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The phonetic transcription of « לערי ריינהארט » is /lɛʁi ʁɑjnhɑʁt/ (leri raynhart).

user talk:Gangleri
user talk:לערי ריינהארט aka "Gangleri"
testwiki:user talk:לערי ריינהארט aka "Gangleri"

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The transcription of « לערי ריינהארט » is « lɛʁi ʁɑjnhɑʁt » .
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Velkomin(n)! - Bonvenon! - Welcome! - Bine aţi venit!


Welcome‎ לערי ריינהארט to Meta!

‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 22:32, 8 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

Your questions on nl:


answers to w:nl:Overleg gebruiker:Hooft#Some questions:

Hi! I will try to answer your questions in order.

  • The nl: wikipedia is using latin-1 encoding (iso-8859-1), so it can not represent Russian and Japanese characters directly. These need to be represented as entities. I hope this will change soon.
  • There is E-mail this user, but you happened to try adding this to a page that did not correspond to my user page, so there was no associated E-mail registered.
  • pywikipediabot is at http://pywikipediabot.sf.net/
  • I am not an expert on eo:, but I do understand that this naming convention is not unique to the eo: wikipedia but is used wherever the Esperanto language is used. Not being used throughout is a fact of life on wikipedia; I'm sure everyone will be happy if you fix such a problem when you encounter it!

Hope this helps you! Rob Hooft 18:45, 6 Oct 2004 (UTC)


Actually no :-)

someone deleted the page. But I wanted to keep it at hand in case. So I left it and can still peep in it ;-) hehe.

But thanks for telling me :-)


Oh, you are very terribly nice, and I thank you deeply for being so careful of helping me... but I must say... I know very well why the page was deleted. I keep the link so I can look later in it if I need it later. I am sysop on meta... hum, actually, I am steward just as Fantasy. That mean I can any time make myself sysop on any wikimedia project if there is need. After the page was deleted on meta, I decided not to restore it, because I knew it contained information which could be un-nice to some people. This was a trail related to a dispute. And deleting it allowed forgive and forget. Thanks. Sorry to cause all the bother, but that was real thoughtful of you :-) Anthere

I checked for quite a bit of history, but as far as I can see fy:Biografylist never linked to en:List of people by name: A, etc. However, en:List of people by name: A recently did have a link to fy:Biografylist. You might want to check the history of that page; that ought to give you the user who inserted that link. Aliter 17:55, 28 Jan 2005 (UTC)

From: fy:Brûker oerlis:Aliter
Thanks Aliter! I did not want to blame you. I wish all the best to fy: and just want to let you know that it hurts me to remove such links. I do not have the time either to identify who made it. Regards Gangleri, last time mainly at ro: and eo: 19.50, 28 jan 2005 (UTC)
Not a matter of blame or lack of time. The reason I held it off was to indicate that it wasn't a matter of Fy:. We are just a few writers; creating one two-way link by hand for new every article already takes a distinct amount of time. All other links are left to the other W-s or to bots. We simply wouldn't have the time to create the kind of links you're looking into, hence I have no idea whether it was done elsewhere as well. Use this edit to find out more. Aliter 21:36, 28 Jan 2005 (UTC)


moved from Requests for permissions.
  • Please see ro:Discuţie Wikipedia:Bot#Registering the bots. ro:Wikipedia:Bot lists o lot of accounts / users who maight be bots.
    • eo:Vikipedio:Roboto lists such accounts too. Regards Gangleri | Th | T 21:50, 2005 Jan 28 (UTC)
      • Is there any agreement that these should all have a bot flag though? Just saying they might be bots isn't really enough. Angela 19:35, 2 Feb 2005 (UTC)
        • Bot flags should not be given if there is serious doubt whether the operator should be allowed to operate that bot, and a bot flag is not necessary for bots that never make many edits in a short time. - Andre Engels 14:37, 11 Feb 2005 (UTC)

alphabetical order



For the bot, alphabetical is defined as the order:

aa:, ab:, af:, am:, ang:, ar:, an:, roa-rup:, as:, ast:, av:, ay:, az:, be:, bg:, ba:, bn:, bh:, bi:, bo:, bs:, br:, ca:, cv:, ch:, chr:, ny:, sn:, cho:, co:, cs:, cy:, da:, de:, dv:, dz:, et:, el:, als:, en:, es:, eo:, eu:, ee:, fa:, fo:, fj:, fr:, fy:, ga:, gv:, gd:, gl:, got:, gn:, gu:, ko:, ht:, ha:, haw:, hy:, hi:, hr:, io:, ik:, id:, ia:, ie:, iu:, xh:, zu:, is:, it:, he:, jv:, kl:, kn:, ka:, kk:, csb:, ks:, kw:, km:, ky:, rn:, sw:, ku:, lo:, la:, lv:, lt:, lb:, li:, ln:, jbo:, hu:, mk:, mg:, ml:, mt:, mi:, mr:, ms:, minnan:, zh-min-nan:, mn:, ((mo:)), mus:, my:, nah:, na:, nv:, cr:, ng:, nl:, ne:, ja:, no:, nb:, nn:, oc:, or:, om:, ug:, pi:, ps:, nds:, pl:, pt:, pa:, ro:, rm:, qu:, ru:, se:, sm:, sa:, sg:, sc:, st:, tn:, sq:, scn:, si:, simple:, sd:, ss:, sk:, sl:, sr:, su:, fi:, sv:, tl:, tg:, ta:, tt:, te:, th:, ti:, tlh:, vi:, tokipona:, tpi:, to:, tk:, tum:, tr:, tw:, uk:, ur:, ug:, uz:, ve:, vo:, wa:, wo:, ts:, yi:, yo:, za:, zh:, zh-cn:, zh-tw:
I'm not sure where exactly you wanted to write it down, but you can now. - Andre Engels 19:27, 18 Mar 2005 (UTC)
be: moved before bg:. See my comment below. --EugeneZelenko 14:13, 8 May 2005 (UTC)Reply


