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Steward requests/Global permissions

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This page hosts requests for global permissions. To make a request, read the relevant policy (global rollback , global sysop , global rename , …) and make a request below. Explain why membership is needed for that group, and detail prior experience or qualifications.

This is not a vote and any active Wikimedia editor may participate in the discussion.

Global rollback and global interface editor requests require no fewer than 5 days of discussion while abuse filter helper and maintainer requests require no fewer than 7 days. Global renamer and global sysop requests require no fewer than 2 weeks of discussion. For requests that are unlikely to pass under any circumstances, they may be closed by a steward without further discussion (after a reasonable amount of input).

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Requests for global rollback permissions

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions, and not doing so would reflect poorly on your suitability.
Please also review the Global rollback policy.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting, make sure that: You have sufficient activity to meet the requirements to be allocated the global rollback flag

To make a request
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain of why you need the access and why you're suitable.
=== Global rollback for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status    = <!-- don't change this line -->
 |domain    = global <!-- don't change this line -->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}} <!-- don't change this line unless you're nominating another user -->
::''Not ending before {{subst:#time:j F Y H:i|+5 days}} UTC''

The request will be approved if consensus to do so exists after a period of consideration of no less than 5 days (with rare exceptions , no matter how obvious the result may seem). This is not a vote, and all input is welcome. Stewards will determine whether consensus exists; when doing so it is likely that the weight given to the input of those involved in cross-wiki work will be most influential.

Global rollback for Wüstenspringmaus

Not ending before 7 March 2025 15:06 UTC

Hi everyone,
I'm applying for global rollback rights to make fighting crosswiki-vandalism and spam more effective for me. I'm an admin on Wikidata, dewiki ArbCom member, GREN, and a rollbacker on Simple English Wikipedia. I am familiar with the Global rollback policy and local policies.
Thanks for your consideration, if you have any questions, please let me know. Best, Wüstenspringmaus talk 15:06, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Requests for global sysop permissions

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions, and not doing so would reflect poorly on your suitability.
Please also review the Global sysops policy.
When you give someone global sysop rights, please list them on Users with global sysop access and ask them to subscribe to the global sysops mailing list.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting, make sure that:

  1. You have a global account ;
  2. You are logged in on this wiki, and the account is part of your global account;
To make a request
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain of why you need the access and why you're suitable. If you previously requested that right, please add a link to the previous discussion(s).
=== Global sysop for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status    = <!-- don't change this line -->
 |domain    = global <!-- don't change this line -->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}} <!-- don't change this line unless you're nominating another user -->
::''Not ending before {{subst:#time:j F Y H:i|+2 week}} UTC''

The request will be approved if consensus to do so exists after a period of consideration of no less than two weeks (no exceptions are allowed no matter how obvious the result may seem). This is not a vote, and all input is welcome. Stewards will determine whether consensus exists; when doing so it is likely that the weight given to the input of those involved in cross-wiki work will be most influential. Please note: Since 2019 all global sysops are required to have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled.

Global sysop for Galahad

Not ending before 4 March 2025 05:28 UTC

Hello everyone,

I'm requesting Global Sysop rights to support in Global sysops/Speedy delete requests and GSR. Although my crosswiki maintenance activity is limited due to my circumstances in Venezuela, I have a significant amount of crosswiki experience.

