User talk:NANöR
Add topicمرحبًا في الميتا!
[edit]أهلًا NANöR، ومرحبًا بك في الميتا! يعمل هذا الموقع على تنسيق ومناقشة كل مشاريع ويكيميديا. ربما سيكون من المفيد لك مطالعة صفحة السياسات هنا. إذا كنت مهتمًا بأمور الترجمة، راجع ميتا:بابلون. يمكنك أيضًا ترك ملاحظة في ميتا:بابل (من فضلك راجع أولًا التعليمات هناك قبل ترك الملاحظة). إذا أردت الاستفسار عن شيء، لا تتردد بطرحه في صفحة نقاشي. استمتع بالتحرير!
--Alaa :)..! 15:12, 29 April 2020 (UTC)
Invitation to complete a survey regarding WPWP Campaign
[edit]Hello NANöR,
Many thanks for participating in the WPWP campaign.
We are excited about the level of participation, this year and we are happy to inform you that over 90,000 articles were improved with photos in 272 languages Wikipedia.
We'd love to get your feedback. Your feedback will allow us to better meet your expectations for the campaign in the next editions.
Please complete a brief survey so that we may learn about your participation in the campaign, strengths, challenges and your expectations. This information will enable us to improve the next editions of the Campaign.
Follow this link to the Survey:
Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:
Thank you in advance for taking this survey. Stay safe!
Kind regards,
Tulsi Bhagat [ contribs | talk ]
Communication Manager, WPWP Campaign
-- Message sent using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:17, 23 September 2020 (UTC)
Sunday March 21 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
[edit]The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, and February SWAN meetings and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Grants relaunch, Universal Code of Conduct/Discussions, Wikimedia Enterprise / OKAPI, Community Board seats, Interim Global Council + Movement Charter, and WMF Executive Transition
This month we are meeting on Sunday March 21, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(Note that the UTC times of and are the same as before, although some places have had daylight savings time changes since our last meeting).--Pharos (talk) 19:39, 17 March 2021 (UTC)
Sunday April 25 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, and March SWAN meetings and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Interim Global Council + Movement Charter, WMF Resolution about the upcoming Board elections, Community Resilience and Sustainability role in Movement Strategy coordination, Grants Strategy Relaunch, and WMF Executive Transition
This month we are meeting on Sunday April 25, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(Note that the UTC times of and are the same as before, although some places may have had daylight savings time changes since our last meeting).--Pharos (talk) 04:18, 23 April 2021 (UTC)
Sunday June 6 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, and April SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter + Movement Strategy/Events, WMF Board elections, Wikimania 2021, and Grants Regional Committees.
This month we are meeting on Sunday June 6, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and – *Note that we have shifted the second call an hour earlier in UTC time due to popular demand and to accomodate daylight savings*.)--Pharos (talk) 20:47, 3 June 2021 (UTC)
A big thank you for organizing #WikiForHumanRights! And please give us feedback!
[edit]Both UN Human Rights and the WMF team are really grateful. Initial data suggests that this year we doubled the volume of content created and grew the campaign in languages and geographies. This kind of activation only works when we have local-organizers doing targeted outreach to their communities.
We are still learning how to organize this campaign, would like your feedback. Please fill out this survey at: this google form.
We will use the summary of findings and recommendations from the survey for the report on the campaign and for designing next year’s campaign. Our hope is to support more decentralized events, potentially with less experienced organizers -- so we need your help understanding what worked, what didn’t and what kinds of preparation we need to help communities with next year.
Please note that the collected information in this survey will be treated as in WikiForHumanRights Organizer Feedback Privacy Statement.--MBakni (WMF) (talk) 19:20, 15 June 2021 (UTC)
Hello NANöR,
Many thanks for participating in the maiden edition of Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos in 2020.
We are glad to inform you that the 2021 edition starts today (1st of July). You are invited to participate in the campaign again this year to help improve the quality of Wikipedia articles with photos. For more information, please visit the campaign page here.
