Wikimedia Foundation elections/2022/Candidates/Egbe Eugene Agbor/sw
Egbe Eugene Agbor (Eugene233)
Eugene233 (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Taarifa ya utangulizi / muhtasari wa maombi. Sehemu hii itatafsiriwa. (Upeo wa maneno 150) |
Nilijiunga na harakati hizi mwaka 2016 kama mtengenezaji wa programu na mhariri anayefanya kazi kwenye miradi kama vile Wikidata, Commons na Wikipedia na mingineyo. Lengo langu kuu siku zote limekuwa kutengeneza zana za kusaidia jamii zilizo na uwakilishi mdogo kuchangia miradi hii kwa kurahisisha ugumu wa kuchangia. Nimehudumu kwa mwaka mmoja na nusu uliopita kama ED kwa Jumuiya ya Wikimedia nchini Cameroon na pia kama mshauri katika Jumuiya ya Wikimedia ya Afrika.
Ningependa kushughulikia tatizo la jamii zenye uwakilishi mdogo na ushiriki wao katika miradi ya Wikimedia hasa katika uwanja wa lugha na mkakati wa harakati uliopo, ningependa kuona jamii nyingi zaidi zinazingatia mapendekezo ya Wikimedia kutokana na uhalisia wao, hivyo kupata usaidizi zaidi katika kufanikisha malengo yao. | |
Michango kwa miradi ya Wikimedia, uanachama katika mashirika au washirika wa Wikimedia, shughuli kama mratibu wa harakati za Wikimedia, au ushiriki na shirika mshirika la Wikimedia. (Upeo wa maneno 100) |
I joined the Wikimedia movement in 2016 as liaison between the English and French sub-communities in Cameroon by assisting in all events and campaigns. I have served as a Wikimedia Foundation contractor and also with other Wikimedia affiliates on projects like the FormWizard extension, Scribe, WikiKwatt, ISA tool, African German Phrasebook, Wikidata trainings and as Wiki Kouman representative of Cameroon. from 2021, I was elected president of the Cameroon User group where I coordinate all projects and programs. As a mentor, I have been involved in training new developers in the GSoC program and the WMA project. | |
Utaalamu katika maeneo ya ujuzi yaliyotambuliwa kama mahitaji ya Bodi.
(Upeo wa maneno 150) |
Despite my software analysis and development skills, I do have skills in project management, monitoring and evaluation, mentoring, community liaison, capacity building, organization strategy and community management. | |
Uzoefu wa kuishi ulimwenguni. Tunavutiwa sana kusoma kuhusu matukio ya maisha katika maeneo ya Afrika, Asia ya Kusini, Mashariki na Kusini Mashariki mwa Asia na Pasifiki, na Amerika ya Kusini na Visiwa vya Karibi. Tunaamini kuwa uzoefu katika maeneo haya unaweza kusaidia kupanua uwezo wa bodi wa kutimiza lengo la mkakati wa harakati la ushiriki wa usawa zaidi, ingawa tunatambua kuwa uzoefu mwingine unaweza pia kutoa michango muhimu. (Upeo wa maneno 250) |
Being an English speaker growing in a French-speaking part of my country with a totally different culture from mine, and also getting involved with several communities in Africa and around the world while struggling to contribute to the sum of all knowledge, I can say that cultural adaptation is key and that is what has helped me so far to accomplish the projects and programs which I have been involved with in the past. The region which I hail from is a minority in population and has been marginalized for more than 30 years and coming from this part of the community to lead projects and programs has not been an easy task to accomplish but this has given me the drive to keep pushing and bringing significant changes by braving the odds which are considered as norms in the other parts of my community. This is not only particular to my local community for example, in the context of the African German phrasebook project, while visiting some habitants in villages where our community is not represented, we were chased out of these places due to the thought that Wikipedia is fake and we want to take information and sell to the foreign world. Nevertheless, with assist from some of our partners we are now able to reach out to these communities and effect our projects. | |
Ufasaha wa kitamaduni na lugha pamoja na maeneo na lugha za ziada kwa eneo lako la asili na lugha. Uelewa wa kitamaduni husaidia kujenga madaraja katika jumuiya yetu ya tamaduni nyingi. (Upeo wa maneno 250) |
My interest and participation in languages with the so many partners and communities in and out of my country has brought to my attention that there is need to learn a little about each language and culture of a particular region before approaching their communities. For example the context of the AFrican German Phrasebook, I've had to learn at least how to introduce myself and how to dress in over 7 languages and communities other than where I stem from in a bid to get access to the native language speakers. Aside this, I have collaborated with several people from South Africa, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Tunisia which makes me receptive to all cultures and people of different communities easier. | |
Uzoefu kama mtetezi wa kuunda nafasi salama na shirikishi kwa wote na/au uzoefu katika hali au miktadha ya udhibiti, ukandamizaji au mashambulizi mengine dhidi ya haki za binadamu. (Upeo wa maneno 250) |
I have made quite an attempt to support advocacy for human rights but for personal reasons I prefer not to share the details here. | |
Uzoefu kuhusiana na (au kama mwanachama wa, kwa kiwango unachochagua kushiriki) kikundi ambacho kimekabiliwa na ubaguzi wa kihistoria na uwakilishi mdogo katika miundo ya mamlaka (pamoja na lakini sio tu kwa tabaka, jamii, kabila, rangi, asili ya kitaifa, utaifa, utambulisho wa kijinsia, kujieleza jinsia, mwelekeo wa kijinsia, umri, dini, lugha, utamaduni, elimu, uwezo, mapato na mazingira). (Upeo wa maneno 250) |
Growing from the English part of my country, it is no lo nger news that a majority of the community faces the issue of underrepresentation. As for the details, it could be found on credible sources online. | |
Verification | Identity verification performed by Wikimedia Foundation staff and eligibility verification performed by the Elections Committee | |
Eligibility: ![]() Verified by: Matanya (talk) 09:02, 17 May 2022 (UTC) |
Identification: |