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User talk:Paginazero

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Latest comment: 13 years ago by Alixafar in topic Still no response there

I seldom read this page. I'd be grateful if you can contact me on my user talk page on it.wiki. Thank you.

Я редко читаю эту страницу. Пожалуйста пишите мне на мою страницу обсуждения на итальянской Википедии. Спасибо.

Checkusers in ruwiki


Dear Paginazero,

The Arbitration commitee of ruwiki asks you hereby to add a checkuser flag to the users Dmitry Gerasimov and Wind, see ru:Википедия:Заявки на арбитраж/Об утверждении чекюзеров 3. --Mitrius 21:47, 30 January 2007 (UTC)Reply

Nepali adminship


Breton wikipedia


Could you help us on the breton wikipedia since we've got no bureaucrat.

  • We need bot flags in order to have a cleaner "recent changes" page: see here
  • I've been elected as a new sysop on the breton wikipedia, and I would be glad if you could give me the sysop tools: our main sysop asked for them on this page

Thank you in advance for your help! Yours, Benoni 09:43, 5 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Trugarez bras! Grazie! Benoni 11:03, 6 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Fi.wiktionary CheckUser request


Hi! Thanks for commenting on our request and your support. I wonder if there is a discussion going on somewhere that I should participate in? Or if there is some further information I should provide? Kind regards, Samulili 15:09, 5 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Turkmen Wikipedia



Hi Paginazero, I put a request here. Can you check it? Thank you. tk:User:Parahat-- 13:29, 11 December 2006 (UTC)Reply



Thanks for allowing the bot status. Plus, Desiphral of the Romani wikipedia is the one maintaining that version of wikipedia. I think his Desibot proposal has been overlooked. Please consider on that as well. --Eukesh 17:07, 22 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

site notcie IT


Please update, see Talk:Fundraising sitenotice 2006 Q4 --Walter Do you have news? Report it to Wikizine 00:35, 26 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Questionable actions by admin


Hi, i would like to ask to review the actions and contributions of user:Jayjg he frequently makes controversial edits which is his right but then deals with resulting edit wars in a disruptive and abusive manner. If his controversial edits get reverted he will attempt to harass editors who reverting. He treats his admin priviliges as if they meant he is above every and any rule or policy. He will deal with any opposing POV with brute force, auto reverting, blocking instead of discussion. He violates the following guide on adminship:

"Adminship is not diplomatic immunity Every administrator must keep in mind that admins are servants of Wikipedia as a whole. This means that all policies apply to admins just as they do to any user. Admins can be blocked, stripped of admin powers, or banned. Admins must follow all Wikipedia policies, such as the three-revert rule, and uphold consensus and a neutral point of view." I ask you to keep a close eye on him and prevent any future abuse and edit warring. Especially abusive edit warring using administrative tools provided to him for fighting vandals, not POV battles.

Request for temporary Bureaucrat


I am the administrator of Classical Chinese Wikipedia, since there is no Bureaucrat yet, and many bots have not been authorized as bots, thus I request the temporary right of Bureaucrat for 1 day to authorize them, thanks.

A request page has been created here. --Itsmine 03:30, 31 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

The request changes, thanks.--Itsmine 09:38, 31 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Database error on tk.wiki


Ciao, Paginazero! Can you please help with this issue [1]? For some unknown reason the account for tk:User:VolkovBot got corrupted/lost. I have created it in February but it doesn't appear in logs. At the same time, when I try to log in, it reports password error meaning that the account entry still exists. There are no bureaucrats on tk.wiki who might help that's why I ask you to rename (if possible) tk:User:VolkovBot to whatsoever and tk:User:VolkovBot_new to tk:User:VolkovBot. Thank you in advance. --Volkov 08:03, 4 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Sysop in Nepali wikipedia


ne:User:Drini has been listed as a sysop. I have never known of the user applying for adminship or contributing in Nepali wikipedia. Is it a mistake or is it something else? Thank you.--Eukesh 18:09, 20 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Я хочу подать иск в АК викепедии на русском языке


Но не могу, страница исков заблокирована,


Я просил снять блокировку


Но получил отказ.

У меня имеются подозрения что АК викепедии на русском языке нарушает цели проекта.

