Category:Draft learning patterns
Learning patterns which are drafts.
This category has only the following subcategory.
Pages in category "Draft learning patterns"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 357 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Learning patterns/A short guide to bad projects
- Learning patterns/A Short Guide to Using Twitter for In-event Engagement
- Learning patterns/Accommodations at meetups
- Learning patterns/Adapt Wiki Loves contests to prevent burnout
- Learning patterns/Advanced workshop with focused and dedicated participants
- Learning patterns/Air travel
- Learning patterns/An advanced editing workshop: a social and professional get-together of new and veteran editors.
- Learning patterns/Analysing effects of offline meetups
- Learning patterns/Annual Wikimedia CEE meeting: drafting the programme
- Learning patterns/Appreciation of Volunteer Work I: Give Individual Feedback
- Learning patterns/Appreciation of volunteer work II: make it tangible
- Learning patterns/Appreciation of volunteer work III: let others know
- Learning patterns/Appreciation of volunteer work IV: towards a culture of appreciation
- Learning patterns/Arranging travel
- Learning patterns/Article assessment for student assignments
- Learning patterns/Information about FOSSASIA participation/attendees Type
- Learning patterns/Automobile travel
- Learning patterns/Batch categorizing users' photos in Wikimedia Commons
- Learning patterns/Be flexible and work with the audience you have
- Learning patterns/Be ready to be flexible when creating an organizational retreat
- Learning patterns/Being a judge
- Learning patterns/Being the connector between GLAM partners and community
- Learning patterns/Best practices in training adults
- Learning patterns/Book swapping table at your event
- Learning patterns/Books from wiki pages
- Learning patterns/Bringing women together to work towards gender and linguistic inclusiveness
- Learning patterns/Build trust to know what sort of challenges are coming up for the partner organisation
- Learning patterns/Building a community around gender gap issues
- Learning patterns/Capturing User names at workshops
- Learning patterns/Charts on wiki pages
- Learning patterns/Checking bias and prejudice in grants advisory processes
- Learning patterns/Choose promising program participants
- Learning patterns/Clarity of expectations when setting up a partnership
- Learning patterns/Cleaning the Augean stables: DIY discovery of fermented vandalisms, copyvios and other unwelcome stuff
- Learning patterns/Collaborate with teachers who share your enthusiasm
- Learning patterns/Collaborated with Government organisations, What's next?
- Learning patterns/Collecting data on offline meetups
- Learning patterns/Collecting data on requests for adminship
- Learning patterns/Collecting usernames for in-person events
- Learning patterns/Communicating with developers through Semantic Versioning
- Learning patterns/Communication as a fully remote, part-time team with different timezones
- Learning patterns/Communities of Interest to Recruit Volunteers
- Learning patterns/Conducting technical workshops and talks
- Learning patterns/Conducting user experience research
- Learning patterns/Conference venues
- Learning patterns/Conference workshop to help kickstart a project on a smaller language Wikipedia
- User:KHarold (WMF)/Sandbox/Education Toolkit/Dealing with Challenges/Connectivity
- Learning patterns/Continuous engagement of New Wikimedians.
- Learning patterns/Coordinating Amongst Student Courses
- Learning patterns/Coordinating with a WikiProject
- Learning patterns/Create a community policy for education programs
- Learning patterns/Create groups of academic specialists to prepare training events
- Learning patterns/Creating a network of organizers
- Learning patterns/Creating an article right away
- Learning patterns/Creating Instructional guides for Wikivoyage
- Learning patterns/Cross chapter collaboration on wiki writing contest
- Learning patterns/Cultivating interest among the editors during activities
- Learning patterns/Dealing with authorities for institutional partnerships
- Learning patterns/Define program goals and measures of success
- Learning patterns/Design of a proposed distance learning resource
- Learning patterns/Designing and developing for an active, existing project
- Learning patterns/Designing portals on wikis
- Learning patterns/Developing a fully internationalized and centralized gadget
- Learning patterns/Developing a mission statement with your community
- Learning patterns/Developing Apertium MT for your language in Content Translation
- Learning patterns/Developing intercompatible components within a complex and often inconsistent system
- Learning patterns/Developing sustained academic-expert engagement
- Learning patterns/Digital information literacy with Wikipedia for public library staff
- Learning patterns/Digitizing archival records
- Learning patterns/Disengaging from Wikipedia warfare
- Learning patterns/Division of tasks and responsibilities between board, staff and volunteers
- Learning patterns/Documenting language oral history
- Learning patterns/Documenting your event experience
- Learning patterns/Doing more, with templates: A tutorial for Wikimedia project creators
- Learning patterns/Edit-a-thon in classroom
- Learning patterns/Edit-a-thon Meetup Takeover
- Learning patterns/Edit-a-thon worklists
- Learning patterns/Editathon evaluation form
- Learning patterns/Editing and writing contest-planning templates
- Learning patterns/Editing leads to media literacy
- Learning patterns/Effect of page visibility on contribution
- Learning patterns/EJemplo
- Learning patterns/Engage with public broadcasters
- Learning patterns/Engaging non-Wikipedian academic experts to identify content gaps
- Learning patterns/Engaging participants through critical theory
- Learning patterns/Engaging volunteers with the grants process
- Learning patterns/Enriching lists of monuments with coordinates
- Learning patterns/Ensuring your wiki project is inclusive
- Learning patterns/Establecer un trabajo con enfoque intercultural
- Learning patterns/Establecer vínculos entre los proyectos Wikimedia y organizaciones e iniciativas externas
- Learning patterns/Establish strong local support
- Learning patterns/Estimating and evaluating in-kind resources
- Learning patterns/Estimating time and complexity
- Learning patterns/Evaluate student work
- Learning patterns/Evaluating project outcomes
- Learning patterns/Evaluation of data affected by seasonal or calendar effects
- Learning patterns/Event planning process
- Learning patterns/Every new page starts off unwatched
- Learning patterns/Expert involvement
- Learning patterns/Facilitating a productive discussion
- Learning patterns/Faire un stand
- Learning patterns/Fear of editing
- Learning patterns/Featured Articles in classroom courses
- Learning patterns/Features requests for a software
- Learning patterns/Find free license videos on YouTube for Wikipedia
- Learning patterns/Find volunteers to support a program
- Learning patterns/Finding programmers for a WMF grant
- Learning patterns/Focus on content
- Learning patterns/Following Wikipedia policies in gender gap events
- Learning patterns/Frugal video production for Wikimedia Commons
- Learning patterns/Get started with SMART program objectives!
