"@language": "
"messages": { "default": { "title": "Dona suport a aquest projecte", "description": "Why do you support this project?", "feedback": "Thank you for adding your endorsement!", "body": "Your signature will be automatically added to your comment.", "placeholder-comment": "Add your comment here", "watch-page": "Watch this page", "submit": "Submit", "cancel": "Cancel", "error-save": "S'ha produit un error. Si us plau, torna a intentar-ho.", "error-fatal": "There was a fatal error with the AddMe gadget. Please report this issue at $1.", "error-login": "Sorry, you must be logged in to endorse this project.", "error-dup-comment": "It looks like you've already added your endorsement! Would you like to add your comment anyway?" }, "wishlist-survey": { "title": "Support this proposal", "description": "Optional comment:", "feedback": "Your vote has been saved. Thank you for participating in the survey!", "body": "Your signature and aSupport template will be added automatically. If you would instead like to leave a comment, please edit the Discussion section. If you are the proposer, you do not need to add your vote as it is counted automatically.", "watch-page": "Watch proposal page", "submit": "Support", "error-fatal": "There was a fatal error with the voting gadget. Please report this issue at $1. You can still vote manually by editing the proposal page.", "error-login": "Sorry, you must be logged in to vote on proposals.", "error-dup-comment": "It looks like you've already voted on this proposal! Should we still attempt to add your vote?" } }