হয়। আরও দেখুন:


تأكيد 2008-09 سيبدأ في 1 فبراير.

انتخابات المضيفين لعام 2008-09 هي فرصة طيبة لنرى إذا ما كنا مازلنا سعداء بمضيفينا الحاليين. لجعل العملية سلسة، هذه هي كيفية تنظيم الأمور.

خلال انتخابات 2009, من فضلك اذكر إذا ما كنت غير سعيد من أحد الأشخاص المذكورين بالأسفل ولماذا. على سبيل المثال، يمكنك أن تذكر عدم النشاط أو السلوك السلبي. المضيفون غير النشطين، كما هو مذكور في سياسات المضيفين، سيفقدون صلاحيات المضيفين.

في نهاية الانتخابات، المضيفون الحاليون والمعينون حديثا سيأخذون في الاعتبار الشكاوى المقدمة في هذه الصفحة, ويختارون إزالة الصلاحيات كما هو ضروري آخذين في الاعتبار التعليقات التي تركها المجتمع وفهمهم للوظيفة. كل المضيفين سيمرون بهذه العملية بعد كل انتخابات.

انظر أيضا:


Die Bestätigung 2008/09 hat am 1. Februar 2009 begonnen.

Die Wahlen 2008/09 sind eine gute Gelegenheit herauszufinden, ob wir nach wie vor mit den derzeitigen Stewards zufrieden sind. Um diesen Prozess so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten, sind die Dinge folgendermaßen organisiert:

Wenn du (als Wähler) während der Stewards/elections 2009 mit einer der unten gelisteten Personen unzufrieden sein solltest, so erwähne es bitte. Du kannst zum Beispiel anmerken, dass die Person ein inaktiver Steward ist. Oder du kannst das Verhalten des Betreffenden beanstanden.

Inaktiven Stewards, wie in diesem Grundsatz definiert, wird ihr Status entzogen.

Am Ende der Wahlen werden die jetzigen Stewards (die alten und die neuen) auf dieser Seite hinterlassene Beschwerden berücksichtigen und mit Hilfe der Kommentare der Gemeinschaft und ihrer eigenen Perspektive und Kenntnis über diese Aufgabe den Stewardstatus entfernen.

Alle Stewards müssen nach jeder Wahl diesen Prozess durchmachen.
Español :

La confirmación 2007 ha terminado.

Las elecciones del 2009 a stewards son una buena oportunidad para ver si aún estamos contentos con nuestros steward actuales. Para facilitar el proceso, así es como se organizarán las cosas:

Durante la elección 2009, menciona si estás descontento con alguna de las personas listadas debajo y porqué. Por ejemplo, puedes mencionar inactividad o comportamiento negativo. Los stewards inactivos, de acuerdo a las políticas de steward, perderán su acceso.

Al final de la elección, los stewards actuales, junto con los nuevos, considerarán las quejas en esta página y decidirán eliminar el estado steward según sea necesario, tomando en cuenta tanto los comentarios de la comunidad como la propia perspectiva y entendimiento del trabajo. Todos los stewards pasarán por este proceso después de cada elección.

Ver también:

Français :

La confirmation 2008-2009 des stewards débutera le 1er février.

Les élections 2008-2009 des stewards sont une bonne occasion de vérifier que nous sommes satisfaits des stewards actuels. Pour que le processus soit le plus fluide possible voici comment les choses sont organisées.

Pendant les élections 2009, veuillez dire si vous n'êtes pas satisfait d'une des personnes listées plus bas en précisant pourquoi. Par exemple vous pouvez mentionner l'inactivité ou un comportement négatif. Les stewards inactifs perdront leurs droits comme précisé dans les règles des steward.

À la fin de l'élection les stewards actuels et nouvellement élus prendront en considération les commentaires laissés sur cette page et choisiront si nécessaire de retirer les droits de steward en prenant en compte à la fois les commentaires laissés par la communauté et leurs propres vision et compréhension du rôle de steward. Tous les stewards iront jusqu'au bout de cette procédure après chaque élection.

Voir également :

Bahasa Indonesia:

Konfirmasi 2009 telah dimulai.

Pemilihan Steward 2009 adalah kesempatan yang baik untuk meyakinkan apakah komunitas masih mendukung para Steward yang bertugas saat ini. Untuk memastikan kelancaran prosesnya, berikut adalah bagaimana berbagai hal diatur.

Selama pemilihan 2009, harap sebutkan jika Anda merasa salah satu pengguna yang terdaftar di bawah ini sudah tidak tepat lagi sebagai Steward dan alasannya. Sebagai contoh, Anda dapat menyebutkan alasan ketidakaktifan atau perilaku yang negatif. Para steward non-aktif, sebagaimana kebijakan mengenai steward, akan kehilangan akses teknis stewardnya.

Pada akhir pemilihan, para Steward saat ini dan yang terpilih harus mempertimbangkan keluhan-keluhan yang dituliskan di halaman ini, dan dapat memilih untuk menanggalkan status stewardnya atas komentar-komentar dari komunitas serta perspektif dan pengertian mereka sendiri akan tugas mereka sebagai steward. Seluruh steward akan melalui proses ini setelah suatu pemilihan berkahir.

Lihat juga:


La votazione di riconferma 2008-09 avrà inizio il 1° febbraio.

Le elezioni 2008-09 per i nuovi steward rappresentano una buona opportunità per verificare il livello di soddisfazione esistente nei confronti degli attuali steward. Al fine di mantenere agevole il procedimento, sono riportate le modalità di svolgimento.

Durante le elezioni del 2009, è possibile indicare gli eventuali motivi di scontento nei confronti di una delle persone indicate di seguito. Per esempio, potresti riferirti all'inattività o a comportamenti negativi. Gli steward inattivi, come stabilito nelle policy di riferimento, perderanno il proprio status.

Al termine delle elezioni, gli steward attuali ed i nuovi eletti esamineranno le segnalazioni contenute su questa pagina e sceglieranno se rimuovere i diritti di steward, sia tenendo conto dei commenti lasciati dalla comunità, sia delle prospettive e dell'interpretazione del proprio compito di ciascuno. Tutti gli steward ripeteranno questo iter di riconferma al termine di ciascuna elezione.

Vedi anche:




2009年選任投票受付期間に、もし下記にリストアップされた現在のスチュワードに対する不満がおありでしたら、その旨明記し、不満の理由をお書きください。たとえば活発でないとか、問題行動があるといったことなどです。活発でないスチュワードは steward policies に明記されているように、スチュワード権限を失います。




2008-09년도 사무장 검증이 시작되었습니다.

2008-09년도 사무장 검증 투표는 우리가 현재 사무장이 적임인지 확인할 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것입니다. 이 과정을 가능한 한 순탄하게 치르기 위해, 다음에 사무장 검증이 어떻게 진행될 것인지에 대한 설명이 있습니다.

2009년 사무장 선거 중에, 다음 목록에 있는 사무장이 부적절하다고 생각한다면, 의견을 남겨 주시고, 이유를 같이 써 주세요, 당신은 활동하지 않는 사무장이나 부적절한 행동을 하는 사무장이라는 언급을 할 수 있습니다. 활동하지 않는 사무장은 사무장 정책에 따라 사무장 권한이 해제될 것입니다.

선거 후반에, 현 사무장과 사무장 당선자는 이 문서에 있는 의견을 검토하고, 공동체의 의견과 그들의 관점, 업무에 대한 이해도를 검토하여 부적절한 사무장의 권한을 해제할 것입니다. 모든 사무장은 매년 선거 후 이 과정을 거치게 될 것입니다.

함께 보기:


De herbevestiging van 2008-2009 zal starten op 1 februari.

De stewardverkiezingen van 2008-2009 zijn een goed moment om ons vertrouwen in de huidige stewards te herbevestigen. Om dat zo soepel mogelijk te laten verlopen, vind je hieronder hoe deze herbevesting is georganiseerd.

Gedurende de verkiezingen van 2009, kun je aangeven als je ongelukkig bent met een van de hieronder genoemde stewards. Geef daarbij ook aan waarom dat zo is. Je kan bijvoorbeeld inactiviteit of slecht gedrag aanhalen. Volgens het stewardbeleid zullen inactieve stewards uit hun functie worden ontheven.

Aan het eind van de verkiezingen zullen de huidige en nieuw verkozen stewards de genoemde punten overwegen en indien nodig het stewardschap te verwijderen rekening houdend met zowel de opmerkingen achtergelaten door de gemeenschap als hun eigen zicht en kennis op de zaak. Alle stewards zullen na elke verkiezing op deze manier herbevestigd worden.

Zie ook:

Português :

A confirmação 2008-09 começará em 1.º de Fevereiro

As eleições para steward de 2008-09 são uma boa oportunidade para checar se nós estamos realmente satisfeitos com os nossos atuais stewards. Para tornar o processo o mais correto possível, aqui é que as coisas estão organizadas.

Durante as eleições de 2009, por favor indique se você está insatisfeito com algumas das pessoas abaixo listadas e porquê. Por exemplo, você pode mencionar inatividade ou comportamento negativo. Stewards inativos, como dito nas políticas dos stewards, perderão seus acessos de Steward.

No final das eleições, os atuais e recém-eleitos stewards analisarão as denúncias/menções colocadas nessa página, e escolherão a opção de remover o status de steward, se necessário, tendo em conta tanto os comentários deixados pela comunidade e sua própria perspectiva e entendimento do trabalho. Todos os stewards passarão por este processo depois de cada eleição.

Veja também:


Конфирмация 2008-09 начнётся 1 февраля.

Конфирмация 2008-09 - неплохая возможность убедиться, что мы по-прежнему довольны нашими стюардами. Чтобы процесс прошёл как можно более гладко, ознакомьтесь с тем, как он устроен.

В течение выборов стюардов'2009 упомяните здесь, если вы недовольны кем-то из нынешних стюардов, почему вы им недовольны. Например, можно упомянуть бездействие или неприятное поведение. Неактивные стюарды, согласно правилам, теряют свой статус.

По окончанию выборов, нынешние и вновь избранные стюарды рассмотрят жалобы, оставленные на этой странице, и смимут статусы в случае необходимости, принимая во внимание комментарии, оставленные сообществом, их собственную точку зрения и понимание сути работы стюарда. Все стюарды будут проходить сквозь этот процесс после каждых выборов.

