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This page is a translated version of the page Wikisource Community User Group and the translation is 38% complete.

ウィキソース コミュニティ利用者グループ (WCUG) はウィキメディアの利用者グループのひとつとしてオンラインでもオフラインでもウィキソースのコミュニティを支援し、その理想を振興します。



  • 普及活動 - アウトリーチともいい、ウィキソースの認知度向上と活発な参加者を増やすため、できる範囲でGLAM Wikiの諸グループと協働し、先方の活動を共催する
  • コミュニティの支援 - ボランティアの編集者がもっと効率よくこうけんできるように支援する
  • コミュニケーション - ウィキソースのコミュニティとメディアウィキ運動との討議の進行役を務め、情報流通を促す
  • ソフトウェア開発 - メディアウィキの機能開発において、ウィキソースのコミュニティに特異的な需要を受け入れるよう支援する
  • 募金活動 - ウィキメディア運動の内外かつ提携組織も対象に、活動資金を募る


The need for a Wikisource supporting organization became clear after the Wikimania 2012 meeting when Aubrey and other involved wikimedians drafted a roadmap for Wikisource, and then the question about who would implement that roadmap arose. A dedicated group of volunteers coordinated at international level can accomplish a lot, and even if they don't have the knowledge or the resources to do it by themselves, they can find ways to get things done.

The "Elaborate Wikisource strategic vision" project led by Aubrey and Micru, with assistance of Tpt, continued that community building task and it proposed to create the WCUG as a long term strategy to coordinate efforts internationally, set priorities and manage funds whenever needed.

Members have been conducting Wikisource activities independently, among them we can point out to:

  • Elaborate Wikisource vision, internal effort to enhance cross-language and cross-community coordination, pave the way for future developments, and establish contacts with external organizations.
  • GLAM wiki boot camp:ウィキソースの編集手法の研修。参加者中経験者は3名のみで、たいへんに関心を示された会場からThe Yellow Wall Paper から一部の文字起こしに発展。
  • ウィキメディア・スウェーデン協会:公共図書館の書籍スキャナを利用。
  • クイーンズランド州立図書館の文字起こし State Library of Queensland transcriptions
  • スンダ語辞書文字起こし大会 Sundanese dictionary transcription competition
  • Wikisource Conference in Wien (Austria), from 20 to 22 November 2015.
  • Wikisource mission statement


Currently there are no restrictions for becoming a WCUG member, anyone that participates frequently in any local Wikisource and wants to contribute to make Wikisource a more internationally coordinated community is welcome to join the mailing list and sign up below.

Once a year the group will be promoted to the most active members of all local Wikisource communities and the accomplishments of the WCUG members will be summarized.

Regular communication will happen on the already existing wikisource mailing list: wikisource-l. Whenever IRC meetings are needed, they will happen on #wikisource接続.


In this initial phase, anyone can become a promoter and/or take the lead as "community liason" for their local wikisource, communicating their local Wikisource news to the international Wikisource mailing list, and importing the international news into their local community. All initiatives will be at individual level, or consensuated in the mailing list whenever needed.

As the group grows, the transition towards a thematic organization will be considered. In a possible scenario, we can set 100 members as a threshold: at this point some members will be elected as a board for a 2 years period, to either continue coordinating activities as user group or to start the transition towards incorporation.


In order to transforming the wishes and ideas of the WCUG members (and the Wikisource users in general) into action, the group counts on several tools:

  • User involvement to accomplish tasks by themselves or to find consensus in their local community about topics brought up in the international mailing list. For important issues members will be contacted individually by the promoters.
  • Coding grants (Google summer of code, Outreach Program for Women), for those projects that need development time that cannot be provided by volunteers alone.
  • Wikimedia grants for those projects that need monetary support
  • Calls for Action, when all the above fails or the task is too big to be handled by the WCUG members alone, the group will issue a Call for Action to the Wikimedia movement organizations.


For communication, we'd like to use the already existing wikisource-l. As the Wikisource UG would support all Wikisource projects, we think that the list would have a major impact than a dedicated, brand-new mailing list, and the scope of the list and the group perfectly match.

Whenever IRC meetings are needed, they will happen on #wikisource接続.

And there is also the Facebook page (Aubrey has admin rights there).

