Participation in the study day organized by Dariah-CH
Organised by Iolanda Pensa and Giovanni Profeta
SUPSI, Mendrisio
GLAMHack 2022
April 17, 2023
Chiara Barbieri
Forschungstoolbox: Open Science for the Arts
MEG, Geneva
GLAMHack 2023
October 17, 2023
OS-ADM Open Science for Arts Design and Music in OA Panel on Insights and Learnings Based on the Intermediary Re- views: Projects OA Calls 211, 212 and 221
The guidelines of the project Open Science for arts, design and music
Cristina Grisot and Iolanda Pensa
presentation in person
swissuniversities, Bern
January 27, 2025
Data Management Plan: Aerial Spatial Revolution, training about open science and data management plan for the project team of Aerial Spatial Revolution
Iolanda Pensa
SUPSI and team of the SNF project Aerial Spatial Revolution
Training organised within the project Aerial Spatial Revolution