См. также:


การรับรองปี 2008-09 จะเริ่มในวันที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์

การลงคะแนนเลือก Steward ปี 2008-09 เป็นโอกาสที่ดีในการตรวจสอบว่าเรายังคงพึงพอใจใน Steward คนปัจจุบันของเราหรือไม่ เพื่อทำให้กระบวนการนี้นุ่มนวลที่สุด นี่คือวิธีการจัดการ

ระหว่างการลงคะแนนปี 2009 โปรดแสดงความคิดเห็นหากคุณไม่พึงพอใจบุคคลใด ๆ ในรายชื่อด้านล่างพร้อมเหตุผล ตัวอย่างเช่น คุณอาจบอกกล่าวถึงการไม่มีส่วนร่วมหรือพฤติกรรมด้านลบ Steward ที่ไม่มีส่วนร่วมเป็นระยะเวลาหนึ่ง ดังที่กล่าวไว้ในนโยบายเกี่ยวกับ Steward จะถูกถอดถอนจากการเป็น Steward

เมื่อสิ้นสุดการลงคะแนน ผู้ได้รับการคัดเลือกทั้งคนปัจจุบันและคนใหม่จะพิจารณาข้อความที่แสดงความไม่พึงพอใจในหน้านี้และอาจพิจารณาถอดถอนสิทธิ์การเป็น Steward โดยดูจากความคิดเห็นของชุมชนและข้อแก้ต่างของตัวผู้ที่ถูกกล่าวถึง Steward ทุกคนจะต้องผ่านกระบวนการนี้หลังจากการลงคะแนน


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: statement here
  • Языки: en
  • Личная информация: (здесь должно быть заявление)

Comments about .anaconda

The following discussion is closed: Resigned.

Hello, I was thinking on resigning in the last days due to inactivity - this is the reason I ignored this page; just done. Thanks for expressing your opinion. --.anaconda 23:18, 1 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: nl, de-3, en-4, fr-2, most other Germanic/Romanic languages-1
  • Personal info: statement here
  • Языки: nl, de-3, en-4, fr-2, most other Germanic/Romanic languages-1
  • Личная информация: (здесь должно быть заявление)

Comments about Andre Engels

The following discussion is closed: Confirmed. Nihil Obstat Effeietsanders 01:50, 22 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: I've been a steward since 2004 and I hope to continue being useful in this area. I also chair the Wikimedia:Advisory Board and help with Wikimania (jury and program). I'm an admin on meta, the English Wikipedia, and the advisory and foundation wikis. I haven't been as active as I'd planned to be this time last year due to spending all my spare time on planning my wedding! Since that happened (in November), I have been more active within Wikimedia generally and plan to continue this. The steward areas I focus on are changing rights and deleting cross-wiki spam (example). I'm happy to do other steward tasks as well like SUL requests and global blocks but at least in the past couple of months, there have been no requests that weren't already handled immediately by a few super-active stewards! I'm in #wikimedia-stewards if I'm on IRC and can easily be reached by email in emergencies as I'm online 16 hours a day.
  • Langues: en
  • Renseignements personnels: Je suis steward depuis 2004, et j'espère pouvoir continuer à être utile dans cette tache. Je suis aussi membre du Wikimedia:Advisory Board et apporte mon aide à Wikimania (jury et programme). Je suis admin sur meta, wikipédia en anglais, et sur les wikis de Foundation et de Wikimedia. Je n'ai pas été aussi active que ce que j'avais prévu l'an passé à la même période car j'ai passé tout mon temps libre à organiser mon mariage! Maintenant que cela est fait (en Novembre), je suis plus présente au sein de wikimédia et je prévois de continuer ainsi. Les taches de steward auxquelles je me consacre sont la modification des droits et la suppression du spam inter-wiki (exemple). Je suis aussi satisfaite de pouvoir faire d'autres taches de stewards telles que les requêtes SUL et les blocages globaux mais sur les derniers mois, il n'y a eu aucune demande qui ne fut immédiatement traitée par quelques stewards super-actifs. Je suis sur #wikimedia-stewards lorsque je suis sur IRC, et je suis facilement joignable via mon email pour les urgences car je suis "online" 16 h par jour.
  • Línguas: en
  • Informações pessoais: Eu tenho sido uma steward desde 2004 e eu espero poder continuar sendo útil nesta área. Eu também sou menbro do Wikimedia:Advisory Board e ajudo com o Wikimania (julgamento e programa). Sou administradora no meta, na Wikipédia em inglês, e nas wikis do Advisory Board e da wikimedia foundation. Eu não tenho sido activa por que passei uma boa parte do último ano planeando meu casamento! Desde o casamento (em Novembro), eu voltei a ser bem mais activa nos projectos Wikimedia e pretendo continuar assim. As minhas principais áreas de actuação como steward são as mudanças de estatutos e a deleção de spam cross-wiki (um exemplo).Eu fico feliz em fazer outras tarefas de steward como os pedidos de SUL e de bloqueios globais, mas nos últimos meses, todos os pedidos deste género foram atendidos quase imediatamente por alguns stewards super-activos! Eu estou no #wikimedia-stewards se estiver no IRC e também posso ser facilmente contactada por e-mail em emergências, já que estou on-line 16 horas por dia.
  • Языки: en
  • Личная информация: Я являюсь стюардом с 2004 года и надеюсь продолжить приносить пользу в этом качестве. Я вхожу в Wikimedia:Advisory Board и помогаю в Викимании (жюри и программа). Я админ на Мете, в английской Википедии, а также в вики для консультаций и в вики Фонда. Я не была так активна, как планировала, в последний год, так как всё свободное время ушло на планирование свадьбы! После того, как она состоялась (в ноябре), я стала более активна в Викимедии в целом, и собираюсь продолжать в том же духе. Задачи стюардов, на которых я концентрируюсь, это пользовательские права и борьба с кросс-вики спамом (пример). Я рада выполнять прочую стюардскую работу, такую, как запросы о SUL и глобальные блокировки, но в последние несколько месяцев не было запросов, которые не выполнялись бы мгновенно новыми, сверхактивными стюардами! Я доступна на IRC-канале #wikimedia-stewards и со мной легко можно связаться через email, так как я онлайн 16 часов в день.

Comments about Angela

The following discussion is closed: Confirmed, no objections. —Pathoschild 01:56:03, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: fr, en
  • Personal info: I have been a steward since the first election. I am also admin on fr.wiki, en.wiki, and commons as well as bureaucrat on fr.wiki. I am a founding member of Wikimedia France and a past trustee (and chair !) of Wikimedia Foundation. I currently mostly edit on fr.wiki, as well as a bit sometimes commons and fr.books (though often unloggued). And I do quite a lot at the chapter level. To be fair, my activity as steward in the past year has been low (hmmm, very low). First because as trustee, it was simply not a good idea to use these tools. And then I took a psychological break. But I'll be happy to help more in the coming year. I am usually available on irc as well for urgent needs. Cheers
  • Langues: fr, en
  • Renseignements personnels: Je suis steward depuis la première élection. Je suis aussi admin sur fr.wiki, en.wiki, et commons ainsi que bureaucrate sur fr.wiki. Je suis un des membres fondateurs de wikimedia France et une ancienne membre (et présidente!) du conseil de Wikimedia Foundation. Actuellement, je contribue principalement sur fr.wiki, et aussi au coup par coup sur commons et fr.books (bien qu'en général sans m'enregistrer). Et je consacre beaucoup de temps à l'association. En toute sincérité, mes activités, en tant que steward l'an passé, ont été faibles (hmm, très faibles). Premièrement, en tant que membre du conseil, ce n'était pas une bonne idée d'utiliser ces outils, et ensuite j'ai pris une période de repos mental. Mais je serais heureuse de pouvoir aider plus dans l'année qui vient. Je suis habituellement disponible sur irc dans le cas de besoins urgents. Merci.
  • Línguas: fr, en
  • Informações pessoais: Estou sendo steward desde a primeira eleição. Também sou administradora na fr.wiki, en.wiki e commons bem como sou burocrata na fr.wiki. Sou membro-fundadora da Wikimedia France e no passado recente foi membro do Conselho (e presidente!) da Wikimedia Foundation. Atualmente tenho editado mais na fr.wiki, assim como algumas pequenas colaborações no commons e no fr.books (algumas vezes deslogada). E tenho realizado um trabalho ao nível dos capítulos. Para ser sincera, minha atividade como steward no último ano foi devagar (hmmm, bem devagar). Primeiro por conta do conselho e não era simplesmente uma boa idéia usar as ferramentas. E então tirei umas férias psicológicas. Mas ficarei feliz em ajudar mais neste ano. Estou normalmente disponível no irc para as necessidades mais urgentes. Felicidades
  • Языки: fr, en
  • Личная информация: Я стал стюардом ещё на первых выборах. Кроме этого, я админ в fr.wiki, en.wiki, и commons, а также бюрократ в fr.wiki. Я один из основателей Wikimedia France и последний из доверенных (и председатель!) Фонда Викимедиа. В основном я редактирую fr.wiki, немного и иногда - commons и fr.books (хотя часто - не залогинившись). Я делаю довольно много на организационном уровне. Если быть честным, моя активность как стюарда в последний год была низка (эммм... очень низка), в первую очередь потому, что мне как доверенному просто было бы не очень хорошо использовать эти инструменты, а затем, я брал перерыв для психологической разгрузки. Но я был бы рад помочь больше в наступившем году. Я всегда доступен в irc для выполнения срочных запросов. Ваше здоровье!

Comments about Anthere

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en, fr-3, es-2
  • Personal info: I was elected steward in 2006, and while I'm not as active as some other stewards in general duties, due to my role as Volunteer Coordinator for the Foundation, I still feel I have something to offer as a steward and believe I can still be trusted with the steward buttons. Thanks.
  • Idiomas: en, fr-3, es-2
  • Información personal: Fui elegido steward en 2006, y aunque no soy tan activo como otros stewards en las actividades generales, debido a mi papel como Coordinador Voluntario en la Fundación, aún siento que tengo algo para ofrecer como steward y creo que todavía soy confiable con las herramientas de steward. Gracias.
  • Langues: en, fr-3, es-2
  • Renseignements personnels: J'ai été élu steward en 2006, et bien que je ne sois pas aussi actif dans les tâches générales que certains autres stewards, en raison de mon rôle de Volunteer Coordinator auprès de la Fondation, j'ai l'impression d'avoir toujours quelque chose à offrir en tant que steward et je pense qu'on peut encore me faire confiance dans l'utilisation des outils de steward. Merci.
  • 言語: en, fr-3, es-2
  • 候補者の情報: 私は2006年にスチュワードに選出され、通常の任務においては他のスチュワードほど活発ではありませんが、財団のボランティア・コーディネーターとしての役割があるので、スチュワードとして何か提供するものがあると思っておりますし、まだスチュワードのボタンを押す信任を得られると信じています。ありがとうございます。
  • Línguas: en, fr-3, es-2
  • Informações pessoais: Fui eleito steward em 2006, e embora eu não seja tão ativo como outros stewards em geral, por conta do meu papel como Volunteer Coordinator para a Fundação, tenho a sensação de ter algo mais a oferecer como steward e penso que ainda podem me dar confiança na utilização das ferramentas de steward. Obrigado.
  • Языки: en, fr-3, es-2
  • Личная информация: Я был избран стюардом в 2006 году, и хотя я не так активен, как некоторые другие стюарды, в выполнении основных обязанностей, что связано с моей ролью координатора волонтеров Фонда Викимедиа, мне кажется, что как стюард я из себя что-то да представляю, так что я надеюсь, что мне и впредь доверят доступ к управляющим кнопкам. Спасибо.