  1. List of Wikipedias#Deprecated, moved and other
    als:, mo:, sh:, tokipona:
  2. double / alternative / twin prefixes
    (nb: <-> no:), (minnan: == zh-min-nan:)
  3. integrated prefixes
    zh-cn:, zh-tw: (both integrated in zh:)
  4. The tlh: language code does not generate corectly the "In other languages" links (at the other wiki's; not at meta)
    See: http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2005-March/028449.html
  • Best regards Gangleri | Th | T 06:11, 2005 Mar 31 (UTC)

New language codes:

  1. os:http://os.wikipedia.org/bugzilla:1688Gangleri | Th | T 23:07, 2005 May 4 (UTC)

be: and bg:


Could you please move be: (Беларуская) before bg: (Български)? Becouse letter е is located begore ъ in Cyrillic alphabet. See en:Bulgarian language, en:Belarusian language and en:Cyrillic alphabet for more details. --EugeneZelenko 03:53, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Thanks and welcome


Thanks for your participant, would you like to check "Browse", the menu on the main page? Marvin is not sure for his translation there and there seem to be some English or French words still now. Cheers, --Aphaia | WQ2翻訳中 | talk 20:22, 21 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Hello Gangleri. Today we will open the site. Would you have time to translate "Call fo papers" and "Contact"? If we can provide it to the audience, it would be great. --Aphaia | Translate Election | ++ 03:05, 31 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Take a deep breath ...



Thanks for your message on fy:. However, can I ask you to write it again? Can you give me the observations you want to share, and then write out the conclusion(s) you draw from them? Apparently, in the message as it is now, some things are left implied that to me are not obvious.

On a related note: A few days ago, you moved the interwiki on fy:Wikipedy:Oerlis side from the template, to the page, but forgot to add the reason for that to the summary. As no-one else seems to have a clue about the reason, could you explain it on its talk page?

Aliter 19:44, 3 Apr 2005 (UTC)



Traduko nokta


Saluton, Gangleri! Pardonu, ke vi cerbumis tutan nokton pri mia tradukado ;) La problema estas nur tempo, tempo kaj ... tempo. Cetere, Vikipedio estas tre malkonvena por diskuti aux rapide kontakti. Do, prefere skribu al mi per retposxto (grigory cxe grine.net). Marvin 17:49, 8 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Traduko rumanen


Dankon pro via komprenemo! eo de (Sopiro)

Interwikibot on Tamil wikipedia



Can you run or help us run the interwiki bot for Tamil wikipedia? -- Sundar 11:04, 4 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

Hi, I'm unfamiliar with IRC and ICQ. Shall we chat over Yahoo! Messenger? My id is sundarbecse and I've added your id to my buddy list. -- Sundar 12:04, 5 May 2005 (UTC)Reply

4x4 square templates


See Meta:Requests for deletion#4x4 type square templates

‏Mozilla Table Error


i hope so this is the right place to discuss.in reply to your mail at wisesabre@gmail.com
problem with mozilla is that it shows me text opposite to its place in table (in arabic script).
im having problem here ur:Template:Infobox_Governor.

Old Norse Wikipedia


While waiting for the creation of the Old Norse Wikipedia, I would like as much people as possible to come on this page to dicuss the "neologisms" we should use on it. Please take a look. Yours sincerly. Sajasaze 09:52, 22 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

P.S. : As you have many usernames, I've sent this message to most of them.



Hello! It seems you are crazy on templates. I'm the same. Could you tell me what the series of 4x4 templates are doing? Another question: can a template which contains more than 86400 parameters works normally? Upssdr 12:38, 27 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Why not talk here? upssdr talk 04:54, 7 October 2005 (UTC)Reply

I advise you to have a look at User:Upssdr/array to optimize your templates. upssdr talk 05:05, 7 October 2005 (UTC)Reply

Old Norse Wikipedia (2)


As you are a supporter of the Old Norse Wikipedia, I would like you to help translating the pages ( and contribute ) on the test wikipedia for old norse : test-wp/non/ -- Sajasaze 17:12, 23 October 2005 (UTC)Reply

Mai trăieşti?


