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Programme of training and activities organised at HLSU, Lucerne School of Art and Design, in the frame of the project Open Science for arts design and music.

Training and presentations

Date Title Convenor
March 3, 2023 Open Science Day (in partnership with FHNW)
May 25, 2023 Hands-on-Workshop Open Access Simone Rosenkranz (Open Access HSLU) Rachel Mader (Head of Competence Center Art, Design & Public Spheres) and Suzanna Marazza (Legal Expert Ccdigitallaw, Supsi)
November 3, 2023 Panel discussion Offenheit und Verantwortung zwischen Urheberrecht und Open Access, Schweizer Bibliothekskongress organised and moderated by Tabea Lurk with Sandra Sykora, Cécile Villas, Pablo Mülller, Andreas Von Gunten
November 23, 2023 Workshop Multimedia Publishing in Practice Research Lucie Kolb (FHNW), Tabea Lurk (FHNW), Pablo Müller (Geschäftsstelle Forschung, HSLU DFK), Elke Rentemeister (HSLU DFK), Christina Zimmermann (HSLU DFK)
September 6-7, 2024 GLAMhack https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/222
Worked on the challenge Birk Weiberg (created the challenge, uploaded data on GitHub, edited the data, made the uploads on Wikidata), Pablo Miller (co-directed the research project, provided background about the project, provided authorisations, provided data in collaboration with the web administrator, created to Zenodo community), Iolanda Pensa (made the Data Management Plan and the documentation of the case study, contributed to the clearing of the licenses, the analysis of the data, and the open strategy) and Omar Abdesslem (contributined to editing the data, visualization and uploading them on Wikidata) and with the contribution of Rita Gautschy (reviewed the data management plan and the documentation).
September 26, 2024 Research Lunch: Open Science Policy HSLU

Thursday 26.9.2024, 12.15 - 1.15 pm,  Open Space Research (Raum 451) What do the Open Scicen Policy of the HSLU mean for research in design film and fine arts? What measures are being taken to implement the policy and to what extent are the conditions in the arts being taken into account?

Simone Rosenkranz (Open Access HSLU) and Clemens Trautwein (Research Data Management HSLU)
November 21, 2024 Research Lunch: Publishing Research Data

The research project on self-organized art spaces in Switzerland has already achieved a lot in terms of Open Science with an OA publication, an online mapping and publicly accessible interview transcripts on the ETH's Oral History Achive. Birk Weiberg and Pablo Müller use this research project to show what else is possible with research data.

With Birk Weiberg and Pablo Müller

Case studies

Silk Memory, HSLU

Title: Silk Memory
Proposed by: HSLU, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Disciplinary field: design, textile design, cultural history
Communication support : website, database
Type of content: photographs, metadata, texts
Timeframe of the project: 2012-15 preliminary projects, 2015-19 main project, 2022-25 funded archival operations
Author(s): various authors
Third-party copyright owners: Zurich Silk Association (ZSIG), Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, School of Art and Design
Grantmakers, sponsors or other funding agencies:

Silk Memory


The Silk Memory project aims to provide access to 200 years of Zurich silk design by creating and maintaining a physical textile archive and building a textile database. In close cooperation with museum partners, teachers, students and practising designers, a representative selection of fabric samples from textile archives of the Zurich silk industry was collected, indexed and made available online. On the basis of this background the Silk Memory web portal has been developed. It aims to be a research tool for teaching, research and above all as a source of inspiration for contemporary design work. The user interface was developed by the Astrom/Zimmer design studio and in close cooperation with the Silk Memory project team.


  • Storage and longterm sustainability: How to store and ensure longterm sustainability to the database
Guidelines: 5.2.3. Find a preservation-friendly home for your data
  • Copyright: How to clear the copyright of third parties' material
Guidelines: 4.4.1. Copyright clearance and personal data
  • Creative Commons (CC): How to select and use CC licenses in order to comply with open access requirements
Guidelines: 1.2.3.f Open versus non-open CC licences; 4.4.2. Mark your work with a licence
Training: Creative Commons and Open Science for Arts, Design and Music by Brigitte Vézina, Creative Commons International, three sessions, 2023.
  • Open Access Platforms: how to store data on platforms such as Europeana
Timeline Economies of Performance Art, HSLU

Title: Timeline Economies of Performance Art
Proposed by: HSLU, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Disciplinary field: visual art
Communication support : digital (plug in on a website) and printed publication
Type of content: images
Timeframe of the project: 2019-2023
Author(s): Rachel Mader, Siri Peyer
Third-party copyright owners:
Grantmakers, sponsors or other funding agencies: SNF

Timeline Economies of Performance Art


Part of the research project ‘Collecting the ephemeral. Prerequisites and Possibilities for Making Performance Art Last’ (SNF 2019 – 23) is a timeline of moments, when performance art was commercialised. This timeline is a plug-in which will be included on the website and is nurtured by images from the internet. Images are included via a link on the website they are originally posted.


