Dongosolo Lapachaka 2023/2024 la Wikimedia Foundation/Tsatanetsatane wa Maziko
Mwachidule: Wikimedia Foundation ndi manambala
Kodi Wikimedia Foundation imathandizira bwanji mapulojekiti a Wikimedia? M'chigawo chino, tikuwonetsa momwe Maziko amagwirira ntchito komanso momwe timagawira zothandizira, kuphatikiza bajeti ndi ogwira nawo ntchito, ku ntchito zathu zazikulu. Ntchito za Foundation zitha kugawidwa m'magulu asanu:
- Kusintha mawonekedwe ndi magwiridwe antchito a Wikimedia
- Kumanga ma analytics ndi ntchito zophunzirira makina kuti muwunikire zomwe zikuchitika komanso kupambana kwaukadaulo, kumvetsetsa metadata, ndikukulitsa luso laukadaulo
- Kuthandizira othandizira ndi madera odzipereka omwe amapangitsa kuti ntchito za Wikimedia zitheke
- Kuteteza mwayi wama projekiti a Wikimedia ndikuwongolera kumvetsetsa ndi kuzindikira kwa gulu la Wikimedia
- Ntchito zopanda dongosolo kuti zithandizire magwiridwe antchito a Foundation.
Iliyonse mwamagulu asanuwa ikuyimira ntchito yayikulu ya Wikimedia Foundation, yoyang'ana m'madipatimenti onse. Kufotokozera mwatsatanetsatane gulu lililonse kumatsatira:
- Kusintha mawonekedwe ndi magwiridwe antchito a mapulojekiti a Wikimedia. Pangani mapulogalamu atsopano, sinthani mawebusayiti kuti agwirizane ndi mawonekedwe atsopano (monga mafoni, mawu), sungani ma seva athu ndi stack yaukadaulo, ikani ndalama pachitetezo cha malo.
- 23% ya bajeti yathu = $39.7 miliyoni
- 26% ya ogwira ntchito (Ogwira ntchito onse omwe amathandizira ndowa ya Wiki Experiences ndi Future Audiences)
- Ma analytics omanga ndi ntchito zophunzirira makina kuti awone zomwe zikuchitika komanso kupambana kwaukadaulo, kumvetsetsa metadata, ndi luso laukadaulo. Pangani zida ndi ntchito zophunzirira zamakina kuti zithandizire othandizira, kupanga ndi kutumiza ma analytics, ma API ndi metadata zomwe zimathandiza kupanga zisankho zoyendetsedwa ndi data kwa ogwira ntchito zaukadaulo a Foundation ndi odzipereka odzipereka. Onani kugwiritsa ntchito Wikimedia zomwe zingapindulitse cholinga. Thandizani kusanthula kosalekeza kwa machitidwe ndi kukonza.
- 26% ya bajeti yathu = $ 46.4 miliyoni
- 30% ya ogwira ntchito (Ogwira ntchito onse omwe amathandizira ma Signals & Data Services bucket, Product and Engineering Support, and Infrastructure Foundations. Wikimedia Enterprise ndi magulu ena omwe amafufuza njira zogwiritsiranso ntchito zomwe zili.)
- Kuthandizira othandizira ndi madera odzipereka omwe amapangitsa kuti ntchito za Wikimedia zitheke. Limbikitsani ndalama zothandizira omwe timagwira nawo ntchito, kulumikizana ndi kayendetsedwe ka kayendetsedwe kake, kuthandizira kukhazikitsidwa kwa mabungwe oyenda, kupereka zomanga, perekani ndalama & kukonza misonkhano ndi zochitika, kuteteza ndi kuteteza anthu odzipereka.
