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Wikicat Technical Design/Music Enumerated Types

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Wikicat datamodel music and sound-related enumerated types.

Music Form Composition


Musical form of composition types.

    > DESC music_form_comp_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    form_comp_code VARCHAR2(3)   Form composition code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Form composition short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * music_form_comp_type;
    form_comp_code    name
    air               Air
    ant               Anthem
    ari               Aria
    blt               Ballet
    bal               Ballad (non-folk)
    blg               Bluegrass
    blu               Blues
    cha               Chaconne
    ch                Chant (non-Christian)
    chc               Chant, Christian
    chp               Chorale prelude
    cng               Concerto grosso
    cho               Chorale
    can               Canon
    con               Concerto
    chp               Chanson, polyphonic
    car               Carol
    chc               Chance Composition, aleatoric music
    can               Cantata
    cnt               Country Music
    cnz               Canzona
    dnf               Dance Form
    div               Divertimento
    fug               Fugues
    flk               Folk Music
    fan               Fantasia
    gos               Gospel Music
    hym               Hymn
    imz               Intermezzo
    jzz               Jazz
    lie               Lieder
    mrv               Musical Revues and Comedies
    mad               Madrigal
    min               Minuet
    mar               Marche
    mss               Mass
    mot               Motet
    mov               Moving Picture Music
    mlt               Multiple Form
    maz               Mazurka
    noc               Nocturne
    opr               Opera, operetta
    ort               Oratorio
    ovt               Overture
    prf               Prelude and Fugue
    prg               Programme Music
    pss               Passion Music
    pol               Polonaise
    pop               Popular Music
    pss               Passacaglia
    prt               Part-song
    pav               Pavane
    rck               Rock Music
    rnd               Rondo
    rag               Ragtime
    ric               Ricercar
    rha               Rhapsody
    req               Requiem
    sng               Song
    sin               Sinfonia
    son               Sonata
    syp               Symphonic Poem
    sqr               Square Dance
    stu               Study or Exercise
    sui               Suite
    sym               Symphony
    tcc               Toccata
    trs               Triosonata
    var               Variation
    wlz               Waltz

Values taken from UNIMARC field 128 $a and MARC21 field 008/18-19.

Sound Recording Content


Sound recording content types.

    > DESC sound_rec_cntnt_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    content_code  VARCHAR2(3)    Sound recording content code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Sound recording content short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * sound_rec_cntnt_type;
    form_comp_code    name
    ad                Advertising
    aut               Autobiography
    bio               Biography
    com               Comedy
    con               Conference Proceedings
    dra               Drama
    ess               Essay
    fic               Fiction
    flk               Folktale
    his               History
    ins               Instruction
    int               Interview
    lan               Language Instructional
    mem               Memoir
    poe               Poetry
    reh               Rehersal
    rep               Reporting
    sac               Sacred Text
    sou               Sound
    spe               Speech

Values taken from UNIMARC field 125 $b.

Music Score Type


Type of musical score.

    > DESC music_score_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    score_type_code VARCHAR(3)   Score type code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR(50)    Score type short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * music_score_type;
    score_type_code   name
    clo               Close Score
    con               Condensed/Piano Conductor
    ful               Full Score
    min               Full, Minature/Study Size
    mlt               Multiple Formats
    vca               Vocal Score, Accompaniment For Keyboard
    voc               Vocal Score, No Accompaniment

Values taken from UNIMARC field 125 $a/0 and MARC21 field 008 /20.

Music Medium Performance Type


Music medium of performance.