Comments about Bastique

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en, de-2, fr-1
  • Personal info: I have been a steward since Dec 2006. I started grad school this year, which has reduced my activity a good bit. I am still about and I regularly follow the mailing list, and keep an eye out for new requests on wiki (though they are almost always done before I see them, some of the other stewards are doing too good of a job :) ). I expect to be much more active in the next few months and I will always be available for emergencies.
  • Línguas: en, de-2, fr-1
  • Informações pessoais: Eu venho sendo steward desde Dezembro de 2006. Eu iniciei meu mestrado este ano, portanto minha actividade diminuiu bastante. Ainda verifico a mailing list, e sempre dou uma olhada nos novos pedidos (apesar que alguém sempre os atende antes que os veja, temos óptimos stewards fazendo um trabalho muito bom :) ). Eu espero estar bem mais activo nos próximos meses e sempre estou disponível em casos de emergências.
  • Языки: en, de-2, fr-1
  • Личная информация: Я был стюардом с декабря 2006 года. В этом году я поступил в аспирантуру, что сильно снизило мою активность. Но я продолжаю работать, регулярно читаю рассылку и слежу за новыми запросами (хотя, когда я их вижу, они уже почти всегда выполнены, некоторые стюарды очень хорошо работают :) ). Полагаю, я буду более активен в течение следующих нескольких месяцев и всегда буду доступен в случае острой необходимости.

Comments about Cspurrier

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en, es-2
  • Personal info: I was nominated and elected as one of the original stewards back in 2004. From mid 2004 to mid 2006 I was Wikimedia Chief Financial Officer and helped with the 2007-2008 drive. Because of that, many of my steward actions were related to fundraising drives. After the 2007-2008 drive I took a long - and much needed - wikibreak from Wikimedia activities. Since coming back in November 2008, I have helped comment on requests and set user rights on a sporadic basis due to the inconvenience of editing under one global account and performing steward actions under another. That is now fixed. If confirmed, I promise to maintain a higher level of steward activity.
  • Línguas: en, es-2
  • Informações pessoais: Fui nomeado e eleito como um dos stewards originais lá em 2004. Do fim de 2004 ao fim de 2006 fui chefe do escritório financeiro da Wikimedia Foundation e ajudei a unidade entre 2007 e 2008. Por causa disso, muitas das ações como steward depois de 2007 estão relacionadas com a Fundação mas muitas delas também eram ações padrões de steward. Depois disso tirei uma longa - e muito necessária - wikiférias das atividades da Wikimedia. Desde então, tenho ajudado comentando nas requisições e na definição de direitos de usuários esperadicamente por conta da incoveniência de editar usando o nome mav e nas ações de steward sob meu nome real Daniel Mayer. Muito recentemente alterei meu nome de usuário da minha conta de steward para o mesmo da minha conta de edições para tornar as transições entre wikis mais fácil. Se confirmado, prometo manter um alto nível de atividades.
  • Языки: en, es-2
  • Личная информация: Я был номинирован и избран как один из первых стюардов в 2004 году. С середины 2004 по середину 2006 я занимал должность Wikimedia Chief Financial Officer и помогал с движняком 2007-2008 годов. Из-за этого большая часть моих действий как стюарда до конца 2007 года была связана со сбором пожертвований, но были и прочие действия. После этого я взял долгий - и очень нужный - викиотпуск. С тех пор я нерегулярно помогал комментировать запросы и устанавливать пользовательские права; нерегулярность была связана с неудобством из-за необходимости редактировать из-под учётной записи mav, а совершать стюардские действия под моим реальным именем Daniel Mayer. Я совсем недавно сменил имя моего стюардского аккаунта, объединив имя с моим аккаунтом для редактирования, чтобы облегчить переходы между вики. Если я пройду конфирмацию, я обещаю проявлять более высокую стюардскую активность.

Comments about Daniel Mayer (mav)

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: fr, en-3
  • Personal info: Darkoneko, 27 years old, bureaucrat @ frwiki. I sometimes make a mistake or two during my stewards activities, but I think I'm doing a correct job overall.
  • Sprachen: fr, en-3
  • Informationen zur Person: Darkoneko, 27, Bürokrat auf fr.wikipedia. Als Steward leiste ich mir zwar manchmal die eine oder andere Dummheit, aber alles in allem denke ich, dass ich keine schlechte Arbeit leiste.
  • Idiomas: fr, en-3
  • Información personal: Darkoneko, 27 años, burócrata en Frwiki. Como steward, a veces hago una tontería o dos, pero globalmente, pienso no hacer demasiado mal mi trabajo.
  • Langues: fr, en-3
  • Renseignements personnels: Darkoneko, 27 ans, bureaucrate sur frwiki. En tant que steward, il m'arrive parfois de faire une bétise ou deux, mais globalement je pense ne pas trop mal faire mon boulot.
  • 言語: fr, en-3
  • 候補者の情報: Darkoneko と申します。27歳で、フランス語版ウィキペディアのビューロクラットです。スチュワードとして活動しているときにミスをすることが時々ありますが、全般的には問題なく仕事をしていると思います。
  • 언어 능력: fr, en-3
  • 신상 정보: Darkoneko는 27세의 프랑스어 위키백과의 뷰로크랫입니다. 사무장 업무를 수행하면서 가끔 실수를 하지는 하지만, 전체적으로는 업무를 잘 수행하고 있습니다.
  • Línguas: fr, en-3
  • Informações pessoais: Darkoneko, 27 anos de idade, burocrata da frwiki. As vezes posso cometer um erro ou dois durante minhas atividades como steward, mas penso que estou a fazer um bom trabalho no geral.
  • Языки: fr, en-3
  • Личная информация: Darkoneko, 27 лет от роду, бюрократ@frwiki. Иногда, раз или два за время выполнения работы стюарда, я делаю ошибки, но в целом, думаю, что выполняю работу корректно.

Comments about Darkoneko

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: tr, en-3, de-2, az-2, tk-1, uz-1
  • Personal info: statement here
  • Языки: tr, en-3, de-2, az-2, tk-1, uz-1
  • Личная информация: (здесь должно быть заявление)

Comments about Dbl2010

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logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement


Comments about DerHexer

The following discussion is closed: Confirmed. Nihil Obstat Effeietsanders 02:03, 22 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: es, en-5
  • Personal info: Stats: I'm sysop at 6 or 7 wikis, checkuser on 3, been wikimedian for 5 years. As inter-wiki people know, my work these days as stewards is dealing with vandalbots and the alike. So here I'm on my 2nd confirmation to get feedback on my work as steward. Thank you for your input.
  • Idiomas: es, en-5
  • Información personal: Me conocen, soy biblio en 6 o 7 wikis (perdí la cuenta), checkuser en 3 y wikimedista desde hace 5 años. Los que trabajan en varias wikis saben que mi labor reciente ha sido lidiar con bots vandálicos. Esta es mi segunda confirmación y aprecio cualquier comentario o sugerencia sobre mi labor como steward.
  • 言語: es, en-5
  • 候補者の情報: ステータス: 私は6、7のウィキで管理者を、3つのウィキでチェックユーザー係をしており、ウィキメディア歴は5年です。複数ウィキ間で作業している方々はご存知のように、ここ最近の私のスチュワードとしての仕事は、荒らしボットやその類への対処です。そのため、スチュワードとしての私の作業についてのフィードバックを得るため、2回目の信任の機会に出ております。ありがとうございました。
  • Línguas: es, en-5
  • Informações pessoais: Sou administrador em 6 ou 7 wikis, checkuser em 3, e sou um wikimediano há 5 anos. Aqueles que trabalham em várias wikis sabem do meu trabalho recente como steward em combater os bots usados para vandalismos. Esta é minha segunda confirmação e ficaria grato se houvessem comentários ou sugestões sobre meu trabalho como steward. Obrigado.
  • Языки: es, en-5
  • Личная информация: Статистика: я администратор в 6 или 7 вики, чекюзер в трёх, участвую в проектах Викимедиа 5 лет. Метапедисты знают, что моя работа в эти дни была направлена на борьбу с ботовандалами и тому подобным. Это моя вторая конфирмация, я здесь, чтобы получить отзывы о своей работе в качестве стюарда. Спасибо вам за ваши отклики.

Comments about Drini

And sir, oh please explain me the high moral ground on canvassing? [7] [8] [9] es:Drini 21:44, 18 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Ad hominem attacks only serve to highlight your lack of suitability for the position. These users have a unique knowledge of your actions. Would you expect me to open a Request for comment on your actions and link to it here? Exactly what would you say was the ideal way to let people know about abusive behavior and the forum to comment on it? Perhaps leave a messgage on every user´s page on all the projects? Notifying three people of this election without suggesting what they say is hardly canvassing. I believe my friendly notification falls under [[10]]. It was sent to three people(limited number) and neutrally worded. Please explain how this is a violation of WP:CANVASS or is this another mendacious twisting of something that you cannot not know is not canvassing. If you do not understand the policy on canvassing to correctly identify it, then I realy question on more grounds you ability to serve as a steward.Die4Dixie 22:28, 18 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
None of this has anything to do with stewardship. Drini is probably one of the best stewards we've ever had. You're essentially saying you're opposing him continuing his good work because he blocked you. Canvassing to people to get them to attempt to come and sabotage this discussion in your favour hasn't helped you one bit either. Please consider your future actions more carefully. Thanks, Majorly talk 22:49, 18 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
(edit conflict)I'm not familiar with meta-wiki or non-English projects but I seriously doubt Die4Dixie's incident is going to overturn anybody's candidacy for anything - the other comments are universally in support. Thus, I suggest all parties keep some decorum here and not get into wiki-arguing. I think the handling of Die4Dixie's block on English Wikipedia was unfortunate (a block for reasons poorly stated and seemingly mistaken, possibly not as a neutral party, followed by being unavailable for a day). Also, even though as Majorly points out Stewardship is very different than adminship, because of the increased authority it should be even more important that one keep a calm head, not play favorites, not get into grudges or matches with individual editors, etc. It is normal that the target of a block will be upset and make accusations, reasonable ones and otherwise, and perhaps even speak out of turn. Turning the other cheek and dealing with that in a firm but dignified way so that the blocked party can, hopefully, cool down and rejoin the editing process is also part of the job of administering blocks. The strong protest against alleged canvassing seems defensive, and piling on. Having said all that, and with all due respect to D4D and his (in my opinion) reasonable upset, I don't see this as anything to disqualify a candidate. No lasting harm done on either side, so please let it go. Wikidemon 23:06, 18 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Btw sometimes Drini you yourself are soft with canvassing, so we're all to blame anyway--Vituzzu 20:23, 20 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: sr, en-4, de-1, hr-4, bs-4, mk-1
  • Personal info: Well, I've been a steward for a year now. A quite active one, at that. Not much has changed since I was elected. My statement from roughly a year ago pretty much sums it all. Moreover, I enjoyed serving the community as a steward and hope to be able to keep contributing in the following period.
  • 言語: sr, en-4, de-1, hr-4, bs-4, mk-1
  • 候補者の情報: ええ、私は1年間スチュワードをしています。それも、とても活発なスチュワードでした。私が選出されてから、ほとんど何も変わっていません。1年ほど前の
  • Línguas: sr, en-4, de-1, hr-4, bs-4, mk-1
  • Informações pessoais: Bem, eu sou steward há um ano agora. Um dos mais activos, alias. Não mudou muita coisa desde que fui eleito. Meus comentários feitos à época da nomeação ano passado continuam dizendo o que acho. Além disso, gostei de servir a comunidade como um steward e espero poder continuar a contribuir no próximo ano.
  • Языки: sr, en-4, de-1, hr-4, bs-4, mk-1
  • Личная информация: Что же, я являюсь стюардом уже год. Весьма активным, кстати. С тех пор, как я был избран, изменилось немногое. Моё прошлогоднее заявление показывает всё необходимое. Кроме того, что сказано там, я хочу сказать, что рад обслуживать сообщество в качестве стюарда и надеюсь на возможность продолжать вносить свой вклад в будущем.
српски / srpski:
  • Језици: sr, en-4, de-1, hr-4, bs-4, mk-1
  • Лични подаци: Ето, стјуард сам већ годину дана. Заправо, прилично активан стјуард. Није се много тога променило откад сам изабран. Моја изјава од пре отприлике годину дана даје прилично јасну слику. Такође, уживао сам у опслуживању заједнице као стјуард и надам се да ћу моћи да доприносим и у наредном периоду.

Comments about Dungodung

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: nl, en-2, de-1, fr-1, la-1
  • Personal info: In the past year I've been more and more busy with other Wikimedia related activities behind the screens (Wikimania, Wikimedia Netherlands, Wikimedia Conference Netherlands), and therefore my activity dropped unfortunately in the past year as a steward. A part of the reasonification behind this is however too that the work is quite perfectly being done by an existing group of stewards, so that when I take a look at the todo's, there doesn't seem to be much left for me to do. Therefore, I would not have huge problems with it if my inactivity would turn out to be a problem for reconfirmation. On the other side, I hope to be able to stay available for emergencies etc, still being able to help out when needed.
  • Taalvaardigheid: nl, en-2, de-1, fr-1, la-1
  • Persoonlijke informatie: Het afgelopen jaar ben ik meer en meer druk geweest met andere Wikimedia-gerelateerde activiteiten achter de schermen (Wikimania, Wikimedia Nederland, Wikimedia Conferentie Nederland), en helaas is daardoor mijn activiteit als steward gedaald. Dit heeft er echter ook gedeeltelijk mee te maken dat het werk eigenlijk perfect wordt uitgevoerd door een andere groep stewards, en dat wanneer ik kijk, er eigenlijk niet veel te doen lijkt te zijn. Ik zou er dan ook geen problemen mee hebben als inactiviteit onoverkomelijk blijkt te zijn. Anderzijds hoop ik me wel beschikbaar te houden voor noodgevallen enz, zodat ik toch nog een bijdrage kan leveren.
  • Línguas: nl, en-2, de-1, fr-1, la-1
  • Informações pessoais: No último ano eu estive cada vez mais ocupado com outras actividades relacionadas à Wikimedia, mas "fora dos holofotes", (Wikimania, Wikimedia Netherlands, Wikimedia Conference Netherlands), pelo que a minha actividade como steward infelizmente diminuiu. Um parte das razões para isso é que o grupo dos stewards que temos lidam muito bem com o trabalho a ser feito, então quando eu dou uma olhada nos pedidos, já não há muito que eu possa fazer. Portanto eu não teria problemas quanto a isso se minha inactividade se tornasse um problema muito grande. Por outro lado, eu gostaria de ficar à disposição para situações de emergência etc, ainda a ser capaz de ajudar quando necessário.
  • Языки: nl, en-2, de-1, fr-1, la-1
  • Личная информация: В прошлом году я был всё больше занят другими задачами, связанными с Викимедиа (Викимания, Wikimedia Netherlands, Викиконференция Нидерландов), и, к сожалению, вся эта активность происходила за счёт стюардской работы. Частичным оправданием мне, впрочем, является то, что работы быстро и качественно осуществлялась существующей группой стюардов, так что когда я смотрел список задач, там всё время казалось, что мне и нечего делать. Следовательно, я не вижу большой проблемы из-за моей малой активности при конфирмации. С другой стороны, я надеюсь оставаться доступен на случай всяких неожиданностей, с возможностью помогать тогда, когда это надо.

Comments about Effeietsanders

The following discussion is closed: Confirmed, no objections. —Pathoschild 02:04:54, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: fr, en-3, de-0.5
  • Personal info: I try to help and make myself useful as a steward when I'm around; I'd be happy to continue to serve the Wikimedia community. More info about me on my userpage.
  • Langues: fr, en-3, de-0.5
  • Renseignements personnels: Je fais de mon mieux pour aider et me rendre utile en tant que steward quand j'ai un peu de temps ; je serais heureux de continuer à servir la communauté Wikimedia. Plus d'informations sur mes activités sont disponibles sur ma page utilisateur sur meta (en anglais) ou sur Wikipédia (en français).
  • 言語: fr, en-3, de-0.5
  • 候補者の情報: 私がいるときは、手助けをし、役立つスチュワードであろうと思います。ウィキメディアのコミュニティに引き続きご奉仕できることをうれしく思います。私についての詳細な情報はユーザーページにあります。
  • Languages (translate this): fr, en-3, de-0.5
  • Personal information (translate this): Kā stjuards es mēģināšu palīdzēt un būt noderīgs; es būšu priecīgs turpināt kalpot Vikipēdijas kopienai. Vairāk informācija par mani manā lapā.
  • Línguas: fr, en-3, de-0.5
  • Informações pessoais: Eu tento ajudar e fazer-me útil como um steward quando eu estou ao redor, eu ficaria feliz em continuar a servir a comunidade da Wikimedia. Mais informações sobre mim na minha página de usuário.
  • Языки: fr, en-3, de-0.5
  • Личная информация: Я стараюсь помочь и быть полезным как стюард везде, где я оказываюсь рядом; я буду счастлив служить сообществу Викимедиа. Больше обо мне можно узнать на моей странице.

Comments about guillom

The following discussion is closed: Confirmed. Nihil Obstat Effeietsanders 02:03, 22 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en, de-2
  • Personal info: statement here
  • Языки: en, de-2
  • Личная информация: (здесь должно быть заявление)

Comments about Jimbo Wales

The following discussion is closed: By Jimbo's request, the Board requested the creation of a founder group for Jimbo. He has been switched to that group accordingly.

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: no, nb, nn-3, en-3, da-2, sv-2, de-1, es-1, eo-1, eur-1
  • Personal info: I’ve been a steward since the beginning of 2006. I have not been as active as I would like the past year, due to a combination of other (newer) stewards being very efficient, and being busy with other obligations (both on and off wiki). I would, however, like to continue, and hopefully become more active than I have been lately.
  • 言語: no, nb, nn-3, en-3, da-2, sv-2, de-1, es-1, eo-1, eur-1
  • 候補者の情報: 2006年の初めからスチュワードをしています。他の(新しい)スチュワードの連携がとても能率的であり、また他の(ウィキ内外での)仕事が大変忙しかったので、私は去年ほど活発ではありませんでした。しかし、私はこの仕事を続けたく思っており、できれば最近の私よりもっと活発でいます。
  • 언어 능력: no, nb, nn-3, en-3, da-2, sv-2, de-1, es-1, eo-1, eur-1
  • 신상 정보: 저는 2006년부터 위키미디어 사무장으로 일해 왔습니다. 새 사무장이 아주 일을 잘 해 주었고, 다른 이유로 인해 바빠서 작년만큼 활동적이지는 못했습니다. 하지만, 저는 예전보다 더 활동적일 수 있기를 바랍니다.
norsk bokmål:
  • Språk: no, nb, nn-3, en-3, da-2, sv-2, de-1, es-1, eo-1, eur-1
  • Personal information (translate this): Jeg har vært forvalter siden begynnelsen av 2006. Jeg har ikke vært så aktiv som jeg har ønska i det siste, som følge av en kombinasjon av at andre (nyere) forvaltere har vært veldig effektive, og at jeg har vært opptatt med andre ting (både på wiki og andre steder). Jeg har imidlertid lyst til å fortsette, og vil prøve å bli mer aktiv enn jeg har vært.
  • Språk: no, nb, nn-3, en-3, da-2, sv-2, de-1, es-1, eo-1, eur-1
  • Personlig informasjon: Jeg har vært forvalter siden begynnelsen av 2006. Jeg har ikke vært så aktiv som jeg har ønska i det siste, som følge av en kombinasjon av at andre (nyere) forvaltere har vært veldig effektive, og at jeg har vært opptatt med andre ting (både på wiki og andre steder). Jeg har imidlertid lyst til å fortsette, og vil prøve å bli mer aktiv enn jeg har vært.
  • Línguas: no, nb, nn-3, en-3, da-2, sv-2, de-1, es-1, eo-1, eur-1
  • Informações pessoais: Eu sou steward desde o início de 2006. Eu não fui tão activo quanto gostaria no ano passado, devido ao fato de outros (novos) stewards serem muito eficientes e de eu estar bastante ocupado (na wiki e fora dela). Gostaria, no entanto, de continuar, e me tornar mais activo do que tenho sido recentemente.
  • Языки: no, nb, nn-3, en-3, da-2, sv-2, de-1, es-1, eo-1, eur-1
  • Личная информация: Я стал стюардом в начале 2006 года. Я не был так активен, как хотелось бы, в последний год, всвязи с тем, что всяко другие (новые) стюарды были эффективнее, а я был занят другими обязанностями (как в вики, так и вне её). Я собираюсь, однако, продолжить работать, и надеюсь увеличить свою активность по сравнению с последним временем.

Comments about Jon Harald Søby

The following discussion is closed: Confirmed. Nihil Obstat Effeietsanders 02:03, 22 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: zh-TW, zh-CN-3, en-3, fr-1, ja-0 (may read kanji), ko-0 (may read hanja)
  • Personal info: I became a steward after the December 2007 election with very wide supports. I am an administrator on Meta, Wikimedia Commons (also bureaucrat), Multilingual Wikisource, English Wikisource, Chinese Wikisource (also bureaucrat), English Wikipedia, Chinese Wikipedia, English Wiktionary, Chinese Wiktionary (also bureaucrat), English Wikiquote (also checkuser), Chinese Wikiquote (also bureaucrat). Being an administrator on 11 Wikimedia sites plus non-Wikimedia Wikilivres:, including being a bureaucrat on 4 Wikimedia sites and a checkuser on 1 Wikimedia site, is very busy, but I like to serve fellow users as much as I can and I am willing to continue serving. I am mostly active on Chinese Wikisource, but I also normally visit other sites with my administrator flag at least once a week. Right here on Meta, my most applied steward task is to promote new bots, but sometimes I also check Steward requests/Checkuser.
  • Línguas: zh-TW, zh-CN-3, en-3, fr-1, ja-0 (may read kanji), ko-0 (may read hanja)
  • Informações pessoais: Eu me tornei um steward na eleição de Dezembro de 2007 com bastante apoio. Sou administrador do Meta, Wikimedia Commons (onde também sou burocrata), Wikisource em inglês, Wikisource em chinês (onde também sou burocrata), Wikipédia em inglês, Wikipédia em chinês, Wikicionário em inglês, Wikicionário em chinês (onde também sou burocrata), Wikiquote em inglês (onde também sou checkuser) e Wikiquote em chinês (onde também sou burocrata). Ser administrador em 11 projectos wikis (se contarmos com o projecto não pertencente a fundação Wikilivres:), burocrata em 4 e checkuser em 1 dá bastante trabalho, mas eu gosto de servir tantos utilizadores quanto eu puder e estou disposto a continuar a fazê-lo. Eu sou mais activo no wikisource em chinês, mas visito regularmente os outros sites onde sou administrador (pelo menos uma vez por semana). Aqui no meta, minhas principais tarefas como steward é dar estatuto de bot, mas algumas vezes também faço algumas verificações.
  • Языки: zh-TW, zh-CN-3, en-3, fr-1, ja-0 (may read kanji), ko-0 (may read hanja)
  • Личная информация: Я стал стюардом в декабре 2007 года, получив широкую поддержку. Я администратор на Мете, на Коммонс (и бюрократ), многоязычной Викитеке, англоязычной Викитеке, китайской викитеке (также бюрократ), в англоязычной Википедии, китайской Википедии, английском Викисловаре, китайском Викисловаре (также бюрократ), англоязычном Викицитатнике (также чекюзер), китайском Викицитатнике (также бюрократ). Быть администратором 11 сайтов Викимедиа плюс невикимедийного Wikilivres:, включая работу бюрократа на четырёх сайтах Викимедии и чекюзера на одном сайте Викимедии, очень времязатратно, но я люблю помогать пользователям, кака могу, и я готов продолжать заниматься обслуживанием. Больше всего я активен в китайской Викитеке, но я также обычно посещаю и другие сайты, в которых у меня есть администраторский флаг, хотя бы раз в неделю. Здесь, на мете, моей обычной стюардской задачей является содействие реализации новых ботов, то я также просматриваю Steward requests/Checkuser.
  • 可说语言: zh-TW, zh-CN-3, en-3, fr-1, ja-0 (may read kanji), ko-0 (may read hanja)
  • 个人资料: 我在2007年12月选举有广泛支持成为监管员。我是元维基、维基共享资源(也是行政员)、多语维基文库、中文维基文库(也是行政员)、英语维基文库、中文维基百科、英语维基百科、中文维基词典(也是行政员)、英语维基词典、中文维基语录(也是行政员)、英语维基语录(也是用户查核)管理员。身为11处维基媒体网站加上非维基媒体Wikilivres:管理员,包括身为4处维基媒体网站行政员以及1处维基媒体网站用户查核,非常繁忙,但我乐意继续尽力服务广泛用户。我通常在中文维基文库活跃,但我一般一星期至少一次访问其他有管理员身份网站。这里元维基,我通常行使的监管员权限是批准新机器人,但有时我也检查监管员查核用户请求
  • 可說語言: zh-TW, zh-CN-3, en-3, fr-1, ja-0 (may read kanji), ko-0 (may read hanja)
  • 個人資料: 我在2007年12月選舉有廣泛支持成爲監管員。我是元維基、維基共享資源(也是行政員)、多語維基文庫、中文維基文庫(也是行政員)、英語維基文庫、中文維基百科、英語維基百科、中文維基詞典(也是行政員)、英語維基詞典、中文維基語錄(也是行政員)、英語維基語錄(也是用戶查核)管理員。身為11處維基媒體網站加上非維基媒體Wikilivres:管理員,包括身為4處維基媒體網站行政員以及1處維基媒體網站用戶查核,非常繁忙,但我樂意繼續盡力服務廣泛用戶。我通常在中文維基文庫活躍,但我一般一星期至少一次訪問其他有管理員身份網站。這裡元維基,我通常行使的監管員權限是批准新機器人,但有時我也檢查監管員查核用戶請求

Comments about Jusjih

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en, de-1
  • Personal info: I became a steward after the December 2007 election. I also hold admin rights on en:wp, Commons, and Meta (I gave it up on en:ws), 'crat on commons and meta, CU on en:wp, commons and meta, and oversight on Commons. I am one of the folk that handle access to the CU and Steward mailing lists as well. I think I've been fairly active at the various steward tasks, and I have plans to continue doing so. I welcome your feedback.
  • Línguas: en, de-1
  • Informações pessoais: Eu me tornei um steward depois da votação de Dezembro de 2007. Eu também tenho direitos de administrador na Wikipédia em inglês, Commons e Meta (Eu abdiquei no Wikinews em inglês), sou burocrata no Commons e no meta, CheckUser na Wikipédia em inglês, commons e meta, e oversight no Commons. Também sou um dos que dão acesso as mailing lists dos CheckUsers e Stewards. Acho que eu tenho sido bastante activo nas diversas actividades dos stewards e tenho planos de continuar a sê-lo. Agradeço vossas sugestões.
  • Языки: en, de-1
  • Личная информация: Я стал стюардом после выборов в декабре 2007 года. Также я продолжил быть админом в en:wp, Commons, и на Мете (и сдал флаг в en:ws), бюрократ на Commons и Мете, чекюзер в en:wp, Commons и Мете, ревизор на Commons. Кроме того, я один из тех, кто даёт доступ к списку почтовой рассылки стюардов и чекюзеров. Я думаю, я был достаточно активен в выполнении разных стюардских задач, и планирую продолжать быть таковым. Жду ваших отзывов.

Comments about Lar

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
  • Personal info: Bureaucrat on meta.wiki, sysop on it.wiki and on simple.wiki, I'm pleased to give a hand for Wikimedia general housekeeping as well. Sometimes I help with translations and OTRS cleaning up. I was one of the founder members of Wikimedia Italia.
  • Sprachen: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
  • Informationen zur Person: Bürokrat auf meta.wiki, Sysop auf it.wiki und auf simple.wiki, ich bin erfreut Wikimedia auch beim generellen Haushalten zur Hand zu gehen. Manchmal helfe ich mit Übersetzungen und OTRS Aufräumarbeiten. Ich war einer der Gründer von Wikimedia-Italia.
  • Idiomas: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
  • Información personal: Burócrata en Meta, administrador en las Wikipedias italiana e inglés simple. Me da mucho gusto ayudar al mantenimiento de Wikimedia. A veces ayudo con traducciones y en OTRS. Soy uno de los fundadores de Wikimedia Italia.
  • Langues: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
  • Renseignements personnels: Bureaucrate sur meta.wiki, sysop sur it.wiki et simple.wiki, je suis content de donner un coup de main sur le nettoyage en général sur Wikimedia. Parfois j'aide avec les traductions et sur OTRS. Je suis l'un des membres fondateurs de Wikimedia Italia.
Bahasa Indonesia:
  • Bahasa yang dikuasai: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
  • Informasi pribadi: Birokrat di meta.wiki, opsis di it.wiki dan simple.wiki, saya dengan senang hati juga membantu Wikimedia secara umum juga. Sesekali saya membantu penerjemahan dan pembersihan OTRS. Saya juga adalah salah satu pendiri Wikimedia Italia.
  • Lingue: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
  • Informazioni personali: sono burocrate su meta, amministratore sulla Wikipedia in lingua italiana e in quella simple.english, sono disponibile a dare una mano per le funzioni relative ai progetti di Wikimedia in generale. A volte cerco di rendermi utile con alcune traduzioni e con la pulizia di OTRS dallo spam. Ho partecipato alla costituzione dell'Associazione Wikimedia Italia.
  • 言語: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
  • 候補者の情報: メタ・ウィキのビューロクラット、イタリア語版ウィキペディアと簡単な英語版の管理者です。ウィキメディアプロジェクト全般の草取りをお手伝いするのを嬉しく思います。ときどき翻訳をお手伝いし、OTRS のたまった仕事を片付けるお手伝いをしています。またウィキペディア・イタリアの発足時のメンバーでもあります。
  • Taalvaardigheid: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
  • Persoonlijke informatie: Bureaucraat op Meta, beheerder op it.wiki en op simple.wiki, Ik help graag met het algemeen 'huishouden' van Wikimedia. Soms help ik met vertalingen en OTRS op te schonen. Ik was een van de stichters van Wikimedia Italië.
  • Línguas: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
  • Informações pessoais: Sou Burocrata no Meta-Wiki, sysop na it.wiki e na simple.wiki; fico, também, feliz em dar uma mão com a limpeza geral da Wikimedia. Às vezes, eu ajudo com as traduções e com a manutenção do OTRS. Eu fui um dos membros-fundadores da Wikimedia Itália.
  • Языки: it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1
  • Личная информация: Бюрократ на meta.wiki, администратор в it.wiki и simple.wiki, я рад работать над уборкой в проектах Викимедиа. Иногда я помогаю с переводами и разгребанием OTRS. Я был одним из учредителей Викимедиа Италия.

Comments about M7

The following discussion is closed: Confirmed. Nihil Obstat Effeietsanders 02:03, 22 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1
  • Personal info: Last couple of months I reduced my activities as a steward because of my other Wikimedian duties (NomCom, ChapCom, LangCom as well as some other organizational issues). However, whenever I am able, I am online at #wikimedia-stewards channel and ready to handle requests. Usually, I am trying to cover tasks which are not so regularly covered, like keeping night shifts (early morning in Europe and night in Americas) is. I am giving my mandate to the community: if there are at least 30 votes in favor of removing my steward rights and 50%+1 majority, I will resign.
  • Línguas: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1
  • Informações pessoais: Nos últimos meses eu reduzi minhas actividades como steward por causa de minhas outras participações na Wikimedia (NomCom, ChapCom, LangCom, assim como algumas outras questões organizacionais). No entanto, sempre que posso, estou on-line no #wikimedia-stewards e pronto para responder as questões. Normalmente, procuro fazer as tarefas que não são tão regularmente abrangidas, como vigiar a wiki à noite (começo da manhã na Europa e a noite nas Américas). Estou entregando meu mandato à comunidade: Se eu tiver mais de 30 votos a favor da retirada mas minhas ferramentas de steward ou 50%+1 dos votos neste sentido, eu resignarei.
  • Языки: sr (hr, bs, sh), en-3, ru-2, cu-2, mk-2, sl-2, bg-2, be-1, uk-1, ry-1
  • Личная информация: В последние несколько месяцев я чуть сократил свою активность в качестве стюарда, так как занят некоторыми другими викимедийными обязанностями (NomCom, ChapCom, LangCom и ряд других организационных вопросов). Однако, когда у меня есть возможность, я онлайн на канале #wikimedia-stewards и готов реагировать на запросы. Обычно я стараюсь заниматься теми задачами, выполнение которых не очень хорошо налажено, такими, как дежурство в ночные смены (раннее утро в Европе и ночь в Америках). Я обязуюсь перед сообществом, что если будет хотя бы 30 голосов за то, чтобы снять с меня флаг стюарда, и это будет составлять 50%+1 голос, я сдам флаг.

Comments about Millosh

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: it, vec, en-2, fr-1, es-1
  • Personal info: I'm bureaucrat here on meta, on vec.wiki and on it.wikt, member of SWMT. I became a steward after the December 2007 election. I try to help everywhere I can, I'm often available on IRC, happy to give a hand on permissions queue on meta. Lately, I've been little busy with "real life", but I'm ready to keep working!
  • 言語: it, vec, en-2, fr-1, es-1
  • 候補者の情報: 私はここメタと、ヴェネツィア語版ウィキペディア、イタリア語版ウィキペディアのビューロクラットであり、SWMTの一員です。
  • Línguas: it, vec, en-2, fr-1, es-1
  • Informações pessoais: Eu sou burocrata aqui no meta, na vec.wiki e na it.wikt, além de membro da SWMT.
  • Языки: it, vec, en-2, fr-1, es-1
  • Личная информация: Я бюрократ здесь, на мете, а также на vec.wiki и it.wikt, член SWMT.

Comments about Nick1915

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: nl, en-3, de-3, fr-3, es-2, it-2, sv-1, af-1, tr-1, la-1
  • Personal info: "assume good faith" could rather mean "trustworthy people who have after a time become less active can use their extra tools even when used very sparingly" it will lead to a greater evolutionary diversity in a group with certain rights. nobody of course "needs" such tools, i do not "need" such tools, except to now and then perform a freely chosen job or task. demotion (please remove this guy) rather may make people be a stranger, whereas in my philosophy extended-rights communities should always be kept growing on a healthy wiki; after all, at least here, we are *not* competing for lots of soil. oscar 12:33, 1 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Oscar


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: it, en-3, ru-2, de-1, fr-1, es-1
  • Personal info: Bureaucrat on it:wp, founder member and former president of the Italian chapter. I haven't been very active in the community during the last year, both as a steward and on my "home" wiki. I leave the decision about keeping my steward flag to the community.
  • Lingue: it, en-3, ru-2, de-1, fr-1, es-1
  • Informazioni personali: Burocrate su it:wp, socio fondatore e ex-presidente del chapter italiano. Non sono stato molto presente nella comunità durante lo scorso anno, sia come steward che sulla "mia" wiki. Lascio la decisione sul mio flag di steward alla comunità.
  • Línguas: it, en-3, ru-2, de-1, fr-1, es-1
  • Informações pessoais: Sou burocrata na Wikipédia em italiano, membro fundador e ex-presidente do Chapter italiano. Mas não tenho sido muito activo na comunidade durante o último ano, nem como steward, nem na minha wiki local. Deixo a decisão de manter meu estatuto de steward nas mãos da comunidade.
  • Языки: it, en-3, ru-2, de-1, fr-1, es-1
  • Личная информация: Я бюрократ итальянской Википедий, член учредитель и бывший президент итальянского отделения Викимедий. В прошлом году, я не был очень деятельным, и как стюард и на "моей" Википедий. Пускаю обществу решение сохранить ли мои функции стюарда.

Comments about Paginazero

The following discussion is closed: Resigned.

Criticism acknowledged - I just resigned. --Paginazero - Ø 11:02, 2 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement


Comments about Pathoschild

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en, es-3, la-2, it-2, ar-1
  • Personal info: While the logs make it look as though I'm somewhat inactive, in fact I make myself available on IRC on a very regular basis and respond as necessary to requests of various kinds, not all of which result in user rights changes. I have contributed extensively to the documentation and policies relating to stewards, and have periodically introduced formatting changes, minor and major, to ensure the continued efficient functioning of SR/P (formerly RFP). My extra-Wikimedia commitments make it somewhat unlikely that my log-evidenced activity will rise much in the next year, but this does not mean I am absent from Meta -- it only means I am rarely the first one to jump on a new request. I intend to maintain my regular presence on IRC, and if confirmed I will continue to perform steward tasks at every opportunity. — Dan
  • Языки: en, es-3, la-2, it-2, ar-1
  • Личная информация: (здесь должно быть заявление)

