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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Ideal candidate profile (2019) and the translation is 48% complete.



為了在越發複雜、快速變動的技術與社會環境下達成維基媒體2030的策略目標,維基媒體基金會持續的精進其運作與效益。我們在一個競爭排行充斥、受世人高度關注檢討、有豐富經驗與強大金援的商業公司的環境下,運行世界排名第五大的網站。我們也支持著世界上散佈最廣的志工網絡、合作夥伴片及教育界、文化界、以及科研領域。我們有超過350位的雇員,並且也預期將會在明年有大量的成長,並且在基金會轄下管理著超過1.5億美金的資產。維基媒體有著多重利益關係者、經常變動的生態體系。維基媒體基金會董事會成員(Trustees on the Wikimedia Board)在塑形核准基金會策略、確保資源妥善運用來達成使命、或與我們的社群與社會大眾互動已成就我們的願景使命與價值觀⋯⋯這些部分,扮演著至關重要的角色。





  • 你是任務與價值驅動的領導者,深切期許自身分享權力與知識,同時也影響全球朝向更公平開放世界的社會變革前進。
  • 理想上,你也有個人的經歷成功地領導一個組織的成長、規模化、或進行策略變革。
  • You found ways to hire faster, train faster, and change processes faster by engendering a culture focused on performance and collaboration.
  • You have high standards and ask the right questions to push an organization to new levels of professionalism and achievement, while also protecting against undesirable financial and organizational disruption.
  • You understand how to evaluate the performance of a complex technology, product, data multimedia platform, ideally one that is open source, open data, or community-led.
  • You are comfortable dealing with ambiguity and handling change; you can provide thoughtful feedback, be responsive and take up and follow-through with commitments.
  • You have communicated across teams, networks and cultures to support innovative partnerships and ventures. You are familiar with international environments, and open to different perspectives and approaches while remaining very respectful of others.
  • You have a deep respect for individual privacy and freedom of inquiry.
  • You have the time to commit to learning, attending and participating in events, discussions and documents regarding the technological and organizational growth of the Wikimedia Foundation and the Wikimedia movement.
  • You have expertise related to the upcoming priorities of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Time/effort commitment

Trustees serve for three-year, renewable terms. Each year, the Board convenes two to three times in person at different locations around the world and three to six times online, as necessary. Meetings require coordination with members across the world and across time zones. Overall, the time commitment for standard service is easily 75 hours per year (not including travel). Trustees serve on one or more Board committees, supporting and providing counsel to the CEO and her team, or promoting the Wikimedia movement through speaking engagements and connecting with the Wikimedia communities, in coordination with Foundation staff.

All Board positions are unpaid and provided in service of the movement, though Board related travel is funded by the Foundation.

Once you are on the Board, you need to have the ability and agility to fully embrace a role where your primary responsibility is to ensure the health and sustainability—and good governance—of the Wikimedia Foundation. Being a Wikimedia Foundation Board member is not a job for the faint of heart. It is for a leader willing to invest significant time and energy in being an effective steward of the world's singular and vital knowledge commons on the internet.

We welcome any new prospective candidates reaching out to us, individually, to better understand the expectations, the responsibilities, the workload and what it might take to be an effective Board member.