I have been a sysop on eswikivoyage for the past twelve years and a rollbacker on several wikis, including eswiki and eswikiquote, gaining valuable experience with the sysop toolkit. After my account was compromised in 2018, I implemented two-factor authentication. Best, --Galahad (sasageyo!)(esvoy) 05:28, 18 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Oppose Oppose I see that you manage the Wikimedia Small Projects, which focus on Spanish-language initiatives, and I appreciate your efforts in this project. It states "Reactive support is also provided to other language communities upon request from them or their respective chapters, user groups, or thematic organizations." Could you provide examples of cases where you have offered such support to any project? Looking at your activity on your home wiki, eswikivoyage, where you serve as an admin and bureaucrat, you have blocked 68 users, including 3 in 2025, 4 in 2024, and 13 in 2023. You have protected 45 pages, including 7 in 2024 and 5 in 2023, and deleted 1,357 pages, including 96 in 2025, 106 in 2024, and 138 in 2023. Additionally, you have performed 25 undo actions, including 3 in 2025 and 2 in 2024, and 127 rollback actions, including 6 in 2025 and 4 in 2024. On eswiki, you have performed 15 undo actions, including 2 in 2025 and 6 in 2024, and 68 rollback actions, including 3 in 2024. On commons, you have performed 43 undo actions, including 1 in 2025. On Wikidata, you have performed 3 undo actions, but none in the last 24 months. On eswiktionary, you have performed 1 rollback action in February 2025 and made 3 edits in the last 24 months. On eswikinews, you have performed 4 undo actions, including 2 in 2024, and made 4 edits in the past 14 months, with 2 in 2025 and 2 in 2024. On eswikiquote, you have performed 2 undo actions and 3 rollback actions, but none in the last 24 months. On en.wikivoyage, you have performed 3 undo actions, but none in the last 24 months. I have mentioned your total actions but highlighted those from the last 24 months in brackets. While some users have mentioned your involvement in the Wikimedia Small Projects initiative, I have not found significant evidence of engagement beyond a small number of edits on these projects over the past two years. Since wikidata, meta, commons, eswiki, and eswikinews are non-GS wikis, you would not be able to use global sysop tools there. Based on your activity, I do not see substantial contributions in GS-wikis that would justify global sysop rights. Your participation appears to be limited and you have made only 13 requests on GSR, which is relatively low for a global sysop candidate, and I also do not see reverts on other wikis. There is no doubt that you are a trusted user, but your current level of activity and experience does not meet the expectations for a global sysop candidate. – DreamRimmer (talk) 16:28, 28 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
@DreamRimmer: I appreciate your thorough review of my contributions. My focus with WikiSP has been on organizing activities rather than just making edits, particularly through initiatives like NewsVoyage and the three Wikivoyage anniversary editions. While this may not directly align with the GS approach, it has provided valuable experience about the smaller wikis. I understand things may appear quiet in 2025 as I'm just getting started, with only a couple of months into the year. Your comment about being a trusted user along with your change of mine suggests that I've no experience and you don't trust that I can gain it during my potential time as GS. Best, Galahad (sasageyo!)(esvoy) 17:22, 28 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Organising offline activities is quite different from actually doing anti-vandalism and cleanup work on-wiki. Unfortunately, I can't assess your experience with small wikis based on offline activities alone. If you wanted to get involved in cross-wiki work, why didn't you first request global rollbacker before directly applying for global sysop? While I do acknowledge that you are a trusted user and hold some trusted roles, there isn't any evidence of cross-wiki experience. – DreamRimmer (talk) 17:36, 28 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
At the time of voting, I'd forgotten that Galahad was also the founder of WikiSP and I am very well aware of Galahad's tireless efforts to improve small projects. And I'm sure that if Galahad's IRL situation permits, he would in fact increase his activity levels, but can't because of the political situation in Venezuela, completely out of his control. As such, I'm changing this to a Support Support. //shb (tc) 03:14, 19 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
@Ajraddatz: While I typically refrain from addressing opposing comments without a direct question, I feel it's necessary to respond this time. It's great to see your response to my request; our last interaction was in the OC from 2020-2022.
My justification for my low crosswiki maintenance activity due to the crisis in Venezuela may seem like an excuse, and I don't intend to change your perspective on this.
Regarding the impasse with DerHexer (the "DerHexer-Aopou-Galahad incident"), I invite you to discuss my perspective privately on IRC or Discord. This isn't about changing your opinion on your oppose comment, but rather about providing you, as a knowledgeable steward and U4C-Com member, the complete context for a fair and impartial judgment. Best, Galahad (sasageyo!)(esvoy) 18:55, 21 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Happy to expand a bit more on a couple of pieces here. First, regarding activity, I certainly do not expect people to be spending excessive time on Wikimedia projects - in fact I counsel against it. This should be a hobby and I completely understand when people have other real-life commitments or factors limiting their participation. However, global sysop is a sensitive right that grants advanced access with very little supervision on hundreds of wikis. I need to be able to see that a candidate would be capable at using the tools across multiple languages, on some projects that are hostile to outside user involvement, and in some difficult and unclear situations. 13 potential sysop actions in the last few years is just simply not enough for me to evaluate, though if there is other work I am missing please do let me know.
I will reach out on the DerHexer conflict, but I want to note that this does concern me quite a bit. As a global sysop, it is highly likely that someone will express disapproval with one of your actions at some point or another. How you react to that disapproval is very important, and taking revenge against users expressing disagreement with you is quite fundamentally opposed to proper behaviour in that case. The fact that such actions appear coordinated with the person who first supported this request 10 minutes after you created it, and who is also an eswikivoyage admin, is a further level of concerning. Additionally, DerHexer's comments here were not incivil or otherwise problematic. Even if there is a very good justification that I am not considering, I consider this behaviour to be quite incompatible with sysop-level access, but I will hear you out and respond here again once I have. – Ajraddatz (talk) 19:56, 21 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Just noting that I have talked with Galahad, and it seems that the removal of the confirmation votes was at DerHexer's request rather than coordinated between Galahad and Aopou, and that Galahad opposed DerHexer's confirmation after being pinged onto Aopou's talk page and disagreeing with DerHexer's message there. That does relieve some of my concerns, though I remain concerned with a lack of experience, and I'm still not fully sure what to think about the (now removed) opposes on DerHexer's confirmation. Changed to a normal oppose, and would feel comfortable supporting once the candidate gets more experience in this area. – Ajraddatz (talk) 23:42, 21 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Requests for global rename permissions

