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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Meta:FormWizard/Config/IdeaLab and the translation is 80% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


"@languages": "


   "@doc": "IdeaLab - create and expand idea form wizard configuration file",
   "create": {
           "post-edit": "¡Gracias por crear tu idea!",
           "new-page": true,
           "namespace": "Grants:",
           "portal-page": "IdeaLab/",
           "page-template": "",
           "infobox": "Probox",
           "talkpage-template": "",
           "page-home": "Grants:IdeaLab",
           "dialog-title": "¡Crea tu idea!",
           "error-not-logged-in": "No te has identificado.",
          "edit-comment-prefix": "Creating a new idea ",
          "edit-comment-suffix": " (edited with FormWizard)"
           "introText": {
               "type": "text",
               "string": "Paso 1 (de 2). Información básica.¡No te preocupes por completar perfectamente este formulario, puedes agregar y hacer cambios a la página después de crear tu primer proyecto!"
           "projectNameTextbox": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "placeholder": "¿Cómo debemos llamar a tu idea?",
               "title": "Título de la idea.",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "validate": "doesNotExists",
           "inspireDropdown": {
              "type": "dropdownList",
              "title": "Idea type",
              "mandatory": true,
              "add-to": "infobox",
              "values": ["Idealab"]
           "projectSummaryTextbox": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "Resume tu idea en una frase.",
               "title": "Resumen",
               "mandatory": true,
               "add-to": "infobox",
           "projectIdeaSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "leave this blank!",
               "title": "Este es el encabezado de la sección 'idea de proyecto'",
               "section": "Project idea",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Project idea"
           "getInvolvedSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "¡deja esto en blanco!",
               "title": "Este es el encabezado de la sección 'participar'",
               "section": "Project idea",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Get Involved",
               "value": "",
               "comment" :""
           "projectProfileTextbox": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "title": "About you",
               "placeholder": "Opcional: cuéntanos un poco sobre ti. ¡Escribe sobre tus bases, experiencia en la wiki y otras destrezas aquí!",
               "section": "About the idea creator",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "parent" : "getInvolvedSection",
               "section-header": "About the idea creator",
          "participantsSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "¡deja esto en blanco!",
               "title": "Este es el encabezado de la sección 'participantes'",
               "section": "Participants",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Participants",
               "parent" : "getInvolvedSection",
               "value": "",
               "comment": ""
          "endorsementsSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "leave this blank!",
               "title": "Este es el encabezado de la sección 'avales'",
               "section": "Endorsements",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Endorsements",
               "parent" : "getInvolvedSection",
               "value": "",
               "comment": ""
          "expandSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "leave this blank!",
               "title": "leave this blank!",
               "section": "Expand your idea",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Expand your idea",

"value": '¿Podría grant de la Fundación Wikimedia ayudarte a materializar tu idea? Puedes ampliar esta idea en una propuesta de subvención.

