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Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Training/SUPSI/Open Access and institutional communication

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Open Access and institutional communication is a workshop in Italian which targets members of the Servizio comunicazione istituzionale and Heads of communication in SUPSI with the intent of introducing participants to the basics of Open Access (OA) and supporting the implementation of SUPSI’s OA agenda ‘as open as possible as closed as necessary’ in their everyday workflow. After a brief introduction about OA end its various challenges, the workshop will focus on Creative Commons (CC) licences. Theory will be then put into practice with a series of case studies that will allow participants to address the following questions: What kind of institutional publications and materials can/should be published in OA? What are the different CC licences? How do you choose and use them? What kind of data can be released in OA and which information should be rather anonymised?

Abstract The workshop targets members of the Servizio comunicazione istituzionale and Heads of communication in SUPSI with the intent of introducing participants to the basics of Open Access (OA) and supporting the implementation of SUPSI’s OA agenda ‘as open as possible as closed as necessary’ in their everyday workflow. After a brief introduction about OA end its various challenges, the workshop will focus on Creative Commons (CC) licences. Theory will be then put into practice with a series of case studies that will allow participants to address the following questions: What kind of institutional publications and materials can/should be published in OA? What are the different CC licences? How do you choose and use them? What kind of data can be released in OA and which information should be rather anonymised?

To make the workshop as practical and enjoyable as possible, many examples will be used and there will be room for questions. Participants are encouraged to send questions and case studies in advance to chiara.barbieri@supsi.ch.

Goals The ultimate goal of the workshop is turning OA part of the everyday work routine of the institutional communication office. To this end, it provides basic knowledge and key tools that will allow participants to implement SUPSI's OA agenda.
Target audience Members of the Servizio comunicazione istituzionale and Heads of communication in all SUPSI's departments.
Organisers Iolanda Pensa, SUPSI DACD

Chiara Barbieri, SUPSI DACD

Prerequisite No previous knowledge needed.
Convenors Iolanda Pensa, SUPSI
Duration 1.5 hour
  • introduction to Open Access (OA): what it is and why it matters;
  • SUPSI's OA politics and guidelines;
  • open publications and open data;
  • essential features of OA formats and longterm sustainability of OA;
  • focus on Creative Commons licence: what they are, when and how to use them;
  • analysis of case studies;
  • Q&A
Date and time 10 May, 2023 09.00–10.30am CET
Location in person, tbc
Fees Attendance is free.
Registration Send an email to chiara.barbieri@supsi.ch by 05.05.2023.
Remarks The workshop is in Italian. Participants are invited to send any questions for speakers to chiara.barbieri@supsi.ch by 05.05.2023.