Grants:TPS/Browse reports
The TPS Program is closed and no longer accepting applications. Please review our current programs for funding support, resources, and other guidance.
Browse current and past reports
A report is an opportunity to talk about your experience and share the benefit of your participation with others across the movement. Below is what we've learned from past participants so far.
Need to submit a report? Your instructions are here!
Reports for review
No pages meet these criteria.
Reports for FY 2017-18
- TPS/Zabien/EMWCon Spring 2018/Report
- TPS/Pigsonthewing/PIDapalooza 2018/Report
- TPS/KuboF Hromoslav/JES 2017-2018/Report
- TPS/Nafie shehu/ OpenLabs visit to Hack42/Report
- TPS/Sivakosaran/Global Voices Summit 2017/Report
- TPS/NestedLoops/Hack42-Hackerspace-Exchange/Report
- TPS/Andisrado/FOSScamp Syros 2017/Report
- TPS/Mohammed Galib Hasan/ICEEL2017/Report
- TPS/Magioladitis/Fosscomm2017/Report
- TPS/Silva.1994/FOSScamp Syros 2017/Report
- TPS/Alina Vozna/Master class for librarians on the Wiki-Conference 2017 in Moscow/Report
- TPS/Mompati Dikunwane/BwIndependence day 2017/Report
- TPS/Elvonudinium/Вики-конференция 2017/Report
- TPS/Nafie shehu/FOSScamp Syros 2017/Report
- TPS/Anthere/Kiwix Hackathon/Report
- TPS/Olaniyan Olushola/OpenCon/Report
- TPS/Flixtey/SOTM Africa 17/Report
Reports for FY 2016-17
- TPS/Sic19/LODLAM2017/Report
- TPS/Mompati Dikunwane/World telecommunication and information society day 2017/Report
- TPS/Magioladitis/OSCAL17/Report
- TPS/Mohammed Galib Hasan/Colombo Conferences/Report
- TPS/Venuslui/3rd International Conference on Education 2017/Report
- TPS/physikerwelt/WWW2017/Report
- TPS/Anelsona/Wikipedia Project for Offline Education in Medicine (POEM)/Report
- TPS/Ladsgroup/WWW 2017/Report
- TPS/nwhysel/IASummit2017/Report
- TPS/Geraki/ASPETE and Neos Paidagogos/Report
- TPS/01tonythomas/FOSSASIA2017/Report
- TPS/Oetterer/EMWConSpring2017/Report
- TPS/TPS/Owulakpakpo/Wikipedia Presentation Gimpa Law School/Report
- TPS/Dhanalakshmi .K. T/4CCON/Report
- TPS/Sahaquiel9102/Encuentro Regional de Lenguas Indígenas/Report
- TPS/Margott/CCC/Report
- TPS/Geraki/EEPEK2016/Report
- TPS/Magioladitis/ICT2016/Report
- TPS/Hindustanilanguage/First International Conference on Transformative Education Research and Sustainable Development/Report
- TPS/Robert Radke/SMWCon Fall 2016/Report
- TPS/Jim Carter/Lua Annual Workshop/Report
- TPS/Luisalvaz/I Congresso Científico Brasileiro da Wikipédia/Report
- TPS/Pavanaja/FUEL GILT Conference 2016/Report
- TPS/Stephane (WMCH)/CIINATIC/Report
- TPS/DonSimon/Wiki-conference 2016 (Kiev)/report
- TPS/Мухамадеева/Wiki-conference 2016 (Kiev)/Report
Reports for FY 2015-16
- TPS/MarkAHershberger/SMWConFall2016/Report
- TPS/زكريا/eLearning Africa 2016/Report
- TPS/Bobbyshabangu/TEDxPortElizabeth/Report
- TPS/Gretchenmcc/CoLang Institute on Collaborative Language Research/Report