Doar voiam să văd ce mai faci... nu ne-am mai întâlnit de mult! -Romihaitza 10:44, 29 October 2005 (UTC)Reply

arabic wikipedia block user & IP activation


Hi Gangleri , we came under fire with some kind of hidden <div> spam from certain IP numbers many times, and we were not able to block these IPs, not even for 1 min!!!!!!!!!, all the admins have the same problem. None can block IP's nor users. Even when a user breaks the 3RR, we can't block him.

It seems that certain variable should be set ON, So What should we do? --Tarawneh 09:17, 22 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Wikisource languages


Hi Gangleri!

You are very active when it comes to coordination between languages. And if I understand correctly you just helped out getting the Persian Wikisource (fa.wikisource) set up. Thanks!

Actually, we have a problem at Wikisource: When people request new languages, and they have enough support, we still haven't found a way to get them to the attention of the developers in an efficient way. So the people at fa.wikisource had to ask around a lot for over a month.

If you have any ideas about how to make this process more efficient, and would like to help coordinating it, that would be great! Dovi 07:32, 29 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

Flower of freeness


Hello Gangleri,

I award you a flower of freeness for your job on tracking bidi bugs, namespace updates and other bugs ! Please put it somewhere on your user page if you accept this unofficial award :o)

Flower of freeness award.

Hashar 17:35, 18 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

project namespaces at ar: and fa: projects


Hello Gangleri ,

I wanna thank you for establishing the BiDi group , and for making Repairing in arabic Projects , actually we have a small proplem , which was also in fa. that ns:Project in all arabic projects display the name of Wikipedia ويكيبيديا while we wanna them like this :

Wikisource ويكي مصدر

Wiktionary ويكاموس

Wikibooks ويكي الكتب

Wikiquote ويكي الاقتباس

Wikinews ويكي الأخبار

so plz tell me , could u fix that alone or i should present a bug report at bugzilla , Thanks alot for ur kindness --Chaos 11:06, 19 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

I will open a bugzilla report. Gangleri | Th | T 11:26, 19 January 2006 (UTC)Reply
done: bugzilla:04669 – "Project namespaces at ar: and fa: projects" 11:51, 19 January 2006 (UTC)
Actually we have a small proplem , which was also in fa. that ns:Project in all arabic projects display the name of Wikipedia &#1608;&#1610;&#1603;&#1610;&#1576;&#1610;&#1583;&#1610;&#1575; while we wanna them like this :

Wikisource &#1608;&#1610;&#1603;&#1610; &#1605;&#1589;&#1583;&#1585;

Wiktionary &#1608;&#1610;&#1603;&#1575;&#1605;&#1608;&#1587;

Wikibooks &#1608;&#1610;&#1603;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1603;&#1578;&#1576;

Wikiquote &#1608;&#1610;&#1603;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1602;&#1578;&#1576;&#1575;&#1587;

Wikinews &#1608;&#1610;&#1603;&#1610; &#1575;&#1604;&#1571;&#1582;&#1576;&#1575;&#1585;

Requests for permissions


Hi, can you remove my rights on sr: Wiki? Please see Requests for permissions and my request. --Pokrajac 17:18, 19 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Forwarded your request at #wikimedia to Datrio. Best wishes Gangleri | Th | T 17:34, 19 January 2006 (UTC)Reply
Thank you!:) --Pokrajac 18:09, 19 January 2006 (UTC)Reply



As you're one of most active members of sl.wikibooks, I'm asking you, If you could support my request for burecreat there. I'm already a admin on :sl.wikipedia. So far there are no admins or burecreats. Regards, --Klemen Kocjancic 17:57, 22 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Could you take a look here? Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 12:25, 23 January 2006 (UTC)



bugzilla:04295 – "Article categorisation links unclickable when viewing categories with true BiDi names in Internet Explorer"
→ → bugzilla:03922 – " links are not properly rendered in a BiDi category list"
→ → CVS Skin.php → Revision 1.392 → Revision 1.393, markup

Salut, pour le bug 4295, il s'agit seulement, d'une bug pour monobook/ j'ai telecharger mediawiki, mais je ne sait pas ou se trouve la page qui est chargé pour le skin monobook/ pour les autres skins il y a aucun bug/

machine translation:

Hello, for the bug 4295, it only acts, of a bug for ' ' ' monobook ' ' '/I have telecharger mediawiki, but I does not know or is the page which is charged for the skin ' ' ' monobook ' ' '/for the others skins there is no bug/

--Mimouni 11:37, 25 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

w:fr:User talk:MimouniGangleri | Th | T 13:59, 25 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

salut, veuillez visiter ar:زلزال هانشين اواجي pour voir que le lien avec des chiffres dans la catégories est cliquable.

hello, please visit ar:زلزال هانشين اواجي to see that the bond with figures in the categories is cliquable.