В последнее время участились блокировки участников в нарушение правил в том числе кандидатов на идущих сейчас выборах в АК

В нарушениях правил замечены не только Администраторы но и бюрократ и Арбитр викепедии на русском языке можите ознакомиться с не рассмотренными АК исками [4] Я как фанат викепедии на русском языке расстоен таким положение вещей.

Привет. Как стюард, мой задачи только технические. Я не могу перепрыгивать решение Арбитражого Комитета другой Википедии. --Paginazero - Ø 17:24, 23 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Прошу у вас совета как поступить если нарушение целей проекта действующим АК будет очевидно.
Нормально Вам сказал бы "Обрашайтесь к сообществу участников викепедии на русском языке и объяснайте спокойно и ясно Ваше мнение". Но Вы получили отказ, состояние уже сложнее. Честно, не знаю что Вам советовать. Я не активный участник викепедии на русском языке и мое знание языка не хватает, чтобы следовать обсуждение с достаточной подробностью. --Paginazero - Ø 13:51, 24 May 2007 (UTC)Reply
Где можно найти человека работающего на фонд и знающего русский язык?

Уважаемый Paginazero! Просто хочу уточнить ситуацию: страница заявок на Арбитраж защищена от анонимных и новых пользователей (sprotected). Если участник обратится ко мне, я ему расскажу про Ombudsmen Commission. Но, на мой взгляд, Арбитражный комитет ruwiki не допустил ни одной неточности, сколько-нибудь достойной рассмотрения Ombudsmen Commission. Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) 20:46, 24 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Не знаю. Я не работаю для Фонда. Попробуйте смотреть ссылку "Contact us" на сайте http://www.wikimediafoundation.org/Приёмная. --Paginazero - Ø 11:42, 25 May 2007 (UTC)Reply



Who decides when vote should be closed? I mean Proposals for closing projects/Closure of Siberian Wikipedia which continues about a half of year. Can you comment on this or redirect me to proper place to ask? Thanks.
Кто решает когда голосование должно быть закрыто? Я имею ввиду Proposals for closing projects/Closure of Siberian Wikipedia, которое продолжает более полугода. Могли бы вы прокомментировать или перенаправить меня в нужное место? Спасибо Leotsarev 06:23, 26 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for answer 09:00, 26 May 2007 (UTC)

Прошу проверить пользователя


Прошу вас проверить или дать совет к кому обратиться с просьбой о проверке пользователя [5] на совпадения с другими участниками.

Пожалуйста - ru:ВП:ПП. Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) 15:44, 8 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
И таже точнее - его уже проверяли 18 мая 2007: ru:Википедия:Проверка участников/Keepspiano. Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) 15:47, 8 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Прошу повторно проверить чек-юзерами не Викепедии на русском языке. Есть подозрения что проверка сделанная чек-юзерами Викепедии на русском языке сфальсифицированна.

:-) Вы не считаете целесообразным представить хотя бы намёк на что-нибудь хотя бы отдалённо напоминающее основания для таких подозрений? Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) 10:56, 11 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Основания для таких подозрений:

1. Я знаю некоторых участников упомянутых в проверке сделанной чек-юзерами Викепедии на русском языке, один из них я.

2. Чек-юзер Викепедии на русском языке Dr Bug (Vladimir V. Medeyko) ведет себя подозрительно.



Grazie mille! PS sono appena arrivati i manuali.--Nick1915 - all you want 13:08, 15 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Amministratore per la Wikipedia còrsa


Ciao Paginazero, sono l'utente che ha richiesto il ruolo di amministratore nella Wikipedia in lingua còrsa. Sono consapevole che occorra un'elezione da parte della comunità locale per richiedere il ruolo di amministratore, tuttavia in quella Wikipedia non esiste una vera comunità di utenti: chi scrive o è un bot o un vandalo oppure è un utente non registrato (vedi ad esempio la pagina delle ultime modifiche). L'unica persona affidabile è l'altro amministratore, che mi ha dato il suo consenso (qui c'è la mia richiesta e la sua risposta, ovviamente in còrso, ma è molto simile all'italiano e si capisce bene). Se però è strettamente necessaria una pagina di elezione vedrò di rimediare. Grazie.