If you have any questions or query please feel free to contact anyone from the Organizing Team of WPWP Campaign.
Kind regards,
Tulsi Bhagat [ contribs | talk ]
Communication Manager, WPWP Campaign
Message sent using --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 10:15, 1 July 2021 (UTC)
Wiki World Heritage Membership Request
Wiki World Heritage UG Membership is open to anyone who supports the group's mission and objectives. To formally become a member, it is mandatory that members fill the Membership Request Form. Requests are automatically approved, except for the case of the global ban as mentioned in the by-laws.
This will also help us facilitate this year's activities and established a communication channel. You may access the form here:
Imelda (Talk) 02:25, 19 July 2021 (UTC)
Members Liaison, Wiki World Heritage User Group
Sunday July 25 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and June SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter + Drafting Committee, WMF Board elections, Wikimania 2021, and Grants Regional Committees.
This month we are meeting on Sunday July 25, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and – *Note that we have shifted the second call an hour earlier in UTC time due to popular demand and to accomodate daylight savings*.)--Pharos (talk) 15:08, 22 July 2021 (UTC)
#WPWPCampaign2021: Learning and evaluation
[edit]Hello NANöR,
Many thanks for participating in the WPWP campaign.
We are glad about the level of participation, this year and we are excited to inform you that over 900 volunteers around the world added photos to more than 250,000 articles in 298 languages Wikipedia. This year, we surpassed the 2020 edition's milestone by over 170%.
We are in the process of evaluating the WPWP campaign this year and we need your help. We'd love to get your feedback. Your feedback will allow us to better meet your expectations for the campaign in the next editions.
Please complete a brief survey so that we may learn about your participation in the campaign, strengths, challenges and your expectations. This information will enable us to improve the next editions of the Campaign.
Follow this link to the Survey:
Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:
Thank you in advance for taking this survey.
Kind regards,
Tulsi Bhagat [ contribs | talk ]
Communication Manager, WPWP Campaign
-- Message sent using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:05, 18 September 2021 (UTC)
Sunday September 26 SWANniversary Party and All-Affiliates Strategic Meeting
Join the SWANniversary on September 26 as we mark the first year of the Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network!
We will have the regular All-Affiliates Strategic Meeting, to be followed by a SWANniversary Party in the after hours session, likely through spatialized chat on WorkAdventure.
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, June, and July SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, we'll look together at strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter + Drafting Committee, WMF Board elections, Wikimania 2021, and Grants Regional Committees.
This month we are meeting on Sunday September 26, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and .)--Pharos (talk) 18:11, 22 September 2021 (UTC)
Sunday October 31 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
[edit]The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and June, July, and September SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter Drafting Committee Set Up Process, Next Steps for Brand Work, 2021, Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday October 31, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and – *Note that we have shifted the second call a half-hour later in UTC time due to WikidataCon*.)--Pharos (talk) 01:45, 29 October 2021 (UTC)
Sunday November 28 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
[edit]The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Hubs+Hubs Workshop, Movement Charter+Drafting Committee, WMDE's 'Future of Wikimedia Governance' proposal, Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday November 28, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 15:57, 25 November 2021 (UTC)
OpenRefine and Structured Data on Commons: community meetup, February 22
[edit]![OpenRefine logo](
Hello! You are receiving this message because you signed up for updates about Structured Data on Commons (SDC) functionalities in OpenRefine.
The OpenRefine team has made quite a bit of progress in the past months. We warmly invite you to a meetup with updates and a first demo of the newly developed SDC editing functionalities in OpenRefine. Bring your questions!
- When? Tuesday, February 22, at 15:00-17:00 UTC (check the time in your timezone).
- For whom? For anyone who is curious about the current status of SDC support in OpenRefine!
- Where? Online, via Zoom. The event's info page has the link.
- The meeting will be recorded and the recording will be published to Wikimedia Commons afterwards.
Check the event page for more info. With kind regards, SFauconnier (talk) 14:50, 4 February 2022 (UTC)
Leadership Development Task Force: Your feedback is appreciated!