--Mimouni 23:18, 28 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

hi, you should refresh your cash copy of the page ar:زلزال هانشين اواجي , Mimouni modified the Monobook.css, and things are better now. no need for the workaround there. --Tarawneh 23:40, 28 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Thanks Mimouni and Tarawneh! Please see the comments at bugzilla:04295#c34. Best regards Gangleri | Th | T 11:21, 29 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Grammar in Czech


Hi! I noticed your cs:Template:Wikivar/GRAMMAR, so I guess I could help a bit: In LanguageCs.php, the cases are not marked "nominativ" etc. (like in Slovak), we use 1sg, 2sg, 3sg, ..., 7sg, which means nominative singular, genitive singular etc., see cs:Čeština#Pády. --Mormegil 09:06, 26 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Thanks Mormegil for your help. Could you please comment there what is OK and what not? Do you plan to update "function convertGrammar" (all sister projects, other issues if necessary). Please make it at cs:template:wikivar/GRAMMAR/function convertGrammar.
Could you take a look also at q:sl:template:wikivar/GRAMMAR? Thanks and best regards Gangleri | Th | T 20:29, 26 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

about bugzilla:04672


ar:template talk:wikivar; #notes

  1. bugzilla:04669 – "Project namespaces at ar: and fa: projects"
  2. bugzilla:04490 – "LanguageAr.php hardcodes Wikipedia project namespace"
  3. bugzilla:04672 – "sitename and ns:project in arabic Projects"

Hi Reinhardt

the sitenames as u specify in ar:template_talk:wikivar#notes :

Wikipedia => ويكيبيديا Wikibooks => ويكي_الكتب Wikinews => ويكي_الأخبار Wikiquote => ويكي_الاقتباس Wikisource => ويكي_مصدر Wiktionary => ويكاموس

looks ok , as the space is substituted by down slash (_) .

about NS_Project that u have specified in last link is puuted in many codes to select just one but i need explanation for :


'Arabic_XX' . $wgMetaNamespace,

NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'Arabic_XX' .

$wgMetaNamespace . 'YY_Arabic',

What is XX and YY in last two codes

Sorry for questions and thanks for ur kindness

--Chaos 22:56, 30 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Sorry I havn,t seen before ur answer in ar:template talk:wikivar#notes ... I think this formula is common in all arabic projects but I Think there is no need for (ال) after the word (نقاش talk ) :

	NS_PROJECT => $wgMetaNamespace,
	NS_PROJECT_TALK => 'نقاش' . '_' . $wgMetaNamespace,

... Thanks alot --Chaos 23:01, 30 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Kurdish Wiktionary and Wikiquote


from meta:User:Gangleri|oldid=300789#Kurdish_Wiktionary_and_Wikiquote

12:02, 11 February 2006 (→Kurdish Wiktionary and Wikiquote)
12:01, 11 February 2006

Hi Gangleri!

I would first like to thank you for being so helpful for all of us.

I am an active Wiktionarian on http://ku.wiktionary.org but I work also on http://ku.wikiquote.org

A link in the ku.wiktionary is broken: When you try to find a word and it doesn't exist, you are told that it doesn't exist. But when you click the second time on the "search" or "go" button ("Biçe" in the Kurdish wiktionary), you should get a link where you can click and start writing the article (in Kurdish: vê gotarê binivîsî). Unfortunately, the link is broken.

As with the ku.wikiquote, we have plans to remarkably expand it within days. But first we need to translate the links in the right column ("Main page, community portal, current events" etc. and toolbox beneath them as well as the links on top of the page (ie. "article, discussion, edit, history" etc.)

Could you kindly help or tell someone else who would be able to do so.

I would provide the translations


About :sl


I've a bot, so such changes could be done. I was wondering which changes would be in need to fix (probably from Wikipedia -> Wikinavedek). LP, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Hitri odgovor) 22:24, 17 February 2006 (UTC)

As far as I know only the talk pages of namespaces that have changed. Gangleri | Th | T 02:20, 18 February 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hi Gangleri. I see you create id:Template:DIRMARK. What is its function? Borgx 02:57, 26 February 2006 (UTC)Reply



Thats the thing I saw a long time ago, but with wikipedia there is a lot of other things to do, so I guessed that somebody will someday see it also, and correct the situation.

If you need info on ordering of letters on hr wikipedia, I will provide this info gladly.

I suppose that mysql can provide properly ordered resultsets if we write appropriate queries. Regards SpeedyGonsales 22:03, 7 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

Lower case account


Hallo Gangleri,
The account wikt:fr:User:moyogo is actually an account I had before initial lowercase account names were disallowed. I had to recreate an account and redo the admin procedure. ---moyogo 13:16, 11 March 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hallo. Ich hab zur Zeit ein Problem mit einem Nutzer der Esperanto-Wikipedia. Der hat anscheinend keinen blassen Schimmer von den Gepflogenheiten in der WP ein Problem mit übersichtlichen Diskussionen (zerreißt ständig die Diskussion) und versteht anscheinend kein Englisch. Könntest Du mir bitte übersetzen, was er mir geschrieben hat, damit ich meinen Seelenfrieden wiederfinde? Vielen Dank, Sarazyn disk 09:05, 29 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

Jen vi havas reen vian unufrazaĵon pri Cao Cao.
Als Antwort ("reen") hast Du / haben Sie hier den "Einzeiler" betreffend Cao Cao.
Tiam la artikolo havis unu frazon, vidu jen Cao Cao tiam kaj en ŝablono ĝermeto estas skribita oni forigos ĝin.
Damals hatte / beinhaltete der Artikel nur einen Satz, siehe Cao Cao "damals" und in der "Stumpf"-Vorlage stand, dass man ihn (den Artikel) löschen wird / würde.
Gruß Gangleri · Th · T 09:38, 29 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

Vielen Dank für Deine Hilfe. Kann das denn sein, dass heutzutage jemand kein Englisch spricht, aber Esperanto? Das ist vvl. auch der Traum der Esperantisten. Mein erster Eindruck der eo:Wikipedia ist jedenfalls nicht besonders positiv. --Sarazyn disk 10:48, 29 March 2006 (UTC)Reply


Thank You for help - samogitian wiki logo has been swiched :) Zordsdavini 08:46, 21 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Bosnian Wikipedia and Bosnian Wiktionary


Hi Gangleri. My name is Emir and I am one of the bureacruats in Bosnian Wikipedia. This is my profile in Bosnian. I have to say that we have a serious problem. User Dijan started to localize interface of Bosnian Wikipedia on his own in a bad way, without any coordination with the rest of the community. Actually he is translating Bosnian interface in Serbian language. This user is active also here in Bosnian Wiktionary [1]. Can you reverse his actions, because all the community is against this mess produced by User:Dijan. Thanks. --Emir Kotromanić 22:06, 21 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

I do not agree that my translations are in "Serbian". They are in Bosnian language. I do agree that most of the "community" (composed of only bureaucrats and admins ~5/900 users) does not agree with my interface changes (not the actual interface itself, but the problems with "SITENAME" and mainly with the fact that in the past they used "Wikipedia:" as a portal link that now links to the en.wikipedia"). I agree that if the interface is causing problems, it should be removed. --Dijan 01:04, 22 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Gangleri. I think I am finally getting a hold on this change but could you also restore {{SITENAME}} for Bosnian Wikiquote to default. Thanks --Dado 04:12, 22 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hi Gangleri. I've talked with bs:User:Dado and with the developers in #mediawiki and we have fixed the {{SITENAME}} for Bosnian wikis. We have also fixed some of the faults to reflect this change in the LanguageBs.php file. I have also made a bug report about the Wikiquote {{SITENAME}}. --Dijan 04:36, 22 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Gangleri. Thanks for your response. I think we are finally geting a handle on this change. Some of the users felt very strongly about changes that were done without informing them first so they may have responded a bit emotionally. We will probably want to make some more changes in user naming (such as MediaWiki, MediaWiki_Talk etc.) We are currently discussing it but I understand that these changes have to be made on LanguageBs.php and the change needs to be requested at [2]. Let me know if I got it wrong. Regarding the logo we also realize the discrepency and are discussing what to do (We'll probably switch to "Wikipedia"). Thanks again.--Dado 15:40, 22 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Gangleri. I think the consensus at our Wikipedia is to keep the name in its original form "Wikipedia" so no changes will be needed at this time. Thanks again-- 19:37, 22 April 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hallo Gangleri,

Warst Du das mit den neuen Namen der Wikipedia-Artikeln. Alles jetzt scheint rot , die Namen aller Artikel, die mit Wikipedia auf Arabisch angefangen haben wurden umgeleitet auf Namen mit Wikipedia auf lateinisch. Kannst Du bitte zurueckantworten.

Beste Gruesse, --Oxydo 09:18, 30 ابريل 2006 (UTC) .. Transported by --Chaos 12:53, 30 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hallo Gangleri ...

I think the proplem happened when technicals tried to solve the bug report 4672 [http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4672 ] . They replaced word : ويكيبيديا in all ar sister projects including wikipedia with the English suitable words but that is not what we need . We need to make the ns:Project in arabic differntly for each project .--Chaos 12:53, 30 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Alles gute Gangleri ... Ich glaube dass alles gut repariert worden haben ... vielen Dank fuer deine Hilfe und viele Gruesse --Chaos 12:25, 1 May 2006 (UTC)Reply



add my name to contact list. I'll try to help, hope i can. Actually i don't know how will this system work:) I must search the purpose etc. Btw, i can help for az: too but if this job is not take so much time --Ugur Basak 16:45, 8 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Partial transclusion of text


Hello Reinhardt.

A few minutes ago I submitted:

(Also see discussion here.)

When I did a search for bugs that deal with transclusion, I found the bug that you submitted some months ago regarding the transclusion of article introductions:

It seems to me that your request is a subset of my more general request, and that both could be enormously useful.

Do you think there is any possibility for something like this to be implemented? Dovi 09:13, 9 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Aragonese Wikipedia interface


Hi, I'm Willtron, sysop of Biquipedia, Aragonese Wikipedia. I've created a file LanguageAn.php in order to translate interface of Biquipedia, but I don't know how install it. The code is here (if you push edit you can see the code), I think that is all right, but maybe there are some errors. Please, could you revise it and install it or upload it? Thank you, muitas grazias --Willtron 08:30, 17 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hi. I don't use IRC, but I think that the project namespace for Aragonese Wikipedia is "Biquipedia" (like in Catalan is Viquipèdia or in Occitan Oiquipedià), isn't it? And the sitename I suposed to be "http://an.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portalada", because "http://an.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biquipedia" it isn't the main page, but an article. For wiktionary the things are not so clear. I'm going to do an election during this week in order to choose an apropiate name for the project and then we'll make an official request for the two project the next week. Regards --Willtron 13:35, 18 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Signed up


