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Wikicat Technical Design/Text Enumerated Types

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Wikicat datamodel text-related enumerated types.

Literary Form Type[edit]

Literary form types.

    > DESC literary_form_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    lit_form_code VARCHAR2(3)    Literary form code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Literary form short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * literary_form_type;
    lit_form_code     name
    alg               Allegory
    aph               Aphorism/Anecdote
    bio               Biography
    com               Comic Strip
    chr               Chronicle
    dia               Diary
    dra               Drama
    epi               Letter/Epistle
    ero               Erotica
    ess               Essay/Feuilleton
    fab               Fable
    fai               Fairy Tale
    hly               Hagiography
    hum               Humor/Satire
    leg               Legend
    lib               Libretto
    mem               Memoir
    mix               Mixed Form
    mys               Mystic Literature
    nov               Novel
    nva               Novella
    par               Parable
    poe               Poetry
    rom               Romance
    spe               Speech/Oratory
    sst               Short Story
    trv               Travelogue

Values taken from UNIMARC field 105 $a/11, UNIMARC field 140 $a/17-18 and MARC21 field 008 /33

Biography Type[edit]

Types of biographical material.

    > DESC biography_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    biography_code VARCHAR2(3)   Biography type code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Biography type short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * biography_type;
    biography_code    name
    aut               Autobiography
    inv               Individual Biography
    col               Collective Biography
    inf               Contains Biographical Info

Values taken from UNIMARC field 105 $a/4-7 and MARC21 field 008 /12

Specialized Text Content[edit]

Specialized textual content types.

    > DESC special_txt_content_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    txt_contnt_code VARCHAR2(3)  Special textual content code
                  NOT NULL 
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Special textual content short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * special_txt_content_type;
    txt_contnt_code   name
    abs               Abstract/Summary
    bib               Bibliography
    cal               Calendar
    com               Cartoon/Comic Strip
    cat               Catalog
    cte               Catechism
    dev               Devotional Literature
    dct               Dictionary
    dir               Directory
    dsc               Discography
    dis               Discursive
    enc               Encylopedia
    eph               Ephemera
    eul               Commemorative/Eulogistic
    exm               Exam
    flm               Filmography
    gen               Genealogy
    hbk               Handbook
    hst               Historical Work, General
    inx               Index, Separate
    ins               Instructional, General
    lwr               Law Report/Digest
    lga               Legal Articles
    lec               Legal Case
    law               Legislation
    num               Numeric Table
    pat               Patent Document
    pol               Polemical Treatise
    pro               Program Textbook
    prj               Project Description
    rec               Recordkeeping
    div               Recreational/Diversional
    rls               Religious Service Work
    rel               Religious Work, General
    rev               Review
    ser               Sermon
    sci               Scientific Work
    soc               Social Customs Rulebook
    sta               Standard/Specification
    sta               Statistics
    sur               Subject Literature Survey
    tkr               Technical Report
    txb               Textbook
    ths               Thesis
    the               Thesaurus
    trt               Treaty

Values taken from UNIMARC field 105 $a/4-7, UNIMARC field 140 $a/9-16 and MARC21 field 008 /24-27

Text Format[edit]

    > DESC text_format_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    format_code   VARCHAR2(3)    Text format code
                  NOT NULL
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Text format short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * text_format_type;
    format_code       name
    lpr               Large Print
    nws               Newspaper Format
    bra               Braille or Moon Script
    mic               Microprint
    man               Hand-written
    mlt               Multimedia
    min               Mini-print
    pri               Regular Rrint

Values taken from UNIMARC field 106 $a and MARC21 field 007 /1

Writing Material Type[edit]

    > DESC writing_material_type;
    COLUMN        TYPE           DESC
    material_code VARCHAR2(3)    Writing material medium code
                  NOT NULL
    name          VARCHAR2(50)   Writing material short name
                  NOT NULL
    > select * writing_material_type;
    medium_code       name
    pap               Paper, General
    hnd               Hand-made Paper
    ric               Rice Paper
    woo               Wood-pulp Paper
    pch               Parchment, Vellum

Values taken from UNIMARC field 106 $a/20.