- 20% ya bajeti yathu = $35.1 miliyoni
- 12% ya ogwira ntchito (Mapologalamu ammudzi, Zothandizira Anthu, Mgwirizano, Chitukuko cha Community, Movement Communications, Movement Strategy & Governance, Trust & Safety, and Human Rights, Board thandizo)
Kuteteza mwayi wopeza mapulojekiti a Wikimedia ndikuwongolera kumvetsetsa ndi kuzindikira kwa gulu la Wikimedia. Kuyimira malamulo ndi malamulo omwe amateteza anthu a Wikimedia, zitsanzo, ndi makhalidwe abwino, kumenyana ndi kufufuza ndi kuopseza chidziwitso chaulere, kuteteza zizindikiro zathu, phunzitsani ndi kulimbikitsa anthu kuti azikhulupirirana, tetezani mbiri ya gululo, tsatirani malamulo ndi malamulo.
- 9% ya bajeti yathu = $ 16.6 miliyoni
- 10% ya ogwira ntchito (Mtundu, Kutsatsa, Kuyankhulana Kwakunja, Kulengeza Padziko Lonse, Nkhani Zazamalamulo)
- Ntchito zosakhala zamapulogalamu kuti zithandizire momwe Maziko amagwirira ntchito komanso kuchita bwino. Gululi lagawidwa magawo awiri.
- Kupititsa patsogolo tsogolo la Wikipedia ndi kayendetsedwe kake kudzera pakukweza ndalama. Kuwonetsetsa thandizo lazachuma kudzera pakusonkhetsa ndalama pa intaneti, mphatso zazikulu, ndi kumanga ndi kuyang'anira Wikimedia Endowment.
- 10% ya bajeti yathu = $17.9 miliyoni (muyeso wamakampani ndi 20%)
- 9% ya ogwira ntchito (Kupeza Ndalama Pa intaneti, Ntchito Zopezera Ndalama, Techraising Tech, Mphatso Zazikulu, ndi Endowment)
- Kuthandizira zosowa za kasamalidwe ndi kayendetsedwe ka Foundation. Thandizo lazachuma komanso zamalamulo, ndikuwonetsetsa kuti Foundation ndi olemba anzawo ntchito padziko lonse lapansi
- 12% ya bajeti yathu = $ 21.3 miliyoni
- 13% ya ogwira ntchito (Finance & Administration, Internal Communications, T&C, General ndi chithandizo chazamalamulo)
- Kupititsa patsogolo tsogolo la Wikipedia ndi kayendetsedwe kake kudzera pakukweza ndalama. Kuwonetsetsa thandizo lazachuma kudzera pakusonkhetsa ndalama pa intaneti, mphatso zazikulu, ndi kumanga ndi kuyang'anira Wikimedia Endowment.
2023−2024 Chidule cha Bajeti

Kodi kugawika kwa bajetiyi kukuwonetsa bwanji chuma chathu pa zolinga zinayi?
Zomwe zili pamwambazi zikufotokozera momwe bajeti yathu imagawidwira ntchito zonse zomwe Foundation imagwira pothandizira mapulojekiti a Wikimedia. Izi ndi zofanana, ngakhale kuti ndizosiyana pang'ono ndi momwe bajeti yathu imagawidwira ku zolinga zinayi za ndondomeko yapachaka, zomwe zafotokozedwa m'chigawo pamwambapa.
Tikayang'ana pa zolinga zinayi za Dongosolo Lapachaka la chaka chino, timawona madera omveka bwino ogwirizana ndi kuphatikizika. Mwachitsanzo, Goal of Infrastructure: Advancing Knowledge as Service ikuwonetsa mwachindunji magulu a "#1: Evolving Features and Functionality" ndi "#2: Machine Learning and Analytics." Cholinga Chakuchita Mwachangu chimayika mwachindunji gulu la "#5: Zopanda ndalama zopanda pulogalamu: Kusonkhanitsa ndalama ndi General & Admin."
Kumene timawona kusagwirizana kwina ndi pamene tiyang'ana pa Cholinga cha Chitetezo & Kuphatikizidwa ndi Chidziwitso Chofanana. Izi sizimalumikizana mwachindunji ndi magulu otsala a "#3: Kuthandizira othandizira ndi anthu odzipereka," ndi "#4: Kuteteza mwayi ndi kuwongolera kumvetsetsa." Izi zili choncho chifukwa Chitetezo ndi Kuphatikizidwa kuli ndi lens lalikulu kuposa gulu la "Kuteteza mwayi ndi kuwongolera kumvetsetsa." Magulu angapo mkati mwa Maziko omwe amaimiridwa mu bajeti ya Chitetezo ndi Kuphatikizidwa - monga Trust & Safety, Community Resilience & Sustainability, ndi Ufulu Wachibadwidwe - amalembedwanso molondola m'gulu la "#3 Kuthandizira Othandizira ndi Odzipereka," kuyambira ntchito yawo. imayang'ana molunjika. Ichi ndi chifukwa cha kusiyana kwa magawo awiri paperesenti pakati pa kusokonekera kuwiri kwa bajeti ya Foundation.

Ndemanga za dipatimenti
M'chigawo chino tikugawana mwachidule za dipatimenti iliyonse, kuphatikizapo zolinga za dipatimenti ndi kugawanika kwa magulu mu dipatimenti iliyonse.
Zolinga Zamalonda ndi Zamakono
Madipatimenti a Product & Technology akuphatikiza magulu otsatirawa: Umisiri Wodalirika Watsamba, Kasamalidwe Kazinthu, Umisiri wa Platform, Umisiri Wazinthu, Kusanthula kwa data, Umisiri wa data, Kupanga, Kuwongolera Mapulogalamu.
Zolinga za Zogulitsa ndi Zamakono zidagawidwa pa Meta kuti anthu aziyankha.
- Part 1 contained the work portfolios (called "buckets") and some potential objectives for them.
- Part 2 of this documentation covers the departments' finalised Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
The final "buckets" are Wiki Experiences, Signals and Data Services, and Future Audiences representing approximately 50%, 30%, and 5% of the department's budget and focus respectively. There are two further "sub-buckets" of areas of critical function, Infrastructure Foundations and Product and Engineering Services representing the final 15% of the budget.
Zolinga zopita patsogolo
Dipatimenti ya Advancement ili ndi magulu otsatirawa: Kusonkhanitsa ndalama; Makampani; ndi Zothandizira Anthu, Mapologalamu a Anthu, Chitukuko cha Anthu, ndi Mgwirizano.
- Kukulitsa chikhalidwe chachifundo kuti tiwongolere ma metric athu, kuyankha kwathu, ndi nthano zathu zokhuza ntchito yathu.
- Kuyanjanitsa madontho pamagulu onse a Foundation kuti akwaniritse malingaliro a Movement Strategy, ndikuyang'ana kwambiri Kuwonjezera Kukhazikika kwa Gulu Lathu, Coordinate Across Stakeholders, ndi Gwirizanitsani Maluso ndi Kukulitsa Utsogoleri.
- Kupeza ndalama: Kukhathamiritsa kosalekeza kwa owerenga athu apachaka kumathandizira njira zopezera ndalama, kuphatikiza kubweretsa opereka ndalama kuti athandizire Wikimedia m'maiko apano ndi atsopano, ndikuyesa njira zatsopano zopezera ndalama kuti tipeze njira zosiyanasiyana zopezera ndi kusunga othandizira.
- Kuchulukitsa thandizo kuchokera kukupereka kwakukulu: Ndikuwona tsamba la Wikipedia likuphwanyidwa kapena kutsika m'misika yathu yayikulu kwambiri yopezera ndalama ndipo motero kumachepetsa ziwonetsero za zopereka za madola ang'onoang'ono, tidzayang'ana kwambiri kukulitsa thandizo lathu kuchokera kwa opereka ndalama.
