User talk:Node ue
Add topicHi, Node. I'm glad you intend to do the logo for the Georgian encyclopedia. "Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia" will be translated as "ვიკიპედია - თავისუფალი ენციკლოპედია". You can find all these words in the first line of the Main Page at ka:. Thanks.
Malafaya 18:55, 17 Nov 2004 (UTC)
- The logo is great. Thanks. By the way, do you know how I can translate just the names of months and weekdays? Just that. All the rest is being translated in the WikiMedia namespace.
- Malafaya 16:57, 19 Nov 2004 (UTC)
Nauruan logo
[edit]Hi, it seems that you can create logos. Because the request pages seem no to be viewed much, I'll post my request for the nauruan wikipedia here: NA Wikipedia needs a logo. The text should be: "Wikipedia - Encyclopedia emenengame". Thank you very much for your assistance and best wishes -- en:User:CdaMVvWgS 14:25, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Please do not remove comments from other users on Inactive wikis. I reverted your changes. Thank you. --Elian 00:34, 16 Jan 2005 (UTC)
The correct page is at Es/Plurilingüismo, "multilingüe" it's a wrong translation of multilingualism, and it has a nonsense sentence. For that reason I requested "multilingüe" for deletion. Peleguer 13:10, 7 Feb 2005 (UTC)
Edit summaries
[edit]Please use edit summaries. For example, for your edits at template/temp, you should have said things like "reverting to my version of <date> beacuse <reason>", "Undoing previous mistake", "Removing 'EN' from DTD name, and removing heading", "Adding magnifying glass instead of search/such/etc text", "Making everything smaller". People who watch changes need to do a lot more work to figure out the reasons for changes that do not have a good edit summary. —AlanBarrett 07:48, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Moldovan Wikipedia
[edit]Hi Node. I noticed that, in the Moldovan Wikipedia, you moved the main page article from "Pagina principală" to "Пажина принчипалэ". Why is that? There might have been a decision which I'm not aware of which stated that the Moldovan Wikipedia should be used only for Cyrillic script. If yes, then I'd really like to know, because the Moldovan Wikipedia should never be used for Cyrillic script. Firstly, there's the fact that there is controversy over whether a Moldovan language even exists (it is identical to Romania except of a letter change - â and î - similar to the "color" "colour" change between US and UK English). Secondly, even if we open up the Moldovan Wikipedia, it has to be in Latin script, because that's the official, and mostly used, script in the Republic of Moldova. The Cyrillic script was used during the period when Moldova was dominated by the USSR, and it has now largely fallen out of usage except in Transnistria. If they really want to open a Cyrillic version of Moldovan, let them do it at or something like that. The reason I contacted you was because you were the only registered user which edited the mo.wikipedia in recent times... please help me out here :). Thanks, Ronline 06:32, 30 Mar 2005 (UTC) P.S. I'm not anti-slavic or anti-Moldovan. In fact, I support Moldovan self-determination and, dare I say, I also support Transnistria independence. I just think it's absurb to keep the in Cyrillic.
>Moldovan language
that's one of the many lies cooked up by the Russians all the way back in the 1812 when they annexed the Romanian territory known as Basarabia that more or less makes up today's territory of Republic of Moldova.
Their goal was to "russify" the whole population as to better assimilate it with its neighboring regions but to do that, they had to make us forget our history, our language, our culture so we can embrace theirs.
The "Moldovan language" and "Moldovan culture" is literally just the Romanian language and Romanian culture but with Russian flavor added to it.
The "Moldovan self-determination" you speak of is Moldova's self-determination to embrace the culture of its motherland Romania, its original native language and culture after its 1991 independence. Why do you think we have on 31st of August a day specifically to celebrate the Romanian language?
Now, i know you'll mention that "But your Constitution claims that the official language of Moldova is the Moldovan language".
Although the Constitution from 1994 does mention that, the Declaration of Independence of 1991 clearly states that the official language of Republic of Moldova is Romanian!
To add salt to injury, in 2013, the Constitutional Jury have decided to officially edit the official language mentioned in the Constitution to the Romanian language.
I also support Transnistria's independence but for completely other reasons.
Transnistria is nothing but a puppet Russian state.
It was a puppet state when it was first made (look up MASSR) and it still is today, housing Russian armies and making sure to leech off of us as much as possible while constantly asking for independence. (They lately got themselves in a lot of heat after ordering huge amounts of Russian electricity to power their bitcoin farms and then throwing Moldova under the bus when the bill to the electricity came up. How ironic of a country who so badly wants to be independent to still be grasping so tightly after daddy Moldova's wallet to do anything.)
If it was given independence, we'd have a huge weight removed off our backs and Russia will just end up stuck with a small landlocked money-hungry territory that wasn't ours to begin with (it's Ukrainian territory) and is basically a Soviet time capsule.
With kind regards,
a native Moldovan who has learned about its country's past.
