Wikicat Technical Design/Common Entities
Shared/common entities of the Wikicat datamodel.
Each of the various Text entities in the model (e.g. Work, Manifestation, etc.) have title information associated with them. This relationship is 1-to-many, since a Text may have multiple titles, each of which is further broken down into various title sub-components.
> DESC title; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- title_id INT(15) Primary key of the entity NOT NULL title_type VARCHAR(3) Title type; foreign key to NOT NULL TITLE_TYPE title_text VARCHAR(200) Text of the title NOT NULL title_note VARCHAR(200) Optional note about the title title_lang INT(8) Language of the title; NOT NULL foreign key to the Ultimate Wiktionary table Language title_script INT(8) Script of title; foreign key NOT NULL to Ultimate Wiktionary table Script entity_type VARCHAR(3) Type of catalog entity the title belongs NOT NULL to- Manifestation, Work, Serial, etc. Foreign key to table MODEL_ENTITY_TYPE entity_id INT(15) Primary key of the entity; NOT NULL the actual table to which this key points is indicated by entity_type. super_title_id INT(15) The parent title proper for a sub-ordinate title type. This is a recursive foreign key. ordering INT(2) Order of the title element among NOT NULL title elements originator_type VARCHAR(3) Originator type of this title component- NOT NULL title may come from the text's author or be assigned by a bibliographic agency orginiator_id INT(15) The originating entity (assigner) of the title. Usually an author but may be a bibliographic agency or a secondary author when there are title propers by multiple authors.
Indicates sections/parts of the item below the level of the main title.
> DESC title_part; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- title_part_id INT(15) Primary key of the entity NOT NULL title_id INT(15) Enclosing title; foreign key to TITLE NOT NULL part_number VARCHAR(20) "Numeric" part indicator part_name VARCHAR(50) Textual part indicator
Title Statement Responsibility
[edit]Statement of responsibility for a particular Title within an Item. Note that this is a bibliographic attribute, in the sense that it is no more or less than what is asserted on the Item itself. A statement of responsibility may be spurious or incorrectly entered on the one hand, and on the other a party bearing primary responsibility for an Item may be no where acknowledged on it.
> DESC title_stmt_responsibility; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- title_stmt_id INT(15) Primary key of the entity NOT NULL stmt_text VARCHAR(200) Text of the title statement title_id INT(15) Title proper to which the statement is associated. Foreign key to TITLE resp_code VARCHAR(3) The type of responsibility asserted in the statement. "Foreign key" to RESPONSIBILITY_TYPE
Music Medium Performance
[edit]Musical medium of performance. One row for each distinct medium/instrument of the composition or performance. When associated with a Work this indicates the intended mediums; when associated with an Expression this indicates the actual mediums used.
> DESC music_medium_performance; COLUMN TYPE DESC ---------------------------------------------------- entity_type VARCHAR(3) Type of catalogy entity the row belongs NOT NULL to- Work or Expression only. Foreign key to table MODEL_ENTITY_TYPE entity_id INT(15) Primary key of the entity; NOT NULL the actual table to which this key points is indicated by entity_type. medium_perf VARCHAR(3) Medium of performance; foreign NOT NULL key to MUSIC_MED_PERF_TYPE solo_flag BOOLEAN If true, the performance is for a soloist; NOT NULL otherwise for an ensemble performer_num INT(4) Number of performers in this medium note VARCHAR(100) Medium performance note