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Template:Tech news text/yue

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Template:Tech news text and the translation is 50% complete.
|topic title = 技術新聞:{{{year}}}年第{{{week}}}週
|intro = 嚟自維基媒體技術社羣嘅最新技術新聞。請將呢啲變動講畀其他用戶知。未必所有改動都會影響到你。[[m:Special:MyLanguage/{{{pagename}}}|更多翻譯喺呢度]]。
|footer = 技術新聞技術新聞編者寫稿,並由機械人傳送 • 幫手寫 • [[m:Special:MyLanguage/{{{pagename}}}|幫手譯]] • 搵幫手 • 畀意見 • 訂閲/停訂閲
|recent changes = 最近嘅事
|problems = 故障簡報
|changes later this week = 本週嘅事
|future changes = 將來嘅事
|recurrent item = 定期維修
|next train standard = 測試wiki同埋MediaWiki.org會喺3月11號升級做[[mw:{{{release notes page}}}|新版]]嘅MediaWiki。其它唔係維基百科嘅wiki同埋部份維基百科會喺3月12號升級。其餘wiki會喺3月13號升級([[mw:{{{roadmap}}}|睇日曆]])。
|advanced item = 高手注意
|wishlist item = 願望達成
|weekly highlight = Weekly highlight
|updates for editors = Updates for editors
|updates for technical = Updates for technical contributors
|in depth = In depth
|meetings and events = Meetings and events
|view all = View all {{{2}}} community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
|mediawiki weekly = Detailed code updates later this week:
Template documentation

This template allows translating text used in many Tech News issues at one place rather than every week again and again.