P.S. if you wish to continue this discussion, hit me an email at
re: request for admin on Maltese-language Wikipedia
[edit]Hello, Node ue. I saw your [concern about adminship] and I was curious if you were involved (maybe anonymously) in any of the discussions on the Maltese Wiki. I'd like to make sure all concerns are taken into account, such as, the concern of fluency. Anyways, maybe you have a comment on this suggestion, You could also un-protect the MediaWiki messages so everybody can translate them. It's not reccommended, but so far we have no problems with vandalism so it shouldn't be big problem. Thanks Srl 07:18, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC)
- ya made rod M a sysop. heading back to USA tomorrow, hi from the central square in capital malta. we had a face to face meeting here about 12 hours ago. met him and bunch of the other folks. so its very cool. they're going to keep meeting. I flew out here just to get the wikipedia going, ok not really, :) Saħħa that means health to you. Srl 22:58, 13 Apr 2005 (UTC) (better on mt: if i didn't set my signature right)
- hi, Requests_for_logos is the right place to request the switch, no? It seems a bit.. abandoned. Thanks. Srl 21:10, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Node, I reverted your edit, because you reduced readability of RfP. It is useless to emphasis comments in such a way, specially if they are anon's ones. You can't bother other folks in such a way - things should go in a quiet and well-thought manner not in a rant like you did around Wikipedia portal. If you will do again, I'll put a block on you for a while. --Aphaia | Translate Election | ++ 03:54, 4 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Please do not remove requests from Requests for permissions without copying them first to the archive. Angela 10:09, 5 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Hi, are you still making new logos for Wikipedias? Because the Portuguese language edition of Wikipedia needs a little correction in the logo, since a long time ago we're calling the project "Wikipédia", and our logo still says "Wikipedia". The rest is correct. This is the current logo image. You can send me the new image and I can upload it there. Thanks for your time. --Ikescs 22:24, 13 May 2005 (UTC)
Wikipedia sarda
[edit]Saludos, appo idu chi tue ada modifiadu sas iscrittas in Sardu de sas paginas spetziales. Puru eo appo idu chi in sa pagina toa non risultad chi tue connosches su Sardu. Si me potes fagher unu piaghere, mi potes narare che ditzionariu ses utilizzende? Si connoschet su Sardu, potes narar sa opinone toa in su Zilleri. Potes iscrivere in Sardu (cumente lu faeddas tue, da lu comprendimus), o in Italianu puru.-- 23:52, 21 May 2005 (UTC)
- Rispondo in Italiano, perchè mi hai detto che lo capisci.. Sono contento di vederti attivo, per quanto non troppo! ;-) Posso chiederti liberamente due cose? Come mai hai inizializzato la scwiki, pur non conoscendo il Sardo? E per il dizionario on-line, in che modo hai conosciuto e scelto L'ULS del prof. Corraine? Temugin73-- 05:20, 30 May 2005 (UTC)
- Saludos. :-) Ho capito.. Adesso capisco molte cose. E' un progetto ancora agli inizi. Complimenti, secondo me è l'idea giusta. Tant'è vero che in tanti la stanno facendo: il prof. Puddu; Lepori per la Zonza Editori; La casa editrice Condaghes; il prof. Corraine; il tuo sito; La critica alla standardizzazione esasperata e cattedratica fatta dallo stesso prof. Bolognesi.. A volte l'esattezza di una idea sta nella sua innovazione e originalità, ma molte volte invece si capisce dal fatto che viene a diverse persone contemporaneamente. E' lo spirito del tempo che agisce! Noi credo che svilupperemo un dizionario LSU in [1], aspetta che siano pronte le regole della "Sardetiquette" e potrai contribuire anche tu, se vuoi, con le conoscenze che stai accumulando. Credo che se tutti lavoreranno con passione ognuno al suo progetto, alla fine confluiranno naturalmente in un risultato "standard" (IMHO). A chent'annos. --Temugin73 21:45, 30 May 2005 (UTC)
Websites: Campidanese-Barbaricino [[2]], Campidanese [[3]], Campidanese-Cagliaritano [[4]], Logudorese [[5]], dovrebbero essere tutti open source..--Temugin73
Quit this
[edit]Node PLEASE quit placing those silly requests back. There were SEVERAL GOOD reasons to remove them: A. Almost everyone agreed they were nonsensical; B. They had been there for a VERY long time; C. They flooded the page and they confused serious proposers. And you know that quite well. It is like rubbish bags once put outside being brought back in and the contents being spilt over the floor! Caesarion 18:43, 17 Jun 2005 (UTC)
And on top of that, the DDR-language and Baseldytsch Wikipedia requests were NOT removed by me! Caesarion 18:52, 17 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Serbo-croatian Wikipedia
[edit]Thank you for your support! --Pokrajac 22:17, 17 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Language question
[edit]I'm just wondering why you changed the rules on Request for new languages, as well as ambiguated the matter by splitting the page up into a number of pages. Additionally, I'd like to know what you have against User:Scott Gall. Almafeta 19:52, 29 Jun 2005 (UTC)
From Yann
[edit]Hi Node,
Although you also write useful contributions, many of you writings, both here and on the lists, are quite trolls, IMO. I never hide that opinion and I am not alone thinking that. It's a pity, I think, because otherwise you would be much appreciated. Yann 13:51, 30 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Hi! How can I activate the Kazakh, Chuvash and Bashkir logos? As for Kazakh, the more correct will be Уикипедия. Thanks a lot! -- 7 July 2005 11:10 (UTC) (en:User:Untifler)
Need help
[edit]Are you a person that can help me in starting a new Wikipedia in Zlatiborian language? George D. Bozovic
Legit info
[edit]I'm sorry, but I put back all the legitimate info that was changed on this page. I know how to revert pages and all those sections modifications makes it longer to edit it all the time. Just for your info, changing br's stats every 2 hours isn't legit info because it doesn't follow the trend of the other wikipedias that haven't been updated at the same time. Lincher 03:06, 12 July 2005 (UTC)
Node vs. Mark
[edit]Do prefer if I call you Node, or Mark? I suppose all of Wikimedia knows you as Node (ue) by now, but since "[you are] a person," I thought I'd just ask. – Minh Nguyễn (talk, blog) 05:33, 23 July 2005 (UTC)
The pages Ucxastnikis and 100 zapisis... are meant to be in both scripts (latin and cyrillic) side-by-side, so that we don't have to update them in two places. I'll turn your Участникис and 100 записис into redirs. Also, I think something went wrong with your transliteration of these pages. If you'd like to discuss that (or anything else connected with Slavopedia), please visit #slavopedia. Thank you, tsca ✉ 10:06, 3 August 2005 (UTC)
Breton Interface
[edit]- Hi, thank you for your help. I'll untertake the translation. I have decided to erase your message on my talk page on the Breton wiki. I didn't want too many nosy guys to read your stuff right now and jump on others work and destroy it just because they disagree with the standard form of the language. So, if you don't mind, I'll prefer that, for the time beeing, we talk on Meta rather than on the Breton wiki. I think I am the only active Breton speaker on Meta for the moment. Fulup 07:54, 12 August 2005 (UTC)
- Demat deoc’h. This to inform you the job is done. It's been quite a work and I'm glad it's finished. I think it is ready to be displayed now. From now on what we need is using the Breton interface for a while, see how it goes, checked it adjust it and make improvements to it. Please inform me when you'll be ready on your side. I'm very grateful for your help. Trugarez. --Fulup 22:44, 15 August 2005 (UTC)
[edit]User:Jenmoa/birthday --Jenmoa 06:26, 18 August 2005 (UTC)
Old Norse Wikipedia
[edit]While waiting for the creation of the Old Norse Wikipedia, I would like as much people as possible to come on this page to dicuss the "neologisms" we should use on it. Please take a look. Yours sincerly. Sajasaze 09:39, 22 August 2005 (UTC)
WikiNews licensing poll
[edit]It would be nice if you actually read the pages you were editing - "Please do not give your opinions yet.".
