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Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Training

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The project Open Science for Arts, Design and Music organises webinars, conversations and workshops. All training is accessible for free to anyone interested. The webinars are recorded and the training materials are released under the CC BY and CC BY-SA licenses. Online trainings and meetings take place in the Open Science room on BigBlueButton provided by Wikimedia Italia

In English

  1. Creative Commons: The challenges and opportunities of Creative Commons licenses for GLAMs - galleries, libraries, archives and museums, by Brigitte Vézina, 2022.
  2. Creative Commons and Open Science for Arts, Design and Music by Brigitte Vézina, Creative Commons International, three sessions, 2023.
  3. Copyright and Open Access in Switzerland by Suzanna Marazza, 2023.
  4. The Challenges and Opportunities of Swiss Copyright Laws Related to Cultural Heritage and the Role of ProLitteris, by Noa Bacchetta, 2023.
  5. Conversation with ProLitteris, with the lawyer Noa Bacchetta and Philip Küble, ProLitteris, 2023.
  6. Introduction to DARIAH / DARIAH-CH, by Cristina Grisot, 2023.
  7. The challenges and opportunities of collecting, storing and sharing sounds (Gramophone), by Günther Giovannoni, Fonoteca Nazionale Svizzera (Lugano), 2022.
  8. Wikidata: Arts and Humanities, by Daniel Mietchen, 2023.
  9. Data Management Plan: Specifics of Data in the Arts and Humanities by Dr Deborah Thorpe, Research Data Steward, University College Cork, 2023.
  10. Open Access to cultural heritage: Ethical issues by Brigitte Vézina, Creative Commons International, 2023.
  11. Local Contexts: Supporting Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Cultural Authority in Collections and Data, with Jane Anderson, Co-Director, Local Contexts and Corrie Roe, Outreach Manager, Local Contexts; Moderator Floriane Morin curator at the Ethnographical museum of Geneva, 2023.
  12. Open Design: the updatable life of physical artefacts by Serena Cangiano, FabLab SUPSI, 2023.
  13. (Un)limited Options – Open Access and multimedia publications, by Friederike Kramer, Universität der Künste Berlin, 2024.
  14. Using Wikidata for Performing Arts Related Data, by Beat Estermann (HKB), 2024.
  15. Open Data and Open Access in the Area of the Performing Arts, with Beat Estermann (HKB), Baptiste De Coulon (SAPA), and Hannah Steffen (Theater Winkelwiese in Zurich), 2024.
  16. Open: How to Open Your Content and How to Re-Use Open Content, by Iolanda Pensa, 2023.
  17. Conversation with the SNSF with Tobias Philipp and Regula Graf, interview co-organised by the project OS-ADM and GOAL, 2024.
  18. Conversation with MētisPresses with Léa Roché, 2024.
  19. Conversation with Triest Verlag, with Andrea Wiegelmann, 2024.

In Italian

  1. Il diritto d'autore nell'insegnamento e l'Open Access, di Suzanna Marazza, 2023.
  2. Introduzione al copyright e all'open access con un focus sui social media. Incontro dedicato agli studenti di comunicazione visiva, di Suzanna Marazza, 2023.
  3. Wikidata e la ricerca 2024 (Wikidata and research 2024), di Camillo Carlo Pellizzari di San Girolamo, 2024.
  4. I progetti Wikimedia: Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons e Wikidata, di Luca Martinelli, 2024.
  5. Open Access e comunicazione istituzionale, di Iolanda Pensa, 2023.
  6. Conversazione con Edizioni Casagrande, con Fabio Casagrande, 2024.

See also


Activities organised in the partner organisations: