Research:Wikipedia Editors Survey 2011/Translation/ms
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- ar/العربية (published)
- de/Deutsch (published)
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- es/español (published)
- fr/français (published)
- it/italiano (published)
- ja/日本語 (published)
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- be-tarask/беларуская (тарашкевіца) (in progress)
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- id/Bahasa Indonesia (in progress)
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- ko/한국어 (in progress)
- mk/македонски (published)
- ms/Bahasa Melayu (in progress)
- nb/norsk bokmål (missing)
- ne/नेपाली (missing)
- sr/српски / srpski (published)
- sv/svenska (in progress)
- sw/Kiswahili (in progress)
- ta/தமிழ் (in progress)
- zh-hans/中文(简体) (published)
- zh-hant/中文(繁體) (published)
[edit]Tinjauan Penyunting
Yayasan Wikimedia
San Francisco, California, Amerika Syarikat
Selamat datang ke laman Tinjauan Penyunting Yayasan Wikimedia. Tinjauan ini dikendalikan oleh Yayasan Wikimedia yang menjalankan operasi Wikipedia dan projek-projek berkembarnya. Maklum balas anda untuk soalan-soalan berikut akan membantu kami untuk memahami komuniti penyunting. Tinjauan ini terdiri daripada 50 soalan dan akan mengambil kira-kira 20 minit untuk menghabiskannya. Soalan-soalan yang dikemukakan tidak mempunyai sebarang jawapan yang betul atau salah. Oleh itu, kemukakan pandangan atau pendapat anda secara jujur.
Privasi dan perlesenan
[edit]Yayasan Wikimedia menghormati privasi anda. Kami tidak akan berkongsi maklumat peribadi anda dengan sebarang organisasi luar atau menggunakannya dalam sebarang bentuk yang tidak terlibat dalam objektif tinjauan ini. in any way that is not associated with the objectives of this survey. Hasil tinjauan am akan dipaparkan dalam domain awam.
Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang soalan atau pertanyaan tentang privasi, kemukakannya secara anonymous melalui:
Soalan pendahuluan
[edit]- D1a. Terima kasih kerana menyertai tinjauan penunting ini.
Apakah tahun anda mula menyumbang kepada Wikipedia? (Sila taipkan tahun dalam format berikut: 2009, 2010 dan sebagainya)
- _____
- D1b. Sejak anda mula menyunting Wikipedia, berapakah jumlah suntingan yang telah anda lalukan? (Nota: Tidak termasuk perubahan yang dilakukan menggunakan bot)
- _____
- D2. Berapakah umur anda sekarang?
- _____ Tahun
- D3a. Apakah tahap pendidikan tertinggi yang telah anda capai?
- Pendidikan rendah (pra-sekolah atau sekolah rendah)
- Pendidikan menengah (sekolah menengah, matrikulasi, pra-universiti, A-level dan lain-lain)
- Pengajian tinggi graduan (Diploma, Ijazah, Politeknik, kolej komuniti dan Bachelors atau Hon.)
- Pengajian tinggi lanjutan (Masters)
- Pengajian tinggi lanjutan (PhD)
- D3b. Adakah anda sedang belajar di sekolah atau university?
- Ya
- Tidak
- D4. Adakah anda bekerja?
- Ya, bekerja secara sepenuh masa (full-time)
- Ya, bekerja secara sambilan (part-time)
- Tidak
- D5a. Adakah anda sudah berkahwin, mempunyai pasangan atau masih bujang?
- Sudah berkahwin
- Mempunyai pasangan, tetapi tidak berkahwin
- Bujang
- D5b. Adakah anda mempunyai anak?
- Ya
- Tidak
- D6. Berapakah jumlah pendapatan bulanan anda secara angaraan? (i.e. jumlah pendapatan sebulan, termasuk elaun sebelum dicukaikan)?
- _____ Jumlah sebulan
- _____ Mata wang
- D7a. Apakah kewarganegaraan anda?
- __________
- D7b. Di negara manakah anda bermastautin?
- ______
- D8. Adakah organisasi Yayasan Wikimedia tempatan (local Wikimedia Chapter) wujud di negara yang anda tinggal?