- Endowment: M'chaka chake choyamba chogwira ntchito ngati 501(c)(3) yodziyimira payokha, tidzafufuza ndikukonzekera kampeni yosonkhanitsa ndalama ya Endowment yazaka zambiri. Tidzakulitsanso Endowment ngati chithandizo, kuphatikiza kupanga zonse zofunika zachuma ndi malipoti. Tipitiliza kusinthira pulogalamu yopereka yomwe yakonzedwa kuti tiwonjezere ndalama ndikukonzekera kulandira mphatso zovuta kwambiri.
- Bizinesi: Tsekani zogulitsa zowonjezera ndi makampani omwe ali mumsika wosaka / wothandizira mawu. Wonjezerani ntchito zoyang'anira akaunti yathu kwa makasitomala atsopano ndi omwe alipo kuti muwonetsetse kuti akuwonjezera ndi kukulitsa makontrakitala apano. Dziwani ndikuyesa mwayi wogulitsa ndi/kapena mgwirizano wamalonda mumsika umodzi watsopano.
Zolinga zamalumikizidwe
Dipatimenti ya Communications ikuphatikizapo magulu otsatirawa: Brand Studio; Kulankhulana Kwakunja; Kuyankhulana kwa Movement; Kuyankhulana Kwamkati; ndi Program Management.
- Kukula ndi kuteteza mbiri ya Wikimedia, kotero kuti phindu la Wikimedia limagwira ntchito yofalitsa chidziwitso chaulere. Tiyitana anthu atsopano, kuwonetsetsa kuti tikupangitsa zoyeserera ndiukadaulo kuti tigawane chidziwitso chaulere, ndikutsata bwino ndikugawana zomwe tikuchita monga bungwe.
- Kupanga kulumikizana kofanana mkati mwa gululo, kuti timvetsetse momwe timagwirira ntchito ndi anthu odzipereka pazolinga zomwe timagawana. Tidzapitiriza kusonkhana, kukondwerera ndi kugwirizanitsa kayendetsedwe kake. Tipanga zokambirana zanjira ziwiri pachilichonse kuyambira pazantchito ndiukadaulo kupita ku charter yamayendedwe kutengera zidziwitso ndi zofunikira mdera.
- Kukulitsa malingaliro ogwirizana pakati pa ogwira nawo ntchito, kupanga malo oti ogwira ntchito azilumikizana ndikupanga malingaliro, njira, ndikuchita limodzi, komanso kupanga ndi kupanga njira zabwino zomwe zimapititsa patsogolo gulu la ogwira ntchito odziwa zambiri.
Zolinga zamalamulo
Dipatimenti ya zamalamulo ili ndi magulu otsatirawa: Zazamalamulo; Kukhazikika kwa Community & Kukhazikika; ndi Global Advocacy.
- Thandizani kulinganiza anthu komanso kulimbikitsa luso. Madera adzadziwitsidwa ndi kupatsidwa mphamvu kuti athe kutenga nawo mbali pa utsogoleri kudzera mu zisankho ndi kusintha kwa mfundo. Tidzalimbitsa kayendetsedwe ka kayendetsedwe ka kayendetsedwe ka kayendetsedwe ka kayendetsedwe kake, kupatsa mphamvu makomiti akuluakulu kuti akwaniritse zolinga zawo ndikuthandizira MCDC pa ntchito yawo yomaliza mgwirizanowu.
- Tetezani ndi kuteteza chitsanzo chathu, anthu, mapulojekiti, ndi zomwe timafunikira. Wikimedia iyenera kupanga pamodzi (ndi gululi ndi othandizana nawo) masomphenya abwino omveka bwino a malamulo ndi ndondomeko zofunika pa chidziwitso chaulere, mogwirizana ndi malamulo apadziko lonse a ufulu waumunthu. Olamulira ayenera kuphunzitsidwa momwe chitsanzo cha Wikimedia chimagwirira ntchito komanso kufunika kwa chikhalidwe chomwe chimapanga. Anthu omwe amayang'aniridwa chifukwa cha ntchito yawo ya Wikimedia amafunikira chitsogozo ndi chitetezo.