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions, and not doing so would reflect poorly on your suitability.
Please also review the global rename policy and the global renamers policy page.
When you give someone global rename rights, please add them to the list of global renamers and ask them to subscribe to the global renamers' mailing list.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting, make sure that:

  1. You have a global account;
  2. You are logged in on this wiki, and the account is part of your global account;
  3. You have considered the addition of a user language box to your user page
To make a request
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain of why you need the access and why you're suitable. If you previously requested that right, please add a link to the previous discussion(s).
=== Global rename for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status    = <!-- don't change this line -->
 |domain    = meta.wikimedia <!-- don't change this line -->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}} <!-- don't change this line unless you're nominating another user -->
::''Not ending before {{subst:#time:j F Y H:i|+2 week}} UTC''

The request will be approved if consensus to do so exists after a period of consideration of no less than two weeks (no exceptions are allowed no matter how obvious the result may seem). While all input is welcome, there is a hard 80% support requirement for this role as per the global renamer policy.

Global rename for Malarz pl

Not ending before 8 March 2025 21:59 UTC

I am asking for global rename permissions. I've read Global rename policy. I am sysop of pl.wiki since 2006 and bureaucrat there for one year. I'm also bot operator on several wikis (mostly pl.wiki of course), including bot with sysop permissions on pl.wiki (pl:user:malarzBOT.admin). Malarz pl (talk) 21:59, 22 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Not entirely convinced by candidate's answer to Codename's question – why would you ever consider applying for GS when you have no cross-wiki experience? I'm not entirely sure the candidate understands what global permissions are for, but I'll abstain for the timebeing. //shb (tc) 04:05, 26 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Should I wrote that I want to help others by changing their usernames, probably focusing more on the pl community? After all, that's obvious. This permission is so narrowly defined that it's impossible to indicate the need for it in any other way. In the case of global admin, you could specify a group of wikis, type of tasks, etc. Here, there is one task, and the permission has no local equivalent. So I presented my other motivations. Malarz pl (talk) 15:27, 26 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]
@Malarz pl "Should I wrote that I want to help others by changing their usernames, probably focusing more on the pl community? After all, that's obvious" - and that's enough? We aren't expecting a lot of depth here, but some rationale is needed, and this is fine. Leaderboard (talk) 15:46, 27 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Requests for global IP block exemption

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions. Please review Global IP block exemption. You may request Global IP block exemption via stewards(_AT_)wikimedia.org if you can not edit this page.
Please note: Global IP block exemption does NOT make one immune to locally-created blocks of any sort, only global blocks.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting global IP block exemption, make sure that:

  1. You have a global account ;
  2. You are logged in on this wiki, and the account is part of your global account;
To request global IP block exemption
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain why you need the access and why you're suitable. If needed, link to relevant discussions.
=== Global IP block exempt for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status    = <!--don't change this line-->
 |domain    = global<!--don't change this line-->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}}
<Add an explanation here>, thanks, --~~~~

The request will be approved if there is demonstrated need for the permission, such as bypassing a global block from someone who is not the intended target.