- Ya
- Tidak
- Tidak pasti
- D8a. Adakah anda seorang ahli organisasi Yayasan Wikimedia tempatan?
- Ya
- Tidak
- D9. Apakah bahasa utama anda? (Pilih yang berkaitan)
- D10. Jantina anda
- Lelaki
- Perempuan
- Transseksual
- Transgender
- D11. Berapakah masa anda menggunakan komputer setiap hari?
- 10 jam atau
- 9-8 jam
- 7-6 jam
- 5-4 jam
- 3-2 jam
- Lebih kurang sejam
- Kurang daripada sejam
- Saya tidak menggunakan komputer setiap hari
- D12. Kami ingi mengetahui tahap kepenggunaan komputer & aplikasi komputer anda. Sila pilih tahap yang jelas menerangkan kepenggunaan anda.
- Saya tidak berasa selesa menggunakan komputer.
- Saya menggunakan komputer untuk membaca e-mel, melayari Internet dan aplikasi dokumen.
- Saya mampu muat turun fail & mengaktifkan aplikasi dalam komputer.
- Saya mampu menulis program dan mewujudkan aplikasi sendiri.
Bahagian I: Penglibatan dan sumbangan
[edit]Soalan-soalan berikut berkaitan dengan penglibatan anda dalam Wikipedia.
- Q1a. Versi bahasa Wikipedia yang manakah yang anda berikan SUMBANGAN? Pilih semua yang berkaitan.
- Q1b. Versi bahasa Wikipedia yang manakah yang anda MENYUMBANG pada KEBANYAKAN MASANYA? Pilih semua yang berkaitan.
- Q2a. Versi bahasa Wikipedia yang manakah yang anda BACA? Pilih semua yang berkaitan.
- Q2b. Versi bahasa Wikipedia yang anda BACA pada kebanyakan MASANYA? Pilih SATU sahaja.
- Q3. Apakah jenis akaun pengguna anda? (Pilih semua yang berkaitan)
- Pengguna tidak berdaftar (Tidak mempunyai akaun)
- Pengguna akaun (Akaun biasa)
- Penyelia /(Admin)
- Bureaucrat
- Steward
- Check User
- Oversight(er)
- Q4a. Kami berminat untuk mengetahui penglibatan anda dalam Wikipedia dan komuniti Wikipedia. Untuk setiap aktiviti berikut, pilih tahap penglibatan anda untuk 30 hari yang lalu.
- Tidak langsung
- Tidak kerap /Jarang-jarang
- Kadang-kala
- Selalu
- Kebanyakan masanya
- Menulis artikel baru
- Penyelidikan untuk rencana
- Penyunting rencana yang sedia ada
- Melakukan penterjemahan
- Menyemak hak cipta artikel, vandalism atau masalah-masalah yang lain
- Menjawab pertanyaan dan aduan pengguna
- Menyelesaikan perselisihan faham antara pengguna
- Merancang aktiviti, workshop, meet-up atau persidangan tahunan Wikimania
- Melakukan public outreach atau kerja sosial di luar komuniti Wikipedia
- Melakukan kerja-kerja teknikal seperti menyelenggarakan pangkalan data atau perisian
- Melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti organisasi tempatan Yayasan Wikimedia
- Menyertai perbincangan tentang artikel
- Merancang, menulis atau memastikan polisi, tatacara dan proses komuniti dipatuhi
- Q4b. Berikut merupakan senarai aktiviti penglibatan. Untuk setiap aktiviti, pilih tahap penglibatan anda untuk 30 hari yang lalu.
- Tidak langsung
- Tidak kerap /Jarang-jarang
- Kadang-kala
- Selalu
- Kebanyakan masanya
- Muat naik media, imej, peta atau audio
- Membantu memilh dan memberi pandangan tentang rencana bulanan
- Melakukan kerja-kerja penghapusan artikel (speedy deletion)
- I do help desk and/or reference desk work to welcome new editors
- Sebagainya, sila nyatakannya ______
- Q5a. Berikut merupakan senarai tujuan mengapa sesetengah penyunting MULA menyumbang kepada WIKIPEDIA. Apakah tujuan anda MULA menyumbang kepada Wikipedia? Pilih mana-mana yang berkaitan.
- Saya ingin mengetahui sama ada seseiapa sahaja boleh menyunting
- Saya terjumpa kesalahan dan ingin membaikinya
- Saya melihat pautan merah atau artikel yang masih belum dihasilkan. Oleh itu, saya menulisnya. I
- Saya mengetahui tentang subjek tersebut dengan mendalam terapi informasi yang dipaparkan sedikit.
- Rakan-rakan, keluarga dan rakan sejawat menyumbang kepada Wikipedia.
- Saya ingin menunjukkan daya pengetahuan saya kepada komuniti yang lebih luas.
- Saya bersetuju dengan idea berkongsi ilmu.
- Saya ingin belajar kemahiran baru.
- Saya ingin melibatkan diri dalam perbincangan dalam Wikipedia. I wanted to participate in a discussion on Wikipedia
- Saya ditugaskan untuk menyunting untuk projek sekolah atau kerja.
- Q5b. Berikut merupakan senarai tujuan mengapa sesetengah penyunting TERUS menyumbang kepada WIKIPEDIA. Apakah tujuan anda TERUS menyumbang kepada Wikipedia? Pilih mana-mana yang berkaitan.
- Saya melakukannya untuk tujuan-tujuan professional
- Saya melihat dan membaiki kesalahan
- Saya terjumpa artikel yang tidak lengkap atau tidak neutral
- Saya suka menyumbang kepada sesuatu subjek yang saya ketahui dengan mendalam
- Saya ingin menunjukkan daya pengetahuan saya kepada komuniti yang lebih luas
- Saya ingin mempopularasikan topik-topik tertentu
- Saya bersetuju filsafat Wikipedia tentang keterbukaan dan kerjasama
- Saya percaya bahawa informasi seharusnya dikongsi bersama secara percuma
- Saya ingin memperoleh reputasi dalam komuniti
- Saya bersetuju dengan idea meluangkan masa secara sukarela untuk berkongsi maklumat
- Seronok
- Q6. Berikut merupakan senarai peralatan yang digunakan oleh para penyunting. Untuk setiap satu peralatan, adakah penggunaannya membawa sebarang perubahan semasa menyunting Wikipedia?
- Saya tidak peka tentang fungsi peralatan ini
- Peralatan ini membantu menyunting Wikipedia
- Peralatan ini tidak membawa sebarang perubahan kepada cara-cara saya menyunting
- Peralatan ini menjadikannya lebih susah untuk menyunting Wikipedia
- Laman-laman bantuan (Help pages)
- Laman polisi
- Wiki markup atau HTML-like language
- Laman suntingan (Editing interface)
- Automated assisting tools like Twinkle, Huggle, AWB dan lain-lain
- Forum komuniti & perbincangan
- Bots
- Skrip pengguna dan gadjet (User-scripts & gadgets)
- Q7a. Thinking about LAST YEAR (2010), how active were you in Wikipedia compared to the previous year (2009)?
- I was less active in Wikipedia in 2010 compared to 2009
- There was no change in the level of my activity
- I was more active in Wikipedia in 2010 compared to 2009
- Q7b. Why did you become less active in Wikipedia? Please choose all that apply.
- I don’t have time
- I spend more time on other online activities
- I spend more time on other offline activities
- It is a waste of my time since my edits will be reverted
- I think I don’t have enough expertise to contribute
- Other people are doing it, so I don’t have to do it
- I don’t want to edit the work of other editors
- I am happy to read, and I don’t need to contribute
- I choose not to spend my time editing
- I don’t edit because of conflicts with other editors
- The rules and guidelines for editing have become too complicated
- Other, please specify ______
- Q7c. If you were to become less active in Wikipedia in the NEXT SIX months, what do you believe will be the most likely cause? Please choose ONE.