*sighs* :-)
James F. (talk) 15:34, 31 August 2005 (UTC)
Hi Node ue! Your vote on the Wikinews licensing poll is in the wikinews contributor section. Could you indicate which language edition you are a participant on? - Amgine 19:50, 10 September 2005 (UTC)
Lingala Wikipedia
[edit]Hi Node ue,
I just made a Request for permission for myself and ln:User:Themalau, I think he will add his requests soon. Thanks for your concern, I just noticed the discussion on science.linguistics.wikipedia.misc , your participation in the Lingala Wikipedia is appreciate, come around more often, we need help, especially for the look of the front page right now. ---moyogo 05:59, 28 September 2005 (UTC)
Venet Wikipedia
[edit]Hi! Thank you for supporting the Venet Wikipedia and for starting the test-page. But I have a request: please, if an article has as name "convenzsion de scritura" or similar, may you accept this convention for written Venet? Thank you. I don't no where did you find "articoło" with "h". - Skafa 07, October 2005
NDS-nl wiki
[edit]Hi, please remember dialect wiki's are not very much wanted, the language Low Saxon is divided in two groups Dutch spelling and grammar and German spelling and grammar and nds has German spelling and grammar, so where do you leave the other group? Servien 16:00, 9 October 2005 (UTC)
- I think (know) there are more Færøer speaking people active on the net, people speaking Veluws are not that active and are mostly not that young. Internet users on the Færøer are younger than the average Veluwenaar, Færøer is also considered a language not a dialect. As you mentioned people seem to refer to Grunnings as "de Grunningse sproake" this is incorrect as Low Saxon is a language, which is stipulated in the Handvest van minderheidstalen (Charter of minority languages), they are merely a subdivision of the language. Please see for this. (I think this discussion kind of useless, you will not change your opinion and I won't either, as a wise man once said: "if discussion leads to nothing a discussion is useless.") Servien
- Hee ouwe Severbek... I know tons of people from Grunningen, they don't even call their dialect a language. It's officially a dialect, the community calls it a dialect and linguistically it's a dialect. If you don't trust my word ask, etc. you'll get the same answer.
- >>"Thruought history, what makes a language is not that some political authority says "OK, you guys speak a different language", but rather that the folks who actually SPEAK the language consider they speak it. In the Gronings article in the Nds-nl test Wiki, you changed all occurances of "sproak" to "toal". "Sproak" is, however, a real Gronings word."
- I'm aware sproak is a real Grunnings word. Besides you mentioned it like 3 times, everyone makes mistakes or are you faultless?
- Dialekt wiki's bin bar onpraktisch, you probably won't get the support for it, even from native speakers. This NDS wiki already has some opposition but we have the majority behind us, 15-3, for the seperate dialect wiki's you probably get 3-15. Servien
- The greatest number of oppose votes for ANY OTHER listing on this page is 1... to put a 15-3 on this page is a poor attempt to force something to happen sans konsensies - Quote from Sir Node the Second of Inverness... you like to make up things "to your advance"... not that you'll ever visit or for that matter use this wiki but anyway... the ISO-code needs to be discussed anyway. BTW you say the least is 1... please tell where it says that, and please tell me how non-native (non-speakers for that matter) should block a wiki? I think natives are best able to judge (3rd or 2nd leven even), since no natives have voted against... mo'j toch wel een of aandere konklusie trekken of ku'j dat nie, is joew haarsenkapaciteit so miniem da'j so-iets nie begrypen kun? BTW I don't think ANY OTHER as you state it, have 15 votes for. Please look up the word consensus in your diksjoner! Servien
- Hi, no you're right it's no statement... the others don't have 3 but they also don't have 15 supports, Low Saxon has the most of any of them, the problems mentioned can easily be solved and have been replied to. So in other words what you're saying is the wiki should be created even though 15 people are for, and 3 people against? Last time I checked majority wins, especially since there are new supports and no new againsts. And yes I do think a Veluws wiki would fail, I tried to request it, to see how many votes it would get, I left a few messages, and everyone said, that it would not get much support and voilà the first vote and all the others are against... they'd probably turn out more the the current one. Plus: de belaangen bin nie ammal behaartigt veur slechts een wiki. (the "belangen" are not all "satisfied"; don't know @moment what it is in .en, I'm not the hyper today) Servien
Venet Wikipedia 2
[edit]Hi Node! Venet Wikipedia has been approved, but I don't know what I have to do. I need help. Thank you. Skafa, 10 October 2005
Wikipedia en vieux norrois
[edit]J'ai vu que vous vous étiez inscrit en tant que supporter pour le wikipedia norrois, donc j'aimerais que vous alliez aider à la traduction de pages sur le test-wiki ( test-wp/non/ ) si cela entre dans vos compétences. -- Sajasaze 17:25, 23 October 2005 (UTC)
PS : C'est plus simple pour moi d'écrir en français ; désolé si vous avez du mal à comprendre ...
Réponse à votre réponse
[edit]Je n'ai aucun problème à comprendre l'anglais, simplement ça va plus vite d'écrire dans sa langue maternelle ... Sinon, c'est dommage que vous ne puissiez pas contribuer ; tant pis, il nous reste Olve et Tegn -- Sajasaze 17:16, 24 October 2005 (UTC)
P.S. : J'ai vu que tu avais déjà fait des logos pour d'autres wikipedia. Cela nous aiderait si tu faisais celui du Wikipedia norrois. Le slogan serait : Vikipeðia In kostnaðslausa kunnandibók.
please help me setting up buginese wikipedia
[edit]hi Node,
can you help me setting up new buginese wikipedia? This is the important thing I have to do now:
- Change the important title like cetegories, sandbox titles, special, etc, as far as I know, I'm not authorized to do that kind of stuff. Could help me by telling what should I do. Who should I contact, etc.
- Do I have to tell all wikipedias about this creation or I just wait until I finished my set up.
- btw, we (me and others agreed to change to roman instead of our traditional script due to technical problem)Zaid 14.55 24 October 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Well, since you're so interested in Serbian affairs, why you don't visit us? You can go to Zlatibor as well, since you expressed special affection for this beautifull mountin (hope you like skiing:) Wikimedia Serbia and Montenegro can organize your accomodation. -- Obradovic Goran 21:41, 6 November 2005 (UTC)
- Accomodation for two we always can organize :) We're tight with the budget though, so the tickets might be a problem. -- Obradovic Goran 22:00, 6 November 2005 (UTC)
This was written just now on Serbian Wikipedia by Djordje Bozovic :) .. And you saw what Mark is saying, he alegably saw on television how Zlatiborians are suffering in slavery and has at home badges with anti-Serbian messages and messages for liberation of Zlatibor and has books about Zlatiborian language (??? - just that, that me neither could belive when I saw it) .. -- Obradovic Goran 22:44, 6 November 2005 (UTC)
[edit]The Test-wp/And is an effort to use "fonetik" spelling to accentuate the differences between Castilian and Andalusian spoken Spanish. To go in and re-spell just about every other word closer to what would be standard Castilian makes no sense. Andalusian Spanish has no current standard written form other than Castilian Spanish, so the effort to spell it in a more phonetic form would be like a phonetic spelling of Jamaican English, to accentuate the differences in the speech between Jamaican English and other variants of English. It is a "Test" wiki and therefore not ready for primetime yet. Please don't mess with the Test-wp/And without discussing it first. To do otherwise is akin to sabotage or worse, almost vandalism. So please, please, discuss, then edit. But never go in and willy-nilly un-do what has been accomplished so far. ILVI 01:33, 14 November 2005 (UTC)
Node ue...
[edit]Ondertussen weten we allemaal dat je graag Wikipedia's wilt in fantasietalen maar geen in echte talen. En dat je mij om niet-bestaande redenen de grond in wilt boren staat ook vast. Als er één iemand is wiens verbanning voordelig zou zijn voor Wikimedia, zou jij het wel zijn (I suppose you understand this, looking to your nl-1 template, you may answer in English). En laat het duidelijk zijn: Ik wil geen ellenlange Engelstalige discussie opstarten. Belgian man (nl na en) 16:48, 17 November 2005 (UTC)
- Come on BM keep cool and mind your blood pressure... I don't see why Node would support wikis in fictional languages and opposes ones in real languages, you should conduct this discussion in a more civilised way... Caesarion 17:10, 17 November 2005 (UTC)
Thank you for support on SysOp status
[edit]Hi Node ue , Thank you for support and suggesting me becoming a SysOp at the Requests for permissions page. [[6]]. Regards Mehrdad 17:09, 22 November 2005 (UTC)
Please do not remove nds from approved.
[edit]You have repeatedly removed, at least 8 times which I counted, this request from the approved page. Do not do so again. There is a clear consensus to create this by the vote involved (with consensus in this case being to abide by the decision of the community.) - Amgine 00:16, 30 November 2005 (UTC)
- I agree with Amgine. Please try to integrate yourself into to the community. Regards, Arbeo 10:41, 1 December 2005 (UTC)
Anon users...
[edit]Please check your sources before putting things down in the future :)... all are active, the ones you put down as inactive are very active on the Dutch wiki so don't know how you check someone's contributions but anyway:
-- see: Fnorp's edits
-- see: Migdejong's edits
-- see: ProfSjors' edits
-- see: Nijman's edits
-- see: Heiko's edits
Greetz: Servien 07:35, 5 December 2005 (UTC)
- I thought you were supposed to be clever, ever thought of sending them a message? You certainly don't know how to check your sources outjie! Servien 14:48, 7 December 2005 (UTC)
- Do not mark wikimedians as anonymous IP when they clearly have a history of working on one or more wikimedia projects. If you require more extensive verification of their status you are welcome to do so, but until you have evidence they did not make the votes they are credited with do not alter their signature, vote, or comment. - Amgine 18:45, 7 December 2005 (UTC)
Gothic wikipedia
[edit]I've now been made sysop on that wikipedia and I'd like to translate all mediawiki messages, but I don't speak Gothic, so I'd like you to help me or to tell me who to contact if you can't Thx -- Sajasaze 15:48, 13 December 2005 (UTC)
Re: sysop @
[edit]I've asked to be sysop on this wiki. Unfortunately, I'm not bureaucrat, so I can't make you a sysop. For a begining, please take a look on my user page, on the link /messages mediawiki, and tell me what you think about the traductions. -- Sajasaze 16:31, 17 December 2005 (UTC)
Tweantsn Wiki
[edit]Hi Node ue! As you perhaps already saw, I have changed the spelling of the articles in the testwiki in Twentsch and I added some extra information. However, I think that at this moment, it is not the right time to do a request for a Twentsch Wikipedia at the moment, as I have heard that in the coming months, a new orthography for Twentsch will be introduced, combining all orthographies used until now. So waiting for a few more months is probably the best, as one preferred orthography will form a better basis for the Twentsch Wikipedia. Goodgoan! Tubantia 09:36, 20 December 2005 (UTC)
Sysop on mo:
[edit]Hi Node,
There was a complain on IRC from a user you blocked on because of different POV. You may not block users if they disagree with you, especially seeing the big dispute if this wiki should exist at all (I have no opinion on that). And you can't really say that you were elected, seeing that you had two votes for you and one against. On most wikis, you wouldn't get sysop status which such a result. Yann 09:03, 10 January 2006 (UTC)
Moldovan ...
[edit]Hello Node. I was searchig meta for a thing, and I have stumbled on your page. One thing that I found it particulary interesting is that on your babel, you do not mention Moldovan or Romanian. Here at meta you have forgotten those ? Or you speak what you like depening on the circumstances? Elerium 16:13, 15 January 2006 (UTC).
- Node speaks rather too much to list here... ;-) Caesarion 20:11, 15 January 2006 (UTC)
Test-wp/hsb, dsb, wen or whatever
[edit]Hi Node ue, could you please stop your actions of moving articles around? (And let us Sorbs decide whether we want to have one Wikipedija in hsb, dsb, or both in one?) We loose articles, your moving of Domowina has caused a new article in hsb - now we have wen and hsb - different articles in one language. I consider it not very productive what you are doing there. Thanks for your understanding. However, thanks for correcting a spelling mistake! --Dundak 21:43, 16 January 2006 (UTC)
- Thank you very much! [7] [8] Now we have three Main pages. Which name would you suggest? Middle sorbian? Not very amused --Dundak 21:38, 22 January 2006 (UTC)
Your change in the sorbian wiki
[edit](Talk:Test-WP/wen moved to Talk:Test-WP/hsb/: Currently, this page is written in Hornjoserbski. Unless you make it completely bilingual, you shouldn't claim it's in "wen".)
This page is bilingual. Maybe you should have asked somone who actually speaks sorbian. Do you expect every single comment to be translated on a discussion page where upper and lower sorbians speak? We understand each other without translation. (last part edited - my mistake)--Zak 16:03, 8 February 2006 (UTC)
Yiddish wikipedia
[edit]hi, we at the Yiddish wikipedia are missing you, please come back to us at-least once a week. thanks so much for all the tremendous contributions in the past, now we ready to embrace you even more. the history of Yiddish will always remember you. also if you can express your vote if to put back public statistics there. thanks-- 12:56, 23 February 2006 (UTC)
Language order on
[edit]Hiya, I recall that you helped sort out the ordering of the languages on What's the order based on? Mutante is currently trying to write a script that would create this page automatically (thereby making the numbers a bit more up to date) but he's struggling with this issue. Can you please help? GeorgeStepanek 05:34, 7 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit]May I suggest, as a consideration, that you support the attempt to build a seed wiki? Despite my recount showing an even narrower count total than previously, I suggest this because:
- The vote on this page is polluted in both directions; I do not feel a decisive outcome may be measured due to vote fraud/deletions on both sides.
- If the seed wiki on meta is very active and successful, a new vote may be held indicating this and will likely be successful. If the seed wiki becomes moribund, a new vote may or may not be held and, with the example in mind, will likely be unsuccessful.
- Amgine / talk meta 02:50, 2 April 2006 (UTC)
- I have not been following over the past weeks, but yes I'm aware of the place provided within a community which is actively hostile toward Zazas for them to produce Zazaic WP articles. I humbly submit that it is about as helpful as combining sr, sh, and the range croation language wikipedias within a single 'pedia, or even the several Norwegians, of which WP supports two.
- There is little point in attempting to force people to work where they do not wish to work. It is far better to give them a place to start and, if they attract a community, to give them a separate space. WP is not paper. Neither is Meta. Keep in mind this also allows them to fail to form a community. - Amgine / talk meta 04:31, 3 April 2006 (UTC)
- Perhaps I was less than perfectly clear: hostile toward a separate identity of Zazas. Not that there is any evidence of this, anywhere. Of course not. - Amgine / talk meta 02:07, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
Hi Node ue,
Before I put the Zazaki Wikipedia request on the apporoved wikipedias page, I asked to admins Arbeo and Steinbach (formerly Ceaserian) to move the request, and they told me that I could move it, and I did. So, I put the request back on the approved wikipedias page today. If you have any questions or problems with that, let's discuss in a civilized manner. I and my friends don't want to engage in an edit war. Best, --Maviulke12 23:14, 9 July 2006 (UTC)
I don't really believe that you represent a fair point of view. You are so hateful against our project. And we don't know why. --Maviulke12 03:06, 17 July 2006 (UTC)
It is really hard to understand you Node eu. Zazaki and other Kurdish dialects are brother languages and ethnically and culturally we are together. However, if you have knowledge about the region, you must be well aware of the problem of the understandability between languages or dialects of the region. Zazaki is very different from others. You will realize that if you closely read the study under this message written by a German linguist. And, the language of ku-Wikipedia is not understandable for us. So, a Zazaki Wikipedia is highly needed.
Moreover, today the Zazaki Language is under the treat of the Turkish Language and the Turkish Government. They want to assimilate us by encouraging us to forget our language and speak Turkish. Few parents teach Zazaki to their children, so every day our language is going to be a dead language and our population going to be Turkish. This is another reason for us to create a Zazaki Wikipedia like other languages. By creating Zazaki Wikipedia, we won't divide Kurdistan; actually, we will enrich it.
You blamed me for being a nationalist. I hate the nationalist and fascist people, and calling a nationalist makes rally angry. Also you blamed me for being fanatic. Look if I were a fanatic, would I spend this enormous time and effort to create this nice Wikipedia [9]. Look, our two important writes suffered a lot under the Turkish ultra-nationalist and Zazaki speakers also suffered a lot under the Turkish ultra-Nationalist. Now, you are accusing of us for being ultra-nationalist; it is really sad.
I deleted these votes because they say that Zazaki is a dialect. If you look at Active-Wikipedias List, you will see lots of dialects have its own Wikipedias. So, their opposition does not represent any valid argument. For this reason they should not be counted. Likewise, I deleted 11 Zazaki votes, but you did not raise any objections.
If you really believe that the Zazaki is a nice language, and then help us to protect and develop it. I hope you reconsider this issue again and help us.--Maviulke12 03:04, 18 July 2006 (UTC)
May be you want to read this:
Your are just wasting your time. By the way, keep dreaming I am not banned from any of the wikipedias.--Maviulke12 20:11, 19 July 2006 (UTC)
I don't believe that your are fair in this issue. You are obssesed with preventing the Zazaki Wikipedia. But again, you are wasting your time. --Maviulke12 20:25, 19 July 2006 (UTC)
Zazaki Wikipedia is approved. You are wasting your time. --Maviulke12 00:04, 20 July 2006 (UTC)
- Your intention is very clear: you don't want to see a Zazaki Wikipedia. You are prejudices. You accuse us being fanatics and ultra-nationalists. You tried to prevent even the creation of Zazaki-wikipedia. So, you doesn't have any credibility and again Zazaki Wikipedia is already approved. I am going to put it back--Maviulke12 01:56, 20 July 2006 (UTC)
Úno coplo questi...
[edit]Hi, I saw you'd like to keep the nds test wiki, fine but it's not up-to-date, and the wiki seems to be going quitte well, no complaint or whatsoever (it certainly has more articles then are on this page), we currently have active Veluws, Grunnegs and Tweants speakers, I myself speak a little Drèents and Sallands so in the future we hope to have more users. I certainly won't stop you, 'cause every one knows it will never make it as a wiki (sadly enough).
Second question: on the got-wiki I can't get the font right, any idea how to get it right, I got WinXP, set on UFT-8 / user-defined, installed CODE2001, but still get blocks or ð and blocks... Servien 12:12, 14 April 2006 (UTC)
Translation help
[edit]Hello. If you are interested in helping me translate two pages from a Japanese magazine article (from Japanese to English), your help would be very much appreciated. If you're interested, please contact me through my Wikipedia talk page. Thanks! --Tristam 23:16, 16 May 2006 (UTC)
farsi salis
[edit]hi !
can you help me to creat Fs: ? i want creat my language in wiki , if you can show me samples i can use that for this..... --Sh-gh 05:05, 5 June 2006 (UTC)
Your failure...
[edit]You lost again, here: LOL, I'm so happy....--Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 05:39, 22 June 2006 (UTC)
- Stop vandalising and making personal attacks [10] --Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 09:06, 22 June 2006 (UTC)
- You lost again kid...--Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 11:05, 22 June 2006 (UTC)

- Shame on you kid! --Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 05:25, 5 July 2006 (UTC)
Proposals for closing projects
[edit]Your support votes against the Simple English projects seem rather confusing. Were they actual supports with jokes or were they showing the irony of small wikis and an oppose in diguise? Would you mind making it a bit clearer? If they were just a joke I invite you to take a close look at the projects before revoting. Thanks, Archer7 13:46, 24 June 2006 (UTC)
Shoddy country?
[edit]Hello. First question: Who do you think you are, you irresponsable kid? I am from Chisinau, and I haven't seen russians so antiromanians like you. In 1994, in Moldova was an agrarian and antiromanian government. Most of them were former KGB agents, and their major interest was to stay in Rusia's sphere of influence. If in 1989 and in 1991, hudreds of thousands of people were screaming One nation, one country, and in 1994, only 5 % of the people voted for unification, in Moldova, a country of 4 million people, where only 2,7 million have the right to vote... Do the math. Most of the moldovans know about these fraud, mostly in Chisinau. But these isn't the problem. The problem is your childish behaviour. In the hands of certain people, you are a real time-bomb. I would advice you to stay out from the problems, you are not familliar with. Thank you for your time. --Basarab 07:18, 6 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit]"...during the Great Purge in late 1930s, all of the Roman-based alphabets of the peoples of the Soviet Union (with the exception of the Baltic alphabets) were switched over to Cyrillic as well" - this is from [11].
If you'll ask yourself "WTF the Great Purge was?" and "WTF this user wants?", read here: [12].
Adriatikus 15:27, 8 July 2006 (UTC)
On your blocking
[edit]Hello I am sorry to see you and Maviulke12 caused an edit war - wheeling revert in about 4 hours or so. As a meta sysop, I thought both of you needed to take a rest. At least for waiting another voice for the voting in question.
I expect both of you, you and Maviulke12 I mean, calm down in 24 hours. If you feel further discussion necessary, you can use its talk or Requests for comments. Thank you for your understanding. Have a good day. --Aphaia 03:06, 20 July 2006 (UTC)
- Allow me to add my surprise that, having seen the development of support and content for this language wiki, you continue your personal crusade to prevent its creation. Wikipedia is not paper. - Amgine / talk meta 05:52, 20 July 2006 (UTC)
Old Churc Slavonic and Old Norse
[edit]Sorry, but your removals are invalid, I contacted with the interested people that want joined in this Wikipedias. Although are ancient languages without native speakers, exists a little persons intersted. Is impossible don't approve ancient Wikipedias if exists somebody with knowledge about these languages. Please don't remove again. --Taichi - (あ!) 08:55, 30 July 2006 (UTC)
- Brion says that if any interested people who want help this wikis, can send in the mail list the request to an developer for create the wiki. Sorry again, but your imposition isn't over the votation and the people interested. Don't persist, because you fault the proccess of new Wikipedia's creation.--Taichi - (あ!) 03:49, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- You persist in this problem, now you are blocked, and I hope that you think about your crusade, and the consequences about desobey an admnistrator order. I hope finish this problem. --Taichi - (あ!) 03:56, 3 August 2006 (UTC)
Amenaza de su parte (respuesta)
[edit]Hablaré en español, para expresar mejor mis palabras: El sabotaje que hizo usted, fue por eliminar los enlaces a Incubator, eliminando la única referencia de que se está trabajando en ellos y la persistente acción unilateral en desaprobar esos dos idiomas. No se pueden poner ahí en la sección de "request native support" porque no hay usuarios nativos (por eso son lenguas extintas). No entiendo eso de que Chino Clásico sí y los otros dos no. Eso se llama falta de neutralidad y veo intereses en tí de tomar las manos. Aparte consulté con Aphaia del asunto y pues vio que su acción no fue la adecuada.
No me interesa si usted va a traer apoyo de usuarios, una pregunta: ¿usted se ha preocupado por mejorar la imagen de los pedidos de idiomas, en eliminar de raíz los votos de IP que fraguan votos? He tenido que arreglar los pedidos porque algunos ya estaban expirados y otros habían logrado el consenso. Además le perdoné por el asunto del boicot que tiene en otro tema, ¿sabe que podía haber sido sancionado por más tiempo? Por favor, no haga esto de un juego, sólo le digo algo, insiste en seguir haciendo pelea, voy a comunicarme con mimebros importantes de la Fundación acerca de su acción unilateral al impedir la creación de estos dos proyectos, aún cuando hay gente trabajando en el Incubator. Eso sí, no lo bloquearé más a usted, pero sí me encargaré de que otros lo hagan por lo que hace. --Taichi - (あ!) 01:04, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
- Rough Translation (since my talkpage has been linked from wikipedia-l): I shall speak in Spanish so as to better express myself: The sabotage by you was that you eliminated links to the Incubator, the only reference to that on which they are working and your persistent unilateral action in disapproving those languages. They can't be placed in the section of "request native support" because there simply aren't native users (because they are extinct languages). I don't understand why you left Classical Chinese but not the others. This is called lack of neutrality and I see that you are interested in taking matters into your own hands.
- I am not interested in you trying to get the support of other uers, but a question: have you been worried about improving the image of the requested languages, in eliminating the influence of fraudulent IP votes? I have had to maintain the lost because many have already expired and others have gained consensus. Also, did you know that I could ban you for more time? Please, this isn't a game, I am only telling you something, you insist on making a fight, I am going to communicate with important members of the foundation about your unilateral action to impede the creation of these two projects, even though there are people working on them in the Incubator. I shall not block you more, but I shall request others to block you if you ontinue your action.
- Entiendo, de todos modos elevaré la queja ante miembros de la Fundación, ya que la verdad no quiero perder tiempo en guerra de edición y bloqueando. --Taichi - (あ!) 02:17, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
- I understand, anyhow I shall raise the complaint to members of the foundation, since I do not wish to waste time on edit warring and blocking.
I have answered in my page. Really, nothing personal, Node UE, I do not know you, I do not hate you. But you have very bad allies. --Yaroslav Zolotaryov 02:25, 8 August 2006 (UTC)
I see you are circumventing the community again.
[edit]Please do not act unilaterally. - Amgine / talk meta 02:25, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Also, due to your history of interpersonal interaction, you are warned regarding making personal attacks. Do not engage in personal attacks. - Amgine / talk meta 02:52, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
Request for Min Dong logo
[edit]Hello Node ue, I come from Min Dong Wikipedia. A-giâu told me you can make logos for other wikipedias. Could you help us please? The text is:
- Wikipedia
- Cê̤ṳ-iù gì Báik-kuŏ-ciòng-cṳ̆
For normal display of these letters, please use Charis SIL Font, the recommended font for Min Nan Wikipedia.
Thank you!--GnuDoyng 00:58, 5 October 2006 (UTC)
Thanks for your help, Node ue. The logo you made is great, but I'm sorry for troubling you again: Could you please change the letter "b" in "báik-kuŏ-ciòng-cṳ̆" into "Báik-kuŏ-ciòng-cṳ̆"? Because it should be capitalized. Thank you! --GnuDoyng 13:36, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
Thank you
Thank you for your support for the future
Re: lol Moldavian!
[edit]Actually it's a real "ginepraio" and trying to solve it it's not the easiest of the tasks. That wiki is certainly too conflictual, but the conflict reflects - as fas as I've understood - the cultural conflict the Moldavian people is probably undergoing since the dissolution of the USSR, in search for the boundaries of their cultural identity and under the influence of their Romanian neighbours who deny the mere existence of a Moldavian language.
I wish that wiki might re-start from scratch, although nothing prevents that a second experiment might turn unsuccessful for the same reason. Wikipedia cannot solve long-time nationalistic controversies. At least as long as the "edit" tab of the world is damn hard to find... --Paginazero - Ø 07:25, 15 November 2006 (UTC)
Kabyle wikipedia
Our request to have a wikipedia in the Kabyle Berber language have been aproved by an administrator :
On this page:
The use/admin TUF-KAT said we need to ask a developer to do the rest, I have posted in the mailing list [13] but we did not find any developper.
i am a bit lost, what should we exactly do?Toira 20:42, 19 November 2006 (UTC)
Nomination for deletion
[edit]Hello Node ue. I've nominated several files for deletion, some of which you uploaded. If you'd like to comment, please see the nomination. Thanks. —{admin} Pathoschild 02:27, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
- There is another batch nomination containing images you've uploaded, if you'd like to comment. —{admin} Pathoschild 00:44, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
Divide Lombard Wikipedia into Insubric and Orobic ones
[edit]I think it isn't enough an only Wikipedia for all Lombard. I think it's necessary to create an Insubric (or Western) one, and an Orobic (or Eastern) one. In fact, the two languages aren't mutally non comprehensible. Can you help me? Codice1000 18:51, 11 February 2007 (UTC)
Wikipedia Rotuman
[edit]Noticed u on an archived discussion about some Polynesian WP requests that were knocked back. I'd like to respectfully invited you to vote for Wikipedia Rotuman here. Thanks heaps. Matt Bray
- Thanks for your vote of support for Wikipedia Rotuman. This is an important step towards enhancing the Rotuman language's chances of survival into the future. Fai'ak'sea! --Mattbray 23:48, 19 April 2007 (UTC)
Your comment at Proposals for closing projects/Closure of Yiddish Wikipedia
[edit]Hi I have difficulties understanding this comment. Can you explain? --Johannes Rohr 15:42, 20 June 2007 (UTC)
your modifications to finished closure proposals
[edit]Hi, please stop modifying closure proposals which have been finished. Also please understand that this is not about vote count (do I really have to explain why?) but about arguments. The generic "oppose" that you place in every closure debate is thus of no value. If you have arguments, please present them. If you have specific suggestions how the procedure should be changed, please join the discussion at Talk:Proposals for closing projects. --Johannes Rohr 18:11, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
GFDL/PD Ainu text?
ja:Help:特殊文字#東アジアの言語の文字 (漢字、ハングル、仮名)を書いた者です。表示サンプルに使うために、アイヌ語片仮名表記のテキストでGFDL/PDのものを何かご存知だったら教えていただきたいと思って、こちらに書き込んでいます。単に文字コードとしての知識があるだけで、ローマ字表記から (もちろん音声からも) 起こせるような知識はないものですから。
できればほかの言語と同様、世界人権宣言第1条であるとよいのですが、UNHCHRのサイトにも掲載されていないので、翻訳はないのだろうとおもいます。あと、もしも上に挙げたページの記述の誤りなどにお気づきでしたら、教えてください。 --Hatukanezumi 12:46, 17 August 2007 (UTC)
Dear friend please come to « שמועס » to see if we can use this channel as a place for Yiddish chats. This form should work at װיקיװערטערבוך when you are using Firefox, Konqueror or Opera. Unfortunatelly if does not work yet in Internet Explorer.
Please search in װיקיװערטערבוך:הויפט זייט at the seventh item in נאוויגאציע. It is « שמועס ». I assume that you agree to add such an « שמועס » item at װיקיפּעדיע to נאוויגאציע as soon as our friends m:n:en:user:bawolff ... have fixed the code. Please do not hesitate to write your comments in the comment section.
Please make proposals about translating of the text / help: Only Latin characters and Latin numbers are allowed as « Your Nickname: » . Exceptions are « tekhniker|avek » , « ales-viser » etc. Please add some explanations about accessing the channel « #kavehoyz » by using the page chatwikizine: One should select the channel « #kavehoyz » from the channel list, select a Nickname and hit enter. All other fields are optional.
Thanks in advance and Good luck! Best regards
·לערי ריינהארט·Th·T·email me· 06:17, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
Archival permission
[edit]Hello Node,
I am the archivist for the language subcommittee. You sent a message to the language subcommittee on December 10th 2007 about the Moldovan Wikipedia. Discussion with the subcommittee is regularly copied to a public archive for transparency. Since you have not agreed to archival, your messages are currently replaced with the message "<this user has not agreed to public archival>".
Do you agree to the public archival of all your emails? Even if you do agree, you can mark any email or comment as private and the message will be replaced by an appropriate note to that effect. The archives can be edited at any time to remove a message you forgot to mark as private.
Thanks. —{admin} Pathoschild 16:37:20, 23 January 2008 (UTC)
- Unconditionally and in perpetuum. I believe in absolute transparency for all institutions, so I'm very happy to say yes. --Node ue 22:35, 23 January 2008 (UTC)
- Thank you. —{admin} Pathoschild 22:41:54, 23 January 2008 (UTC)
[edit]si la propuesta es para un conlang, este tiene que ser utilizado en la actualidad como un engilang, o pretender ser usado como un lenguaje internacional auxiliar, adicionalmente tener piezas literarias escritas previamente por personas distintas del creador del lenguaje. estan excluidos aquellos que unicamente sean utilizados en la actualidad para propositos artisticos. Crazymadlover
My userpage edits
[edit]-chuckle- Just noticed your corrections to my userpage you made last month, thanks; it's appreciated. I always seem to fail at telling which nouns are feminine or masculine. :-) Tempodivalse [talk] 18:31, 24 July 2010 (UTC)
[edit]Regarding your last !vote @ Proposals_for_closing_projects/Closure_of_Acehnese_Wikipedia, please also consider Proposals for closing projects/Closure of Acehnese (2) Wikipedia. Thank you. Seb az86556 11:09, 15 August 2010 (UTC)
Reasons for rv on the proposal
[edit]Node, I reinstated the old version of the main page. The reasons for this are: (1) you eliminated some references, (2) arguments like "this is a lie" (without any source), or "Romanian Wikipedia has refused" (when it never refused) have nothing to do with an objective argument. Also saying that "votes are popular contest" is in my opinion also a personal view. Please feel free to add a new section (I don't like this with text intercalation), but at least use references because you see how hard is to reech a consensus. I can help you with searching for references (especially Romanian language references), but on the text you first added on the main page I couldn't find any. Please note that I didn't use the main page to express personal opinions. Also people voted on the original proposal, meening they agree to it. When you intercalated text, the proposal has been changed making all the votes on the page non-valid. Personal opinion should come in the talk page, but if you insist, you can add some in the comment section of the main page (just try to be concise). --Danutz 10:34, 18 February 2011 (UTC)
- Hiya. I was asked to look into this on my talk page. Although you're not breaking the rules in any way, could you split your comments into your own section? It would really help, because sometimes it looks confusing, as if it's a continuation of Danutz's own comment. Thanks, PeterSymonds 11:27, 20 February 2011 (UTC)
:| TelCoNaSpVe :| 00:51, 9 March 2011 (UTC)
Re-opened Wikipedia Ainu proposal
[edit]Greetings, I noticed your interest in the Wikipedia Ainu proposal in the 2005-2006 timeframe, and am writing to let you know I have brought it back up for discussion at m:Requests for new languages/Wikipedia Ainu 2. I hope this is of interest to you! MatthewVanitas (talk) 19:38, 10 June 2012 (UTC)
Wikimedia LGBT
[edit]![]() |
Wikimedia LGBT+ | |
Wikimedia LGBT+ is a proposed thematic organization that seeks to promote the development of content on Wikimedia projects which is of interest to LGBT+ communities. Proposed activities include outreach at LGBT events, Wikimania and other Wikimedia events, an international campaign called Wiki Loves Pride, and work on safe space policies, among other collaborations and interwiki projects. Active Wikimedians are welcome to join this cause! Please consider adding your name as a participant/supporter. Current tasks include translating pages, building a strong framework here at Meta, and achieving user group status (with the eventual goal of becoming a thematic organization). Your feedback is welcome on the discussion page. |
--Another Believer (talk) 16:56, 12 November 2013 (UTC)
Superprotect status
[edit]Dear Node ue, since you are an administrator on a wiki from which no user participated in this discussion, I'd like to make sure you are aware of some recent events which may alter what the Wikimedia Foundation lets you do on your wiki: Superprotect.
- Request for comment: Requests for comment/Superprotect rights
- An open letter about its implementation: Letter to Wikimedia Foundation: Superprotect and Media Viewer
Peteforsyth 09:35, 12 September 2014 (UTC)
Request for fake Wikipedia
[edit]Hello! Is there any fake Wikipedia that can post anything unmeaningful (not including varnity articles, attack articles.), beside Uncyclopedia?.
Wikipédia em Moldavo
[edit]Olá, meu amigo! Aqui quem escreve é Lucas Rubio, do Brasil. Gostei de sua iniciativa em manter a Wikipédia moldava em cirílico, afinal, parte da população moldava e toda a população da Transnístria, fala moldavo e escreve em cirílico!
Saudações! :D
Open Project Wikinews Thai
[edit]I want to you open Wikinews Thai Project Cause I will take care project Please open project please Parintar (talk) 10:22, 11 July 2015 (UTC)
Welcome, This a new project for Indigenous languages and Minority languages in the Americas, thank you for your participation in this program, you can to contact other Native-American people in Wikimedia and Wikipedias, See you next time.--Marrovi (talk) 19:11, 19 August 2016 (UTC)
Hello; In this page, is over second closure for Nahuatl Wikipedia. Regards.--Marrovi (talk) 09:52, 7 October 2017 (UTC)
[edit]Hi Node ue; Now I'm editing my case in User:Marrovi/Juego Sucio (es), so that this is a record of a number of harassments, ridicule and humiliation that I have suffered to edit in wikipedia projects, because if I made many mistakes but it is not worth many Wikipedia users make fun of me or They treat me like an asshole, I have postgraduate studies and I think to be a great person. Regards. --Marrovi (talk) 20:24, 15 April 2018 (UTC)
Un grazie e un libro sulla conoscenza libera per te
Gentile Node ue,
oggi ti scrivo a nome dell'associazione Wikimedia Italia per ringraziarti del tempo che hai dedicato ai progetti Wikimedia.
Come piccolo omaggio avremmo piacere di spedirti una copia (tutta in carta riciclata) del libro di Carlo Piana, Open source, software libero e altre libertà. Fornisci un recapito per ricevere una copia del libro.
Pochi giorni fa il mondo ha festeggiato la giornata dell'amore per il software libero, ma ogni giorno è buono per ricordare le garanzie delle licenze libere e le centinaia di migliaia di persone che si sono unite per costruire questo bene comune della conoscenza. Speriamo che questo libro ti sia utile per apprezzare quanto hai fatto e per trasmettere la passione della conoscenza libera a una persona a te vicina.
Se desideri una copia ma non puoi fornirci un indirizzo a cui spedirla, contatta la segreteria Wikimedia Italia e troviamo una soluzione insieme.
Grazie ancora e a presto,
Lorenzo Losa (msg) 10:14, 26 February 2020 (UTC)
Un grazie e un libro sulla conoscenza libera per te
Gentile Node ue,
oggi ti scrivo a nome dell'associazione Wikimedia Italia per ringraziarti del tempo che hai dedicato ai progetti Wikimedia.
Come piccolo omaggio avremmo piacere di spedirti una copia (tutta in carta riciclata) del libro di Carlo Piana, Open source, software libero e altre libertà. Fornisci un recapito per ricevere una copia del libro.
Pochi giorni fa il mondo ha festeggiato la giornata dell'amore per il software libero, ma ogni giorno è buono per ricordare le garanzie delle licenze libere e le centinaia di migliaia di persone che si sono unite per costruire questo bene comune della conoscenza. Speriamo che questo libro ti sia utile per apprezzare quanto hai fatto e per trasmettere la passione della conoscenza libera a una persona a te vicina.
Se desideri una copia ma non puoi fornirci un indirizzo a cui spedirla, contatta la segreteria Wikimedia Italia e troviamo una soluzione insieme.
Grazie ancora e a presto,