Hi, just so you are aware: I signed up as you requested on my Hebrew Wikisource user page. But frankly, I don't really understand what the website is, how it works, or how to contribute... Dovi 05:52, 23 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Abzt (ksh)


Bitte, äwwer lejder han isch kejn IRC oder Skype. Jrooß, Abzt



bugzilla:05309 – "Localize captcha images"

hello, you can give me the file of captcha? it is for the bug bugzilla:05309. and thank you. --Mimouni 16:25, 3 June 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hi, please respond here to questions about the template at English Wikisource (there is a move to delete):

Thanks, Dovi 05:22, 7 June 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hi, tried to contact you there, but you weren't there. You can also ask me on my nl-talk page, if you want. Servien 13:45, 11 June 2006 (UTC)Reply



Lieber Gangleri, du kontaktiertest mich auf dem afrikansen Wikiwoordeboek bezüglich der MediaWiki-botschaften und batest mich, mich mit dir in verbindung zu setzen. Gibt es etwa ein problem bei der übersetzung, oder habe ich nen fehler gemacht? :((( Lg http://af.wiktionary.org/wiki/Gebruikerbespreking:Manie -- 09:41, 27 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

af wikti


Lieber Gangleri, leider verwende ich nicht firefox. In dem link von dir (http://nike.users.idler.fi/dev/problems.txt) finde ich:
Af: message categories is missing variable \$1
Af: message passwordremindertext is missing variable \$4
Af: message blockedtext is missing variable \$3
Af: message whitelistedittext is missing variable \$1
Af: message copyrightwarning is missing variable \$1
Af: message copyrightwarning is missing variable \$2
Af: message rcnote is missing variable \$3
Af: message largefile is missing variable \$1
Af: message largefile is missing variable \$2
Af: message sitestatstext is missing variable \$3
Af: message sitestatstext is missing variable \$6
Af: message sitestatstext is missing variable \$7
Af: message sitestatstext is missing variable \$8
Af: message userstatstext is missing variable \$3
Af: message userstatstext is missing variable \$4
Af: message excontent is missing variable \$1
Af: message sitenotice is translated to empty message or '-'
Af: message note has trailing white space
Af: message copyrightwarning has trailing white space
Af: message math_unknown_function has trailing white space
Falls ja, weiß ich ehrlich gesagt nicht, was damit gemeint ist :((( Sind das die besagten inconsistencies? Lg http://af.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Gebruikerbespreking:Manie&redirect=no -- 22:12, 27 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hello there!


Your email address is full, could you please check it? I wrote an email to you and it bounced back with this error message... Thanks! --Vlad 18:27, 14 July 2006 (UTC)Reply

May I ask you to change your vote on Moldovan issues? You know very well there isn't any "Moldovan language"! Why do you do that? Don't punish your romanian past! Be proud of it.--Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 05:47, 25 July 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hi! Gangleri! We need help on Occitan Wikipèdia! After voting, our comunity decided to change the name of the project "Oiquipedià" into "Wikipèdia". I don't success in changing it in wikivar... Can you help us?
With regards!
Cedric31 19:38, 31 July 2006 (UTC)Reply

Georgian Wikipedia


Gangleri, please take a quick look here. Thanks Malafaya 16:36, 9 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Help Required


Dear Gangleri, Good day!

While editing any page in English Wikipedia, we find following options at the bottom. How can I place the same options when someone edits a page on Sindhi Wikipedia? Of course, I would like these options to appear in Sindhi!

Insert: – — … ° ≈ ± − × ÷ ← → · § Sign your name: (4 tilds appear here)

Aursani 17:58, 12 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

SQL query


Hi, Gangleri. If you know how the Wikipedia database works maybe you can help me... I've been trying to list all the articles without any interwiki links. I have been using the following SQL query:

select page_title , page_id from page where page_namespace=0 and page_is_redirect = 0 and 
page_id not in (select ll_from from langlinks);

For some reason I can't understand, in the list, I get some pages that have interwiki links and have had them for months (so it's not the time lag between the database dump and the online version's fault). Can you see what is wrong with it? Thanks in advance, Malafaya 14:08, 21 September 2006 (UTC)Reply

How to Start Sindhi Wikibooks and Sindhi WikiJunior?


Kindly guide how to create new pages for Sindhi Wikibooks and Sindhi WikiJunior.

Aursani 16:20, 13 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Turkmen wikipedia


Hi Gangleri,

I am Parahat from Turkmen Wikipedia.
I have a request for user Ga1taman from Turkmen Wikipedia.
I don't have much time and we want to translate current interface to Turkmen. Ga1taman says that he can do this.
He put his request on tk:Wikipedia:Administrators

Can you be kind and give him sysop rights, so he can start to translate.