  • Copyright: Clarify the copyright status of the images used and, eventually, how to deal with copyright clearance
  • Longevity: How to ensure the longevity of the linked image
  • Format: Differences between online/digital and printed publications when dealing with copyright and open access
Mapping Self-Organization in the Arts, HSLU

Title: Mapping Self-Organization in the Arts
Proposed by: HSLU, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Disciplinary field: visual art
Communication support : digital (online mapping based on a database) and printed publication
Type of content: images, texts, archival material
Timeframe of the project: 2014–2019
Author(s): Rachel Mader and Pablo Müller (editors of the printed publication), Peter Spillmann (concept and design of the online mapping)
Third-party copyright owners: artists, cultural workers, ProLitteris
Grantmakers, sponsors or other funding agencies: SNF
Wikidata item about the research project: Q129406103

Mapping Self-Organization in the Arts



  • Copyright: What the copyright status of the images and document used is and how to deal with copyright clearance
Guidelines: 1.2.1. Copyright, an overview, 4.4.1. Copyright clearance and personal data
Training: Copyright and Open Access in Switzerland by Suzanna Marazza, 2023.
  • Longevity: How to ensure the longterm viability of the database and website
Guidelines: 5.2.3. Find a preservation-friendly home for your data
  • Database: How to make the entire database available for future research

Implementation of the case study

History of the case study

Improve Mapping Self-Organization in the Arts/History

Website of the research project

The research project "OffOffOf. Swiss Cultural Policy and Self-Organization in the Arts since 1980" (SNF 2014 - 2019) produced a database on self-organised art initiatives in Switzerland. The database contains archival material and photographs of self-organised art initiatives as well as documents from policy makers. A selection of the database is publicly accessible via an online mapping that allows for temporal and geographical visualisation of the information. The materials from self-organised art initiatives are mainly from private archives and the documents from policy makers are publicly available. The documentation has also been published in a monographic publication.

Publication pdf: file:///Users/kpmuelle/Downloads/978-3-0358-0548-2-book_8634.pdf-4.pdf

Case study of the project Open Science for arts, design and music


In the frame of the project "Open Science for arts design and music" a case study was created around this research project addressing issues about how to improve the permanent archiving and reuse of its documentation.

Self-organized Art Initiatives in Switzerland at the GLAMHack Luzern 2024

Team at the GLAMHack 2024

The documentation of the research project was at the centre of the challenge "Self-organized Art Initiatives in Switzerland" presented and implemented during the GLAMHack Luzern 2024, the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon (6-7 November 2024): https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/222. The challenge allowed to address the problems/questions identified by the case study and implemente a series of solutions. Worked on the challenge Birk Weiberg (created the challenge, uploaded data on GitHub, edited the data, made the uploads on Wikidata), Pablo Miller (co-directed the research project, provided background about the project, provided authorisations, provided data in collaboration with the web administrator, created to Zenodo community), Iolanda Pensa (made the Data Management Plan and the documentation of the case study, contributed to the clearing of the licenses, the analysis of the data, and the open strategy) and Omar Abdesslem (contributined to editing the data, visualization and uploading them on Wikidata) and with the contribution of Rita Gautschy (reviewed the data management plan and the documentation).

The challenge on the website of the GLAMHack
Before the GLAMHack
  1. Creating the challenge on the GLAMHack 2024 website https://hack.glam.opendata.ch/project/222
  2. Exporting data from the website https://selbstorganisation-in-der-kunst.ch/
  3. Upload of the data on GitHub https://github.com/birk/swiss-art-initiatives
  4. Clearing of licenses https://github.com/birk/swiss-art-initiatives/blob/main/README.md
During the GLAMHack
Results of the GLAMHack
  1. Analyse data produced and collected by the research project by creating a DMP Data Management Plan.
  2. Creating a notepad for the event to coordinate the work https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/artinitiatives.
  3. Clarify copyright status and documents and possible steps to clarify copyright and requesting authorisations.
  4. Identify possible actions to improve permanent archiving and reuse and to identify steps to make the most relevant content more accessible.

