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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Meta:Administrators and the translation is 85% complete.

メタウィキの管理者 は、ローカルでは保護 と保護の解除、削除 と削除の復帰、ブロックとブロックの解除といったさまざまなタスクの実行、グローバルではTitle blacklist Spam blacklist の編集、グローバル不正利用フィルターの修正、グローバルな一括メッセージ の送信といったタスクの実行をする権限を与えられた利用者です。



  • 複数のウィキメディアプロジェクトにわたって活動があること(メタウィキや"ホーム"ウィキ以外の1つ以上のプロジェクトで少なくとも2か月は参加していること)。
  • メタウィキに利用者ページを作成していること。
  • 有効なメールアドレスがあること
  • Metaへ継続的に参加していること
  • 利用者ページの{{#babel}}で、Metaでのコミュニケーションに利用可能な言語を表示すること

Ill-considered nominations for adminship can be draining and deflating to both community and candidate. Any successful candidate will need to demonstrate sufficient experience within the Wikimedia community, in addition to a familiarity with Meta. If a candidate is not already a local administrator or holder of advanced permissions on a Wikimedia content project, they are less likely to pass a request for adminship at Meta.

The request is made at Requests for adminship, with at least one week allocated for the community to express opinions. The candidate will be named sysop here only if approved by at least 75% of participants. All active Meta-wiki editors may participate and give their opinion on the candidate. If your activity is outside Meta, but you have an opinion based on working with candidate in other Wikimedia projects, in support of or against the candidate, you are welcomed to submit it.

If the candidate becomes a sysop, they should add their name to the Administrator list, and ensure they keep a valid user name page, links to at least one other project, and valid contact. Administrators not respecting these rules will be desysoped.

関連項目: https://xtools.wmflabs.org/ec/meta.wikimedia.org

現在の管理者向け: Template:AdminWelcome にはいくつかの便利なリンクが含まれています。

To become an administrator, make a request at Requests for adminship and meet the requirements listed there and above.

Regular administrators are allowed to subscribe to metawiki-admins, a private mailing list. Should you wish to subscribe, you'll find the instructions on the mailing list page.


It is helpful for some people to have access to protected pages on Meta (related to languages files). In such cases, two options are possible:

  • Temporary unprotection of these pages, so that the user can quietly work on them for a limited time.
  • Temporary sysoping of the user so they can edit the protected pages. In this case, the adminship shall be granted with no requirements and approval, but the user will promise to limit their activity to the necessity of their local project. Preferably, the admin status will be temporary.


Administrator status can be granted in a limited or restricted way. Limits can be set in time and/or in scope (for example, a user can be granted limited administrator status to perform technical work for an indefinite period of time, or to assist in a specific task for a set period of time, etc.). Unless requested and granted otherwise, limited adminship will have a duration of one month, after which rights will be removed. Limited administrators technically are given the same rights as regular administrators, but should avoid using their administrator tools for tasks they have not been authorized. Doing so could be grounds for immediate removal. Limited administrators can also be subject to a different activity requirement than regular administrators.



Metaで活発に活動していない(非活動)管理者はすべて管理者権限を除去されます。 「非活動」とは、通常、過去6か月間に実行され、記録された操作が10件未満、と定義されます。権限除去は Meta:Administrators/Removal (inactivity) で定例的に行われます。 権限除去された利用者は通常の立候補手続きに従って再立候補できます。

次回の定例の管理者活動点検は: 2025年4月1日 (更新)

  1. 権限除去予定日(4月1日、もしくは10月1日)直前の6か月間に10未満の編集しか行っていない利用者は予告なく権限除去されます。
  2. 同期間内に、10以上の編集を行っているものの、管理者権限が必要な行為を10未満しか行っていない利用者の場合、権限保持の継続希望を表明する猶予期間を1週間与えられます。このカテゴリの利用者は猶予期間1週間の1日目に通知を受け、もしそれに反応しなければ7日目に通知なく権限除去されます。



中立公平でいられないかもしれない状況で管理者権限を行使するのは避けるべきです。 そのような状況には、自分が片方に与している紛争で権限行使することも含まれます。 疑問がある場合、その管理者は他の人たちに意見を求めるか、あるいは他の管理者にMeta:Requests for help from a sysop or bureaucratで意見を求めてもらうことが奨励されます。



