Wikicat Technical Design/Enumerated Types
Wikicat enumerated types are sets of values defining individual types which are then used in the attribute type definitions of actual entities in the model. In relational database terms, an enumerated type is simply a table (1 table defines 1 type) with a set of controlled, usually seed-only values. Every entity table having a column of one of these types will store a "foreign key" to it. Note, though, that this foreign key is not for the purposes of normalization, since the enumerated type has no other data. Rather, it is for the purposes of value control.
Model Entity Type
[edit]Defines the entity types in the model using entities derived from Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (pp. 13-16) and Functional Requirements for Authority Data (pp. 7-15). Used to allow "multi-table" foreign keys where a relationship can exist between one type of entity and several others. For example, a Manifestation, a Work, and an Expression all have titles associated with them.
> DESC model_entity_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- entity_code VARCHAR(3) Code of the model entity type NOT NULL name VARCHAR(25) Short name of the entity type NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE desc VARCHAR(100) Description of the entity type NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * from model_entity_type; model_entity_code name ------------------------------------------------------ mnf Manifestation wrk Work exp Expression itm Itemser Series/Continuing Resourceper Person fam Family crp Corporate Body cpt Concept obj Object evt Event plc Place
Information Nominality
[edit]Nominality or actuality of any particular Wikicat data. Used to modify another data column to indicate whether its "purely bibliographic" data is:
- nominal-only: information appears on the item but is not actually true in the real-world and hence is not modelled within Wikicat
- actual-only: does not appear on the item but was provided by the cataloger and hence is modelled (on the good-faith assumption it is true in the real-world)
- actual and nominal: information is both true (modeled) and appears on the item
- mixed: information taken from the item is intermixed with the cataloger's corrections/modifications; the cataloger information is modelled
- neither: information does not exist on the item nor can it be provided reliably by the cataloger
For catalog data formulated according to ISBD principles, the actual data appearing on the item is always transcribed, with cataloger corrections contained within brackets- '[' and ']'- following or interspersed with the data. Examples of each type of information nominality for possible imported data follows:
- actual and nominal:
- 2nd ed., 2nd printing
- actual-only:
- [2nd ed., 2nd printing]
- nominal-only:
- 2nd ed., 2nd printing [ sic ]
- mixed:
- 2nd ed., [2nd printing]
- neither:
- [2nd ed., 2nd printing?]
- [ s.n. ]
See ISBD(M): 0.10 Misprints for the formal ISBD rules on transcribing incorrect data. In the future Wikidata may have direct support for such complex modelling requirements.
> DESC info_nominality_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- nom_code VARCHAR(3) Information nominality code; NOT NULL primary key name VARCHAR(25) Nominality type name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE description VARCHAR(50) Nominality description NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * from info_nominality_type; nom_code name ------------------------------------------------------ nom Nominal-only act Actual-only bth Nominal and Actual mix Mixed nth Neither
Catalog ID Scheme
[edit]Different identity schemes for catalog entities. An ID uniquely determines an entity within its scheme.
> DESC catalog_id_scheme; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- scheme_code VARCHAR(4) Catalog identity scheme code; NOT NULL primary key short_name VARCHAR(25) Short name of the scheme NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE name VARCHAR(50) Full name of the scheme NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE primary_entity VARCHAR(3) Primary entity type using the scheme. Foreign key to MODEL_ENTITY_TYPE active DATERANGE Period during which the scheme is/was active gov_level VARCHAR(3) Level of government at which the scheme applies; foreign key to JURISDICTION_LEVEL primary_country INT(5) Primary country responsible for the scheme; foreign key to COUNTRY
> select * from catalog_id_scheme; scheme_code name prime_entity_type jurisdiction_lvl ------------------------------------------------------------- isbn International mnf int Standard Book Number issn International mnf int Standard Serial Number lccn Libarary of mnf nat Congress Control Number
Though most identifier schemes are for Manifestation entity types, there are several schemes for Work entities:
- ISTC (International standard text code)
- OWI (OCLC work identifier)
- ISWC (Musical works)
- ISAN (Audio-visual works)
Common schemes at the manifiestation level are:
- ISSN (serial)
- ISMN (music)
- v-ISAN
- Handle
- LC and other national bibliography identifiers
- OCN (OCLC control number)
See the ELAG 2010 Workshop on FRBR and Identifiers slides for more info.
Work Types
[edit]Form of Content
[edit]> DESC form_content_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- form_content_code VARCHAR(3) Form of content code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Form of content short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * form_content_type; form_content_code name ------------------------------------------------------ cin Cinegraphic dat Data gra Graphical lit Literary/Textual map Cartographic mus Musical prg Computer Program rea Realia/Artifact
Values taken from AACR2's The Logical Structure, p. 26, Table 1: Defined scope for classes of materials.
Expression Types
[edit]Form of Expression
[edit]Form of an Expression- i.e. how the Work is fixed/realized.
> DESC expression_form_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- exp_form_code VARCHAR(3) Form of expression code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Form of expression short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * expression_form_type; exp_form_code name ------------------------------------------------------ alp Alpha-numeric notation crp Corporeal (dance, mime, etc.) img Still Image/Graphic mov Moving Image/Video mus Musical notation sou Sound 3d Three-dimensional Realia
Values taken from AACR2's The Logical Structure, p. 26, Table 1: Defined scope for classes of materials.
Expression Extent Unit Type
[edit]Extent unit types for Expressions; because an Expression is not physically-embodied, extent measurements that are a function of physical characteristics (e.g. page count) are not included.
> DESC expr_extent_unit_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- ext_unit_code VARCHAR(3) Extent unit code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Extent unit short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * expr_extent_unit_type; ext_unit_code name ------------------------------------------------------ dur Duration/Playing-time img Images rec Records stm Statements wrd Words
Material-Specific Types
[edit]Class of Material Type
[edit]Class of material describes the class to which a Manifestation belongs, and determines which attributes are relevant to describing it. Class of material is a product both of content and form of physical carrier. Hence the inclusion of static graphical material, such as transparencies or slides, into the Projected Image class which more typically contains films and video recordings. The fact that a transparency or slide requires an external device to view outweighs the fact that it conveys a non-moving image.
> DESC class_material_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- class_mat_code VARCHAR(3) Class of material code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Class of material short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE description VARCHAR(100) Class of material description NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * class_material_type; class_mat_code name description ------------------------------------------------------ gra Graphic Graphic material, non-projected elc Electronic Resource Electronic resoure- computer files, online resource, etc. map Cartograph Cartographic work (map, globe, etc.) mic Microform Microform mus Music Musical composition mov Projected Image Motion pictures, video recordings, and projected images rea Realia Three dimensional realia, either an artifact or naturally-occurring sou Sound Recording Recorded sound txt Text/Literary Textual, literary, or otherwise linguistic
Values synthesized from UNIMARC 1XX fields and MARC21 LEADER, 006, 007, and 008 fields, and particularly AACR2's The Logical Structure... Table I, p. 26.
Text-Related Types
[edit]Serial-Related Types
[edit]Music-Related Types
[edit]Graphic Types
[edit]Cartographic Types
[edit]Projected Image Types
[edit]Microform Types
[edit]Audience Type
[edit]Various types of audiences for an item used for such things as indicating the intended audience a Work was created for.
> DESC audience_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- audience_code VARCHAR(3) Code for a particular audience NOT NULL description VARCHAR(50) Description of the audience NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * from work_audience_type; audience_code description ------------------------------------------------------ juv Juvenile ppr Pre-primary, ages 0-5 pri Primary, ages 5-10 chi Children, ages 9-14 tee Young adult (teenager), ages 14-20 ads Adult, serious adu Adult, general unk Unknown med Medical professional law Legal professional sci Scientific/technical specialist
Taken from UNIMARC 100 $a/17-19.
Title Type
[edit]Defines various types of titles:
> DESC title_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- title_type_code VARCHAR(3) Code of the title type NOT NULL name VARHCAR(25) Title type name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE description VARCHAR(100) Description of the title type NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * from title_type; title_type_code description ------------------------------------------------------ prp Title proper. Chief title. pll Parallel title proper. The title proper in another language or script. key Key title. Assigned to the serial publication the text belongs to. oth Other title. Subtitles and other title information subordinate to a title proper.por Portion of title.dst Distinctive title. Addition to regular title to distinguish individual issues. cvr Cover title. Title on the cover when cover not chief source of description. add Added title page title. Title in another language on title page not used as chief source of description. cap Caption title. Printed at the head of the first page of text. run Running title. Printed on the top or bottom margin of each page. spi Spine title. Publisher's title on the spine of the publication.var Variant title. Title borne by the text other than a parallel title that varies from the title proper.qlf Title qualifier. Assigned to serial key titles to create uniqueness
Information taken from UNIMARC field 200, AACR2 Tab 7 pp. 2-9, and the second indicator of MARC21 fiel 246.
