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Zoznam želaní komunity

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Community Wishlist and the translation is 33% complete.
Community Wishlist

Zoznam prianí komunity je fórum pre prispievateľov projektu Wikimedia na zdieľanie nápadov alebo „prianí“ na zlepšenie nášho produktu a technológie a potom na spoluprácu medzi sebou navzájom a nadáciou Wikimedia Foundation, aby sme určili priority a spoločne vyriešili tieto príležitosti. Aby bolo možné vybudovať udržateľný, viacgeneračný softvér, Wikimedia Foundation potrebuje počuť od dobrovoľníkov a spolupracovať s nimi na výzvach a príležitostiach na zlepšenie nášho produktu a technológie.

Akot to funguje

  • Dobrovoľníci môžu kedykoľvek predložiť svoje želania (napr. žiadosť o funkciu, oprava chyby, zmena systému). Odporúčame používateľom odosielať prianie vo svojom rodnom jazyku.
  • Zaslané želania môžu ostatný dobrovoľníci kontrolovať, komentovať a upravovať, a nadácia ich môže akceptovať.
  • The Foundation then reviews all new wishes, identifies common themes across wishes, and turns these themes into focus areas. Focus areas help us move beyond individual solutions, which might only work for certain use cases, and instead identify and solve as many of the biggest, most impactful problems as possible.
  • Contributors may support and comment on focus areas, which will then be adopted by Wikimedia Foundation teams, Community Tech, affiliates, or volunteer developers.
Submit wish

📢 Latest Updates

February 20, 2025: Codex Special:Block Design Testers Needed

As CommTech prepares to fulfil the Multiblocks wish, we are redesigning the Special:Block page using Codex. Admins are invited to test a prototype of the refreshed block page in a moderated user test conducted by CommTech's Principal User Experience Designer Joydeep Sengupta. To sign up, please visit the Multiblocks talk page where we have some slots open for booking.

Previous updates

Some focus areas

Below is the first batch of focus areas. Each focus area is comprised of three or more wishes that share an underlying problem.

In progress

Template recall and discovery

We're building a better way for new and experienced contributors to recall and discover templates via the template dialog, to increase dialog usage and the number of templates added.

Help content reviewers more efficiently manage their repetitive tasks

Help content reviewers more efficiently manage their repetitive tasks, so they can focus more on editing articles or other on-wiki activities. We'll know we're successful if we can cut down on the number of edits in review and improve moderator satisfaction.

Media formats, editing, and display

Volunteers noted the importance of supporting new file formats and improving features and tools that can allow users to upload high-efficiency images to Wikimedia sites, have an easier editing experience and improved use of media players.

Make it easier for patrollers and other editors to prioritize tasks

Make it easier for patrollers and other editors to prioritize tasks, so they can more efficiently review and uphold the quality of content on their wikis. We'll know we're successful if this work improves editor or patroller satisfaction and reduces the "queue" of things to review.

Recent wishes

These are the recently submitted wishes.

You can learn more about each individual wish, and see other wishes in the same focus areas.

If you don't find what you are searching for, you are welcomed to submit your wish for consideration.

Title Focus area Type Projects Date (UTC) Status?
Wikidata recent changes patrolling per language Unassigned Feature request Wikidata, Wikipedie 2025-03-03T01:52:36.000Z3. marca 2025 Submitted
Remove limits from Special:ListRedirects or introduce a dedicated namespace for redirects Unassigned System change All projects 2025-02-27T23:42:54.000Z27. februára 2025 Submitted
Allow use of modern CSS in templates by updating the TemplateStyles CSS sanitizer Unassigned Unknown All projects 2025-02-27T20:05:15.000Z27. februára 2025 Open
Support full colour 3D models on Wikimedia projects Media formats, editing, and display Feature request Wikipedie, Wikimedia Commons 2025-02-27T19:56:56.000Z27. februára 2025 Open
Need full block history for IP addresses: currently missing range blocks Unassigned Feature request All projects 2025-02-26T05:16:04.000Z26. februára 2025 Open