- I think I will have less time
- I expect to spend more time on other online activities
- I expect to spend more time on other offline activities
- It’s a waste of my time since my edits will be reverted
- I think I don’t have enough expertise to contribute
- Other people are doing work, so I don’t want to do it
- I don’t want to edit the work of other editors
- I am happy to read, and I don’t want to contribute
- I don’t want to spend my time editing
- I don’t want to edit because of conflicts with other editors
- The rules and guidelines for editing are becoming too complicated
- Other, please specify_____
Bahagian II: Teknologi dan Jaringan
[edit]Soalan-soalan berikut adalah tentang penggunaan peralatan-peralatan teknologi dan laman Internet.
- Q8a. Berikut merupakan peralatan elektronik yang dimiliki oleh sesetangah orang. Adaah anda memiliki mana-mana yang berikut?
- Komupter desktop
- Komputer laptop atau netbook
- Tablet seperti iPad
- Telefon bimbit atau selular
- MP3 player seperti iPod
- Tiada seperti yang disenaraikan di atas
- Q8b. Adakah anda memiliki telefon pintar seperti iPhone, Android atau Blackberry?
- Ya
- Tidak
- Q8c. Berikut merupakan senarai peralatan elektronik yang sama seperti di atas. Adakah anda menggunakan mana-mana daripadanya untuk MENYUNTING Wikipedia? Pilih semua yang berkaitan.
- Komupter desktop
- Komputer laptop atau netbook
- Tablet seperti iPad
- Telefon bimbit atau selular
- MP3 player seperti iPod
- Q8d. Berikut merupakan senarai peralatan elektronik yang sama seperti di atas. Adakah anda menggunakan mana-mana daripadanya untuk MEMBACA Wikipedia? Pilih semua yang berkaitan
- Komupter desktop
- Komputer laptop atau netbook
- Tablet seperti iPad
- Telefon bimbit atau selular
- MP3 player seperti iPod
- Q9. Below is a list of tech activities some people may do regularly. For each one, please mark how often, if at all, you do it on a typical DAY.
- More than 8 hours
- 7-8 hours
- 5-6 hours
- 3-4 hours
- 1-2 hours
- Less than an hour
- I don’t do this online activity
- Staying in touch with friends and family on social networking websites like Facebook
- Sending and receiving email
- Using instant messaging services like MSN messenger and GTalk
- Playing online multiplayer games like World of Warcraft
- Doing online shopping
- Playing online games on social networking websites like Farmville and CityVille
- Downloading music from websites like iTunes
- Watching videos on websites like YouTube
- Using location aware technologies like FourSquare and GoWalla
- Blogging or reading blogs
- Using Twitter or a similar micro-blogging website
- Reading Wikipedia
- Contributing to Wikipedia
- Contributing to open source software
- Q10. Below is a similar, shorter list of things people do online. Please mark how important each of these is in YOUR everyday life.
- Extremely important
- Very important
- Somewhat important
- Not too important
- Not at all important
- Online gaming
- Tweeting on platforms like Twitter
- Social networking on websites like
- Contributing to Wikipedia
- Q11. Many people are using online social media these days. Do you:
- Yes
- No, but I am aware of this activity
- No, I don’t know about this activity
- Have a personal blog
- Tweet using Twitter or similar micro-blogging platforms
- Interact with other Twitter users through direct messages, replies and retweets
- Regularly post comments or pictures to a blog
- Post family or personal PICTURES online so that other people can see them
- Post family or personal VIDEOS online so that other people can see them
- Create media such as an audio broadcast or video, and podcast it or put it online on a website like so it can be accessed by anyone
- Post status updates on social networking websites such as Facebook
- Comment on friends status updates, photographs, etc. on websites such as Facebook
- Share online links on websites like Twitter and Facebook.
- “Like” content on SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITES like Facebook
- “Like” content on BLOGS, NEWSPAPERS, etc.
- Write reviews for restaurants and products on websites like Yelp and Amazon.
- Share your location information with friends on websites like FourSquare, Twitter, etc.
- Answer, post or rate questions in online communities like Quora and Fluther
- Q12. Below is a list of features available on some mobile devices, such as cell phones and MP3 players. Please indicate the features you USE on any of your mobile devices.
- Yes, I use this
- No, I don’t use this
- A feature/app that allows you to access your social networking profile
- A feature/app that allows you to blog
- A feature/app that allows you to access Twitter
- A feature/app that allows you to search for information
- A feature/app that allows you to share/see photos
- A feature/app that allows you to share/watch videos
- A feature/app that allows you to find information relevant to your location
- A feature/app that allows you to read Wikipedia
- A feature/app that allows you to play games
- A feature/app that allows you to “check in” at places
- Q13a. If Wikipedia launched features that are BUILT INTO Wikipedia’s mobile site, how likely are you to use the following features to edit Wikipedia?
- Extremely likely
- Very likely
- Somewhat likely
- Not too likely
- Not at all likely
- A feature that allows you to upload pictures from a mobile device to Commons
- A feature that allows you to rate Wikipedia articles on a scale
- A feature that allows you to create new articles
- A feature that allows editors to do block edits like paragraphs and sentences
- A feature that allows you to save articles to read or edit offline
- A feature that allows you to check for vandalism on your phone
- Q14a. Which one of the following statements do you agree with the most?
- I believe editing Wikipedia is more rewarding than online activities like tweeting, social networking, etc.
- I believe contributing on Facebook, Twitter or similar sites is more rewarding than editing Wikipedia
- Q14b. If you had to choose, which one of the following would you rather do?
- Spend my time editing Wikipedia so I can contribute to world knowledge.
- Spend my time blogging so I can get recognition for my writing.
Section III: Wikipedia Community
[edit]The next questions are about your interactions with other Wikipedia editors and your experiences as a member of the Wikipedia community.
- Q15. In the last one month, how many editors do you think you have interacted with in total? (online, phone or face-to-face).
- Q16. Below is a list of tools that you can use to communicate with other editors. Which of the following tools, if any, have you used in the PAST MONTH to communicate with other editors? (Please choose all that apply.)
- Village Pumps
- User page discussions
- Foundation-l and similar mailing lists
- Wikimedia Foundation blog
- Planet Wikimedia blog
- Instant Messaging services like GTalk and Yahoo Messenger
- Social networking websites like Facebook
- Micro-blogging websites like Twitter
- None of the above
- Q17. We are interested in finding out how you would describe fellow editors. Below is a list of words to describe editors within the Wikipedia community. Please choose the TOP TWO words that describe Wikipedia editors. Please select two.
- Helpful
- Friendly
- Collaborative
- Rude
- Unfriendly
- Intelligent
- Dumb
- Arrogant
- Q18a. Below is a list of interactions/experiences that editors may have with others within the Wikipedia community. For each one, please tell us if you have had this interaction/experience.
- Yes
- No
- Another editor adding content/photos in an article you are working on
- Having inaccurate information added to an article you started
- Getting a badge/barnstar from another editor
- Having your article(s) selected as featured article(s)
- Having other editors fix grammatical errors in article(s) you started
- Having other editors add content to article(s) you started
- Having your picture(s) used in articles
- Having your content reused
- Having others complement you on your edits/articles
- Article(s) making it to the front page
- Q18b. Here is an additional list of interactions/experiences that editors may have with others within the Wikipedia community. For each one, please tell us if you have had this interaction/experience.
- Yes
- No
- Having your edits reverted without any explanation
- Having your edits reverted, but with an explanation
- Having an article that you were working on deleted
- Being looked down on by more experienced editors
- Argument(s) with editors on discussion pages or elsewhere
- Other editors pushing their point of view
- Having offensive/wrong information added to articles you were working on
- Q19. Below is a shorter list of interactions editors may have with others within the Wikipedia community. For each one, please tell us the degree to which it affects your overall experience editing Wikipedia.
- This makes me less likely to continue editing Wikipedia
- This does not affect my likelihood to edit Wikipedia
- This makes me more likely to continue editing Wikipedia
- Q20. If you had to choose, which of these would you agree with:
- The feedback from other editors through reverts, discussions, etc. has helped me become a better editor.
- The feedback from other editors through reverts, discussions, etc. has been a bad experience for me.
- Q21. From your perspective, what is the best way to gain reputation in the Wikipedia community? Please rank the following choices in descending order of importance.
- Writing new articles
- Editing or fixing existing articles
- Commenting on talk pages
- Helping with administrative tasks such as deleting, blocking, etc.
- Providing support to other users such as mailing list moderation or technical help
- Helping others resolve conflicts such as mediation or arbitration
- Q22. When comparing yourself to other editors in the language you primarily edit Wikipedia (i.e., your Home Wikipedia), in which of the following ways do you believe you are different from them? (Please select all that apply)
- I am a female, while most editors are male
- I live in a different country from the majority of editors who edit my home Wikipedia
- My ethnicity is different from the majority of editors who edit my home Wikipedia
- My sexual orientation is different from the majority of editors who edit my home Wikipedia
- I am younger than most editors in my home Wikipedia
- I am older than most editors in my home Wikipedia
- My nationality is different from the majority of editors who edit my home Wikipedia
- None of the above
- Q23. Have you EVER been harassed by other editors?
- Yes, I have been harassed IN Wikipedia (i.e. user page, discussion pages, etc.)
- Yes, I have been harassed OUTSIDE of Wikipedia (i.e. phone calls, Facebook, etc.)
- No, I have never been harassed by other editors.
- Q24a. Thinking about the last SIX MONTHS, do you remember an instance when you believe your edit was reverted or deleted due to any of the following?
- Yes
- No
- Your gender
- Your nationality
- Your ethnicity
- Your sexual orientation
- Your age
- Q24b. Thinking about the last SIX MONTHS, do you remember an instance when you believe you lost an editorial dispute due to any of the following?
- Yes
- No
- Your gender
- Your nationality
- Your ethnicity
- Your sexual orientation
- Your age
- Q24c. Thinking about the last SIX MONTHS, do you remember an instance when you believe you were stereotyped due to any of the following?
- Yes
- No
- Your gender
- Your nationality
- Your ethnicity
- Your sexual orientation
- Your age
- Q24d. Thinking about the last SIX MONTHS, do you remember an instance when you believe other editors undervalued your contribution to Wikipedia including edits, participation in discussion pages, listservs etc. due to any of the following?
- Yes
- No
- Your gender
- Your nationality
- Your ethnicity
- Your sexual orientation
- Your age
- Q24e. Thinking about the last SIX MONTHS, do you remember an instance when you believe other editors looked down on you due to any of the following?
- Yes
- No
- Your gender
- Your nationality
- Your ethnicity
- Your sexual orientation
- Your age
- Q24f. Thinking about the last SIX MONTHS, do you remember an instance when you believe other editors were unwelcoming due to any of the following?
- Yes
- No
- Your gender
- Your nationality
- Your ethnicity
- Your sexual orientation
- Your age
- Q25. We are interested in the interactions that women have within the Wikipedia community. Below is a list of unpleasant experiences that some female editors might have had. Please mark if you have PERSONALLY had any of the below unpleasant experiences. Please choose all that apply.
- I have received too much attention
- I was stalked online
- Someone tried to contact me unnecessarily outside of Wikipedia
- Someone tried to meet me in person
- Someone used my image without my permission
- Someone left inappropriate messages or comments on my user page or content
- Someone tried to flirt with me
- Others ________
- None of the above
- Q26. We are interested in finding out what kind of personal information you have made available for everyone to view in Wikipedia. Have you made the following personal information available in your profile in Wikipedia? Please choose all that apply.
- Choice of User Name
- User Page
- Gender
- Nationality
- Ethnicity
- Sexual orientation
- Age
- Q27. Do you find the userspace (user, discussion pages etc.) in Wikipedia to be inappropriately sexualized by excessive sexual comments, innuendos, images etc.)?
- Yes
- No
Section IV: Wikipedia Readership and Donations
[edit]The next few questions are about your Wikipedia reading habits, and your participation with the Wikimedia Foundation that runs Wikipedia.
- D13. For what purpose do you mostly read Wikipedia? Please choose all that apply.
- To find information
- For school or university research as a reference I can cite
- For school or university research, but not to be cited
- For work
- D14. Do you know whether the Wikimedia Foundation that runs Wikipedia is a nonprofit or for-profit organization? Please choose one.
- It is a nonprofit organization
- It is a for-profit organization
- D15a. Have you ever donated money to the Wikimedia Foundation that runs Wikipedia?