- Chitetezo chalamulo ndi mayankho owongolera. Titeteza Maziko ndi zomwe zili mu projekiti, ndikutsutsa zofuna zamunthu kukhothi.
- Efficient, effective, inclusive infrastructure. We will support the creation, operation, and continuous improvement of processes that allow us to sign contracts, identify and manage risk, give grants, and hire and support our staff.
- Advice, counsel, and legal advocacy projects for achieving the mission. We will evaluate risk and counsel teams on a variety of matters, from building new products and features to streamlining our grantmaking programs, to increasing awareness of the Wikimedia projects. We will help the communities and the public learn about cases where the law should protect free knowledge and culture.
Talent & Culture objectives
The Talent & Culture department includes the following teams: Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; People Experience; People Operations; and Recruitment.
- Improve the global experience of Foundation staff around the world: Define and harmonize our ways of working to create more equitable and seamless employee experiences across 50+ countries.
- Invest in the full people life cycle: Deliver tangible improvements to every stage of the employee life cycle (across recruitment, onboarding, learning, growth, reward, performance management and attrition) to drive purpose, performance, and impact.
- Build essential infrastructure: Implement systems, processes and HR capabilities that better support our complex, globally-distributed, remote-first organization.
Finance & Administration objectives
The Finance & Administration department includes the following teams: Accounting, Procurement, Payroll, Grants Administration, Travel and Convening, Continuous Process Improvement, Financial Planning & Analysis, IT Services, Facilities & Working Environments.
- Business Operations Improvement: Improve the efficiency and efficacy of our business and operational workflows so that they are streamlined, automated, user-centered, and have appropriate controls.
- Financial Planning, Management & Compliance: Build plans, and manage our financial resources & operations to enable the Foundation to achieve our programmatic objectives in compliance with all regulatory filing requirements to satisfy our tax exempt charitable status.
- Enterprise Risk Management: Deliver effective organizational risk oversight and management programs to recognize and respond to threats and opportunities.
- Enterprise Systems: Provide internal technical infrastructure and tools for the business operations of a globally distributed workforce.
- Working Environments: Develop working environments that are productive, inclusive and sustainable. The support team in F&A will deliver office and virtual support services that integrate the needs of our users with clear performance expectations.
- Investment & Treasury management: Efficiently manage cash, investments, and related business processes. The team develops and executes a cash flow strategy along with organizational banking and investment policies. Safekeep endowed assets and optimize surplus to aid operational needs.
Global Guidelines & Compensation Principles
Global Guidelines
As a global employer supporting hundreds of staff around the world, the Wikimedia Foundation manages significant operational complexity for a non-profit of its size. We recently introduced global guidelines to harmonize work practices and support for our staff across the world in all people-related processes from recruitment to exit. These guidelines will continue to change and evolve as needed to best support our staff.
The Global Guidelines provide for a baseline standard of employee benefits and policies that can be adjusted depending on specific country requirements. These guidelines came into effect in January 2023.
All Foundation staff receive a set of core benefits, irrespective of their geography. These benefits include comprehensive health insurance coverage, vacation and sick time, as well as access to a retirement plan. Additionally, staff receive benefits provided for in their local context like additional public holidays. The global guidelines have introduced more standardization around many common experiences and needs of our staff. This includes experiences like new parent leave, major life events, or voting in local elections.
The guidelines have also provided an opportunity to better align our processes globally when staff leave the Foundation. This includes a new standardized severance policy for staff at all levels of one month of severance pay for every year of their employment, up to nine months (unless local laws require otherwise) – any exceptions require a joint recommendation by the Head of Talent & Culture and the General Counsel, with final approval from the CEO. The guidelines have allowed us to make these and other policies more transparent to staff irrespective of where they live and work.
For Foundation staff, please note that these are a snapshot of our policies and may change from time to time. The latest version of our guidelines is always available on OfficeWiki or through contacting the Talent & Culture department.
