Wikimania 2005:Main Page
W I K I M A N I A 2 0 0 5 A r c h i v e
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![]() Wikimania 2005: The First International Wikimedia Conference will be held in Frankfurt am Main, Germany from 4 August 2005 to 8 August 2005. Wikimania provides an opportunity to meet and talk with people at the forefront of the Wikimedia communities and wiki software development. Researchers and speakers will present studies and experiments on Wikipedia and other projects operated by the Wikimedia Foundation, on wiki culture and technology, and on the world of free knowledge. The programme will include a range of presentations, workshops, and tutorials, aimed at newcomers and oldtimers alike, to give for the first time a concise overview of the current state of research on wikis and free knowledge projects. Come brainstorm with the global Wikimedia community about theoretical and practical uses and implications of wikis. A primary goal of the conference is to bring together the communities of the various Wikimedia projects and to help them improve their understanding of one another. Don't miss this chance to meet one of the most diverse groups of people on Earth, working together to bring free knowledge to the world. The majority of sessions and conversations will be in English, although material from the conference will be translated into multiple official languages. Latest updates1 August: The Hacking Days begin. The Frankfurt WikiReaders arrive. A Wikimania blog is started, for rapid updates about the conference. |