    > DESC music_med_perf_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    med_perf_code VARCHAR(3)     Medium of performance type code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR(50)    Medium of performance type short name
                  NOT NULL
    medium_class  VARCHAR(3)     Medium class; foreign key to MUSIC_MEDIUM_CLASS_TYPE
                  NOT NULL
    > select * music_med_perf_type;
    med_perf_code     name                  medium_class
    brb               Brass, Baritone       bra
    bre               Brass, Ethnic         bra
    cor               Cornet                bra
    hor               Horn                  bra
    trm               Trombone              bra
    tru               Trumpet               bra
    tub               Tuba                  bra
    chc               Children's Chorus     cho
    che               Chorus, Ethnic        cho
    chm               Men's Chorus          cho
    chw               Women's Chorus        cho
    chx               Chorus, Mixed         cho
    cmp               Computer              elc
    mar               ondes Martenot        elc
    syn               Synthesizer           elc
    tap               Tape                  elc
    cel               Celesta               key
    clv               Clavicord             key
    cnt               Continuo              key
    hrc               Harpsicord            key
    kye               Keyboard, Ethnic      key
    org               Organ                 key
    pia               Piano                 key
    orf               Full Orchestra        orc
    orc               Chamber Orchestra     orc
    ors               String Orchestra      orc
    bnd               Band                  orc
    ord               Dance Orchestra       orc
    len               Larger Ensemble       orc
    ore               Orchestra, Ethnic     orc
    tim               Timpani               prc
    xyl               Xylophone             prc
    mrm               Marimba               prc
    drm               Drum                  prc
    pre               Percussio, Ethnic     prc
    vln               Violin                stb
    vla               Viola                 stb
    cll               Cello                 stb
    dbs               Double Bass           stb
    vl                Viol                  stb
    vda               Viola d'amore         stb
    vdg               Viola da Gamba        stb
    sbe               String Bowed, Ethnic  stb
    har               Harp                  stp
    gui               Guitar Family         stp
    lut               Lute Family           stp
    mnl               Mandolin              stp
    spe               String Plucked, Ethnic stp
    sop               Soprano               voc
    msp               Mezzo-soprano         voc
    alt               Alto                  voc
    ten               Tenor                 voc
    bar               Baritone              voc
    vbs               Bass                  voc
    cte               Counter Tenor         voc
    vhi               High Voice            voc
    vme               Medium Voice          voc
    vlw               Low Voice             voc
    vet               Voice, Ethnic         voc
    flu               Flute                 woo
    obo               Oboe                  woo
    clr               Clarinet              woo
    boo               Bassoon               woo
    pcc               Piccolo               woo
    cag               Cor Anglais           woo
    bcr               Bass Clarinet         woo
    rec               Recorder              woo
    sax               Saxophone             woo
    woe               Woodwind, Ethnic      woo
    > DESC music_medium_class_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    med_class_code VARCHAR(3)    Music medium class type code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR(50)    Music medium class type short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * music_medium_class_type;
    med_class_code    name                  
    bra               Brass
    cho               Chorus
    elc               Electronic
    key               Keyboard
    orc               Orchestra
    prc               Percussion
    stb               String, Bowed
    stp               String, Plucked
    woo               Woodwind
    voc               Voice

Values taken from UNIMARC field 128 $b and MARC21 field 048.

Sound Recording Technique


Sound recording technique types.

    > DESC sound_rec_technique_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    rec_tech_code VARCHAR(3)     Recording technique code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR(50)    Recording technique short name
                  NOT NULL
    period        DATERANGE      Period when technique was commonly in use
    > select * sound_rec_technique_type;
    rec_tech_code     name                         period
    acc               Accoustic, Direct Storage    1875-1929
    elc               Electric, Direct Storage     1929-1947
    anl               Analog, Electrical Storage   1947-1983
    dig               Digital                      1983-

Values taken from UNIMARC field 126 $a/13 and MARC21 field 007 /13.

Sound Recording Playing Speed


Sound recording playing speed type.

    > DESC sound_play_speed_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    play_speed_code VARCHAR(3)    Playing speed code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR(50)    Playing speed short name
                  NOT NULL
    form_class    VARCHAR(3)     Form class; foreign key to SOUND_REC_FORM_CLASS_TYPE
    > select * sound_play_speed_type;
    play_speed_code   name                  form_class
    16r               16 2/3 RPM            dsc
    33r               33 1/3 RPM            dsc
    45r               45 RPM                dsc
    78r               78 RPM                dsc
    8r                8 RPM                 dsc
    1.4               1.4 m                 dsc
    2i                1 7/8 in./second      tpe
    .9i               15/16 in./second      tpe
    3i                3 3/4 in./second      tpe
    7i                7 1/2 in./second      tpe
    15i               15 in./second         tpe
    30i               30 in./second         tpe
    .8i               8/10 in./second       tpe
    .4i               4/10 in./second       tpe
    160               160 RPM               cyl
    120               120 RPM               cyl

Values taken from UNIMARC field 126 $a/1 and MARC21 field 007 /03.

Sound Recording Groove Width Type

    > DESC sound_groove_with_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    width_code    VARCHAR2(3)    Groove width code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Groove width short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * sound_groove_with_type;
    width_code        name
    std               Coarse/Standard
    fne               Microgroove/Fine
    oth               Other

Values taken from UNIMARC field 126 $a/3 and MARC21 field 007 /05.

Sound Recording Groove Cut Type

    > DESC sound_groove_cut_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    cut_code      VARCHAR2(3)    Groove cut code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Groove cut short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * sound_groove_cut_type;
    cut_code          name
    hil               Hill-and-Dale Cutting
    lat               Lateral/Combined 

Values taken from MARC21 field 007 /11.

Sound Recording Track Count Type

    > DESC sound_track_count_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    track_cnt_code VARCHAR2(3)   Track count code
                  NOT NULL
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Track count short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * sound_track_count_type;
    track_cnt_code    name
    1tr               Full Track
    htr               Half Track
    qtr               Quarter Track
    8tr               Eight Track
    12t               Twelve Track
    16t               Sixteen Track
    24t               Twenty-four Track
    6tr               Six Track

Values taken from UNIMARC field 126 $a/6 and MARC21 field 007 /08.

