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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Meta:FormWizard/Config/IdeaLab and the translation is 87% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


"@languages": "


   "@doc": "IdeaLab - create and expand idea form wizard configuration file",
   "create": {
           "post-edit": "感謝您建立點子!",
           "new-page": true,
           "namespace": "Grants:",
           "portal-page": "IdeaLab/",
           "page-template": "",
           "infobox": "Probox",
           "talkpage-template": "",
           "page-home": "Grants:IdeaLab",
           "dialog-title": "讓我們開始寫下您的點子吧!",
           "error-not-logged-in": "尚未登入。",
          "edit-comment-prefix": "Creating a new idea ",
          "edit-comment-suffix": " (edited with FormWizard)"
           "introText": {
               "type": "text",
               "string": "第1步(共2步)基本資訊。  別擔心您的答案還未盡善盡美,在創建完這份草稿後您還可以繼續進行增添與修改!"
           "projectNameTextbox": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "placeholder": "我們應該怎樣稱呼您的點子?",
               "title": "點子標題",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "validate": "doesNotExists",
           "inspireDropdown": {
              "type": "dropdownList",
              "title": "Idea type",
              "mandatory": true,
              "add-to": "infobox",
              "values": ["Idealab"]
           "projectSummaryTextbox": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "簡單的將您的點子化作一句摘要。",
               "title": "摘要",
               "mandatory": true,
               "add-to": "infobox",
           "projectIdeaSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "leave this blank!",
               "title": "這是「提案點子」章節的起始處。",
               "section": "Project idea",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Project idea"
           "getInvolvedSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "此處留空即可!",
               "title": "這是「如何加入」章節的起始處。",
               "section": "Project idea",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Get Involved",
               "value": "",
               "comment" :""
           "projectProfileTextbox": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "title": "About you",
               "placeholder": "Optional: Tell us a little about yourself.  Write about your background, on-wiki experience, and other skills here!",
               "section": "About the idea creator",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "parent" : "getInvolvedSection",
               "section-header": "About the idea creator",
          "participantsSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "此處留空即可!",
               "title": "這是「參與名單」章節的起始處。",
               "section": "Participants",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Participants",
               "parent" : "getInvolvedSection",
               "value": "",
               "comment": ""
          "endorsementsSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "leave this blank!",
               "title": "這是「表達支持」章節的起始處。",
               "section": "Endorsements",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Endorsements",
               "parent" : "getInvolvedSection",
               "value": "",
               "comment": ""
          "expandSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "leave this blank!",
               "title": "leave this blank!",
               "section": "Expand your idea",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Expand your idea",

"value": '來自維基媒體基金會的補助是否幫助實現您的點子?您可以擴充這個點子成一個補助提案。



               "comment": ""
          "expandSection2": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "leave this blank!",
               "title": "leave this blank!",
               "parent" : "expandSection",
               "section": "No funding needed?",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "No funding needed?",
               "value": "Does your idea not require funding, but you're not sure about what to do next?  Not sure how to start a proposal on your local project that needs consensus?  Contact Chris Schilling on-wiki at I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) or via e-mail at cschilling(_AT_)wikimedia.org for help!"
               "type": "cancelButton",
           "introText": {
               "type": "text",
               "string": "第2步(共3步)專案資訊"
           "projectProblemSolvedTextbox": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "text-1":"What problem are you trying to solve by doing this project? This problem should be small enough that you expect it to be completely or mostly resolved by the end of this project.",
               "placeholder": "請解釋您想要用這個點子解決的問題為何",
               "title": "您嘗試解決的問題為何?",
               "section": "What is the problem you're trying to solve?",
               "mandatory": true,
               "add-to": "section",
               "parent" : "projectIdeaSection",
               "section-header": "What is the problem you're trying to solve?",
               "comment": "What problem are you trying to solve by doing this project? This problem should be small enough that you expect it to be completely or mostly resolved by the end of this project. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
" }, "projectSolutionTextbox": { "type": "largeTextBox", "text-1": "For the problem you identified in the previous section, briefly describe how you would like to address this problem. We recognize that there are many ways to solve a problem. We’d like to understand why you chose this particular solution, and why you think it is worth pursuing.", "placeholder": "解釋您的點子會如何解決問題。", "title": "您的解決方式為何?", "characterLength":2000, "section": "What is your solution?", "mandatory": true, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectIdeaSection", "section-header": "What is your solution?", "comment": "For the problem you identified in the previous section, briefly describe your how you would like to address this problem. We recognize that there are many ways to solve a problem. We’d like to understand why you chose this particular solution, and why you think it is worth pursuing. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
" }, "projectGoalsSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "text-1": "What are your goals for this project? Your goals should describe the top two or three benefits that will come out of your project. These should be benefits to the Wikimedia projects or Wikimedia communities. They should not be benefits to you individually.", "placeholder": "example: *Complete translations of medical-related articles from English Wikipedia to Finnish Wikipedia.", "title": "Project goals", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Project goals", "mandatory": "true", "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectIdeaSection", "section-header": "Project goals", "comment": "What are your goals for this project? Your goals should describe the top two or three benefits that will come out of your project. These should be benefits to the Wikimedia projects or Wikimedia communities. They should not be benefits to you individually. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"下一步" }, "cancelButton":{ "type": "cancelButton", "title":"取消" } }, "step-3":{ "introText": { "type": "text", "string": "第3步(共3步)額外資訊" }, "roleSelectionList":{ "title": "提案分工", "text-1" :"您想要具有某些特長技能的人來幫您實現這個點子嗎?您可以在此具體說明您所需要的專長人才,以及您所需要的人數多少。", "text-2" : "例如:要求兩名研究員、選擇這個在研究員工作旁邊的數字。", "type": "stepperList", "mandatory": false, "choiceList": [ { "key": "advisor", "value": 0 }, { "key": "community_organizer", "value": 0 }, { "key": "designer", "value": 0 }, { "key": "developer", "value": 0 }, { "key": "project_manager", "value": 0 }, { "key": "researcher", "value": 0 } ], "hidden": [ { "key": "translations", "value": "Probox/Idealab/Content" }, { "key": "more_participants", "value": "YES" } ], "add-to": "infobox" }, "roleInformationLink": { "type": "link", "href": "https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IdeaLab/Roles", "link": "Learn more about project roles" }, "projectImage":{ "type": "image", "title": "想要代表這個提案點子的客製化圖片嗎?", "imageTitleBox": "想要使用其他來自維基共享資源的圖片,請輸入'File:'並且加上圖片的檔案名。", "text-1": "這是預設會出現的圖片", "placeholder": "File:Wikipedia Education Backpack 2 rv3 transparent.png", "url":"https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/meta/thumb/4/4a/Wikipedia_Education_Backpack_2_rv3_transparent.png/154px-Wikipedia_Education_Backpack_2_rv3_transparent.png", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "image", "validate": true, "link":"在維基共享資源搜尋圖片" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"doneButton", "title":"提出我的點子" }, "backButton":{ "type":"backButton", "title":"返回" } } }, "expand": { "config":{ "post-edit": "感謝您分享您的點子到「靈感乍現提案」!請不要客氣,持續的維護您的頁面,並且觀察討論頁的演變來深入了解相關資訊。", "new-page": false, "namespace": "Grants", "portal-page": "IdeaLab", "page-template": "", "infobox": "Probox", "talkpage-template": "", "page-home": "Grants:IdeaLab", "dialog-title": "讓我們來將您的點子化作補助提案", "error-not-logged-in": "您尚未登入-請在開始前先使用您的帳戶登入。", "edit-comment-prefix": "擴充這個點子,讓它成為靈感乍現補助計畫的提案 ", "edit-comment-suffix": "(使用FormWizard編輯)" }, "step-1":{ "introText": { "type": "text", "string": "Step 1 (of 3). Activities and budgets" }, "projectPlanSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "leave this blank!", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Project plan", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Project plan", "value": "", "comment": "" }, "projectActivitiesSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "例:*建立並測試小套件", "title": "活動", "text-1": "如果您的提案獲得補助,請敘述主要會完成哪些活動。會進行什麼活動?您會製作、創造、或完成什麼樣的事物,又您會如何測試解決方法的效果?分工的角色與事項、還有各個工作階段分別為何?通常為計畫制定一項時間表是十分有用的。", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Activities", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Activities", "comment": "" }, "projectBudgetSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "example: *Project manager: 500 USD", "title": "預算明細", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Budget", "text-1": "您需要哪種的資金補助來完成這些活動?請以條列型式分項列出支出明細。", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Budget", "value" : "You may find it helpful to provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here.", "comment": "" }, "amountRequestedTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "例如:800美元", "title": "總金額", "text-1": "這份補助案您共申請多少的補助金額?別忘了標記您使用的貨幣是哪一國的!", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"amount" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"下一步" }, "backButton":{ "type":"cancelButton", "title":"取消" } }, "step-2":{ "introText": { "type": "text", "string": "Step 2 (of 3). Engagement and sustainability" }, "communityEngagementSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "範例:我們會在計畫開頭及結尾時調查我們的目標社群,並在過程中舉辦3場現場有互動回應的活動。", "title": "與維基社群互動", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Community engagement", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Community engagement", "text-1": "您想要怎麼做來使您計畫的每一個階段中都能讓維基社群參與、獲得社群參與者的回饋?", "comment": "" }, "sustainabilitySection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "範例:我們製作的懶人包將會釋出給維基社群翻譯讓全球得以使用。", "title": "永續性", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Sustainability", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Sustainability", "text-1": "您想在補助計畫結束後,您的提案會有發生什麼樣的後續效應?它會如何被使用、延續或成長?", "comment": "" }, "measuresOfSuccessSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "範例:*與現有的提案相較,可增加50%的編輯以及回流量", "title": "成功如何衡量", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Measures of success", "text-1": "您要如何知道您的計畫是成功的、您又如何來達成目的?列出一些目標具體、可測量的想法。", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Measures of success",

"value": "

需要如何設定目標的建議嗎?(英文說明)備註:in addition to your project-specific measures of success, you will also be asked to report on some Global Metrics at the end of your final report. Please keep this in mind as you plan, and we'll support you as you begin your project.


               "comment": ""
           "introText": {
               "type": "text",
               "string": "第3步(共3步)專案團隊"
           "granteeUsernameTextbox": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "placeholder": "範例:Jmorgan (WMF)",
               "title": "受補助者",
               "text-1": "請在此輸入您的使用者帳號。如果您的團隊有超過一位的受補助者,您也可以在此添加更多人。",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "infobox",
           "contactEmailTextbox": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "placeholder": "範例:iegrants(_AT_)wikimedia.org",
               "title": "主要聯絡人",
               "text-1": "請提供一份電子信箱位址(或者是能夠收到電子信件的使用者帳號),讓我們可以聯絡您。",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "title": "其他參與者",
               "text-1": "請告訴我們除了您之外,還有多少人將會以受補助者或是顧問的身分參與您的這項提案。",
               "text-2": "如果您還不確定,請直接跳過這個問題。您之後還可以填寫更多的受補助者或顧問名單。",
               "type": "stepperList",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "choiceList": [
                   "key": "grantee",
                   "value": 0
                   "key": "advisor",
                   "value": 0
           "teamInfoSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "範例:*PretendUserName :我已經組織維基好玩專題三年了。",
               "title": "",
               "section": "Project team",
               "text-1": "如果您的專案團隊包含其他的受補助者或是顧問,請在這裡分享他們的使用者帳號。您提案中的每一位成員(包含您自己),請敘述他們能夠貢獻於這項提案中的相關背景或技能。",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "section",
               "section-header": "Project team",
               "value": "",
               "comment": ""
          "communityNotificationSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "leave this blank!",
               "title": "",
               "section": "Community notification",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Community notification",
               "value": "請將您已經通知給相關這個提案的維基社群或是社群的討論頁面貼於這裡。想知道告知社群的訣竅嗎?請點此了解",
               "comment": ""
           "statusInspire": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "infobox-param": "status",
               "value": "proposed"
           "roundIEG": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "infobox-param": "round",
               "value": "round 1 2016"
           "nextButton": {
               "type": "backButton",