Direi che non è necessario, provvedo ad assegnarti il flag. Grazie. --Paginazero - Ø 16:15, 30 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Big thanks


Wikiquote - because I watch logs! Regards --Herby talk thyme 07:43, 7 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

Yes - afterwards I realised there was a problem. The trouble is because it has not been done it has grown! The best person to contact would be Jeff but I'll read through it again (I am CU so I'll look at it as though I were doing it maybe) --Herby talk thyme 14:56, 7 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

Adminship on he.wikinews


Hi, I was an sysop on he.wikinews when it was first created, and I help create the main page, the templates, the policy pages, help pages and all the system messages. The project became in actice and thus so did I. I got my rights unfairly removed because I was not active, while others did not get their sysop rights removed even tho they where also not active. Now I have returned to help the project and as such I had requested my tools back and I received them with no questions. Someone, you say, complained about this. But you see, I now face a problem. The "community" consists of two sysops and two non-sysop (one of them joined in the begining of July, the other is me). One sysop had his rights for quite some time, but the other, just like me, received them not long ago. He objects me having the tools I need for all the wrong reasons, and in fact, it feels like just wants full control over whats going on in this project. This cannot be allowed in a Wikimedia project. This is not a private project like Wikia, and there is no "first comes, first sysop" rule. If I can help using the sysop tools, then I should receive the sysop tools too. And since there is no real community, I urge you to reinstate me as I need the sysop tools more way more that the other sysop, who actually dosn't really need them, since all he does is write news once a day. I need them to delete rubbish, protect important pages, and edit protected pages such as the monobook, where I added a JS code for opinion pages, like the English wikinews has. I do hope you will agree with me that it is unWikimedian to allow one or two users to take over a project and decide things as a whole community. Thanks, Yonidebest 18:47, 14 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

I sent you and email. Thanks, Yonidebest 17:28, 15 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Just so as to not make this one-sided, and while apologizing to Paginazero for the bother, I would like to correct a few things:
I object to Yoni being sysop not because he's a "newcomer", but because of his past record in he.wikipedia as sysop (almost removed by the community before asking for removal himself while the vote did not favoured him), and the use of which he put his sysop rights in he.wikinews, such as enforcing a comments script on the project with the expressed disagreement of what's there of the community. Considering that he was not approved by any of the current active users, doubling it by the rejected script he had put up on the project's monobook, and mot to mention his past on he.wikipedia - I think that I have raised all the right reasons.
It is unWikimedian to decide things without a community, such as Yoni's request to become sysop without even telling the community he had done so, or the above-spoken script. Havelock 18:59, 15 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
I only want to add that in the he wikinews vilage pump Yoni has lashed out on both Havelock and me, calling Havelock a traitor and me his sockpuppet. I do not need to remind that I am on the OTRS system, sysop on the hebrew wikipedia and a board member on the hebrew wikimedia, and NOT a sockpuppet to anyone, and calling such things other users of the community is another good reason why he shouldn't be sysop. Rotemdan 19:09, 15 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Huh. Right. Show your end of the story. Keep tying to distort the reality, is it only going to weaken your fake position. Need I remind you that I too am a member of Wikimedia Israel. In fact, I am the treasurer, and I was trusted with all the money. How dare you undermine my credibility. I too was a sysop in the Hebrew Wikipedia - and I was a sysop their way longer than you. So please, don't even bother to comment. You and your boyfriend's actions and behavoir are definitly unWikimedian. Yonidebest 17:11, 17 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
The community has responded to your request here n:he:ויקיחדשות:דסק חדשות#Appoint User:Yonidebest as sysop and here n:he:שיחת משתמש:Yonidebest#sysop flag. They are not interested in your regaining your sysop status, and the project does not seem to be suffering for lack of admins. You must regain your sysop status by approval voting, like anyone else in the future. Cary Bass demandez 20:35, 16 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Cary Bass, you are unaware of the project's status and of the circumstances which led to my appointment and de-appointment. The discussion was continued on my talk page: n:he:שיחת משתמש:Yonidebest#sysop flag. You can see what Havelock and Rotemdanzig have done, their actions and connivance against me have been revealed. I expect Paginazero can figure out what should be done as such behavior should not be undelt with, especially when there are victims. Yonidebest 17:11, 17 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
I will state, as adminship is a community decision, granting of admin rights for a small wiki with no community is only ever done on a temporary basis until a community consensus can be gained. Once a community exists, you must stand for adminship based on that community's rules. I encourage you to stand for adminship. You may be surprised. I don't think that Havelock and Rotemdanzig, in spite of their close association, are conniving against you. Cary Bass demandez 19:35, 17 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Cary Bass, please read my talk page. There is no community. I have done no harm and I want to help as an admin. My contirbutions as an admin until today have proven I am not hostile. I understand from you that Havelock's admin status is only temporary, as there is no community. In that case, there is no reason why I should have temporary adminship too. About Havelock and Rotemdanzig, saddly enough I have met them in person, and I know that they dislike me. This is not a reason to remove my sysop tools. I rest my case - If Havelock is an admin, there is absolutly no reason why I should be, especially in this case, where my sysop contributions point of view is greater than his.
Cary Bass, imagine you return to a project with no community. You request your sysop tools back, get them, and help around as usual. All goes well. No arguments, no rows. One day you fon out you can no longer use the admin tools, and that only thing you are told is that the other sysop thinks you are uncooperative. You never received any indication any problem. All was good. Suddenly there is a "uncooperative" problem. You think to yourself "Me? Uncooperative? But all I ever did here was help. I created templates, policy pages, help pages, the system messages and even the main page - to everyone's satisfactory. Who would say I am uncooperative? I even never got into an argument. How can this happen?". Well, know you know how this can happen. I am just a regular user who helped and wants to keep helping. Havelock on the other hand, is in fact a prevaricator. One day he decided I should be a sysop and so he turned to the guy he renomenated me and told him that I am uncooperative. I wonder, how can I be uncooperative if he never turned to me and laid out his problems? I am cooperative - and all my contirutions prove that. Saying I am not is simply falsehood. I feel like a fictim here, and I am the one who needs to defend my actions and me willingness to help. I am sure you can see into what situation Havelock got me into.
I suggest we wait until Paginazero returns from his vacation. I prefer to explain the situation to him, as he is the one who can undo this horrible abuse of one's "seniority". If fact, I am the greater seniority as I registered and contributed in the begining of the project, and Havelock is the "newbe". I must note that I am very sad that such a situation can arise, where I suddenly have to defend myself when I have done nothing wrong. Yonidebest 14:31, 18 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

I can't help agreeing with Cary's position. The facts I see are the following

  • you became sysop when there practically was no community
  • you lost your sysop rights because of long inactivity

You say that Havelock and Rotemdanzig are mastering he.wikinews acting as though the site was theirs. IMHO this brings two alternative solutions

  • having more real users, so that a real community will begin to exist and decide
  • closing down the he.wikinews project (and that's the natural destiny, if they prevaricate and keep newcomers at large with their behaviour)

I see no help for the project in having more sysops fighting one against the other. Please, let's discuss this case on the RfC page. --Paginazero - Ø 18:49, 23 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

Please comment here: Requests for comments/Yonidebest sysop flag on he.wikinews. --Paginazero - Ø 18:39, 24 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

Thank you so much!


... for temporary sysop privs over on ga.wikt - I've a lot of work to do in getting it kick-started again. Thank you for your confidence :) - Ali-oops 08:21, 21 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

Just a quick followup. As a result of your granting me a sysop bit last August, myself and some other editors have managed to turn around the Irish language wikti from being a dormant, damaged project to being a thriving, growing wiki. My RfA went through successfully today :). Thank you so much for the vote of confidence back then. I put the work in and will continue to do so! - Alison 23:24, 28 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

My username change on other wiki


Please go and handle my several username change requests for other Wikimedia projects. Thank you very much! --Edmund the King of the Woods! 16:37, 21 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

Hi. You seem to miss ms.wiktionary, you desysop yourself at other projects but not this one. ...Aurora... 11:13, 24 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

I think you made a small mistake


Hello Paginazero! I was counting the number of admins at the Swedish Wikipedia in different ways, and the numbers didn't add up. It looks like you made a little mistake, when you were helping with de-sysoping.

