Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/FHNW
OS-ADM | Training | Guidelines | Case studies | Publishers | Project | Reports | DMP | Credits |
Programme of training and activities organised at FHNW, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, in collaboration with the project Open Science for arts design and music.
Training and presentations
[edit]Date | Title | Convenor |
March 3, 2023 | Open Science Day (in partnership with HSLU) | |
November 2023 | Schweizer Bibliothekskongress 2023
Offenheit und Verantwortung zwischen Urheberrecht und Open Access: Gesprächsrund zu Effekten der URG-Revision von 2020 für das audio-visuelle Sammlungs- und Kulturgut in Schweizerischen Bibliotheken |
Sandra Sykora, Cécile Villas, Pablo Mülller, Andreas Von Gunten, Tabea Lurk |
May 21-24, 2024 | Pop-Up-Mediathek – Ask a Librarian
In addition to walk-in offers for individual advice (“ask a librarian”), cooperation and collaboration partners of the HGK Basel media library will be invited to make information accessible at ground level that will be new to one or the other. Each day, a specific topic will be the focus of the respective contributions. Documentation |
June 5, 2024 | Poster-Präsentation: «Die Mediathek als Pop-up Bibliothek» , Bibliocon Hamburg | Tabea Lurk and Michael Mathys |
June 17, 2024 | Discussion panels on challenges and opportunities of publishing in the arts
Was Verlage alles können: Warum eBooks |
Janine Sack, Gründerin, Geschäftsführerin von
Esther Hunziker, Künstlerin, Gründerin von Chris Regn, Künstlerin, freie Kuratorin und Veranstalterin, Mitgründerin von Existenz und Produkt |
October 2, 2024 | Workshops (including Data Stewardship inputs) on data management and publication of raw data with documented OCFL-packages | |
October 29, 2024 | ||
October 31, 2024 | ||
November 11, 2024 | ||
December 2, 2024 | ||
December 5, 2024 | «Making cultural data FAIR - A Microservice to FAIRify existing online databases», together with Jurgen Enge, EUDAT Conference 2024, Karlsruhe | |
November 14, 2024 | Contribution on «Zugang zu künstlerischen Publikationen – ePub und Formatvielfalt als Herausforderung für Bibliotheken und ihre Kataloge», bei: Editieren, Publizieren, Archivieren – (Digitales) Unabhängiges Publizieren & kooperative Redaktionsprozesse. Symposium der Präsenzstelle Luckenwalde, FH Potsdam | |
Series on research data management and publication of raw data with documented OCFL-packages | ||
Authority Rights and licensing Problem with Free Video on Demand / SSA Development of an technical concept and first setup for a video on delay service, which allows users to reserve freely available video content for the next day and for a time span as expected while not showing the content immediately online. This allows to fulfil the legal requirements |
Those community meetings were organised to draw attention to the complex situation surrounding copyright and the issue of publication mechanisms in the arts and design. At these meetings, the needs of the various stakeholder groups were collected and analysed, and a network was established.
Case studies
- Title: Together Elsewhere
- Proposed by: HGK, Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW
- Disciplinary field: performance art
- Communication support : live-streaming events, community-posts on PANCH-Communication Channels and FHNW Website
- Type of content: performance art
- Timeframe of the project: 2021–ongoing
- Author(s): Pavana Reid (artist, Performance Art Bergen (PAB)), Gisela Hochuli (artist, Performance Art Network CH (PANCH)), Dr. Tabea Lurk (Mediathek/Production, HGK FHNW), Jürgen Enge (Bibliothek/Production, Basel University)
- Third-party copyright owners: All material are licensed CC BY 4.0
- Grantmakers, sponsors or other funding agencies: Performance Art Bergen (PAB), Mediathek HGK FHNW
Together Elsewhere
[edit]Summary of the case study and link
[edit]"Together Elsewhere" is a collaborative networking project in which one performance artist from Switzerland and one from Norway perform together for 30 minutes in the virtual space of a live streaming. Before the performance, the spatial constellations, specific objects to be used and other aspects are agreed upon. As a growing resource, "Together Elsewhere" adds each month one live event which is then continued/stabilised as video document – publicly available.
[edit]- Reference: How to properly reference artworks and in particular performing arts
- Copyright: Clarify copyright issues in the field of performing arts (e.g. related rights)
- Guidelines: 1.2.1.e. Related rights; 1.2.2.e Related rights; 1.2.2.k. Audiovisuals, theatre, dance, circus, films and multimedia
- Training: Open Data and Open Access in the Area of the Performing Arts, with Beat Estermann (HKB), Baptiste De Coulon (SAPA), and Hannah Steffen (Theater Winkelwiese in Zurich), 2024.
- Persistent identifiers and metadata: How to ensure longterm findability through cataloguing and indexing practices
- Guidelines
Solutions and development
- Title: Alpine Netze der Verbundenheit
- Proposed by: HSM Basel FHNW
- Disciplinary field: music
- Communication support : event and blog
- Type of content:
- Timeframe of the project: 01.02.2020 – 31.01.2021
- Author(s): Dr. Romed Aschwanden (historian, Urner Institut Kulturen der Alpen), Prof. Dr. Boris Previšić (flautist and researcher, Universität Luzern), Prof. Michel Roth (composer, Hochschule für Musik Basel/FHNW)
- Third-party copyright owners:
- Grantmakers, sponsors or other funding agencies: Förderprogramm Spark des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds
Alpine Netze der Verbundenheit
[edit]Summary of the case study and link
[edit]The research project "Alpine Netze der Verbundenheit" focuses on the dense network of small cable cars in the Schächen valley of Uri, Switzerland is examined for its socio-cultural and communicative everyday function. Guided by Bruno Latour's actor-network theory, the project involves archival research, interviews and participant observation of operational processes. The project deliberately brings another actor into the network: artistic interventions (music performance and interactive sonification) challenge the usual usage and explore the perspectives and limits of alternative uses of this culturally and historically valuable infrastructure. Overall, this case study also contributes to linking historiographical, anthropological, and artistic research.
[edit]- Copyright: Best practice to negotiate copyright clearance with right owners and third parties
- Guidelines: 4.4.1. Copyright clearance and personal data; 9.2.1 Consent form for material subjected to copyright protection and for the collection and use of personal data
- Training: Copyright and Open Access in Switzerland by Suzanna Marazza, 2023.
- Publishers: How to raise publishers awareness about open access
- Guidelines: 6.2. Negotiating for open access
- Reuse of open data: How to enable reuse of open data
- Guidelines: 3. ACCESS and (RE)USE third parties data
- Training: Creative Commons and Open Science for Arts, Design and Music by Brigitte Vézina, Creative Commons International, three sessions, 2023.
- Performing arts: Clarify copyright issues related to performing arts (e.g. related rights)
- Guidelines: 1.2.1.e. Related rights; 1.2.2.e Related rights; 1.2.2.k. Audiovisuals, theatre, dance, circus, films and multimedia
- Training: Open Data and Open Access in the Area of the Performing Arts, with Beat Estermann (HKB), Baptiste De Coulon (SAPA), and Hannah Steffen (Theater Winkelwiese in Zurich), 2024.
- Title: Fashion as Performance
- Proposed by: HGK, Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW
- Disciplinary field: fashion design, fashion performance
- Communication support : exhibition, event, digital publication, website, database
- Type of content: performance, video/audio recording, live stream, social media content
- Timeframe of the project:
- Author(s):BA Fashion Design Students, Models, Marco Mastrogiacomo, Suresh Surenthiran / AVS Technique HGK
- Third-party copyright owners:
- Grantmakers, sponsors or other funding agencies:
Fashion as Performance
[edit]Summary of the case study and link
[edit]BA Fashion Design Students and their performances / presentations are the focus of this case study that involves public streaming, exams, social media content. The event "Doing Fashion" was based on the premise that fashion becomes legible as a performative process that stages clothes on bodies in a specific space. Only through various staging strategies do clothes become fashion and signs within our culture and our communication. For fashion, performativity consists in the incessant process of constructing and deconstructing meanings. In this way, fashion represents representation itself, it only refers to the indwelling character of all signs without providing a clear referent.
[edit]- Copyright: Clarify copyright issues when dealing with students work
- Social media: Risks and benefits of sharing content on social media, in particular students' work
- Guidelines: 6.7.1. How to deal with social media
- Training: Introduzione al copyright e all'open access con un focus sui social media. Incontro dedicato agli studenti di comunicazione visiva, di Suzanna Marazza, 2023.