Wikimania 2005:Transport
W I K I M A N I A 2 0 0 5 A r c h i v e
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The venue for the conference, the Haus der Jugend, is near the center of Frankfurt, easily reachable by car, train and plane.
By Car
[edit]Click here for full map
Coming from the north drive on highway 5 (A5) up to Bad Homburger Kreuz. Take the highway 661 (A661) in the direction of Offenbach and continue up to "Offenbach-Kaiserlei".
Coming from other directions, take highway 3 (A3) to Offenbacher Kreuz. Then take highway 661 (A661) in the direction of Offenbach and continue up to "Offenbach-Kaiserlei".
Leaving the highway, you will enter a traffic roundabout. Leave the roundabout in the direction of Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen, and drive along the river Main for approximately 3 km. The road makes a turn to the left, and then after another 500m, a turn to the right. Please stay in the right lane of the two turn off lanes. After the next set of traffic lights (street: Deutschherrnufer) drive another 100m and you will reach the Haus der Jugend.
Please note: free parking near the location is quite difficult to find.
By Plane
[edit]At the Frankfurt Flughafen airport take the underground "S-Bahn" train towards the city. The "Regionalbanhof" is located underground next to Terminal 1. (If you arrive at Terminal 2, you need to take the shuttle bus to the Banhof stations.)
Take the S8 or S9 train from Track 1 to towards the main Hauptbahnhof. It should cost 3.30 euro.
It should the direction of Hanau up to the main railway station of Frankfurt (3 stops). For further directions see section "by public transport" below.
At the Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn, which is located about 120 km west of Frankfurt, you have to take the bus to Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof (the main railway station). The fare is 12€ and journey time is approx. 1:45 h. For further directions see section "by public transport" below.
By Taxi
[edit]Ask the driver to take you to the "Haus der Jugend." They will know where to take you.
By Public Transport
[edit]- Take a train (S8 or S9) or bus to the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof (the main railway station).
- Leave the Hauptbahnhof (main railway station) through the main exit. On the right hand side you will find the bus station.
- Take Bus #46 in the direction of "Mühlberg". This bus runs every 30 minutes, on the hour and half hour. The fare should be either 1.80 or 2.05 euro.
- Get off at the bus stop "Frankensteiner Platz". From there proceed on foot for 40 m back the way the bus came, to the entrance of the Haus der Jugend.
The bus does not run in the evening and quite infrequently at the week-end, so you should then take the tram 16 in the direction of "Offenbach Stadtgrenze" to stop "Lokalbahnhof". In the Dreieichstraße go in a northerly direction to the river Main. Take a left turn into the street "Deutschherrnufer." After approx. 100 m, you will reach the Youth-Hostel.
Organize travel occasions
[edit]On Wikimania:Transport on Meta-Wiki you can organize group travels with other wikimedians.
Useful links
[edit]- Frankfurt International Airport:
- Airport Frankfurt Hahn:
- German rail: Deutsche Bahn
- (english) - German Rail with online-ticketing. You can get special discounts up to 62,5% by booking in advance.
- Public transport: Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund