Wikicat Technical Design/Cartographic Enumerated Types
Wikicat datamodel cartographic enumerated types.
Cartographic Material Form
[edit]Form of cartographic material.
> DESC cartgrph_form_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- form_type_code VARCHAR2(3) Form cartographic material code NOT NULL name VARCHAR2(50) Form cartographic material short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * cartgrph_form_type; form_comp_code name ------------------------------------------------------ atl Atlas dia Diagram glo Globe map Map mod Model pla Plan prf Profile rsi Remote Sensing Image sec Section vw View
Values taken from UNIMARC field 124 $b.
Cartographic Scale
[edit]Scale types and axis types for cartographic material.
> DESC cartgrph_scale_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- scale_type_code VARCHAR(3) Cartographice scale type code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Cartographice scale type short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * cartgrph_scale_type; scale_val_code name ------------------------------------------------------ ang Angular lne Linear oth Other
Cartographic Axis
[edit]> DESC cartgrph_axis_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- axis_type_code VARCHAR(3) Cartographice scale axis type code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Cartographice scale axis type short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * cartgrph_axis_type; axis_type_code name ------------------------------------------------------ ang Angular hrz Horizontal vrt Vertical
Derived from UNIMARC field 123 $a-c,$h.
Cartographic Physical Dimension
[edit]Physical dimensions of the cartographic item.
> DESC cartgrph_phys_dim_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- dimension_code VARCHAR(3) Cartographice physical dimension type code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Cartographice physical dimension type short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * cartgrph_phys_dim_type; dimension_code name ------------------------------------------------------ 2d Two Dimensional 3d Three Dimensional
Taken from UNIMARC field 121 $a/0.
Cartographic Imaging Technique
[edit]Cartographic item imaging technique.
> DESC cartgrph_imaging_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- imaging_code VARCHAR(3) Cartographice imaging type code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Cartographice imaging type short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * cartgrph_imaging_type; imaging_code name ------------------------------------------------------ ars Active Remote Sensing com Computer man Manually Drawn plo Plotted pho Photographically prs Passive Remote Sensing
Taken from UNIMARC field 121 $a/1-2.
Cartographic Presentation Technique
[edit]> DESC cartgrph_present_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- present_code VARCHAR(3) Cartographice presentation type code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Cartographice presentation type short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * cartgrph_present_type; present_code name ------------------------------------------------------ ang Anaglyphic pol Polarized pla Planimetric dia Diagram Map flo Flowline/Flow Map dot Dot Map dgm Diagrammatric Map chp Choropleth chc Chorochromatic dsy Dasymetric isp Isopleth anm Anamorphic pic Pictorial Map sp2 Spatial Model, 2D mnd Mental/Cognitive Map hrz Views with Horizon Showing vwh Views without Horizon Showing mpv Map View pct Picto Map rdt Random Dot Map scr Screened nsc Not Screened
Taken from UNIMARC field 124 $c
Cartographic Relief Type
[edit]> DESC cartgrph_relief_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- relief_code VARCHAR(3) Cartographice relief type code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Cartographice relief type short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * cartgrph_relief_type; relief_code name ------------------------------------------------------ cnt Contours ctr Continuous Tone Shaded Relief hyp Hypsometric Tints Layer Method hac Hachures bts Bathymetry Soundings frm Form Lines shg Spot Heights col Other Methods in Color pic Pictorially lnd Landforms bti Bathymetry, Isolines roc Rock Drawings
Taken from UNIMARC field 120 $a/3-6 and MARC21 field 008 /18-21.
Cartographic Projection Type
[edit]> DESC cartgrph_proj_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- proj_meth_code VARCHAR(3) Cartographic projection method code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Cartographic projection metho short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE proj_meth_class VARCHAR(3) Method class; foreign key to CARTGRPH_PROJ_CLASS_TYPE NOT NULL
> select * cartgrph_proj_type; proj_meth_code name proj_meth_class ------------------------------------------------------- ait Aitoff azi gno Gnomic azi laa Lambert's Azimuthal Equal Area azi ort Orthographic azi azd Azimuthal Equidistant azi ste Stereographic ste aza Azimuthal Equal Area azi cha Chamberlin Trimetric azi vrt General Vertical Near-Sided azi pol Polar Stereographic azi alk Modified Stereographic for Alaska azi azu Azimuthal Specific Unknown azi azo Azimuthal, Other azi eqr Equirectangular cyl rob Robinson cyl spa Space Oblique Mercator cyl gll Gall cyl goo Goode's Homolographic cyl lac Lambert's Cylindrical Equal Area cyl mer Mercator cyl mil Miller cyl mlw Mollweide cyl sns Sinusoidal cyl mrt Transverse Mercator cyl gau Gauss-Kruger cyl plc Plate Carree cyl css Cassini's cyl lab Laborde cyl mro Oblique Mercator cyl cyu Cylindrical Specific Unknown cyl cyo Cylindrical, Other cyl ala Albers equal area con bon Bonne con lam Lambert's Conformal Conic con con Conic, Simple con mic Miller's Bipolar Oblique Conformal Conic con del De Lisle con int Projection of the International Map con tss Tissot's Conformal Conic con ply Polyconic con cnu Conic Specific Unknown con cno Conic, Other con arm Armadillo msc btt Butterfly msc eck Eckert msc gdh Goode's Homolosine msc mib Miller's bipolar msc vgr Van der Griten msc dmx Dimaxion msc crd Cordiform msc pyh Polyhedric msc
> DESC cartgrph_proj_class_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- proj_class_code VARCHAR(3) Cartographic projection class type code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Cartographic projection class short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * cartgrph_proj_class_type; proj_class_code name ------------------------------------------------------ azi Azimuthal con Conic cyl Cylindrical msc Other
Values taken from UNIMARC field 120 $a/7-8 and MARC21 field 008 /22-23.
Remote Sensing Image Technique
[edit]> DESC cartgrph_rsi_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- rsi_code VARCHAR(3) Remote sensing image type code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Remote sensing image short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE
> select * cartgrph_rsi_type; rsi_code name class ------------------------------------------------------ vid Video Recording lie fcp False Color Photography lie msp Multispectral Photography lie mss Multispectral Scanning lie lic Light Emission, Combo lie ils Infrared Line Scanning the thc Thermal Infrared Scanning, Combo the slr Side-looking Airborne Radar mic sar Synthetic Aperture Radar mic pmm Passive Microwave Mapping mic
> DESC cartgrph_rsi_class_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- rsi_class_code VARCHAR(3) Remote sensing image class type code NOT NULL name VARCHAR(50) Remote sensing image class short name NOT NULL TRANSLATABLE rsi_class VARCHAR(3) Method class; foreign key to CARTGRPH_RSI_CLASS_TYPE NOT NULL
> select * cartgrph_rsi_class_type; rsi_class_code name ------------------------------------------------------ lie Light Emission mic Microwave the Thermal Infrared Scanning
Values taken from UNIMARC field 124 $g.
Physical Medium
[edit]> DESC cartgrph_phys_medium_type; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- medium_code VARCHAR2(3) Cartograph physical medium NOT NULL code name VARCHAR2(50) Cartograph physical medium NOT NULL short name TRANSLATABLE
> select * cartgrph_phys_medium_type; medium_code name ------------------------------------------------------ pap Paper woo Wood stn Stone mtl Metal syn Synthetics skn Skin txl Textile mgc Magnetic Storage Medium, Computer mag Magnetic Storage Medium, Non-Computer trp Tracing Paper crd Cardboard pla Plaster
Values taken from UNIMARC field 121 $a/3-4.