11:51, 1 August 2007 Paginazero (Talk | contribs) changed group membership for User:Zaphod@svwiki from sysop to sysop [6] [7] --Boivie 17:07, 9 September 2007 (UTC)Reply



Hégésippe | ±Θ± 18:41, 21 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

Problem with Aragonese sysops


On Aragonese Wiki there is a Catholic lobby of sysops that have deleted this portal created by Chabi. I've asked CHV the reason of the deletion, but he has reverted my comment.

itwiki bureaucrat


Hello. I've forgotten my password for it:User:Drini logn time ago. Could you rename it to soemthing else and move it:User:Drinisteward (a new account) into it:User:Drini ? Thanks in advance, I really appreciate it. drini [es:] [commons:] 00:02, 8 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Sourced file changed


Hi! Changed the formatting of Fundraising_2007/Video_with_Jimmy_subtitles/Translations/source. Most gracious apologies! Cary Bass demandez 21:30, 23 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Dubbi su cancellazione articoli


Ciao Paginazero, sono un amministratore di co.wiki. Per migliorare la qualità della Wikipedia che amministro e per agevolarmi il lavoro, avevo pensato di cancellare "qualche" articolo superfluo. Ne ho trovati circa 500 con le seguenti caratteristiche:

  • tutti creati da bot
  • praticamente privi di informazioni
  • mai rivisti o ampliati
  • di scarso interesse per la nostra Wikipedia.

Vorrei chiederti se è lecito intraprendere questa operazione di pulizia, considerando che non esiste una comunità stabile cui chiedere un parere. Inoltre vorrei sapere se esistono dei bot che possono cancellare gli articoli, in modo da risparmiare tempo. Grazie. --Ale Mister 28 ottobre 2007

Ciao, ecco gli articoli che vorrei cancellare:
  • circa 380 articoli sui comuni siciliani (come questo) - come vedi l'unica informazione è la provincia di appartenenza (che a volte non è nemmeno corretta; per esempio qui il bot aveva dato Caltanissetta in provincia di Palermo!), inoltre i nomi dei comuni sono in siciliano (invece dovrebbero essere in italiano, al più adattati al còrso per le città più importanti). Io ho corretto e ampliato solo Palermu e Catania
  • 80 articoli di numeri, da 101 a 180 - prima arrivavano a 250, ma li ho cancellati; mi sembrano inutili, non li ha nemmeno it.wiki
  • circa 120 articoli di comuni toscani (come questo questo) - avrei voluto cancellare anche questi, ma effettivamente alcuni contengono informazioni ("più o meno"... vedi Fiesole). Comunque alcuni capoluoghi di provincia sono in ordine.
Vorrei cancellare almeno i comuni siciliani e i numeri, perché co.wiki è piena di articoli vuoti (basta fare qualche prova con Pagina à casu); inoltre senza questi articoli potrei controllare meglio gli elenchi presenti nelle pagine speciali. Però io non so manovrare un bot, sarebbe meglio dare un permesso temporaneo di amministratore a qualche bot già collaudato!
Che ne pensi? Grazie per l'interessamento. --Ale Mister 2 novembre 2007



Scusa se ti disturbo anche su meta, ma non ho capito perchè sono stati annullati i due voti dati da Nyo, qui mi pare che si veda la cancellatura, nel caso non è compito tuo vedere queste cose, se puoi indicarmi la persona giusta a cui rivolgermi. Grazie --Freegiampi 16:01, 11 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

io sarei la persona giusta, e ti rispondo: il primo voto è stato cancellato perché non aveva linkato la pagina utente, il secondo è stato autostrikato lo stesso nyo--Nick1915 - all you want 16:48, 11 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Bots on Chechen wiki


Hello, Paginazero! I think ce:User:Girdi misunderstands the purpose of interwiki and abuses his administrative privileges on Chechen wikipedia. He indef-blocked ce:User:VolkovBot without any reason given, reverted its edits that were in fact correct ([8] etc.) and refused to unblock the bot [9]. Apparently, he doesn't like Esperanto for some unknown reason [10]. Can you please comment on this? Thank you. --Volkov 22:11, 29 May 2008 (UTC)Reply



la mia utenza è stata ulteriormente bloccata ieri per 1 mese a causa del solito errore scaturito da controllo CU ossia gli IP condivisi sono sistematicamente confusi con utenti che producono fantocci o sockpuppet per un semplice sospetto non convalidato scientificamente. Mi appello a te sostenendo che l'utente Chinna condivide con me gli stessi IP quindi ancòra richiedo lo sblocco immediato o almeno una notevole riduzione della sua durata: concedetemi almeno il beneficio del dubbio. Ossequi, it:utente:Tamburellista 2 lug 2008

Help needed


Dear Paginazero: I am not a participant at ru.wikipedia (actually was blocked there), but some activities of their administrators bother me. Recently, the arbitration committee claimed that I used several sock puppets while being blocked for 1 year. This is not true. I did not participate in ru.wikipedia at all in any shape or form. Could you please check these accounts for intersection with my account? Here they are:

ru:User:VirginiaRules ru:User:!MaiBan ru:User:Parrots ru:User:Popinjay ru:User:NSB ru:User:WaiFai2 ru:User:!WaMu

In particular, ru:User:!WaMu was blocked by ru:User:Kv75 with an explanation that it was my sock puppet.