- Yes
- No
- D15b. How often have you donated money to the Wikimedia Foundation that runs Wikipedia?
- Once
- 2-3 times
- 4-5 times
- More than 5 times
- D15b2. Is your donation to the Wikimedia Foundation tax-deductible?
- Yes.
- No.
- I don’t know
- D15b3 If your donation to the Wikimedia Foundation had not been tax deductible, would you have still donated?
- Yes
- No
- I don’t know/not sure.
- D15c. Why have you never donated to the Wikimedia Foundation that runs Wikipedia? Please choose all that apply.
- I did not know Wikipedia is supported by a nonprofit organization
- I never donate to charities
- I can’t afford to make a donation
- I donate my time instead of money
- Donations to the Wikimedia Foundation are not tax-deductible where I live
- I was never asked or don’t know how to donate to the Wikimedia Foundation
- I disagree with Wikipedia’s policies and practices
- I think my donation might not be used wisely
- It seems that enough people are making donations to keep the projects running
- D16. Do you ever seek or receive information from the Wikimedia Foundation?
- Yes
- No
- D16a. Are you happy with the quality of information that you receive from the Wikimedia Foundation?
- Yes
- No
- D17. Have you ever voted in the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees elections?
- Yes
- No
- D17a. Why have you never voted in the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustee elections? Please choose all that apply.
- I missed the deadline
- I felt I didn’t have enough information about the Wikimedia Foundation to make a good decision
- I felt I didn’t have enough information about the candidates to make a good decision
- I wanted to vote but was not eligible
- I was not interested
- I have never heard of these elections
- Other ______
- D18a. Now that you know about them, would you be interested in voting in the Wikimedia board of trustee elections in the future?
- Yes
- No
- D19. Have you ever run or wanted to run in the Wikimedia Foundation board of trustee elections?
- Yes
- No
- No, I was not eligible to vote in the elections
- D19a. Why are you not interested in running in the Wikimedia Foundation board of trustee elections?
- I missed the deadline
- I am not interested in running for elections
- I disagree with Wikimedia Foundation’s policies and practices
- I think I can’t make a difference even if I am elected
- I don’t have the information or don’t know how to run for elections
- Other _____
- D20a. On a 0-10 scale with 0 being NOT AT ALL GOOD and 10 being EXTREMELY GOOD, how would you rate your own performance in contributing to the Wikimedia movement?
- D20b. On a 0-10 scale with 0 being NOT AT ALL GOOD and 10 being EXTREMELY GOOD, how would you rate the performance of Wikimedia volunteers overall in contributing to the Wikimedia movement?
- D20c. On a 0-10 scale with 0 being NOT AT ALL GOOD and 10 being EXTREMELY GOOD, how would you rate the performance of the Wikimedia Foundation in contributing to the Wikimedia movement?
- D20d. On a 0-10 scale with 0 being NOT AT ALL GOOD and 10 being EXTREMELY GOOD, how would you rate the performance of the Wikimedia chapters in contributing to the Wikimedia movement?
- I don't know
- D21. We are interested in your opinion on how the Wikimedia Foundation should spend money. If you donated 100 dollars to the Wikimedia Foundation, how would you like the foundation to allocate the money for the following? (Please ensure that all the responses add to $100)
- Technical operations (more operations staff, new caching servers, performance metrics, uptime)
- Technical features development aimed at supporting experienced editors
- Technical features development aimed at supporting new editors
- Community work aimed at supporting a healthy editing culture
- Community work aimed at attracting/supporting new editors globally
- Community work aimed at attracting/supporting new editors specifically in the Global South
- Grantmaking to chapters, individuals and similar organizations for priority projects
- Support for chapters (e.g., communications, monitoring compliance with agreements, fundraising, organizational development)
- Other, please specify_____
- D22a. We will be conducting similar surveys in the future to track the Wikipedia community. Would you be willing to participate in future surveys?
- Yes
- No
- D22b. Please provide us with your email address. The email address will be used by the survey team to contact you about participation in future surveys, and will not be shared outside the survey team
[edit]Terima kasih kerana turut serta dalam kaji selidik ini!