ウィキソース コミュニティ利用者グループの将来像まとめ

  • target of 30-50 core members, reaching out to 100 people plus the general public
  • support possible workshops about Wikisource
  • propose technical developments and implement them through several sources (Google Summer of Code, grants, etc.)
  • offer an interface for the Wikisource community with other related institutions
  • coordinate and support Wikisource-related projects from Wikimedia Chapters and other groups



See the full 2013 Report.

  • Invitation to the User Group: On 25 July 2013, this invitation was sent to the most active members of the Wikisource communities in order to raise awareness about the existence of the effort to create an international group that would help to "get things done" and foster participation in the Wikisource mailing list. This message was sent as a one-off and users who received it will not get more personal messages unless they register in the mailing list.
  • Wikisource community survey: in order to get to know what the community considers prioritary for Wikisource and its user group, everybody is invited to take this survey. The idea of the survey started on the Wikisource mailing list on Sept 19 (see initial message by Aubrey) and after a lengthy discussion and it being translated into 11 languages by volunteers, it went public on Oct 14 2013 for 2 weeks (see message). For the results see: Wikisource survey report
  • Wikisource 10th anniversary proofreading contest, run by volunteers in it-ws, ca-ws and en-ws, from 24th Nov 2013. More information in this blog post.


See the full 2014 Report.


See the full 2015 Report.


See the full 2016 Report.








See the full 2020 Report.


See the full 2021 Report.


See the full 2022 Report.


See the full 2023 Report.


See the full 2024 Report.