Ampliar a Rapid Grant
Ampliar a Project Grant


               "comment": ""
          "expandSection2": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "leave this blank!",
               "title": "leave this blank!",
               "parent" : "expandSection",
               "section": "No funding needed?",
               "mandatory": "false",
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "No funding needed?",
               "value": "Does your idea not require funding, but you're not sure about what to do next?  Not sure how to start a proposal on your local project that needs consensus?  Contact Chris Schilling on-wiki at I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) or via e-mail at cschilling(_AT_)wikimedia.org for help!"
               "type": "cancelButton",
           "introText": {
               "type": "text",
               "string": "Paso 2 (de 3). Información del proyecto"
           "projectProblemSolvedTextbox": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "text-1":"What problem are you trying to solve by doing this project? This problem should be small enough that you expect it to be completely or mostly resolved by the end of this project.",
               "placeholder": "Explica el problema que quieres abordar con esta idea",
               "title": "¿Cuál es el problema que estás tratando de resolver?",
               "section": "What is the problem you're trying to solve?",
               "mandatory": true,
               "add-to": "section",
               "parent" : "projectIdeaSection",
               "section-header": "What is the problem you're trying to solve?",
               "comment": "What problem are you trying to solve by doing this project? This problem should be small enough that you expect it to be completely or mostly resolved by the end of this project. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
" }, "projectSolutionTextbox": { "type": "largeTextBox", "text-1": "For the problem you identified in the previous section, briefly describe how you would like to address this problem. We recognize that there are many ways to solve a problem. We’d like to understand why you chose this particular solution, and why you think it is worth pursuing.", "placeholder": "Explica cómo tu idea podría solucionar el problema.", "title": "¿Cuál es tu solución?", "characterLength":2000, "section": "What is your solution?", "mandatory": true, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectIdeaSection", "section-header": "What is your solution?", "comment": "For the problem you identified in the previous section, briefly describe your how you would like to address this problem. We recognize that there are many ways to solve a problem. We’d like to understand why you chose this particular solution, and why you think it is worth pursuing. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
" }, "projectGoalsSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "text-1": "What are your goals for this project? Your goals should describe the top two or three benefits that will come out of your project. These should be benefits to the Wikimedia projects or Wikimedia communities. They should not be benefits to you individually.", "placeholder": "example: *Complete translations of medical-related articles from English Wikipedia to Finnish Wikipedia.", "title": "Project goals", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Project goals", "mandatory": "true", "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectIdeaSection", "section-header": "Project goals", "comment": "What are your goals for this project? Your goals should describe the top two or three benefits that will come out of your project. These should be benefits to the Wikimedia projects or Wikimedia communities. They should not be benefits to you individually. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"Siguiente" }, "cancelButton":{ "type": "cancelButton", "title":"Cancelar" } }, "step-3":{ "introText": { "type": "text", "string": "Paso 3 (de 3). Información adicional" }, "roleSelectionList":{ "title": "Roles del proyecto", "text-1" :"¿Quieres que personas con habilidades específicas ayuden con tu idea? Puedes especificar a continuación las funciones que necesitas y la cantidad de gente necesitas.", "text-2" : "Por ejemplo: para pedir 2 personas investigadoras, selecciona el número que aparece junto a la función investigadora de abajo.", "type": "stepperList", "mandatory": false, "choiceList": [ { "key": "advisor", "value": 0 }, { "key": "community_organizer", "value": 0 }, { "key": "designer", "value": 0 }, { "key": "developer", "value": 0 }, { "key": "project_manager", "value": 0 }, { "key": "researcher", "value": 0 } ], "hidden": [ { "key": "translations", "value": "Probox/Idealab/Content" }, { "key": "more_participants", "value": "YES" } ], "add-to": "infobox" }, "roleInformationLink": { "type": "link", "href": "https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IdeaLab/Roles", "link": "Learn more about project roles" }, "projectImage":{ "type": "image", "title": "¿Quieres una imagen personalizada para representar tu proyecto?", "imageTitleBox": "Para usar una imagen diferente de Wikimedia Commons, introduce  'Archivo:' seguido a continuación del nombre del archivo.", "text-1": "Esta es la imagen que aparecerá por defecto.", "placeholder": "File:Wikipedia Education Backpack 2 rv3 transparent.png", "url":"https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/meta/thumb/4/4a/Wikipedia_Education_Backpack_2_rv3_transparent.png/154px-Wikipedia_Education_Backpack_2_rv3_transparent.png", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "image", "validate": true, "link":"Buscar una imagen en Wikimedia Commons" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"doneButton", "title":"Crear mi idea" }, "backButton":{ "type":"backButton", "title":"Atrás" } } }, "expand": { "config":{ "post-edit": "¡Gracias por convertir tu idea en una propuesta de inspiración!. Por favor, siéntete libre de continuar editando tu página, de mejorarla con el tiempo, y de consultar la página de discusión para más información.", "new-page": false, "namespace": "Grants", "portal-page": "IdeaLab", "page-template": "", "infobox": "Probox", "talkpage-template": "", "page-home": "Grants:IdeaLab", "dialog-title": "Convierte tu idea en una propuesta de subvención.", "error-not-logged-in": "No estás identificado. Por favor entra en tu cuenta antes de continuar.", "edit-comment-prefix": "Idea convertida en una propuesta de subvención Inspire. ", "edit-comment-suffix": "(editado con FormWizard)" }, "step-1":{ "introText": { "type": "text", "string": "Step 1 (of 3). Activities and budgets" }, "projectPlanSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "leave this blank!", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Project plan", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Project plan", "value": "", "comment": "" }, "projectActivitiesSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "ejemplo: *Construir y probar un gadget", "title": "Actividades", "text-1": "Describir las principales actividades del proyecto que se realizarán si se financia el proyecto. ¿Qué actividades se llevarán a cabo? ¿Qué vas a hacer, crear, o completar, y cómo vas a evaluar tus soluciones? ¿Quién va a hacer qué y en qué etapas? A menudo es útil proporcionar una línea de tiempo del proyecto.", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Activities", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Activities", "comment": "" }, "projectBudgetSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "example: *Project manager: 500 USD", "title": "Presupuesto desglosado", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Budget", "text-1": "¿Qué tipo de financiación necesitas para llevar a cabo tus actividades? Por favor desglosa cada uno de tus gastos en una lista con viñetas.", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Budget", "value" : "Puede que te resulte útil proporcionar un desglose detallado de los gastos del proyecto de acuerdo con las instrucciones de aquí.", "comment": "" }, "amountRequestedTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "ejemplo: 800 USD", "title": "Importe total", "text-1": "¿Cuánta financiación total pide para esta subvención? ¡No se olvide de especificar qué moneda está utilizando!", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"amount" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"Siguiente" }, "backButton":{ "type":"cancelButton", "title":"Cancelar" } }, "step-2":{ "introText": { "type": "text", "string": "Step 2 (of 3). Engagement and sustainability" }, "communityEngagementSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "Ejemplo: realizaremos encuestas a nuestra comunidad objetivo al inicio y final del proyecto, y realizaremos en mitad de este 3 sesiones de retroalimentación.", "title": "Compromiso comunitario", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Community engagement", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Community engagement", "text-1": "¿Cuáles son algunas de las formas de tu plan para incorporar participación de la comunidad y sugerencias en cada fase de tu proyecto?", "comment": "" }, "sustainabilitySection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "example: Kits we develop will be made available to the community for translation and global reuse.", "title": "Sostenibilidad", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Sustainability", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Sustainability", "text-1": "What do you expect will happen to your project after the grants ends? How might it be used/continued/grown?", "comment": "" }, "measuresOfSuccessSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "example: *Improve editor activity and retention by 50% compared to the existing program", "title": "Midiendo el éxito", "characterLength":2000, "section": "Measures of success", "text-1": "How will you know if your project is successful and you've met your goals? List some ideas for specific, measurable targets.", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "projectPlanSection", "section-header": "Measures of success", "value": "Need target-setting tips? Note: in addition to your project-specific measures of success, you will also be asked to report on some Global Metrics at the end of your final report. Please keep this in mind as you plan, and we'll support you as you begin your project.", "comment": "" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"Siguiente" }, "backButton":{ "type":"backButton", "title":"Atrás" } }, "step-3":{ "introText": { "type": "text",