[edit](Read this message in other languages on Meta: العربية • Deutsch • español • français • Русский • 中文 • हिन्दी • বাংলা • Bahasa Indonesia •日本語 • 한국어 • Yorùbá • Polski • Português bosanski • hrvatski • српски / srpski)
The Community Development team at the Wikimedia Foundation is supporting the creation of a global, community-driven Leadership Development Task Force. The purpose of the task force is to advise leadership development work.
The team is looking for feedback about the responsibilities of the Leadership Development Task Force. This Meta page shares the proposal for a Leadership Development Task Force and how you can help. Feedback on the proposal will be collected from 7 to 25 February 2022.
Thank you,
The Community Development team Cassie Casares (talk) 21:10, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
Sunday February 27 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Hubs+Dialogue, Movement Charter, Universal Code of Conduct+Enforcement Voting, Brand, International Women's Day+Gender Gap and WikiForHumanRights campaigns, and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday February 27, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and ).----Pharos (talk) 03:17, 24 February 2022 (UTC)
WikiGap Challenge 2022
[edit]Hi! As one of the participants of the WikiGap Challenge 2021, I wanted to inform you that we have launched the 2022 edition of the Challenge – and you are of course more than welcome to join! The landing page of the challenge is on this page. This year, due to the pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we are extending the Challenge to 8 May. I hope this might give some extra time for everyone to take part.
As last year, the UN Human Rights Office has nominated some 25 women human rights defenders, this year specifically focusing on women active within the fields of environment and climate. Writing articles about these women yield bonus points.
Feel free to join, and reach out if you have any questions! Josefine Hellroth Larsson (WMSE) (talk) 16:21, 16 March 2022 (UTC)
Leadership Development Working Group: Apply to join!
[edit](Read this message in other languages on Meta-wiki: العربية • Deutsch • español • français • Русский • 中文 • हिन्दी • বাংলা • Bahasa Indonesia •日本語 • 한국어 • Yorùbá • Polski • Português bosanski • hrvatski • српски / srpski)
Thank you to everyone who participated in the feedback period for the Leadership Development Working Group initiative. A summary of the feedback can be found on Meta-wiki. This feedback will be shared with the working group to inform their work. The application period to join the Working Group is now open and will close on April 10, 2022. Please review the information about the working group , share with community members who might be interested, and apply if you are interested.
Thank you,
The Community Development team Cassie Casares (talk) 20:07, 22 March 2022 (UTC)
SWT Pywikibot Workshop Feedback Survey
[edit]Hello! Thanks for attending the SWT Pywikibot workshop(s).
Please fill out this short feedback survey that will help the program organizers learn how to improve the format of the workshops in the future. It shouldn't take you longer than 5-10 minutes to fill out this form: Your feedback is precious for us and will inform us of the next steps for the project. Please complete the survey by 30 March 2022.
This survey will be conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data handling, see the survey privacy statement: Thank you, Srishti via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:36, 26 March 2022 (UTC)
Sunday April 3 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including UCoC Voting, Hubs Global Conversation held + CEE Hub update, Movement Charter + Leadership Development Working Group, Desktop Improvements, Celebrate Women in March + International Women's Day, Wikimania 2022 survey concluded + Wikimedia Hackathon 2022 May 20-22 + local events, and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday April 3, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 12:45, 30 March 2022 (UTC)
OpenRefine and SDC updates: user survey and monthly office hours
[edit]Hello! You are receiving this message because you signed up for updates about the Structured Data on Commons (SDC) features that are currently developed for OpenRefine.
Short survey for SDC features in OpenRefine
[edit]![OpenRefine logo](
OpenRefine is running a short survey to learn about user needs and expectations for its new SDC features. If you upload files to Wikimedia Commons and/or edit structured data there, please help by filling in this survey!
Monthly OpenRefine and Wikimedia office hours
[edit]OpenRefine's community meetup of February 22 was very well attended. You can see its recording, slides and notes here. The team now hosts monthly, informal office hours for Wikimedians (online, via Zoom). Upcoming office hours are:
- Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 4PM UTC (how late is this in my timezone?)
- Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 8AM UTC (how late is this in my timezone?)
- Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 4PM UTC (how late is this in my timezone?)
The Zoom link of the next office hour will be posted on OpenRefine's info page on Wikimedia Commons. Please drop by and say hi!
All the best! SFauconnier (talk) 14:00, 9 April 2022 (UTC)
Sunday May 8 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including 2022 Board of Trustees Call for Candidates, Movement Charter/Content preliminary narrative, Human Rights Policy Community Conversations, Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan Feedback, IP blocking and Open Proxies discussion, Wikimedia Hackathon 2022 May 20-22 + local events, and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday May 8, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 18:57, 4 May 2022 (UTC)
Sunday June 5 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter, Hubs Global Conversation this June, WMF Proposal for Movement Strategy Forum, New rounds of WMF Conference Funds including in-person events, WMF Proposal for Sound Logo Contest, WMF Elections Analysis Committee selection, wikimania:Program submissions due June 10 (scholarship and local event grants due June 3) and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday June 5, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and ).--Pharos via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:19, 1 June 2022 (UTC)
Sunday July 3 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter, Hubs Global Conversation last week, Affiliate voting period to shortlist WMF Board candidates (July 1-15), Wikimania updates, Desktop improvements, Wikimedia Enterprise first customers, Call for program submissions and updates for a global diversity of regional/linguistic Wiki-Conferences, Wikidata:Wiki Mentor Africa and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday July 3, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and ).--Pharos via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:58, 30 June 2022 (UTC)
Join Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2022
[edit]Hello NANöR,
Thank you for participating in the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos campaign last year.
We are glad to inform you that this year's edition started on 1 July, 2022. You are invited to participate in the campaign again to help improve the quality of Wikipedia articles with photos and contextual images. For more information about the campaign and how to participate, please visit the campaign page here.
If you have any questions or query please feel free to contact the organizing team, leave a message at the campaign's talkpage or send an email to
Kind regards, --Ammarpad (talk) 21:28, 5 July 2022 (UTC) (On behalf of the Organizing Team, WPWP Campaign 2022).
[SWT] Writing Wikidata queries workshop feedback survey
[edit]Hello! Thanks for attending the "Writing Wikidata queries" workshop recently. Please fill out this short feedback survey that will help the program organizers learn how to improve the format of the workshops in the future. It shouldn't take you longer than 5-10 minutes to fill out this form: Your feedback is precious for us and will inform us of the next steps for the project. Please complete the survey by 10 September 2022. This survey will be conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data handling, see the survey privacy statement: Cheers, Srishti via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 23:49, 30 August 2022 (UTC)
Thank You! A Teamwork Barnstar from the CR Team!
[edit]![]() |
The Teamwork Barnstar | |
The Community Resources team is awarding you the Teamwork Barnstar to recognize your important and collaborative preparatory work on your Regional Fund Committee! Our team appreciates your willingness to dedicate your time, talent, and thoughts towards increasing the impact of Wikimedia movement funds. We look forward to continuing to work together and learning from you!) --DGuedri (WMF) (talk) 16:27, 10 October 2022 (UTC) |
[Small wiki toolkits] Final feedback survey
[edit]Hello! You are receiving this message as you have attended a small wiki toolkit workshop this year. If you missed attending our last feedback session on the small wiki toolkits workshops, here is a short survey that you could fill out to let us know your technical learning needs and ideas and suggestions for improving the workshop format for the next year. If you attended the feedback session, you can still fill out the survey to share ideas that you couldn't do so more anonymously during our meeting last week. We look forward to learning from your suggestions and including them in the planning for next year. Cheers, Srishti - via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:10, 2 November 2022 (UTC)
Sunday November 13 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Wikimedia Research Fund, 2023 Ombuds commission and Case Review Committee appointments process, feedback on consultation and community session of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, various Wikimania topics: (ideas/suggestions for Wikimania 2023, expressions of interest for Wikimania 2024 and beyond, expressions of interest to join Wikimania Steering Committee), and other ongoing activities.