Dataset on Wikidata

  1. Reviewing the available data.
  2. Identifying the Wikidata Items to be used.
  3. Structuring the data and prepare them for the upload on Wikidata using OpenRefine.
  4. Uploaded data and information about the Wikidata upload.
  5. Producing a series of simple visualisations with the data.
Possible next steps after the GLAMHack
  • Email to the practitioners promoting and managing artists initiatives to invite them to update the item related to their institution on Wikidata and upload some images of their spaces and artworks on Wikimedia Commons (general view of the spaces and only artworks of the uploader)
  • Training to explain how to edit Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons (online presentation and/or workshop at the School of art and design in Luzern)
  • Data about art spaces can be uploaded or checked also on OpenStreetMap and connected the the item on Wikidata
  • The dataset can be made available also to other databases/websites/portals presenting information related to independent art spaces in Europe or around the world to integrate data related to Switzerland
  • The Wikidata item related to the art initiatives can be included in the website of the research project
DMP Data Management Plan

Improve Mapping Self-Organization in the Arts/DMP

The Data Management Plan was produced after the end of the research project to analyse the data produced by the research and to identify ways to improve its permanent archiving (use of repositories which can guarantee long term archiving and provide metadata, and presence of a DOI) and facilitate the reuse of its content (licenses, open and standard formats, uploads on Wikidata). The Data Management Plan also looked at the specific relevance of the content produced by the research, to highlight a selection of content which can be particularly important to disseminate and make accessible.

DMP - 07/09/2024
Content Where it is stored Owner Authorisation Copyright or open license DOI Wikidata Permanent archiving Facilitating reuse Relevance
Research project Authors/Institutions Implicitly in the research project CC BY and CC0 for structured data (stated on GitHub) d:Q129406103 Community on Zenodo Default license CC BY 3.0 for content, CC0 for structured data, unless differenlty stated
Publication Direct link to the publication https://www.diaphanes.net/titel/unabhaengig-prekaer-professionell-7363 Authors/Institutions Implicitly in the research project CC BY 3.0 Ok Q130250557 √ Publication in open access with a license (a bit confusing the license)

√ Some articles on Zenodo

√ PDF (open format)

*Item on Wikidata

*Creating a community about the project on Zenodo

Easy to cite, secondary source, list of institutions
Website https://selbstorganisation-in-der-kunst.ch


Project Implicitly in the research project None No Backup of the website on GitLab

*Copy on Internet Archive??

*Copy of the website on Zenodo to generate a DOI

*Adding the license (possibly with html code)

*Adding information links to the data

Database (extrated from the website) GitHub https://github.com/birk/swiss-art-initiatives Project Implicitly in the research project CC0 and CC BY 4.0 OK √ Copy on Zenodo to have a DOI √ Accessible

GitLab of the University of Luzern would be a better solution

Interviews (transcripts) https://www.oralhistoryarchiv.ch/projekte/forschungsprojekte/interviews-im-rahmen-des-snf-off-offoff-of-schweizer-kulturpolitik-und-selbstorganisation-in-der-kunst-seit-1980 Project and intervieewed Authorisation to publish them on Oral History Archive © Texts visible No √ In the archiving system of ETH √ Authorisation only for Oral History Archive

Interviews accessible

Extremly valuable
Audio Servers of the institutions? Project and intervieewed No authorisation, voice is private, very heavy © !! challenges:

needs postproduction to make it available It is probably more reasonable to only keep the transcripts and to erase the audio

Images of some art spaces In the website People from the art spaces - attribution included Authorisation to publish them in the publication and website © Backup of the website on GitLab

√ Images in the publication

*Asking the authorization to put the images on Wikimedia Commons

!! challenges: images inclusing contemporary artwork (copyrighted): artists need to provide their authorisation

Can present the work of artists and art spaces

Reused on Wikidata

Documents of public administrations In the website Public documents about public policies (public domain produced by public administrations) Public domain © (public domain) Backup of the website on GitLab

√ Some documents included also in the publication

Documents from private archives: articles, notes, posters... In the website Authors/Institutions Authorization to publish them in the website and publication © Backup of the website on GitLab

Copy on Internet Archive??