- Learning patterns/Get the community involved early
- Learning patterns/Getting enough sleep at multi-day events
- Learning patterns/Git repository for software
- Learning patterns/Go the extra mile, and then search for treasure
- Learning patterns/Grant projects are not startups
- Learning patterns/Guide for involving new volunteers
- Learning patterns/Guía con criterios para evaluar artículos en un concurso
- Learning patterns/Have a photographer present at edit-a-thons to photograph notable women with consent
- Learning patterns/Help new editors learn Wikimarkup
- Learning patterns/Help students and educators understand community rules and norms
- Learning patterns/Help the "deletionists' victims"
- Learning patterns/Hiring a metrics processor for a Wikimedia outreach project
- Learning patterns/Hiring an ED in your organisation
- Learning patterns/Hosting a multi-location gender gap edit-a-thon
- Learning patterns/Hosting an online symposium
- Learning patterns/How might folks stay engaged?
- Learning patterns/How not to organize a conference
- Learning patterns/How to access to lists of cultural heritage sites or monuments.
- Learning patterns/How to build a core community from scratch using the local network of libraries
- Learning patterns/How to campaign on a political issue
- Learning patterns/How to conduct interviews with your project partners
- Learning patterns/How to create a campaign on Commons
- Learning patterns/How to create or edit an article in terms of gender approach
- Learning patterns/How to design and develop an education hackathon within the Wikipedia Education Program
- Learning patterns/How to do photowalks more effectively
- Learning patterns/How to find your potential outreach partners at wiki pages
- Learning patterns/How to generate a stronger and more relevant relationship with the schools
- Learning patterns/How to generate engagement with students to become a Wikiambassador
- Learning patterns/How to get diverse presenters at your conference (from a gender, Global South... perspective)
- Learning patterns/How to implement quality management in your organization or team
- Learning patterns/How to join VisibleWikiWomen as a campaign organizer in your local context
- Learning patterns/How to make a multi-day editathon?
- Learning patterns/How to make an Educational Editathon without a good Internet's connectivity
- Learning patterns/How to make editathons for new users more successful
- Learning patterns/How to organize a multilingual campaign
- Learning patterns/How to podcast
- Learning patterns/How to prepare an infographics
- Learning patterns/How to prepare and plan for Online Edit-a-thons
- Learning patterns/How to retain existing volunteers
- Learning patterns/How to run software on a dedicated Wikimedia Cloud VPS server
- Learning patterns/How to start a Wiki Loves contest
- Learning patterns/How to survive to an international edit-a-thon when you're the only coordinator
- Learning patterns/How to talk to educators about using Wikimedia in the classroom
- Learning patterns/How to transfer the knowledge and the experience of an Education Program
- Learning patterns/How to use active listening
- Learning patterns/How to write a job description
- Learning patterns/How to write a staffing plan
- Learning patterns/How User Groups can select Wikimedia Conference Delegates
- Learning patterns/Icebreaker
- Learning patterns/Identifying articles for translation
- Learning patterns/Identifying content gaps
- Learning patterns/Imagery for event promotion
- Learning patterns/Implementar un proyecto con Wikimedia en una biblioteca académica
- Learning patterns/Improve photo contest results
- Learning patterns/Improve photo quality with better cameras
- Learning patterns/Improve the quality of articles written by new editors
- Learning patterns/Increase number of photos in use
- Learning patterns/International events? Allow three months for visa formalities
- Learning patterns/International travel
- Learning patterns/IRL video broadcast is a winning horse. Can Wikimedia projects bet on it?
- Learning patterns/It doesn't need to be always feminist to attract women users
- Learning patterns/La importancia de los talleres previos a las editatones
- Learning patterns/Lead a lobbying operation
- Wikimédia France/Gouvernance/Projet stratégique/2017-.../Plan d'action/Week-end stratégie/Learning pattern
- Learning patterns/Learning pattern needed
- Learning patterns/Lessons from creating a diversity toolkit
- Learning patterns/Leverage WMF relationship with Wikipedia Zero partners
- Learning patterns/Local standards of notability
- Learning patterns/Make it easy to identify student editors
- Learning patterns/Make use of mistakes on Wikipedia
- Learning patterns/Making a centralized resource space specific to your GLAM
- Learning patterns/Making an annual report
- Learning patterns/Making panel discussions (or roundtables) more productive
- Learning patterns/Making sure that the participants actually come to an event
- Learning patterns/Making translation classes more interactive via Wikipedia
- Learning patterns/Manage disputes
- Learning patterns/Managing the tech-pool
- Learning patterns/Many affiliates, one language community
- Learning patterns/Mass messaging
- Learning patterns/Matching newcomers to Wikimedia projects and activities: nurturing happy, passionate editors:)
- Learning patterns/Materials in their own language
- Learning patterns/MediaWiki Education Program
- Learning patterns/Meeting the learning needs of US public library staff new to Wikipedia with online training
- Learning patterns/Monitor student contributions
- Learning patterns/Monitoring publicity for an event