Comments about Rdsmith4

  • Fine for me, though could be a tad more active. Majorly talk 00:43, 1 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Does good work, but I agree I'd like to see more of it.  — Mike.lifeguard | @en.wb 02:13, 1 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    Additionally, I'll note that the suggestion that transferring rights from one account to another is inappropriate is a tad silly, IMO. The point of stewards not changing rights (etc) on their home wiki is to prevent a conflict of interest. Since essentially nothing changed in this case, there can be no conflict of interest. If he had promoted someone to sysop who wasn't previously, we might have something worth talking about.  — Mike.lifeguard | @en.wb 18:59, 5 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Not really active, but not inactive enough to remove, does a good job when around. Prodego talk 03:43, 1 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • 150 right changes in 2 years is tad too low but is generally around all the time, has my trust :) ..confirm..--Cometstyles 03:45, 1 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Sage advice on IRC. Active enough. ++Lar: t/c 04:29, 1 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Confirm. Good work. MBisanz talk 06:41, 1 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Good work. − Elfix × talk (fr) 11:09, 1 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Often helping via IRC, good work as steward, thanks, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 01:38, 2 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep --Fabexplosive The archive man 10:19, 2 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • cf. Birdy. Regards, —DerHexer (Talk) 12:36, 2 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep Coimeád - though quiet - Alison 19:45, 2 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Endorse. Keep up the good work. - Mailer Diablo 04:19, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • In my opinion, this transfer was an inappropriate use of steward rights on your home wiki. John Vandenberg 07:29, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    I disagree, how is it? Majorly talk 16:38, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    All promotions should be done on the local wiki. It's a minor point, but it's an important one that dates back to the beginning of stewardship. --MZMcBride 19:36, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    MZM: This was not a new promotion but a transfer of rights. I seem to remember I decided to do both rights changes at Meta so as to keep them in the same log, hoping that this would minimize confusion and not give the impression that it was an unwarranted new promotion. I figured this consideration was more important than the convention that all promotions must be done locally. It seems to me that the relevant principle here is that stewards shouldn't grant sysop flags on wikis that have local bureaucrats; but I'm also a bureaucrat at en.wiki, so that problem is neutralized.
    But I think John was suggesting that I shouldn't be changing rights on en.wiki from Meta at all, since that's my home project. To this I can only respond that (1) I was executing a request made by the user, and not making any decisions of my own, so there is no possibility of conflicting interests; and (2) my actions caused no controversy nor provoked any objections whatsoever, precisely because I was doing no more than executing a request. I have argued for quite a while that the old prohibition on stewards changing rights on their home wikis is unnecessary in cases that involve no active decision-making. In fact, this is why we agreed a while back to change the relevant section of the policy to read "... except for clearcut cases (such as self-requested removal or emergencies)". — Dan | talk 23:28, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    I agree with this and further will say that I've done the very same thing. I don't think clear cut, non controversial items like this are problematic... a shift is not a promotion. ++Lar: t/c 03:52, 4 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    Where could I go about attempting to change the policy that says admins can uncontroversially have their adminship transferred to a new account without any sort of on wiki record or process for this? I'm frustrated by secret adminship transfers (there are a handful of en.wiki admins who can't be traced to an RFA at all) and would like to at least express my opinion against this anti-transparent practice. --JayHenry 04:31, 4 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    Either individual wikis (every "completely untraceable" one on en:wp that I am aware of (because the transfer didn't happen as a matched pair here) was done with awareness of en:wp ArbCom) to address it wiki by wiki, or perhaps the talk page for Steward policies, here. There is no way to escape an onwiki record (without developer intervention) in the case of a rights transfer... you'll always find record of the removal half it in the user rights log here. (But I think you mean something a bit more formal/direct/explicit than just a log entry) Further, doing both halves of the transfer here (turn off and turn on) means it's a bit easier to track, at least in my view, than if one half is done here (the turn off) and the other half elsewhere, because you can see what was done and it's paired. You have to know to come here to find it, of course. ++Lar: t/c 13:42, 4 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    I meant an on en.wiki record, and I'm certainly not sure where Arbcom derived the authority to grant secret adminship transfers. (I became aware of this secret transfer issue when I noticed a complete spookadmin engaging in behavior I felt was harassment of someone I was trying to work with. Where can an editor like myself even begin to set that straight? Certainly not with ArbCom 2007-08 which felt entitled to create spookadmins in the first place.) But my point is actually a bit broader. It seems to me there are only two scenarios, either 1) if an admin asks a Steward to transfer their admin rights to some other account, this is permitted without condition (and I see no evidence this has ever been any sort of supported ideal) or 2) Dan did make a decision of his own. --JayHenry 04:43, 5 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    Dan is correct in assuming I am mostly concerned about this action being done by a steward on their home wiki. This was not a clearcut case as it isnt supported by enwiki policy or common practise. The request should have been posted onto meta, with explanation and justification, and evaluated by another steward who is not active in enwiki. At least then there would be an opportunity for community discussion, and an unbiased decision maker. You did "decide" that the request was appropriate and did not need any community discussion. John Vandenberg 08:28, 5 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    Eh? Bish is hardly the first person to deal with bit transfers. Ocee and H both dealt with similar things. --MZMcBride 18:43, 5 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I am certainly aware of the problem of transparency; in fact, I asked the user in question to announce the change openly on her userpage (which she did, though the page is now deleted; for what it's worth, the revision is [23]). Had she not wished to do so, I would not have granted the request. I further informed her that if there were any objections I would reverse the change. I took my action to be validated by the fact that no objections ever came to my attention (until this moment of course). And when secrecy is not an issue, a transfer of rights seems to me just the kind of mere formality that stewards are accustomed to handle.
If it turns out that an agreement now emerges that this sort of thing should not be done, then we will know for sure not to do it in the future, and I will naturally abide by that decision. But at the time I did the transfer, and apparently for eleven months afterward, it seems not to have been understood as problematic in any way. And if it can be argued that on some understanding what I did amounted to a "judgment" or a "decision", then it was no more than the minimal amount of judgment or decision that is involved in any steward action -- if a steward really were to make no decisions at all, he or she would do exactly nothing. With respect, I believe that my actions were appropriate to the state of opinion at the time, and I hope they will not be held against me if and when the state of opinion begins to change. — Dan | talk 19:28, 5 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I think that's well said and I don't think at all that you should be removed as a Steward. But going forward I'd like to discourage the practice of blithely shifting adminship from one account to another. It is not silly; the shifting is confusing (not to mention frustrating and even unfair to all the outsiders), makes it difficult to find the RFA, a deleted user page is a pretty tough barrier to get past for an ordinary editor, it breaks the log of admin actions in half, not to mention the actual editing contributions, etc. Another point, Dan, is that while I'm hardly a noob I was unable to figure out who gave Bishzilla adminship rights. I don't know how to navigate around the logs that well. Personally I like Bish, and my concern has nothing to do with her. It's that what happened was completely opaque. --JayHenry 05:29, 6 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: pt, en-4, es-3, fr-3, it-3, de-2, la-2, cs-1, ro-1, da-0, nl-0
  • Personal info: As it is obvious from the logs, I had a somewhat extended leave of absence recently. This was not limited to my activities as Steward. I was absent from all projects, including my home wiki and other projects to which I do work with atl least some degree of regularity. I have, as of December, begun returning to activities. I will take this opportunity to say here what I said to my local community on my home wiki: I do apologize to the community for my absence, but I really was overwhelmed by my off-wiki life. But of course, the community expects me to be available to use the tools entrusted to me whenever it may be required, which I fully intend to continue to do. In my normal activities, I am usually more present with regards to user permissions and oversight.
  • Idiomas: pt, en-4, es-3, fr-3, it-3, de-2, la-2, cs-1, ro-1, da-0, nl-0
  • Información personal: Como se ve en los registros, estuve ausente los ultimos meses. Esa inactividad no se ha restringido a mis funciones como Steward, se extendiendo a todos los proyectos, inclusive en mi proyecto principal. En diciembre, he empezado a retomar mis actividades normales. Voy a aprovechar esa oportunidad para reiterar aquí lo que he dicho en mi proyecto principal: voy a pedir disculpas a la comunidad por mi ausencia, pero estube verdaderamente extremadamente ocupado con las cosas de mi vida fuera de la Wikipedia. Por supuesto, la comunidad espera que yo estea disponible para utilisar las herramientas que confiarón a mí siempre que necesario, y esto espero seguir siempre haciendo. En mis actividades norlmales, yo soy más activo en cambio de permisos para usuarios y en la utilización del Oversight.
  • Línguas: pt, en-4, es-3, fr-3, it-3, de-2, la-2, cs-1, ro-1, da-0, nl-0
  • Informações pessoais: Como se pode notar nos registros, eu estive ausente durante os últimos meses. Esta inatividade não se restringiu às minhas funções como Steward, pois eu me ausentei, também, de todos os projetos, inclusive o meu projeto principal. Desde dezembro, eu comecei a retomar minhas atividades normais. Vou aproveitar esta oportunidade para repetir aqui o que eu disse em meu projeto principal: peço desculpas à comunidade pela ausência, mas eu realmente estive muito ocupado com minha vida extra-Wikipédia. Mas, é claro, a comunidade espera e conta com que eu utilize as ferramentas que me foram confiadas quando for necessário, algo que eu espero e pretendo seguir fazendo. Em minhas atividades normais, eu costumo ser mais ativo em permissões de usuário e no uso do Oversight.
  • Языки: pt, en-4, es-3, fr-3, it-3, de-2, la-2, cs-1, ro-1, da-0, nl-0
  • Личная информация: Как очевидно из логов, недавно у меня был длительный перерыв в активности из-за непомерной занятости в обычной жизни. Это коснулось не только обязанностей стюарда. Я отсутствовал во всех проектах, включая мой собственный вики-проект и все остальные, где я появляюсь более-менее регулярно. В декабре я начал возвращаться к работе. Хочу воспользоваться возможностью и извиниться перед сообществом за своё отсутствие, так же как я извинился перед сообществом в своём вики-проекте. Разумеется, сообщество вправе ожидать, что я буду использовать доверенные мне инструменты когда бы они ни потребовались, и именно это я и собираюсь делать в дальнейшем. При нормальном уровне занятости, я обычно гораздо более активен в отношении прав участников и оверсайта.

Comments about Redux

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en, fr-2
  • Personal info: I am not one of the most active stewards (I'm always busy with school), but I am always available in #wikimedia-stewardsconnect to help users and handle emergencies, and I work on the occasional miscellaneous task (like the transition of wiki-is-locked messages to local site notices, after locking was changed to a permissions-based method). I would like to continue doing so. See my user page for my other contributions.
  • Langues: en, fr-2
  • Renseignements personnels: Je ne suis pas l'un des stewards les plus actifs (je suis toujours occupée avec l'école), mais je suis toujours disponible dans la canal IRC #wikimedia-stewardsconnect pour aider les utilisateurs et pour gérer les situations d'urgence, et je travaille de temps en temps sur diverses tâches (tel que la transition des messages 'wiki est verrouillée' vers les site-notices locaux, après que le méthode de verrouillage a été changer vers le system de permissions d'utilisateurs). J'aimerai continuer de faire ainsi. Voir ma page d'utilisateur pour mes autres contributions.
  • Línguas: en, fr-2
  • Informações pessoais: Eu não sou um dos stewards mais activos (Estou sempre ocupado com a escola), mas eu estou sempre disponível no #wikimedia-stewardsconnect para ajudar usuários e resolver emergências e eu trabalho em alguns pedidos mistos, como por exemplo mover os avisos de que a wiki-está-bloqueada para os site notices locais, depois de tais avisos terem sidos movidos para um método baseado nas permissões). Eu gostaria de continuar a fazer isto. Por favor, veja minha página de usuário para as minhas outras contribuições.
  • Языки: en, fr-2
  • Личная информация: Я не являюсь одним из самых активных стюардов (я вечно занята в школе), но я всегда доступна на #wikimedia-stewardsconnect, помогаю участникам и отвечаю на срочные запросы and I work on the occasional miscellaneous task (like the transition of wiki-is-locked messages to local site notices, after locking was changed to a permissions-based method). Мне хотелось бы продолжить заниматься этим. Посмотреть прочий мой вклад можно на моей странице.