Global IP block exempt for Saisønisse


Pinging @Xaosflux, Leaderbot, DeltaQuadBot — Per UTRS #85915; subsequently granted on March 7, 2024 — The global IP block that occurred last year was "mistaken by surprise", but I have no evidence of using connectivity alternatives (i.e. VPN). Please take this notice seriously. Saisønisse (talk) 01:05, 1 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

@Saisønisse: Leaderbot and DeltaQuadBot are automated bots and cannot answer the questions. – DreamRimmer (talk) 13:21, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Global IP Block Exempt for DBatura


DBatura (talk) 20:03, 22 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Global IP Block Exempt for YikyuenG


Per UTRS #98724 --DeltaQuadBot (talk) 16:00, 11 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Global IP Block Exempt for Julwajs


Per UTRS #99151 --DeltaQuadBot (talk) 13:00, 15 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Global IP Block Exempt for Ulaanjo-Batar-Yang


Per UTRS #99751 --DeltaQuadBot (talk) 13:00, 29 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Global IP Block Exempt for 63in9


Per UTRS #100293 --DeltaQuadBot (talk) 14:00, 12 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Global IP Block Exempt for Kdh8219


Per UTRS #100340 --DeltaQuadBot (talk) 07:00, 13 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Global IP Block Exempt for ubh


Per UTRS #100705 --DeltaQuadBot (talk) 00:00, 25 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Global IP Block Exempt for Tisykfylde


Per UTRS #100777 --DeltaQuadBot (talk) 17:00, 26 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Global IP Block Exempt for Technopat


Per UTRS #100890 --DeltaQuadBot (talk) 18:00, 1 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Requests for 2 Factor Auth tester permissions

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions.
Testing this service may result in the loss of your access and is not recommended for inexperienced users.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting 2FA tester global permissions, make sure that:

  1. You are logged in on this wiki;
  2. You have read the help page about two-factor authentication and understand how it could lead to irrecoverable loss of access to your account ;
To request 2FA tester global permissions
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and INDICATE you have read the Help page.
If the request page is currently protected, please file as an edit request on the talk page.
=== 2FA Tester for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status    = <!--don't change this line-->
 |domain    = global <!--don't change this line-->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}}
<Add an explanation here>, thanks, --~~~~

The request will be approved if there is no reason not to grant one. A steward will review the request.

2FA Tester for TheNapsterbater


Just looking to kep my account secure, am fully aware of the repercussions of not keeping backup codes safe and useable or losing all such information, thanks, --TheNapsterbater (talk) 03:22, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Requests for other global permissions

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting additional global permissions, make sure that:

  1. You are logged in on this wiki;
  2. No specific section on this page exists for the permission you want to request;
To request additional global permissions
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain what kind of access you need and why. If needed, link to relevant discussions. If you hold, or have previously held, the right and are asking for either a renewal or revival of that right, please add a link to the previous discussion.
=== <Add requested permission here> for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status    = <!-- don't change this line -->
 |domain    = global <!-- don't change this line -->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}} <!-- don't change this line unless you're nominating another user -->
<Add an explanation here>, thanks, --~~~~

The request will be approved if consensus to do so exists after a short period of consideration. A steward will review the request.

Global abuse filter helper for SHB2000

Not ending before 9 March 2025 01:32 UTC

Hello, everyone. I'm a sysop and bureaucrat on enwikivoyage. Although my ability to edit filters isn't the best, I'm one of the few users who edit abuse filters over there. Although I can view global filters (via Meta sysop), I would like global read-only access on wikis (mostly non-GS wikis) where I don't have access to be able to implement parts of them on enwikivoyage. Happy to answer any questions. //shb (tc) 01:32, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