This month we are meeting on Sunday November 13, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
(UTC meeting times are and
UTC times are different from before, and also note that some areas may have recently experienced daylight savings time changes.).--Pharos via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:59, 9 November 2022 (UTC)
Thank you for participating in the small wiki toolkits workshops this year!
Hey there! Thank you for participating in the Small Wiki Toolkits workshops this year - it was pretty cool having you around :) We have a small token of appreciation for you in the form of a badge that you can add to your user page! We are still going over the workshops organized this year, so we’ll update you early next year with our future plans. See you in 2023! Cheers, Srishti (on behalf of the SWT organizing team) via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 20:00, 16 December 2022 (UTC)
Do you want to subscribe to the Wikimedians for Sustainable Development newsletter?
[edit]Hello! Thanks for being a member of Wikimedians for Sustainable Development. We recently did a poll and understood that our newsletter was quite unknown. This is therefore a one-time invitation for all our members to sign up for our monthly newsletter. Best regards, ♥Ainali talkcontributions 14:45, 28 December 2022 (UTC)
We need your feedback on a tool from the Wikimedia Summit
Hi! I'm contacting you as one of the participants in the Wikimedia Summit 2022, to kindly ask for your feedback through a 5-10 minute survey to evaluate 'Baserow' (note: the survey is on a Google form).
Baserow was a tool through which participants in the Summit co-created a database of Movement Strategy activities. We hope to learn from you how useful it may be to keep using it in the future to help document and connect on Movement Strategy work.
You are welcome and encouraged to fill out the survey in any language. Your feedback would be very appreciated --Abbad (WMF) (talk) 14:54, 16 February 2023 (UTC).
Join the #WikiForHumanRights 2023 Launch Webinar and Writing challenge
As we approach Earth Day on April 22, I wanted to remind you about how you can contribute to the #WikiForHumanRights Campaign.
- Join the Launch Webinar
On 18 April at 15:00 UTC, we invite you to join the launch of this year’s #WikiForHumanRights campaign, with a special focus on the Pollution crisis. Learn more on Diff.
The event will include live translations in Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Arabic.
Like in previous editions, we want to encourage contributors to create content on their local language Wikipedias and Wikidata about the intersection of human rights and environmental crises. We need your help Participate on Meta.
Several language communities and local communities will be organizing specific events for the campaign. You can learn more about these events on our Community Events page.
Hope to see you contributing to the campaign! MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:47, 13 April 2023 (UTC)
You are receiving this message because you participated in the 2022 or 2021 WikiForHumanRights Writing Challenge, if you would like to not be contacted next
Join Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2023
[edit]Hello NANöR,
Thank you for participating in the previous editions of Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos campaign.
We are glad to inform you that this year's edition started on 1 July, 2023. You are invited to participate in the campaign again to help improve the quality of Wikipedia articles with photos. For more information about the campaign and how to participate, please visit the campaign page here.
If you have any question or need more information, please either contact the organizing team, leave a message at the campaign's discussion page or send an email to
Kind regards, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:37, 2 July 2023 (UTC) (On behalf of the Organizing Team, #WPWP Campaign 2023).
Sunday July 16 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (Global Council focus, now available in ar, es, fr!)
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.
We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Wikimania Singapore, Future of SWAN, Movement Charter/Content new sections (particularly Movement Charter/Content/Global Council), other activities you submit, and we will top it all off with a grand finale AI Happy Hour / Doom Hour!
This month we are meeting on Sunday July 16, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
UTC meeting times are and
Note that we are now meeting on Zoom, with interpretation in the 2nd session in (Arabic) (Spanish) (French)--Pharos (talk) 02:44, 12 July 2023 (UTC)
Wikisource Conference
[edit]Hi, NANör
how specific are the plans for the Conference? AFAIK the conference was supposed to take place in India, wasn't it?