Thank you very much,
--Parahat ( 13:45, 26 November 2006 (UTC))Reply



Saluton. Vi kreis la ŝablonon {{br}} sed bedaŭrinde ĝi estas la mallongigo de mia bretona lingvo laŭ la internacia normo ISO 639-1. Kiam mi volis uzi ĝin en mia persona paĝo, ne aperis la de mi atentita "(Brezhoneg)" kiu estas la bretona nomo de tiu lingvo. Mi vidis ke via ŝablono multe utilas, sed ĉefe en aliaj ŝablonoj. Do jen la demando: ĉu estas ebleco por ke {{br}} fariĝu la bretonlingva ŝablono? Amike.--Yun 22:14, 20 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

need help


Hallo, I'm sysop of Georgian Wikiquote and Wikibooks. User Alsandro referred me to you. I need to mass-import mediawiki files from georgian wikiquote to wikibooks (wikiquote files are already translated). Would very much appreciate your help. Thanks in advance --Trulala 14:53, 10 January 2007 (UTC)Reply

4x4 squares nominated for deletion


Hello Gangleri. I've nominated a number of templates you created for deletion; if you'd like to comment, please see Meta:Requests for deletion#4x4_type_squares. —{admin} Pathoschild 02:05:20, 21 July 2007 (UTC)

Hello, You might better write him an email, since I learned, that he gave away his computers and only sometimes checks his mails. regards --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 00:41, 27 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

Setswana Wikipedia


Greetings Gangleri,

I have left you a message here. --Jose77 22:27, 26 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

Swedish Wiktionary


I posted a note on wikt:sv:Användardiskussion:Gangleri - please answer. //Shell 16:00, 12 November 2007 (UTC)Reply



Is done - (Sj is not around that much) - cheers --Herby talk thyme 12:50, 2 December 2007 (UTC)Reply



Hi, לערי ריינהארט. Could you please confirm that you want to rename your user account at catalan wiktionary, as said at wikt:ca:Usuari Discussió:Llull#לערי ריינהארט?. Bureaucrat user Llull is not active since time ago, so we'll have to make a petition on meta, if in the next days Llull does not appear. Thank you. -Aleator (talk) 20:29, 4 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Finished. :) --filip 10:59, 23 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

rename in pt.wiki



Ist getan

Grüße Adailton 08:45, 5 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

rename on en.wikibooks


Could you please confirm your request for rename here? Thanks! --SB_Johnny|talk|books 13:08, 12 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Thank you SB Johnny for taking care renaming my username to « לערי ריינהארט » at « Wikibooks:en: » . Best regards
‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 16:28, 12 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

rename in fi.wikt


Hi, checked your request and renamed you on the Finnish wiktionary now. So please use login name לערי ריינהארט from now on also there. --TJ 08:26, 18 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

rename on simple@wiki

Done (vector) --.snoopy. 17:22, 27 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Switching direction in an edit box.


Hi Larry, just a technical RTL LTR question:

Do you know what key-sequence one needs to tap in order to change text direction?

In other words, within a LTR Wikimedia edit box, if I want to time text that appears from RTL within the edit box and doesn't mess up the punctuation, what makes the cursor switch direction so that I can type in Hebrew normally?

I know that switching characters is alt-shift. Switching direction is something similar, but I can't remember what. Dovi 14:50, 31 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Account on dawiki renamed


As requested, your account on dawiki has (finally) been renamed. - Kaare 21:51, 31 December 2007 (UTC)Reply



Thanks! I'm still looking for something that works for me (Firefox and old Windows), vaguely remembering that there was a three-key combination that did it. Something like ctrl-shift-alt, but that doesn't work and I still can't seem to find it. Dovi 05:50, 3 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thanks again! ctrl-shift-x works fine in wiki edit boxes and I'm using it already. Do you have any idea what might work for pages.google.com? 21:44, 5 January 2008 (UTC)Reply



Hi! This gadget is still very much beta and it is not tested against any other browser than Firefox. At least IE has troubles with the script. Jeblad 04:27, 6 February 2008 (UTC)Reply



Hi Gangleri. Thanks for the link. I haven't been following updates lately. Is there anything we could start implementing at w:ka at the moment? Cheers. - Alsandro · T · w:ka: Th · T 19:58, 7 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

also, meant to ask, can you support us in the proposal to start a new language wikipedia (megrelian) [3]. will very much appreciate. - Alsandro · T · w:ka: Th · T 20:00, 7 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Re: commons:User:I18n


Hi Gangleri. I wasn't active for quiet sometime. Sorry for that :( I've just noticed the new gadgets extension and will spend sometime to play with it. Thx for the link. •• ivanlanin 03:53, 28 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Gadgets auf hsbwp


Hallo, לערי ריינהארט. Ich habe gerade einige Gadgets in hsb:MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition eingerichtet. Komisch finde ich jetzt, daß nur die erste Zwischenüberschrift auch auf der Spezialseite hsb:Specialnje:Gadgets angezeigt wird. Was habe ich eventuell falsch gemacht? Außerdem scheint das Script EoMagicalConversion.js nicht richtig zu funktionieren, denn wenn ich die x-Schreibweise ins Bearbeitungsfenster schreibe, dann werden die x-Zeichen bei der Vorschau verdoppelt. Oder habe ich vielleicht ein Modul vergessen? Viele Grüße --Tlustulimu 19:17, 13 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

re:Bitte um Unterstützung


Lieber Gangleri, schön, wieder von Dir zu lesen, die gewuenschten Seiten findest Du jetzt auf test.wp, lG., --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 22:40, 9 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Ist erledigt, lG., --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 04:35, 14 August 2009 (UTC)Reply



Saluton Gangleri, mi skribis vin ĉi tie :) --→ Airon Ĉ 18:37, 17 July 2010 (UTC)Reply

GoogleTrans Gadget


Hi there,

I have had a GoogleTrans gadget on the enwiki for almost a year now. If you position the cursor over a word and hit the SHIFT key it will popup the google translation of that word. It is like the google toolbar translation feature except that it will also handle selected text (< 500 characters). The gadget is currently running on 7 wikis.