Comments about Shanel

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement


Comments about Shizhao

The following discussion is closed: Removed during the elections. —Pathoschild 02:18:20, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
  • I would like to note that should Shizhao wish to resume his steward role after his term of ombudsman is up, he should need only go through the reconfirmation process, and not an entire election. bastique demandez! 20:13, 29 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • @Bastique, the reconfirmation should be done now, not in one year, when nobody remembers him anymore. @Shizhao, sorry, but I think you are too much involved into steward activity like checkusering on zhwiki, which is your home wiki. Additionally, you were not available on IRC during the last year, at least not that I knew of. --Thogo (talk) 01:33, 1 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • I agree with Thogo, I don't think it should be tolerated that a steward does checks on his home wiki, best regards, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 02:21, 1 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Spacebirdy, As your probably know, the matter has been addressed on the appropriate Requests for comments/Shizhao's use of steward privilages page. Chinese wikipedia is a large wikipedia with plenty of vandals and trolls but at the same time it suffers from not being able to elect any checkuser, for the unique political situation in the Chinese speaking world. Please bear that in mind, Thogo and Spacebirdy - Shizhao was simply doing his duty; since, apart from Shizhao and Jusjih, no other steward has sufficient knowledge of Chinese; and however capable you are, as I have seen, you simply cannot provide support as efficiently as Shizhao did. Shizhao is aware of the checkuser policy; but in certain cases, the community waited for over a week for urgent CU-requests. Hillgentleman 10:28, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    • No, the community did not have to wait for urgent cases this year. They did simply not put it on the requestpage if that was so. Also besides the requestpage there is #wikimedia-stewardsconnect for urgent requests where always many stewards are available, also those who do not watch the requestpages so closely, but are eager to help, and he knows of that channel and Shizaho could have easily passed it on to a steward of his trust and assisted with understanding the request in translating. The rfc does not interest me, I waited for the confirmation where I can put my objection, because this is the place to do that. I am sorry, but I don't think that this should have happened, exactly for the reason why there are no local checkusers on zh.wiki. And that he understands the local language and others not does not count, there are many other languages no steward speaks, but the others managed to ask someone to translate an edit for them etc... Best regards, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:24, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
      • Actually, few Chinese wikipedians use irc. Surprised? They use skype or emails much more. And I appreciate that you at least acknowlege there exists a prior discussion. It is rather hasty to say "he understands the local language and others not does not count"; You need to know the language to understand the problem efficiently. As you know, the log goes stale in 7 days; and I have seen precious time wasted when the Wikipedians tried to explain to the stewards their problems with their good intentions but no-so-good command in English. Chinese wikipedia is maintained by a relatively small number of wikipedians but it invites a large number of vandals, some quite serious. And they are not helped by anti-vandal bots. An For the rest, I have said enough before. Hillgentleman 12:49, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
        • I did not say that Chinese Wikipedians should use IRC, but Shizaho can, or he could have used the mailinglist and asked anyone for using skype... But he did not, he checked himself and I object to that. It is not even clear why all these accounts were checked, no reason were given. Also it is not hasty to say that, we have to do checks in other languages as well, as said. And we ask for translations of edits then, or a trusted sysop for the problems and situation. There is this rule not to do that in Your home project, either we stick to the rules or You can propose to change that. You can have another opinion and express it and I respect that, but You will have to respect my opinion too, thanks, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 12:51, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
          • No problems; I understand Your point, and I agree with Your principles. I just wanted to bring out the fact that the case is not as simply black-and-white as a casual reader may think. Hillgentleman 17:19, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • As I stated in the RFC, performing CU requests on one's home wiki is to be avoided and I expect that will be in the future. I'm somewhat alarmed to see Spacebirdy say that there were no reasons given for running the check - I thought the requests that were being done were at least listed on SRCU and had valid reasons, as Wing stated. That Shizhao is now on the Ombudsman Commission is a bit uncomfortable at present... I'd appreciate some clarity from anyone who can provide it.  — Mike.lifeguard | @en.wb 18:55, 5 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Strong Support Support. We both as only Chinese stewards administer many Chinese wikis very well. We cannot find at least two Chinese Wikipedians interested in checking users locally.--Jusjih 22:33, 8 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep Keep No reason why ombudsman wouldn't keep stewardship. --Millosh 13:30, 19 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • remove per Thogo. --FiliP × 17:51, 21 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en, de-2, es-2, fr-2
  • Personal info: statement here

Comments about Sj

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: de, es-3, en-2, is-2, fr-2
  • Personal info: The following services are provided by me: Handling of the requests at all requestpages on Meta [24] ([25], [26], [27], [28]), collaboration in the SWMT-area [29], provision and maintanance of an internationally frequently used FAQ-, help- and problem-solving-page [30].
  • Sprachen: de, es-3, en-2, is-2, fr-2
  • Informationen zur Person: Folgende Services werden von mir angeboten: Bearbeitung der Anfragen auf allen Antragsseiten auf Meta [31] ([32], [33], [34], [35]), Mitarbeit im SWMT-Bereich [36], Bereitstellung und Wartung einer international vielgenutzten FAQ-, Hilfe- sowie Problemlösungsseite [37].
  • Idiomas: de, es-3, en-2, is-2, fr-2
  • Información personal: Estoy ofreciendo los siguientes servicios: tramitación de las solicitudes en todas las páginas de Meta [38] ([39], [40], [41], [42]), colaboración en el áera del SWMT [43], provisión y mantenimiento de una página internacional de FAQ, de ayuda y para soluciones de problemas muy frecuentada [44].
  • 言語: de, es-3, en-2, is-2, fr-2
  • 候補者の情報: 以下のサービスは私が提供しています: メタでのすべての依頼ページにおける依頼の処理[45] ([46][47][48][49])、SWMTエリアでの共同作業[50]、よく使用されるFAQ・ヘルプおよび問題解決のためのページの準備と運営[51]
  • Línguas: de, es-3, en-2, is-2, fr-2
  • Informações pessoais: Os seguintes serviços foram prestados por mim: Manutenção dos pedidos no Meta [52] ([53], [54], [55], [56]), colaboração no Small Wiki Monitoring Team [57], manutenção e actualização dos internacionalmente usados FAQ-, help- e problem-solving-page [58].
  • Языки: de, es-3, en-2, is-2, fr-2
  • Личная информация: Я делаю следующее: обрабатываю все запросы на страницах запросов на Мете [59] ([60], [61], [62], [63]), участвую в работе SWMT [64], помогаю на международном уровне, в основном относительно к описанному на страницах часто задаваемых вопросов, справки и страницах к посредничеству [65]

Comments about Spacebirdy

The following discussion is closed: Confirmed. Nihil Obstat Effeietsanders 02:03, 22 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Final statement


Kind thanks to everyone who participated and especially for the comments and the support, herzlichen Dank, muchas gracias, kærar þakkir, merci beaucoup, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 02:47, 22 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: de, en-3, es-1, fr-1, ru-1, la-1, ar-1, ne-1
  • Personal info: I try to help out where possible (and as long as my schedule allows it).
  • Sprachen: de, en-3, es-1, fr-1, ru-1, la-1, ar-1, ne-1
  • Informationen zur Person: Ich versuche zu helfen, wo es möglich ist (und wie es meine Zeitplanung erlaubt).
  • Idiomas: de, en-3, es-1, fr-1, ru-1, la-1, ar-1, ne-1
  • Información personal: Trato de ayudar, a ser posible (y cuando mi horario me lo permite).
  • Langues: de, en-3, es-1, fr-1, ru-1, la-1, ar-1, ne-1
  • Renseignements personnels: J'essaye d'aider là ou c'est possible (et pour autant que mon emploi du temps me le permette).
  • 言語: de, en-3, es-1, fr-1, ru-1, la-1, ar-1, ne-1
  • 候補者の情報: (私のスケジュールを見て)可能な限りお手伝いしようと思います。
  • Línguas: de, en-3, es-1, fr-1, ru-1, la-1, ar-1, ne-1
  • Informações pessoais: Eu tento ajudar quando é possível (e tanto quanto o meu calendário me permite).
  • Языки: de, en-3, es-1, fr-1, ru-1, la-1, ar-1, ne-1
  • Личная информация: Я пытаюсь помочь там, где это возможно (и до тех пор, пока мое расписание позволяет мне это).

Comments about Thogo

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: nl, en-3, fr-1
  • Personal info: Hi, I thought the least I could do was to say that I am still interested to continue to serve as steward. I do not claim to be very active as steward but I am active, and even more then it looks at first glance from the logs. If you have questions or remarks please ask. Greetings, --Walter 10:37, 25 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Taalvaardigheid: nl, en-3, fr-1
  • Persoonlijke informatie: Hallo mensen, wou even laten weten dat ik nog steeds interesse heb om te blijven dienen als steward. Ik ben niet erg actief als steward maar ook niet inactief, en logs zeggen trouwens ook niet alles. Als er iets is spreek en uwe mond zal opengaan. Groet, --Walter 10:37, 25 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Línguas: nl, en-3, fr-1
  • Informações pessoais: Oi, eu pensei que o mínimo que eu podia fazer era dizer que ainda estou interessado em continuar a servir como steward. Eu não pretendo ser muito ativo como steward, mas sou ativo, e mais ainda do que parece à primeira vista, depois de se ver dos registros. Se você tiver perguntas ou comentários, por favor pergunte. Saudações --Walter 10:37, 25 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Языки: nl, en-3, fr-1
  • Личная информация: Привет. Я думаю, что всё, что я хочу сказать - что я по-прежнему заинтересован в выполнении работы стюарда. Я не претендую на высокую активность как стюард, но я всё же активен, и даже больше, чем это кажется на первый взгляд на логи. Если у вас есть вопросы или замечания, пожалуйста, говорите их. С уважением --Walter 10:37, 25 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Walter

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: pl, en-4, de-2
  • Personal info: I try to be around in order to help in some "critical" situations. Perhaps not always following the requests page, I am usually reachable via IRC and therefore can react "on sight".
  • Línguas: pl, en-4, de-2
  • Informações pessoais: Tento estar a postos para ajudar nas situações mais críticas. Talvez não esteja sempre seguindo a página de requisições, estou normalmente disponível via IRC e por conseguinte, posso reagir "à vista".
  • Языки: pl, en-4, de-2
  • Личная информация: Я стараюсь быть поблизости, чтобы помогать в "критических" ситуациях. Возможно, я не всегда реагирую на страницу запросов, но я всегда доступен в IRC, и потому могу реагировать "прицельно".

Comments about Wpedzich

A lesson to be learnt for sure - I had a feeling the name changes were being waited on long enough, and the local bureaucrats, although existent, were hard to reach in my opinion, therefore my decision. As I said, a lesson for me. Thanks for the criticism. Wojciech Pędzich Talk 10:23, 3 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: fr, en-3, hi-2, gu-1
  • Personal info: I am steward since 2005, and admin on several projects. I am also check user on Commons. I am a founding member of Wikimedia France. I am still interested by stewardship. Even if I am not very active, I am always available via IRC to answer to urgent requests.
  • Langues: fr, en-3, hi-2, gu-1
  • Renseignements personnels: Je suis steward depuis 2005, et admin sur plusieurs projets. Je suis aussi check user sur Commons. Je suis un membre fondateur de Wikimédia France. Je suis toujours intéressé par le rôle de steward. Bien que n'étant pas très actif, je suis toujours disponible via IRC pour répondre aux situations d'urgence.
  • Lingue: fr, en-3, hi-2, gu-1
  • Informazioni personali: Sono steward dal 2005, oltre che amministratore su diversi progetti. Svolgo inoltre il compito di Checkuser su Commons. Sono uno dei soci fondatori di Wikimédia France. Sono tutt'ora interessato a rimanere attivo come steward. Sebbene non sia molto attivo, sono sempre disponibile sui canali IRC per far fronte a richieste urgenti.

Comments about Yann

Warning The 2009 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: cs, en-3, pl-3, sk-2, eo-2, ru-1, de-1
  • Personal info: statement here
  • Языки: cs, en-3, pl-3, sk-2, eo-2, ru-1, de-1
  • Личная информация: (здесь должно быть заявление)

Comments about Zirland