  • 最終更新: 2025-03-03 (編集)
利用者名 理解できる言語 その他の権限
1234qwer1234qwer4 ru, de-4, en-2, la-1 global sysop
Ajraddatz en, fr-2 checkuser, steward
Amire80 ru, en-4, he-4, ca-3, it-2, eo-2, es-2, la-1, lt-1, am-1, ar-1 CN admin, global sysop
Anthere fr, en-3
AramilFeraxa pl, en-3, de-2 global rollbacker, global sysop
Billinghurst en global rollbacker
Base uk, ru-4, en-2 CN admin, interface admin, steward
Bsadowski1 en steward
CptViraj gu, hi-4, en-3 global renamer, global rollbacker, global sysop
Count Count de, en-4, la-1 global rollbacker, abuse filter helper (global)
Daniuu nl, en-4, fr-2, de-2 global rollbacker, global sysop, ombuds
DerHexer de, en-3, grc-3, la-3, es-1 CN admin, oversighter, steward
Elton pt, en-2, es-1 oversighter, steward
EPIC sv, en-4, de-1 checkuser, steward
Ferien en, de-3 global rollbacker
Hasley es, en-3, ca-2, it-1, pt-1, gl-1 checkuser, interface admin, steward
Infinite0694 ja, en-3, de-3, fr-2, it-1 global rollbacker, global sysop
Johannnes89 de, en-4 CN admin, steward
Jusjih zh, en-3, fr-1, ko-1
Kaganer ru, en-1 CN admin, interface admin
Krd de, en-3
Leaderboard en, ml (speak), hi-1 global abuse filter helper
Lustiger seth de, en-3
M/ it, en-3, fr-2 bureaucrat, interface admin, global rollbacker, global sysop
Martin Urbanec cs, en-3 CN admin, interface admin, steward, sysadmin
Melos it, en-2, la-1 steward
MF-Warburg de, en-3, fr-1, tet-1, la-1 bureaucrat, global rollbacker, global sysop
Minorax en, zh, fr-1, ko-1, ms-1 checkuser, oversighter, global rollbacker, global sysop, ombuds
Mtarch11 it, en-1, fr-1, lij-2 global rollbacker, global sysop
MusikAnimal en, es-3 interface admin
Mykola7 uk, en-2, pl-1, de-1 steward
Pharos en, fr-1 CN admin
Pppery en, es-2 interface admin
SHB2000 en, fr-1 global rollbacker, global sysop
Shizhao zh, en-1, ru-1
Sotiale ko, en-2, ja-1, bi-1, tpi-1, eo-1 bureaucrat, checkuser, oversighter, steward
Steinsplitter de-4, en-2, it-2 CN admin, interface admin, global renamer
Stryn fi, en-2, sv-1 steward
Superpes15 it, en-2, fr-1, es-1, la-1 checkuser, steward
Syunsyunminmin ja, en-3 global renamer, global rollbacker, global sysop
Tegel sv, en-3 steward
Teles pt, en-3, es-2 steward
TenWhile6 de, en-3 global renamer, global rollbacker, global sysop, global abuse filter helper
TheresNoTime en, de-3 CN admin, sysadmin, global sysop
TheSandDoctor en, fr-1 global renamer
Tulsi ne, mai, en-3, hi-2, bh-2, hif-2 CN admin, interface admin
Uncitoyen tr, en-2, fr-2 global renamer, global rollbacker, global sysop
Vermont en, ru-2, es-1 checkuser, CN admin, steward
WhitePhosphorus zh, en-3, ja-1, lzh-1, wuu-1, yue-1 global rollbacker, global sysop
WikiBayer bar, de-4, en-1, gsw-1, nds-1, pfl-1 interface admin, global rollbacker, global sysop
Xaosflux en, es-1, de-1 bureaucrat, CN admin, interface admin, checkuser, oversighter, steward
XXBlackburnXx nl, en-4, de-1 global rollbacker
علاء ar, en-4 steward


  • 最終更新: 2024-12-16 (編集)
利用者名 申請ページ 権限の用途 付与者 有効期限
WMFOffice (talk · contribs) None  To mirror global blocks locally on meta Jalexander-WMF N/A
GVarnum-WMF (talk · contribs) None WMF Contractor work - Communications Jalexander-WMF N/A
Reedy (WMF) (talk · contribs) None Dashiki work Reedy (WMF) N/A
Milimetric (WMF) (talk · contribs) None Dashiki work Reedy (WMF) N/A
MusikBot II (talk · contribs) RfA protect for templates and modules Matiia N/A (If the bot owner's admin right is removed, this bot's admin right will also be removed.)
SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk · contribs) None WMF staff work NahidSultan (WMF) N/A
DSaroyan (WMF) (talk · contribs) None WMF staff work JSutherland (WMF) 2025-01-19
STei (WMF) (talk · contribs) None WMF staff work JSutherland (WMF) 2025-02-23
TGorski (WMF) (talk · contribs) None WMF staff work NahidSultan (WMF)
JSutherland (WMF)
Abuse filter (talk · contribs) System user for the AbuseFilter extension N/A
MusikAnimal (WMF) (talk · contribs) None WMF staff work JSutherland (WMF) N/A
Robertsky (talk · contribs) RfLA ESEAP Hub page management M7 2025-02-15
SWilson (WMF) (talk · contribs) None WMF staff work NahidSultan (WMF) & JSutherland (WMF) N/A
Ghilt (talk · contribs) WM:RfH To manage the U4C pages locally M7 2026-06-14
Ibrahim.ID (talk · contribs) WM:RfH To manage the U4C pages locally M7 2026-06-14
0xDeadbeef (talk · contribs) WM:RfH To manage the U4C pages locally M7 2026-06-14
Barkeep49 (talk · contribs) WM:RfH To manage the U4C pages locally M7 2025-06-14
Civvì (talk · contribs) WM:RfH To manage the U4C pages locally M7 2025-06-14
Luke081515 (talk · contribs) WM:RfH To manage the U4C pages locally M7 2025-06-14
Aafi (DCW) (talk · contribs) RfLA To manage DCW pages locally xaosflux 2025-10-30