Regards Draco flavus (talk) 12:21, 11 February 2024 (UTC)
- Hello @Draco flavus,
- We have submitted the grant proposal You can read it from this link here. The conference is supposed to take place in Indonesia. Best NANöR (talk) 19:00, 14 February 2024 (UTC)
حملة ويكي تغير المناخ في المنطقة المغاربية
[edit]Wiki for Climate Change 2024: Maghreb Region, Programme Session
تحياتي لكم جميعا
رمضان مبارك و كل عام وانتم بخير ان شاء الله
بودي أن ادعوا سيادتكم المحترمة للمشاركة في الجلسة الرمضانية الخاصة بحملة ويكي تغير المناخ 2024، و التي سوف تخصص من اجل تقديم مقترحات للأنشطة و الفعاليات و رسم برنامج الحملة الخاص بالمنطقة المغاربية
التاريخ: 16 مارس 2023
التوقيت: 21:00 حسب التوقيت العالمي المنسق
يمكنكم التسجيل و المشاركة من خلال رابط الفعالية
لمزيد من المعلومات حول الحملة العالمية ندعوكم لمتابعة صفحة الحملة في الميتا
و أدعوكم إلى تصفح صفحة الميتا الخاصة بالحملة في المنطقة المغاربية
اذا لديكم اسئلة او استفسار فلا تترددوا بالتواصل معنا عبر مجموعة في التلغرام]
English and Tifinagh
Arabic and Tifinagh
French and Tifinagh
(talk) 22:19, 14 March 2024 (UTC)
Wikipedia in Levantine Arabic
[edit]Hi @NANöR! I hope all is well. We are trying to launch a new version of Wikipedia in Levantine Arabic (Shami). It is in the Wikimedia Incubator now, with the language code apc. If we can have 3 or 4 contributors that contribute regularly (just 10 edits per month is sufficient) for a couple of months it will be launched under its own domain (probably Would you be interested in joining this effort? Here is a discussion page that the Wikimedians of the Levant has opened. TheJoyfulTentmaker (talk) 04:56, 20 March 2024 (UTC)
UCoC training modules feedback
[edit]Hi @NANöR:,
Thank you for signing up to stay informed about the UCoC training modules. If you haven't already, I invite you to review the following modules:
- UCoC Training Module 1
- UCoC Training Module 2
- A draft of Module 3 will be shared around mid-May. Stay tuned!
Your insights are valuable to us. After reviewing the training modules, please share your thoughts and comments on their respective talk pages:
We await your feedback by the 17th of May. This will give us time to reflect on your thoughts and include them in the revisions.
If you have any comments that you'd prefer to share privately, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at
Thank you for your time and contribution! MFischer (WMF) (talk) 10:52, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
Draft UCoC Training Module 3
[edit]Hello @NANöR! Thank you again for your interest in the UCoC training modules. I just wanted to share with you that the draft of Module 3 is now online. Happy to hear your thoughts and comments by June 10. MFischer (WMF) (talk) 10:11, 27 May 2024 (UTC)
Happening soon! Sibling Project Lifecycle open call
[edit]Sibling Project Lifecycle open call #3
- Date/time: Sunday, June 9 · 16:00 – 17:00 UTC
- Google Meet joining info
- Video call link:
- Or dial: (IL) +972 73-359-9899 PIN: 820 902 390 0561 #
- More phone numbers:
- Etherpad link for collaborative notes: SPTF-call3
Thanks for registering. Looking forward to seeing you soon. --On behalf of the Sibling Projects Task Force: Rosiestep (talk) 15:43, 9 June 2024 (UTC)
Sunday June 23 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (WMF BoT statement on Movement Charter ratification)
Hello everyone!
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas about current developments in the Wikimedia Movement. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for further Wikimedia 2030 strategy process work.
At this meeting we will focus on the recent statement by the WMF Board of Trustees liaisons statement on the Movement Charter in which the liaisons stated that they will be recommending the Board of Trustees not to ratify the final draft of the Movement Charter. The community and affiliate votes on the ratification are supposed to start on Tuesday, 25 June. This meeting offers a venue to discuss the situation and formulate the "next steps".