Compensation Principles
Over the past two years, the Wikimedia Foundation has standardized its compensation principles for all employees. The table below illustrates how the Foundation's compensation approach has evolved over the past decade, including the most recent steps we have taken this year.
The Wikimedia Foundation's approach to compensation is designed to enable a diverse hiring and staffing strategy that mirrors the global Movement of free knowledge that we support; create equivalent pay conditions internationally so that talent is attracted to and remains with Wikimedia across countries with different wage ranges and varying economic landscapes; and provide staff with a salary that reflects our non-profit status while keeping them meaningfully engaged with the work. The Foundation's compensation principles take into account several factors in order to determine appropriate compensation for each role:
- External salary benchmarks. The Foundation uses an established third party compensation survey to benchmark salaries with the median base salary of similar roles across different industries in the location we are hiring. The survey includes data aggregated from international companies that operate within that specific location/country.
- Cost of living data. Cost of living calculations, which can include comparisons for housing, food, transportation, and other necessities are also factored into compensation ranges for roles at the Foundation, pulling from multiple established data sources.
- Job families. The Foundation hires across a wide range of roles and skill sets (more on this below) which are grouped into job families. Compensation principles also take into account job families and levels within each job family.
- Available budget. Finally, compensation is also based on the Foundation's available budget at the time.
Job Families and Progressions. One of the complexities that distinguishes the Foundation from other similarly-sized nonprofit organizations is the wide range of roles we hire for – spanning from highly technical to non-technical roles, across so many different geographies. This extends from software developers, engineers, designers, product managers, data scientists to people who specialize in communications, grantmaking, information technology, human resources, financial management, legal affairs, and fundraising. The Foundation currently has 17 job families across all of its teams. These job families include categories such as "Talent and Culture (HR)," "Product Management," "Quality," and "Administrative Services and Facilities." Within each job family are nine job levels - five individual contributor levels ranging from "Associate" to "Principal," and four manager levels ranging from "Manager" to "Vice President." The nine job levels within the 17 job families provide progression for staff at each level. These details will periodically be reviewed and updated as needed.
Staff overview. Staff at the Foundation are a group of over 700 people who collectively speak over 75 languages (and counting!) and span almost every timezone, across all eight Wikimedia regions. The Foundation will share this snapshot of total headcount, geographic distribution, and growth analytics on a yearly basis in the Annual Plan.
At a Glance on 31 December 2022 | ||
Our total headcount | 711 | We had 711 total Foundation staff on 31 December 2022. |
Countries | 57 | Our people are located across 57 countries and all continents except Antarctica. |
Growth in headcount | 10% | The headcount has grown by 10% in the past 12 months (Dec 2021 – Dec 2022). This is down from 15% in the last quarter, and is down from 30% in the prior fiscal year. |
Non-US Workers | 49% | 49% of our workers are located outside of the USA. |
Tenure in years | 3.8 | Staff members are staying on the average for about 3.8 years. |
Increased visibility of pay and executive compensation. In response to changing regulations in the US, as well as our increased commitment to pay visibility, the Foundation recently announced a practice of including salary ranges for US salaries in job postings. This is in addition to the compensation details published for top executives in our Form 990 financial disclosures annually.
Over the last year, two new executives joined the Wikimedia Foundation. Their executive compensation will not be reported in this year's Form 990 (which will be published next month) because these salaries will technically require disclosure in a future reporting cycle. To provide more visibility into the Foundation's executive pay levels, their base salary is being provided proactively below. As mentioned above, these salaries were set using an established third party compensation survey that benchmarks to median base salaries (e.g. 50th percentile) of similar roles across different industries in a specific geography, in this case the United States. This means that these salaries are in the middle of the range for executive salaries for similar positions.
- Maryana Iskander, Chief Executive Officer base compensation (analowa Januware 2022): USD $453,000
- Selena Deckelmann, Chief Product and Technology Officer base compensation (analowa mu Ogasiti 2022): USD $420,000