√ Some documents included also in the publication

Extremly valuable
Bibliography: publications, gray literature School of art and design in Luzern Authors/Institutions No authorisation to disseminate them but to use them and cite them ©
Other publications Most of them on Zenodo Authors/Institutions Open access policy of the institution CC BY 4.0 *Adding everything on Zenodo

*Adding the communty to Zenodo

Presentation - conferences (eventually also with videos) At the moment not accessible Authors/Institutions Open access policy of the institution CC BY 4.0 *Adding at least a selection on Zenodo

*Adding the communty to Zenodo

Videos - recordings of presentations and conferences On youtube or link in the website of the conferences Authors/Institutions Open access policy of the institution CC BY 4.0 Videos can be uploaded with metadata and the slides of the presentations on Zenodo
Researchers involved ORCID

Where content has been stored

Adventages Disadventages
Website Design, visualisations It doesn't guarantee permanent archiving

It doesn't have a DOI

It is necessary and important to backup the data and make them available on other repositories

Oral History Archive Owned by ETH.

Non profit repository managed by a large institution. It allows access to the sources and citation. Thematic archive.

Content from the project uploaded to the Oral History Archive has not been released with an open license (but it can be viewed).
Zenodo It is the repository used and recommended by the School of art and design of Luzern

It guarantees permanent archiving

It is difficult to browse data on Zenodo

It is important to create a community on Zenodo to connect different articles, content to the project and find them more easily The community on Zenodo can be linked to the Wikidata item of the research project and can be added on the project website

GitHub Useful repository for code and datasets

Very used by designers.

Proprietary tools (owned by Microsoft)

During the GLAMHack we used a personal account; it would be better to use an institutional account Important to backup the data on Zenodo and generate a DOI

GitLab Open non commercial tool

There is an account owned by the School of art and design of Luzern.

Useful repository for code and datasets

Difficult to access and use the institutional account

Important to backup the data on Zenodo and generate a DOI

Wikidata Dissemination of data

Data can be updated by the communities (including owners of the art spaces and art initiatives).

Data can be connected to other data (linked open data).

Data from Switzerland can be visualised and analysed, combined with data from other countries.

The research, its publication and dataset can be linked to the data as a source or reference.

It is important to keep copy of the data produced by the research in an external platform which can guarantee permanent archiving and provide a DOI

Data on Wikidata can be erased and it is important to follow the rules of the online communities.

Data about people can present specific challenges.

Georeferenced data produced in Switzerland are not interoperable with Wikidata and OpenStreetMap, and they need to be converted.

Wikipedia Content from the research can enrich articles related to art history in Switzerland, artist-run initiatives

The research can contribute to better define the terminology, to update the biography and to enrich data

Not all art initiatives can have an article on Wikipedia.

Sometimes the terminology is not precise and it is not easy to change the name of an existing article.

The are not many people active in the fields of art, art system and artists initiatives on Wikipedia; this makes it a bit more complicated to contribute and it is important to do it with proper sources and good quality contributions.

OpenStreetMap Data about art spaces can be updated on OpenStreetMap

Data of OpenStreetMap can be connected to Wikidata

Georeferenced data produced in Switzerland are not interoperable with Wikidata and OpenStreetMap, and they need to be converted.

Reuse and relevance of data


Filling Knowledge Gaps


Topics of the projects specifically relevant.

  • Making content available on Wikidata
  • Linking content to international projects about self-organised art initiatives
  • Improving articles on Wikipedia in particular about art history in Switzerland, in specific cities and in the frame of art initiatives.
  • History of cultural policies and how they changed in Switzerland
  • Geography and chronology of self-organised art initiatives in Switzerland
  • Improving understanding of the terminology related to art initiatives.
Term Comments Wikidata Wikipedia
Artist-run initiative No
Artist-run space Q4034417 Article in EN with situation in different countries; no IT, FR; article in German is Offspace
Self-organized art Initiatives Preferred by the project
Artists initiatives
Self organised initiatives
Self organised space
Alternative art space
Artist run initiatives
Art institution Q20897549 None
Cultural institution Very bad articles on EN, IT, FR
Not-for-profit arts organization Q7062022 Article on EN (only English)
Independent art spaces

Improve Mapping Self-Organization in the Arts/Wikidata

The dataset of the research project has been uploaded on Wikidata during the GLAMHack 2024.

