Wikimania 2005:Social events
W I K I M A N I A 2 0 0 5 A r c h i v e
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A number of social events are planned for participants of Wikimania. This page briefly describes some of the planned events. More will be announced during the conference.
The Wiki lounge
The wiki lounge is one large hall at the conference site which will be reserved day and night for Wikimedians' favourite activity: editing the wikis. We'll try to provide public terminals and encourage people to bring their laptops with them.
Wikimania starts with an informal get-together on Thursday evening. On Saturday night, we'll have a big party in the Brotfabrik, sponsored by SUN Microsystems.
- Brotfabrik
- Bachmannstraße 2-4
How to get there: Standing at the main entrance of the Haus der Jugend in view to the river, you turn right and follow the street until the next bridge. This is the Frankensteiner Platz, from which you take the Trambahn line 14 direction Johanna-Tesch-Platz/Ernst-May-Platz. Leave the Tram at the station "Zoo" and change to the subway U6, direction "Heerstraße" . Get off at the station Am Fischstein (U6). The Brotfabrik is in walking distance. You can also take the subway line U7 direction " Ffm Hausen" and get off at the station "Nelkenstraße".
On the town

Friday and Sunday nights, there will be downtime; some groups may want to head out on the town together. Suggestions and signup sheets will be worked out on the Wikimania site on Meta-Wiki.
Monday, for people not yet heading home, there will be a few trips into the city and surrounding countryside.
Museum trips

The National Library of Germany is located in Frankfurt and will give us two guided visits on Monday at 11:00. One in English and one in German. Register early at the conference or on meta. There will be only place for 20 people on each tour. Taking pictures will be also allowed; afterwards there will be a presentation of some of their technology for those interested.
Contests and competitions
There will be a trivia contest at the end of Sunday. Teams will compete; much of the trivia will have some tangential association to the Wikimedia projects and their historical events.
There will be a media and writing contest concluding on Sunday as well.