Sound Channels Type

    > DESC sound_channel_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    channel_code  VARCHAR2(3)    Sound channel code
                  NOT NULL
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Sound channel short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * sound_channel_type;
    channel_code      name
    mon               Monoaural
    ste               Stereophonic
    qua               Quadraphonic

Values taken from UNIMARC field 126 $a/2 and MARC21 field 007 /04.

Sound Special Playback Characteristics Type

    > DESC sound_spec_play_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    spec_code     VARCHAR2(3)    Sound special playback
                  NOT NULL       characteristics code
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Sound special playback
                  NOT NULL       characteristics short name
    > select * sound_spec_play_type;
    spec_code         name
    nab               NAB Standard
    iec               CCIR/IEC Standard
    dbx               DBX Processed
    cd                Digital (Compact Disc)
    dba               Dolby-A Encoded
    dbb               Dolby-B Encoded
    dbc               Dolby-C Encoded
    cx                CX Encoded

Values taken from UNIMARC field 126 $a/14 and MARC21 field 007 /12.

Sound Recording Generation Type

    > DESC sound_rec_generation_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    gen_code      VARCHAR2(3)    Sound recording generation
                  NOT NULL       code
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Sound recording generation
                  NOT NULL       short name
    > select * sound_rec_generation_type;
    gen_code         name
    ins              Instantaneous
    mss              Mass produced
    mst              Master Tape
    tdm              Tape Duplication Master
    dms              Disc Master (Negative)
    mth              Mother (Positive)
    stm              Stamper (Negative)
    tst              Test Pressing

Values taken from UNIMARC field 126 $b/0 and MARC21 field 007 /09.

Sound Recording Form Release


Sound recording form of release type.

    > DESC sound_rec_form_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    rec_form_code VARCHAR(3)     Recording form release code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR(50)    Recording form release short name
                  NOT NULL
    form_class    VARCHAR(3)     Form class; foreign key to SOUND_REC_FORM_CLASS_TYPE
    > select * sound_rec_form_type;
    rec_form_code     name                  form_class
    dsc               Disc                  dsc
    cyl               Cylinder              cyl
    crt               Cartridge             tap
    flm               Film
    rol               Roll
    css               Cassette              tap
    rel               Reel                  tap
    wir               Wire Recording
    > DESC sound_rec_form_class_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    class_code    VARCHAR(3)     Recording form class code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR(50)    Recording form class short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * sound_rec_form_class_type;
    med_class_code    name                  
    cyl               Cylinder
    dsc               Disc
    tap               Tape

Values taken from 126 $a/0 and MARC21 field 007 /01.

Sound Recording Carrier Material

    > DESC sound_rec_material_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    material_code VARCHAR2(3)    Material generation
                  NOT NULL       code
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Sound recording generation
                  NOT NULL       short name
    form_class    VARCHAR(3)     Form class; foreign key to
                  NOT NULL       SOUND_REC_FORM_CLASS_TYPE
    > select * sound_rec_material_type;
    material_code    name                  form_class
    laq              Lacquered             dsc
    mtl              Metal                 dsc
    shl              Shellac Pressing      dsc
    plp              Plastic Pressing      dsc
    m&p              Metal and Plastic     dsc
    wax              Wax                   cyl
    pla              Plastic               cyl
    pap              Paper Backed          tap
    act              Acetate               tap
    pvc              PVC                   tap
    ply              Polyester             tap
    cel              Cellulose Nitrate
    gla              Glass with Lacquer
    alm              Aluminum with Lacquer

Values taken from UNIMARC field 126 $b/1 and MARC21 field 007 /10.

Sound Recording Carrier Size

    > DESC sound_carrier_size_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    size_code     VARCHAR2(3)    Carrier size code
                  NOT NULL
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Carrier size short name
                  NOT NULL
    form_code     VARCHAR(3)     Release form type; foreign key to
                  NOT NULL       SOUND_REC_FORM_TYPE
    > select * sound_carrier_size_type
    size_code        name                  form_code
    3i               3 in.
    5i               5 in.
    7i               7 in.
    10i              10 in.
    12i              12 in.
    16i              16 in.
    14i              14 in.
    4tq              4 3/4 in.             dsc
    3x2              3 7/8 x 2 1.2         css
    5x3              5 1/4 x 3 7/8 in.     crt
    2x4              2 3/4 x 4 in.         cyl

Values taken from UNIMARC field 126 $a/4 and MARC21 field 007 /06.

Tape Width Type

    > DESC sound_tape_width_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    width_code    VARCHAR2(3)    Sound recording tape width
                  NOT NULL       code
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Sound recording tape width
                  NOT NULL       short name
    > select * sound_tape_width_type
    width_code       name
    .75              3/4 in.
    .5i              1/2 in.
    1i               1 in.
    .12              1/8 in.
    2i               2 in.
    8mm              1/3 in. (8 mm.)

Values taken from UNIMARC field 126 $a/5 and MARC21 field 007 /07.