Entity Responsibility
[edit]Defines the various responsibilities a person, corporate body, etc., could have in relation to an entity in the model, typically with regard to its creation.
> DESC responsibility_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- resp_code VARCHAR(3) Responsibility code NOT NULL description VARCHAR(100) Description of the responsibility TRANSLATABLE class_material VARCHAR(3) Typical (but not exclusive) class of material the responsibility applies to. Foreign key to CLASS_MATERIAL_TYPE
> select * from responsibility_type; resp_code description class_material ------------------------------------------------------ act Actor vid adp Adapter txt aft Author of afterword, txt colophon, etc. anm Animator vid ann Annotator txt ant Bibliographic txt antecedent app Applicant aqt Author in quotations or text abstracts arc Architect aft arr Arranger art Artist asg Assignee asn Associated name att Attributed name auc Auctioneer aft aud Author of dialog txt aui Author of introduction txt aus Author of screenplay txt aut Author txt bdd Binding designer txt bjd Bookjacket designer txt bkd Book designer txt bkp Book producer txt bnd Binder txt bpd Bookplate designer txt bsl Bookseller txt ccp Conceptor chr Choreographer clb Collaborator cli Client cll Calligrapher txt clt Collotyper cmm Commentator cmp Composer mus cmt Compositor cng Cinematographer vid cnd Conductor mus cns Censor txt coe Contestant -appellee col Collector aft com Compiler cos Contestant vid cot Contestant -appellant cov Cover designer txt cpc Copyright claimant cpe Complainant-appellee cph Copyright holder cpl Complainant cpt Complainant-appellant cre Creator crp Correspondent crr Corrector csl Consultant csp Consultant to a project cst Costume designer vid ctb Contributor cte Contestee-appellee ctg Cartographer map ctr Contractor cts Contestee ctt Contestee-appellant cur Curator cwt Commentator for written text dfd Defendant dfe Defendant-appellee dft Defendant-appellant dgg Degree grantor dis Dissertant dln Delineator dnc Dancer dnr Donor dpc Depicted dpt Depositor drm Draftsman drt Director dsr Designer dst Distributor dte Dedicatee dto Dedicator dub Dubious author edt Editor egr Engraver elt Electrotyper eng Engineer etr Etcher exp Expert fac Facsimilist flm Film editor fmo Former owner fpy First party fnd Funder frg Forger grt Graphic technician hnr Honoree hst Host ill Illustrator ilu Illuminator ins Inscriber inv Inventor itr Instrumentalist ive Interviewee ivr Interviewer lbt Librettist lee Libelee-appellee lel Libelee len Lender let Libelee-appellant lgd Lighting designer lie Libelant-appellee lil Libelant lit Libelant-appellant lsa Landscape architect lse Licensee lso Licensor ltg Lithographer lyr Lyricist mfr Manufacturer mdc Metadata contact mod Moderator mon Monitor mrk Markup editor mte Metal-engraver mus Musician nrt Narrator opn Opponent org Originator orm Organizer of meeting oth Other own Owner pat Patron pbd Publishing director pbl Publisher pfr Proofreader pht Photographer plt Platemaker pop Printer of plates ppm Papermaker ppt Puppeteer prc Process contact prd Production personnel prf Performer prg Programmer prm Printmaker pro Producer prt Printer pta Patent applicant pte Plaintiff -appellee ptf Plaintiff pth Patent holder ptt Plaintiff-appellant rbr Rubricator rce Recording engineer rcp Recipient red Redactor ren Renderer res Researcher rev Reviewer rpt Reporter rpy Responsible party rse Respondent -appellee rsg Restager rsp Respondent rst Respondent-appellant rth Research team head rtm Research team member sad Scientific advisor sce Scenarist scl Sculptor scr Scribe sec Secretary sgn Signer sng Singer spk Speaker spn Sponsor spy Second party srv Surveyor std Set designer stl Storyteller stn Standards body str Stereotyper tch Teacher ths Thesis advisor trc Transcriber trl Translator tyd Type designer tyg Typographer vdg Videographer voc Vocalist wam Writer of accompanying material wdc Woodcutter wde Wood -engraver wit Witness
List taken almost verbatim from the MARC Realtor Codes list.