- TPS/Esh77/IAMSE/Report
- TPS/padaguan/LASA Congress/Report
- TPS/Theredproject/Print Wikipedia DE/Report
- TPS/Pgallert/CaTaC 2016/Report
- TPS/Brooks patty/PSYCH+feminism at Assoc for PsychScience/Report
- TPS/Venuslui/g0v summit 2016/Report
- TPS/Shyamal/Himalayan workshop/Report
- TPS/Magioladitis/SheSharp/Report
- TPS/nwhysel/IASummit2016/Report
- TPS/Jbuket/Wiki seminar Yangantau/Report
- TPS/visem/Wiki seminar Yangantau/Report
- TPS/Ankitashukla/FOSSASIA 2016/Report
- TPS/Satdeep Gill/FOSSASIA'16/Report
- TPS/mlynch345/ARLiS/NA + VRA Joint Conference 2016/Report
- TPS/Abbasjnr/Creative Commons Global Summit 2015/Report
- TPS/Keeleleek/IWCLUL2016/Report
- TPS/Magioladitis/Telesilla/Report
- TPS/Sameichel/Geichel/SCI:COM 2015/Report
- TPS/Ankitashukla/Grace Hopper Celebration India/Report
- TPS/Flixtey/Wa Kiwix Project/Report
- TPS/Oop/Big Fat Brussels Meeting Episode 3/Report
- TPS/Reem Al-Kashif/The seventh World Innovation Summit for Education/Report
- TPS/nasirkhan/Creative Commons Global Summit 2015/Report
- TPS/لا روسا/The seventh World Innovation Summit for Education/Report
- TPS/Magioladitis/ICT2015/Report
- TPS/MarkAHershberger/SMWConFall2015/Report
- TPS/sankoswal/Creative Commons Global Summit/Report
- TPS/Ckoerner/SMWCon Fall 2015/Report
- TPS/Scanno/CC Global Summit 2015/Report
- TPS/Saintfevrier/7th Conference on Informatics in Education/Report
- TPS/Magioladitis/CIE2015/Report
- TPS/Concord/WikiCon 2015/Report
- TPS/Racso/CIINATIC 2015/Report
- TPS/Flixtey/Software Freedom Day/Report
- TPS/Anthonyhcole/Wikipedia Science Conference/Report
- TPS/kwameghana/Phototrip to Begoro - Fanteakwa/Report
- TPS/Enock4seth/BarCamp Takoradi 2015/Report
- TPS/shchung/opensym 2015/Report
Reports for FY 2014-15
- TPS/Brinacor/Communicating Astronomy with the Public Conference 2018/Report
- TPS/Csisc/AICCSA 2017/Report
- TPS/Gretchenmcc/Linguistic Society of America 2017 panel and editathon/Report
- TPS/WikiMujeres/AWID 2016 Forum/Report
- TPS/Sky Harbor/Open Source Bridge 2015/Report
- TPS/Sahaquiel9102/Encuentro de Activistas Digitales de Lenguas Indígenas/Report
- TPS/Pgallert/e-Learning Africa 2015/Report
- TPS/Ahmed Mohi El din/The 4th International conference for Arabic language/Report
- TPS/Margott/OpenTechSummit'15/Report
- TPS/Kelvinsong/LGM: Creating textbook-grade SVG illustrations for Wikipedia/Report
- TPS/Rohini/AdaCamp Montreal/Report
- TPS/Netha Hussain/TED-Active 2015/Report
- TPS/Harsh4101991/FOSSASIA2015/Report
- TPS/Harej/ILTY Training in Seattle/Report
- TPS/Dominic/Museum Computer Network 2014/Report
- TPS/KuboF/JES 2014-2015/Report
- TPS/Remux/Vikivortarmanio Medellín 2014/Report
- TPS/Enock4seth/BarCamp Kumasi 2014/Report
- TPS/Himeshi/GSoC Reunion 2014/Report
- TPS/Robert Radke/SMWCon Fall 2014/Report
- TPS/shchung/opensym 2014/Report
- TPS/Daniel Mietchen/Open Science, Open Issues/Report