The help page for the gadget is at:


and the code is at:


There are instructions on how to port the gadget onto other wikis on the help page.

For languages that don't have spaces between words, (like Chinese and Japanese) all the Japanese/Chinese between the cursor and the next space or punctuation mark will be translated. This is almost always < 500 characters.

You seem to have something to do with wikimedia gadgets. Are you interested in adding GoogleTrans to this list of gadgets? This gadget is very good for any intermediate learner of a language. Reading wiki articles in your second language is a great way to learn that language. I use a web version of this gadget to read frwiki and eswiki articles a fair bit. I think the gadget has a place on a multilanguage site like wikipedia.

Endo999 23:30, 17 August 2010 (UTC)Reply



Just a quick note, trimmed (LTR) versions of your old old {{wikivar}} now exist on the OEIS and OpenSearch wikis. They killed it on MW and did something odd on W. On the IDN wiki I blanked it when I left after they deleted my IDNA page. - 03:29, 17 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

vi.WP problem


Hi, is it the duplicate iw to vi:Mihail Kogălniceanu, Constanţa article? Nguyễn Thanh Quang (talk) 02:27, 17 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

luri lrc help


so thanks for your help I don't understand your message, what do you mean?
If 100 percent of the MW messages are translated there should be no arguments to wait longer. ‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 21:08, 8 March 2014 (UTC)Reply
lrc lori (talk) 15:45, 27 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Your account will be renamed


03:43, 18 March 2015 (UTC)

Your account will be renamed


03:43, 18 March 2015 (UTC)



mw:help:Magic words


: curent version: {{CURRENTVERSION}}
curent version: 1.44.0-wmf.18 (33d4b9e)
‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 01:29, 26 August 2015 (UTC)Reply


‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 01:17, 26 August 2015 (UTC)Reply


: [[special:MyLanguage]]
:: [[special:MyLanguage/mi]]
: '''Language:''' {{LANGUAGE|{{CONTENTLANG}}}}
: <s>'''Language:''' {{CONTENTLANG}} {{LANGUAGE|{{CONTENTLANG}}}} {{LANGUAGE|{{CONTENTLANG}}|en}}</s>
: <s>'''Language:''' arc {{LANGUAGE|arc}} {{LANGUAGE|arc|en}}</s>
: '''language:''' arc {{#LANGUAGE:arc}} {{#LANGUAGE:arc|en}}
LANGUAGE: íslenska
LANGUAGE: русский
Language: English
Language: en English English
Language: arc ܐܪܡܝܐ Aramaic

language: en English English
language: arc ܐܪܡܝܐ Aramaic
‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 02:12, 26 August 2015 (UTC)Reply


‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 00:59, 26 August 2015 (UTC)Reply


: BIDI: {{BIDI}}
:: BIDI: {{BIDI:rtl}}
BIDI: Template:BIDI
BIDI: ‪rtl‬
‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 01:17, 26 August 2015 (UTC)Reply


: {{FILEPATH:2152085cab.png}}
:: [{{FILEPATH:2152085cab.png}} view file]
view file
‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 01:43, 26 August 2015 (UTC)Reply

2016 Community Wishlist Survey



You’re getting this message because you participated in the 2015 Community Wishlist Survey and we want to make sure you don't miss it this year – or at least can make the conscious choice to ignore if it you want to. The 2015 survey decided what the Community Tech team should work on during 2016. It was also the focus of Wikimedia hackathons and work by other developers. You can see the status of wishes from the 2015 wishlist at 2015 Community Wishlist Survey/Results.

The 2016 Community Wishlist Survey is now open for wishes. You can create proposals until November 20. You will be able to vote on which wishes you think are best or most important between November 28 and December 12. /Johan (WMF) (talk) via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 11:17, 14 November 2016 (UTC)Reply

Template:Purge/anchor/ nominated for deletion


Hello. An item which you created or have edited substantially (Template:Purge/anchor/) has been nominated for deletion. Please see the ongoing discussion at Meta:Requests for deletion. Thank you. NguoiDungKhongDinhDanh 06:26, 18 June 2022 (UTC)Reply

Help:ĀāĆćĎďĒēĜĝĤĥĨĩĴĵĹĺŃń and PAGENAMEE nominated for deletion


Hello. An item which you created or have edited substantially (Help:ĀāĆćĎďĒēĜĝĤĥĨĩĴĵĹĺŃń and PAGENAMEE) has been nominated for deletion. Please see the ongoing discussion at Meta:Requests for deletion. Thank you. --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 04:22, 19 April 2023 (UTC)Reply