  1. Aubrey (it-ws, Wikimedia Italia) as promoter. Profile.
  2. Micru (ca-ws, Amical Wikimedia) as promoter. Profile.
  3. Tpt (fr-ws, MediaWiki (maintainer of Proofread Page))
  4. GorillaWarfare (en-ws)
  5. KRLS (ca-ws, Amical Wikimedia)
  6. Dominic (en-ws, GLAM Consortium)
  7. VIGNERON (fr-ws, br-ws, Wikimedia France)
  8. Jane023 (nl-ws, en-ws)
  9. Shreya (commons, hi-wp, Board Member- Commons Photographers User Group)
  10. Lankiveil (en-wp, Wikimedia Australia)
  11. Shizhao (zh-wp)
  12. Anivar Aravind (ml-ws)
  13. Zaran (fr-ws)
  14. Erasmo Barresi (it-ws)
  15. Rtdwivedi (mediawiki)
  16. Alex brollo (it-ws)
  17. Bellayet (bn-ws)
  18. Ijon (he-ws, Wikimedia Foundation)
  19. John Vandenberg (en-ws, Wikimedia Indonesia)
  20. Clockery Fairfield (en-ws)
  21. Blurpeace (en-wp, en-ws)
  22. Nonoxb (fr-wp, fr-ws as Nonox)
  23. Zabia (de-ws, de-wp)
  24. Dovi (he-ws, en-wp)
  25. Candalua (it-ws, vec-ws)
  26. Bodhi-Baum (de-ws, de-wp)
  27. EncycloPetey (en-ws, en-wt, wikispecies)
  28. Akwugo (en-ws)(ig-ws)
  29. Econterms (talk) (en-wp, Wikimedia DC)
  30. Wieralee (pl-ws)
  31. Isha (es-ws, Wikimedia Argentina)
  32. Mr impossible (en-ws, en-wp, Wikimedia UK)
  33. Sam Wilson (en-ws)
  34. Hinote (ru-ws)
  35. Arnd (de-ws, de-wp)
  36. -jkb- (cs-ws, de-wp, sourceswiki etc.)
  37. joergens.mi (de-ws, de-wp, commons)
  38. Yann (fr-ws, en-ws, sa-ws, commons)
  39. Romaine (nl-ws, nl-wp, Commons)
  40. Jayantanth (bn-ws, bn-wp, Commons)
  41. Jonathan Groß (de-ws, de-wp, commons)
  42. AdamBMorgan (en-ws, en-wp, en-voy, commons, etc)
  43. 555/Lugusto
  44. John Carter (en-ws primarily)
  45. Dick Bos (en-ws, nl-ws, en-wp, nl-wp)
  46. eitan (he-ws, he-wp)
  47. Daniel Mietchen (Commons, Wikidata and en-wp, with a growing interest in en-ws)
  48. DutchTreat (en-ws)
  49. Manojk (talk) (ml-ws)
  50. User:OrbiliusMagister (talk) (it-ws)
  51. Pradeep (new to en:ws, India)
  52. Nahum (talk) (he-ws)
  53. Bluerasberry (en-wp, en-ws)
  54. -revi (ko-wp, ko-ws, Commons)
  55. billinghurst sDrewth (enWS, plus odds and sods)
  56. Weft (fr-ws, fr-wp)
  57. geraki (el-ws, el-wp, com, wd)
  58. Ankry (pl-ws, com, sourceswiki)
  59. Accurimbono (wikidata, it-ws, la-ws)
  60. Slowking4 (talk) (en-ws)
  61. Touzrimounir (talk) (ar-ws, Wikimedia Tunisia)
  62. Zdzislaw (pl-ws)
  63. Rachmat (ace-wp, id-ws, Wikimedia Indonesia)
  64. Satdeep Gill (pa-wp), (pa-ws)
  65. Bodhisattwa (bn-ws, commons, wikidata, West Bengal Wikimedians)
  66. Masssly (en-wp, incubator, Wikimedia Ghana UG)
  67. Hamed gamaoun (fr-ws, ar-ws, Wikimedia Tunisia)
  68. Emna Mizouni (en-ws, ar-ws, fr-ws, Wikimedia Tunisia)
  69. Psychoslave (talk) (en-misc, eo-misc, fr-misc, WM France)
  70. perigou (en-ws, ar-ws, fr-ws, Wikimedia algeria)
  71. KuboF (eo-ws, sk-ws, rue-ws, UG Esperanto and Free Knowledge, Wikimedia Slovakia)
  72. (en-ws,de-ws)
  73. Subhashish Panigrahi (or-ws, or-misc, Commons)
  74. Omshivaprakash (kn-ws, kn-wp, kn-wq, commons)
  75. Leutha (talk)
  76. Danny B. (cs-ws, sk-ws, cs-misc, sk-misc, other projects)
  77. Spiritia (bg-wp, bg-ws, commons, meta, Wikimedians of Bulgaria UG)
  78. Balajijagadesh (talk) (ta-ws, ta-wp, ta-wiktionary)
  79. Mohammed Ammar (talk) (ta-wp, ta-ws)
  80. Mardetanha (fa-ws and other projects)
  81. Jamie Tubers (en-wp, yo-wp, en-ws, wikidata, commons, meta, WUGN)
  82. Ah3kal (el-ws, en-ws, sourcewiki, el-misc)
  83. MassiveEartha (en-wp, en-ws, commons)
  84. MartinPoulter (en-ws)
  85. Hsarrazin (fr-ws, wd)
  86. carlojoseph14 (en-wp, tl-wp, en-ws, commons, wd)
  87. MJL (en-ws, en-wp)
  88. Ananth subray(kn-ws, kn-wp, kn-wq, commons, Wikidata)