"string": "

Paso 2 (de 2). Equipo del proyecto.


           "granteeUsernameTextbox": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "placeholder": "ejemplo: Jmorgan (WMF)",
               "title": "Subvencionada.",
               "text-1": "Please enter your username here. If your team has more than 1 grantee, you can add more people below.",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "infobox",
           "contactEmailTextbox": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",

"placeholder": "

Ejemplo: iegrants(_AT_)wikimedia.org


               "title": "Contacto principal",
               "text-1": "Please provide an email address (or a username that can receive email) that we can use to contact you.",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "title": "Otras personas participantes",
               "text-1": "Please indicate how many people (other than you) will be participating in your project as grantees or advisors.",
               "text-2": "If you're not sure yet, just skip this question. You can always add slots for more grantees and advisors later.",
               "type": "stepperList",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "choiceList": [
                   "key": "grantee",
                   "value": 0
                   "key": "advisor",
                   "value": 0
           "teamInfoSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "example: *PretendUserName - I have been organizing Wikiproject Fun for 3 years",
               "title": "",
               "section": "Project team",
               "text-1": "If your project team includes other grantees or advisors, please share their usernames here. For each member of your project team (including yourself), describe any relevant skills or background that you'll contribute to the project.",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "section",
               "section-header": "Project team",
               "value": "",
               "comment": ""
          "communityNotificationSection": {
               "type": "largeTextBox",
               "placeholder": "leave this blank!",
               "title": "",
               "section": "Community notification",
               "mandatory": false,
               "add-to": "section",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "section-header": "Community notification",
               "value": "Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?",
               "comment": ""
           "statusInspire": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "infobox-param": "status",
               "value": "proposed"
           "roundIEG": {
               "type": "smallTextBox",
               "visibility": "hidden",
               "add-to": "infobox",
               "infobox-param": "round",
               "value": "round 1 2016"
           "nextButton": {
               "title":"Ampliar mi idea."
               "type": "backButton",