  • Support Support Meruleh {talk} 01:42, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support Support no issues with this! Ternera (talk) 01:51, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support Support trusted user, experience comes later. Galahad (sasageyo!)(esvoy) 01:53, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Strong support Strong support. On the English Wikivoyage and on Meta, I have requested abuse filter changes (including some global abuse filters that I maintain) to them, and they are overall very helpful and trusted (as well as being a sysop on the English Wikibooks). Codename Noreste (talk) 02:55, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support Support Obviously. JJPMaster (she/they) 03:53, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Question Question: As a global sysop, you have access to abuse filters on GS wikis, so you might already be familiar with security measures. Since this permission would allow you to see abuse filters on non-GS wikis, where there are some serious LTA filters, I would like to ask a few questions to understand your knowledge of filter syntax and basic understanding of regex if the intent is to assist with authoring filters. Q1. How would you detect an attempt to bypass an existing spam filter by adding invisible Unicode characters (like zero-width space \u200B)? Q2. How would you write a filter condition to detect an edit that adds the word "spam" multiple times in a row using regex? Q3. As a Global abuse filter helper, how should you handle information from private filters and logs when discussing issues with non-helpers? – DreamRimmer (talk) 06:12, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
    Hi, for question 3: It probably depends on who is asking. If a trusted admin is asking for the filter details and they have a good rationale behind it, there isn’t much of a reason why it shouldn’t be given in private. For other users (such as general patrollers), I likely wouldn’t disclose the details of private filters and logs; with general information about specific filters only in a summarised form (and through other private means – never publicly). However, I should reiterate that the answer to this question depends on the trustworthiness of the user.
    For question 1, I would first see what specifically is causing a certain edit to not be caught by the filter. For this scenario, I would try to insert the offending text into a Unicode character inspector (this one is generally my go-to). I would then use “added_lines rlike [expression]” or “rcount”, which does have the ability to check regex and those hidden characters. The same goes for the second question – I would use "rlike" or "rcount" (such as "added_lines rlike "\b(spam\s*){2,}spam\b")" – though it depends on what exactly we’re trying to catch) to detect the repeated instances of “spam” being mentioned. I should state, however, that most of my knowledge comes from trial and error and part of why I’m requesting read-only access is to see how other wikis handle filters (and my knowledge of such filters improved when I first had access to global filters). //shb (tc) 11:39, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
    Your answers to questions 2 and 3 meet my expectations, and for question 1, I should have been more specific. Consider the word "s​p​a​m" (it's not a typical spam word because it contains zero-width spaces between each letter). Could you please provide the condition to match this word? – DreamRimmer (talk) 13:02, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
    Just to clarify, the intended output is still "spam", but has some invisible characters in between? //shb (tc) 21:56, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
    Yes. You can use a unicode inspector or an AI tool to find hidden characters. – DreamRimmer (talk) 01:00, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
    If I'm not mistaken, you'd add the UTF-8 version as filters cannot directly recognise patterns such as "\u200B" directly, which should account for the hidden Unicode characters detected using those Unicode tools. That said I really think this is an overtly hyperspecific situation that I will likely never have to come across for my home project, which is what I'm requesting this permission for. //shb (tc) 06:51, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support Support Cactus🌵 spiky ouch 06:40, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support Support. Svārtava (tɕ) 08:08, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Strong support Strong support very easy no-brainer --Wüstenspringmaus talk 08:28, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Strong support Strong support aqurs ❄️ 08:48, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support Support --Ameisenigel (talk) 12:34, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support Support --TenWhile6 17:13, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support Support. ShifaYT ✉Talk 19:28, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support Support --Pólux (talk) 20:39, 2 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support Support – trusted and experienced. Not sure it's worth it to ask about the minutiae of filter syntax since the permission is for helper rather than manager. –FlyingAce✈hello 01:11, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
    Someone who wants to implement parts of filters from other wikis on their own wiki should have knowledge of filter syntax, as even a small mistake in the filter could prevent many users from editing. This is a general statement and not specifically about SHB2000. Being a helper means having access to logs and filters, so they should understand the syntax to read and ensure a filter is working as intended. I believe everyone here is acting in good faith and has knowledge in various areas, but that doesn’t mean they should hold all user rights. While many of us may meet subjective criteria for some global permissions, the editors involved in a particular request will have their own standards for evaluation. – DreamRimmer (talk) 01:53, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • That's an easy Support Support. ~~~~
    User:1234qwer1234qwer4 (talk)
    01:54, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support Support --نوفاك اتشمان (talk) 03:27, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
  • Support Support - DreamRimmer's first question is of a level that if I were to set this to a steward candidate, even completely wrong answers would not be a disqualifer. Leaderboard (talk) 06:55, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

add global VRT permissions agents for Antanana


Thanks, --Krd 07:58, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Done. --Bsadowski1 (talk) 08:07, 3 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

See also