  89. Avicenno (ar-ws, ar-wp, en-wp)
  90. Renessaince (be-ws, be-tarask-wp)
  91. Jon Harald Søby (mul-ws, no-ws, wd, nb-wp, Wikimedia Norge)
  92. Gopala Krishna A (kn-ws, kn-wiki, commons)
  93. Gurlal Maan (pa-ws,pa-wp)
  94. Stalinjeet Brar (talk) (pa-ws,pa-wp, Wikidata, Commons, pa-wiktionary)
  95. B20180 (th-ws, th-wp, Thai language sister projects, etc.)
  96. Satpal Dandiwal (talk) (pa-ws,pa-wp, Wikidata, Commons)
  97. Lokesha kunchadka (kn-ws, kn-wiki, commons)
  98. Ranjithsiji (ml-ws, commons)
  99. J ansari (hi-ws and other projects)
  100. Wikilover90 (pa-ws and hi-ws)
  101. अजीत कुमार तिवारी (hi-wp, hi-ws and bh-wp)
  102. अनिरुद्ध!, (hi-wp, hi-ws)
  103.  User:HakanIST (tr-wp, wikidata, commons, tr-ws)
  104.  Geonuch (th-ws, th-wp, Thai language sister projects)
  105.  Viztor (zh-ws)
  106. Consulnico (fr-ws)
  107. Arxivist (uk-ws, commons, uk-wp, wikitada)
  108. कन्हाई प्रसाद चौरसिया(hi-wp, hi-ws and multilingual)
  109. Atudu (talk)((bn-ws, bn-wp, Commons)
  110. Leh Palych (uk-ws, uk-wd, uk-wp)
  111. Ruthven (it-ws, nap-ws, Wikimedia France)
  112. Nehaoua (ar-ws, fr-ws, en-ws)
  113. Jahl de Vautban (fr-ws)
  114. Agus Damanik (id-ws)
  115. Newbamboo (zh-ws)
  116. Obuezie (en-ws)(ig-ws)
  117. Draco flavus (pl-ws)
  118. AKibombo (en-ws)
  119. Atibrarian (talk) 21:18, 15 December 2022 (UTC) (en-ws)
  120. NANöR (ar-ws)
  121. Mulkh Singh (talk) 17:34, 4 March 2023 (UTC) (pa-ws,pa-wp, Commons)
  122. حبيشان (ar-ws)
  123. Omorodion1 (talk) 19:44, 3 June 2023 (UTC) (en-ws)
  124. Osps7 (ar-ws/ en-ws)
  125. Info-farmer (talk)ta.wikimedia,Commons,wd Stalk toy.)
  126. GeoO (talk) (hy-ws)
  127. RukayatAjeigbe (en-wp, wikidata, meta & Commons)
  128. Macocobovi (en-ws, ig-ws, ha-ws, wikidata & Commons)
  129. Mndetatsin (en-ws, fr-ws, fr-wp, fr-wiktionary, Wikidata & Commons)
  130. Lim Natee (ms-ws, id-ms, zh-ws, th-ws)
  131. Giantflightlessbirds (en-ws, Wikimedia NZ)
  132. Azogbonon (talk) 18:23, 24 October 2023 (UTC)
  133. Timzy D'Great (talk) 09:16, 1 November 2023 (UTC)
  134. Frederick Noronha (talk 02 Nov 2023
  135. Arian (fa-wp, fa-ws, Wikidata & Commons)
  136. Borandokht (talk) 22:02, 18 December 2023 (UTC)
  137. Salema younus (ar-ws,en-ws)
  138. Angayubagia (ban-ws,id-ws)
  139. Mutumanikam (talk) (id-ws,su-ws)
  140. Anup Sadi (talk) (bn-ws, bn-wp, Commons)
  141. Ninjastrikers (talk) (my-ws, my-wp, my-wt & incubator)
  142. Mrifqis713 (talk) 13:30, 2 June 2024 (UTC) (id-ws)
  143. Filipinayzd (talk) (bcl-ws, war-ws, ilo-ws, ceb-ws, Commons)
  144. Maffeth.opiana (talk (bcl-ws,Commons)
  145. Aspere (talk) (ko-ws, ko-wp)
  146. Darafsh (talk)
  147. Nivopol (talk) (fr-ws)
  148. Perohanych (talk) (uk-wp, commons, uk-ws, wikitada)
  149. Lepticed7 (fr-[ws, wp, wikt], eo-ws, Wikimedia France)
  150. Maire (talk) (pl-wp, pl-ws, Commons, WMPL)
  151. Arash (talk)
  152. Alien333 ( what I did
    why I did it wrong
    ) (en-ws, en-wp)
  153. --Ignacio Rodríguez (talk) 15:24, 1 September 2024 (UTC) (es-ws sysop)
  154. Goodymeraj (talk) 04:20, 17 September 2024 (UTC)
  155. JyotiPN (talk) 05:30, 25 September 2024 (UTC)JyotiPN (as-ws, as-wp)
  156. Mr. Snatch (talk) 10:45, 02 November (UTC) (en-ws, en-wv, commons)
  157. Marife.altabano (talk) 09:50, 8 December 2024 (UTC)
  158. Amrit Sufi (talk) 12:42, 6 February 2025 (UTC)
  159. DivineGaby (en-ws,Wikimedia Community UserGroup Uganda)
  160. Anita Braga (pt-ws, Wiki Editoras LX)
  161. Letherian3 (uk-wp, wikitada, commons, uk-ws, uk-wq)
  162. Bennylin (id.ws, jv.ws)
3月 2025
月曜日 火曜日 水曜日 木曜日 金曜日 土曜日 日曜日
Paris 11:00 fr Atelier Wikisource Autrices

See also