  • Item on Wikidata about the research project d:Q129406103
  • Item on Wikidata about the research publication Q130250557

Analysis of the data from the Website


Read me document on GitHub https://github.com/birk/swiss-art-initiatives/blob/main/README.md

Art initiatives - total number 713
Data available Description On Wikidata Comments
Name Name of the art initiative in different languages Label It could go on "title" but it requies the qualification of the langague
Instance of artist-run initiative
Location Canton Country Please note that several institutions move and change location
Self-description How the institutions describe themselves. Quite long text, in German, French and English; there is a reference Description requires a short text possible in several languages Relevant text, not suitable for Wikidata, but it can be used for articles on Wikipedia if the institutions are notable (the texts always report the source)
Agenda Notes about exhibitions and projects Relevant text, eventually it might be used on Wikidata manually
Org form Provide information about the type of organisation: group, foundation...
Website Sometimes facebook page official website
References People who wrote about them
Documents Related documents
From data Starting date of the initiative inception
End date
street address
Activities Radval - Evaluation of the activities
Reference to the resource project described by source(P1343) Important to include the reference to the research project and to the publication as source of data
People - total number 2427
Data available Description On Wikidata Comments
Name Label
Role Role with

Data were added to the art spaces.

Places - total number around 1000
Data available Description On Wikidata Comments
Geocoordinates Need to be corrected
Starting date
End date

Queries to access the data


List of all projects based on Wikidata https://w.wiki/B7iB

Data can be visualised on a map. World map of artist-run initiatives based on Wikidata https://w.wiki/B7gt

A timeline can be provided about the art initiatives. Timeline_Chart based on Wikidata https://w.wiki/B7jT

Babble chart showing the duration of the art initiatives. Bar & Bubble Chart based on Wikidata https://w.wiki/B7kL

Analysis and lessons learned


  • Clearing of licenses implemented through the data management plan
  • The process of uploading data on Wikidata has produced more structured and cleaned data
  • The data of the research project have been uploaded on Wikidata
  • On Wikidata, accessing linked open data associated to the research data allows new analysis. Wikidata can contribute not only to the visibility and reuse of the data produced but also to the research.


  • Producing a website is challenging because it is difficult to guarantee the long term preservation of the website and its sustainability.
  • It is difficult to access the institutional infrastructures and to use independently and rapidly the resources (i.e. GitLab of the institution)
  • The publication presents the license with the line "Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung 3.0 Schweiz Lizenz". It would be best to include the logo of the license, the international license 4.0, a link to the license and the sentence "unless differently stated".
  • Geographic coordinates in the database need quite some editing because they do not follow the same standard of Wikidata or OpenStreetMap

Lessons learned

  • Include the CC BY license in the research project (project proposal), and specify that data are released under CC0 (interoperable with Wikidata).
  • Ask authors/institutions to provide images under CC BY license and/or CC BY-SA.
  • Wikidata can be included in the research process to enrich the research data (with linked open data) and to allow different and new analysis
Video Essay: Futures of Audiovisual Research and Teaching, HSLU

Title: Video Essay: Futures of Audiovisual Research and Teaching
Proposed by: HSLU, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Disciplinary field: media, cultural, science, technology studies
Communication support : online on various channels and platforms
Type of content: film excepts, images, sound, text
Timeframe of the project: 2021–2023
Author(s): Johannes Binotto (head of the project)
Third-party copyright owners:
Grantmakers, sponsors or other funding agencies:

Video Essay: Futures of Audiovisual Research and Teaching


The project "Video Essay: Futures of Audiovisual Research and Teaching" investigates the potential of video essays and videographic practices as a new approach in hybrid academic teaching, as a new research apparatus and epistemological laboratory and as a new form of scientific publication in the digital age. Video essays use existing sounds, images, and film footage and transform them into audiovisual devices that reflect on their own function, production, and implications.


  • Copyright: Clarify the copyright status of the material used; Clarify the limits of the Swiss legislation concerning the right to cite for scientific and illustrative purposes (quotation right) and international equivalents (fair use)
Guidelines: 1.2.1. Copyright, an overview; 1.2.2. Copyright in Switzerland; 2.3. Principles: 2.3. Principles: be FAIR
Training: Copyright and Open Access in Switzerland by Suzanna Marazza, 2023.
  • Publishers: How to improve publishers understanding of copyright issues and raise their awareness regarding open access
Guidelines: 6.2. Negotiating for open access