Reports for FY 2013-14
- TPS/farish.kty/Google IO 2014/Report
- TPS/Daniel Mietchen/22nd Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology/Report
- TPS/Ben Moore/22nd Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology/Report
- TPS/Niharika/Open Source Bridge Conference/Report
- TPS/Ryan lane/OpenStack Summit Atlanta/Report
- TPS/Rjain/Open Source Bridge 2014/Report
- TPS/Netha Hussain/Ada Camp and Open Source Bridge, 2014/Report
- TPS/Rodelar/LibreGraphicsMeeting/Report
- TPS/Noopur28/Libreplanet 2014/Report
- TPS/Strainu/OSGEO Cluj/Report
- TPS/Harsh4101991/FOSSASIA/Report
- TPS/Rahul21/FOSSASIA/Report
- TPS/Rjain/FOSS Asia 2014/Report
- TPS/Harsh4101991/FOSDEM/Report
- TPS/Daniel Mietchen/58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society/Report
- TPS/Oarabile Mudongo/Youth Engagement Summit Africa/Report
- TPS/Seeris/PanelFreeCulture/Report
- TPS/Valeriej, DNarvaez/Grace Hopper Open Source Day/Report
- TPS/Oren Bochman/WikiSym 2013/Report
- TPS/Susannaanas/State of the Map 2013/Report
Reports for FY 2012-13
- TPS/Futureimperfect/ Free Minds free People and IDEC 2013/Report
- TPS/Ragesoss/History of Science Society 2013/Report
- TPS/Toniher/SMWCon Fall 2013/Report
- TPS/Himeshi/SMWCon Fall 2013/Report
- TPS/Vantharith/BarcampKampongCham2013/Report
- TPS/Thelmadatter/2013 Congreso de La Asociación Centroamericana de Lingüística (ACALING)/Report
- TPS/Paulproteus/OSCON and Community Leadership Summit/Report
- TPS/Paulproteus/Open Source Bridge 2013/Report
- TPS/Sucheta Ghoshal/Open Source Bridge 2013/Report
- TPS/Sky Harbor/OpenSourceBridge13/Report
- TPS/Noopur28/OpenSourceBridge13/Report
- TPS/Ocaasi, Valeriej, The wub/Open Help Conference/Report
- TPS/Iopensa/WikiSym 2013/Report
- TPS/Thelmadatter/Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials/Report
- TPS/Nicola/International Cycling History Conference/Report
- TPS/Lpagola/LibreGraphicsMeeting/Report
- TPS/Tedder/Legislative Data and Wikipedia Conference/Report
- TPS/Umbrellas000/US OpenGLAM Launch Weekend, Open Knowledge Foundation/Report
- TPS/Hlong-lib/US OpenGLAM Launch Weekend, Open Knowledge Foundation/Report
- TPS/Bdcousineau/US OpenGLAM Launch Event/Report
- TPS/Cryptic C62/Legislative Data Workshop/Report
- TPS/Raystorm/2013 IPC Alpine Skiing World Championships La Molina/Report
- TPS/Wittylama/Brisbane Library conferences/Report
- TPS/SarahStierch/Fembot UnConference/Report
- TPS/Eduardofeld/WikiSalvador2.0/Report
- TPS/Wikimedia Brasil/Campus Party 2013/Report
- TPS/SarahStierch/Museum Computer Network/Report
- TPS/Vantharith/BlogFestAsia2012/Report
- TPS/Thelmadatter/New Mexico Association of Museums annual conference/Report
- TPS/Nischayn22/SMWCon 2012/Report
- TPS/Wotancito/Encuentro Latinoamericano de Bibliotecarios, Archivistas y Museólogos/Report
Reports for FY 2011-12
No pages meet these criteria.