None of these accounts belongs to me. I could try to resolve this issue with the checkusers, but unfortunately I am in conflict with most of them because of some political issues. So, they are not trustworthy. Could you please check these accounts for the intersection with mine? My account on ru.wikipedia is ru:User:SMARTASS.

Please note that I am not concerned about the decision of the arbitration committee or participating in ru.wikipedia. All I want is the confirmation that these accounts do not intersect with mine.

Please let me know if you need any additional information. SA ru 00:28, 16 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Need Help in Changing User Name


Hi, I’m si:User:Lee from Sinhala wikipedia. I need to change my SUL name to Lee. Would it be possible for you to help me with this? --Lee 04:49, 6 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

Hi again, and thanks for the response. I got myself renamed in meta and fixed most of my accounts. However I need some advice on Usurpation on other wikis. Regarding the wikis where I don’t have an account at the moment but someone is using the username Lee, what is the usual practice? Do I create a dummy account there and request it to be renamed to user Lee? Thanks in advance. --Lee 15:11, 10 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

Подскажите как сделать


У меня есть на Commons две учётных записи: Zimin.V.G. - пароль не помню давно. и вторая Zimin Vas - она активна. Как можно сделать так, чтобы объеденить мою учётную запись? Zimin.V.G. 17:01, 14 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

Не знаю как быть, где жать ответа. Ручше если Вы мне подскажете в ru разделе. Zimin.V.G. 17:06, 14 December 2008 (UTC)Reply
Я думаю, стоит обратиться к бюрократу Commons, например, к Евгению Зеленко.--Ahonc 00:06, 15 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

Глобальный вандал




My global account is currently In migration. Does that mean it needs to be deleted before I request any renames? And I should create a different account on the Latin, Venetian, and Italian Wikipedias to request a rename, correct? (I replied here because of the note on your enwiki talk page) Maximillion Pegasus 21:55, 7 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for your service to the projects


I saw your note about resigning. Sorry to see that. Thanks for all you did, it's appreciated. ++Lar: t/c 17:26, 2 February 2009 (UTC)Reply

Hello Paginazero, I also would like to thank You for the work You did and wish You the best for the future, hope to see You around anyway and I hope You will miss us a bit :) Best wishes, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 18:47, 2 February 2009 (UTC)Reply

Uzbek Wikipedia


Hello Paginazero. I put a request here. Can you check it. Thank you... uz:Captain Jones -- 10:41, 16 July 2009 (UTC)Reply

I apologize for this very late reply. I've seen the message only today. Unfortunately I cannot help you, I resigned as steward months ago. --Paginazero - Ø 20:43, 4 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Irish coins on commons


Hi, just to let you know that I've nominated the images of Irish coins you uploaded to commons for speedy deletion as Irish coins are copyrighted. The notices are on your commons talk page and the relevant information regarding Irish coins copyright can be found at Commons:Currency#Ireland. --JD554 09:32, 6 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Административный бардак в проекте uk:wikipedia.org


Requests for comment/Threaten by sysop on Uk Wikipedia with blocking--Prima klasy4na 22:51, 25 September 2009 (UTC)Reply




This guy spams his website across wikipedia. Could you ban it? Этот пользователь оставляет рекламу на страницах википедии. Не могли бы вы его забанить?

Sorry, I'm no longer a steward. Please warn these people.
Извини, у меня флага Стюарда больше нет. Пожалуйста, предупреждай этим людам.
Ciao. --Paginazero - Ø 07:44, 28 December 2009 (UTC)Reply

Admin Vandalism


Please help, I waste a lot of time for considering information for a few topics. I extend them. But admin cancel any changes that go away with his opinion. And ban.



Please, check admin loyalty and adequacy.

Still no response there



You can check our early simple discussion in 2007

But still no one came to give suggestions Alixafar 19:49, 24 November 2011 (UTC)Reply