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Event name[edit]

IWCLUL2016 (Second International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages)

Participant connections[edit]

All together some 35 linguists and computational linguists working on Uralic languages. After the workshop was the inaugural meeting of ACL SIGUR (Association for Computational Linguistics - Special Interest Group on Uralic Languages), which I joined. The most interesting persons were the plenary talker who sees Wikipedia as a very strong sign of language vitality and the people from Giellatekno (the center for Saami language technology), who I had very interesting talk about language purism and Wikipedia which is continuing by email. Hopefully there will be an article written on the subject. I was glad to find out that most of the working computational linguists are aware of Wikipedia and have much of their technology already working in i.e mw:Content translation.


Option 2: Learning Pattern: What is one useful learning pattern you can share with the Wikimedia movement?
Add a link to a learning pattern - either a new pattern you created with insights from your participation, or an existing pattern to which you added your endorsement and some significant new "considerations" or “examples” from your experience.

The Wikipedia translation tool that I demonstrated works very well also offline, I added this as a learning pattern concerning connectivity issues.


  • Travel (round trip airfare from Tallinn to Budapest): EUR 280
  • Travel (round trip trainfare from Budapest to Szeged): EUR 24.30
  • Participation fee: EUR 32

Amount left over[edit]

The train tickets were 70 cent cheaper than estimated.

Anything else[edit]

The proceedings of the workshop is available here.