This month, we are meeting on Sunday, June 23, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
Nadzik (talk) 16:35, 22 June 2024 (UTC)
Join Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2024
[edit]Hello NANöR,
Thank you for participating in the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos campaign in one of our previous editions.
The 2024 edition has just started. We are glad to invite you to participate in the campaign again this year to help improve the quality of Wikipedia articles with photos and other media files. For more information, please visit the campaign page here.
If you have any questions, please feel free to a leave comment at the campaign's talkpage, contact members of the organizing team, or send an email to
Kind regards, --Ammar 14:51, 2 July 2024 (UTC) (For Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2024 Organizers)
Reminder to vote now to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter
[edit]- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language
Dear Wikimedian,
You are receiving this message because you previously voted in the 2021 Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) election.
This is a reminder that if you have not voted yet on the ratification of the final Wikimedia Movement Charter draft, please do so by July 9, 2024 at 23:59 UTC.
You can read the final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter in your language. Following that, check on whether you are eligible to vote. If you are eligible, cast your vote on SecurePoll.
On behalf of the Charter Electoral Commission,
RamzyM (WMF) 15:24, 5 July 2024 (UTC)
Important tool for the WPWP Campaign
[edit]Dear NANöR,
We would like to draw your attention to this useful tool. The tool contains Wikipedia articles with their candidate images, and you would not have to struggle to find articles with their candidate images.
This year's campaign promises to be even more exciting, with new opportunities to enhance Wikipedia's visual content and engage with a global community of contributors. Your participation would not only add immense value to the campaign but also inspire new contributors to join the effort.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to enhancing Wikipedia. We look forward to your participation in the 2024 campaign! Best, Reading Beans (talk) 01:12, 7 July 2024 (UTC)
Sunday July 28 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (Results of Movement Charter ratification)
[edit]Hello everyone!
The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas about current developments in the Wikimedia Movement. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for further Wikimedia 2030 strategy process work.
At this meeting we will focus on the results of the Movement Charter ratification. We will also discuss the aftermath of the Board of Trustees' decision to veto the Movement Charter, including their recent proposals. We will also cover updates about upcoming Wikimania 2024.
This month, we are meeting on Sunday, July 28, and you are all invited to RSVP here.
Nadzik (talk) 19:55, 18 July 2024 (UTC)
Invitation to coordination call for advisors - WikiWomen Task Force
[edit]Hello! I'm reaching out following your interest in serving as an advisor for the WikiWomen Task Force Collective. I'd like to set up time to bring all of the advisors together to discuss next steps. Please send me an email at mmulaudzi[at] (if we haven't been in touch by email already), and I will email you regarding times to meet. MMulaudzi-WMF (talk) 11:19, 9 September 2024 (UTC)
U4C charter
[edit]Dear Nanör,
I am really happy that you were elected in the U4C charter! In our troubled world, in our powerful and fragile global wikicommunity we need people able to bridge gaps and enforce mutual respect, and you are so god-gifted at it!
Quoting Rihanna... Shine bright like a diamond! εΔω 17:24, 29 September 2024 (UTC)
AffCom application next steps
Thank you for submitting your application to the Affiliations Committee. Please send an email to with a link to your candidates' page to confirm your submission and to coordinate next steps as soon as possible.
RamzyM (WMF) 17:59, 19 November 2024 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development invitation
I am writing to you on behalf of the Wikimedians for Sustainable Development User Group, of which you have signed up as a participant. We are slowly but surely becoming a more organised user group and we have great plans for the future! In case you want to lead an effort, or are already leading an effort about sustainability, please feel free to add it to our Annual Plan. If you have any questions, you can ask us in the Talk Page of our user group. We have our monthly User Group Meeting on the 29th of December, at 17 UTC, the link for the Jitsi meeting can be found in the page.
Have a nice day! Egezort (talk) 23:02, 14 December 2024 (UTC)