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Wiki Women* Task Force

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Wiki Women* Task Force: Steering Committee Formation


Project Overview


The Wiki Women* Task Force, formerly known as Wiki Women* Collective (WWC) is a forthcoming steering committee to address and prioritize global initiatives focused on closing the gender gap in Wikimedia projects. This project emerges as an outcome of discussions held during the Wiki Women* Camp, with the objective of creating a strategic and collaborative platform.



The underrepresentation of Women* and marginalised genders in the Wikimedia movement limits the diversity of perspectives reflected in online content. To address this gap, we propose the Wiki Women* Task Force, a global initiative empowering Women* to become active contributors and leaders. The task force focuses on empowerment, inclusivity, bridging the gender gap, and enriching content. This project details the task force's aim to establish it as a thriving force for gender equity in knowledge sharing within the Wikimedia movement.

Rationale for the Wiki Women* Task Force


The Wikimedia movement boasts a vast knowledge base, but a significant gender gap persists. Women* and marginalised genders are underrepresented in both content creation and leadership positions. This not only limits the diversity of perspectives reflected in online content but also hinders the movement's overall potential.

The Wiki Women*+ Task Force addresses this critical issue. We aim to empower Women* and marginalized genders to become active and influential contributors across all aspects of the Wikimedia movement. Our multifaceted approach tackles the gender gap on two key fronts:

  1. Content and Leadership: The task force will advocate for increased participation from Women*, not just as content creators but also in strategic decision-making spaces. This ensures their voices are heard and their perspectives shape the future of the movement.
  2. Customized Support: Recognizing that Women* and marginalized genders may have unique needs, the Task Force will provide tailored support and engagement opportunities. This fosters a more inclusive environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute.

Beyond Content Creation


The Task Force goes beyond content creation by focusing on supporting Women* leaders. We will identify and map out the specific needs of Women* in leadership roles, and use this information to inform the development of a comprehensive engagement plan. This plan will prioritize initiatives that address these needs and empower Women* to excel in leadership positions.

Global Collaboration and Visibility


The Task Force will foster a global network for collaboration and alignment. This network will bring visibility to local initiatives focused on gender equity within the Wikimedia movement, creating a space for peer learning and knowledge sharing. Furthermore, the Task Force will facilitate opportunities for global dialogue on strategies and interventions to address the gender gap.

By investing in these initiatives, the Task Force will unlock the full potential of Women* and marginalized genders, ultimately enriching the diversity, inclusivity, and knowledge base of the entire Wikimedia movement. In essence, the Task Force is a strategic investment in ensuring the movement reflects the richness and complexity of the world it represents.



The vast potential of Wikipedia and its sister projects is hampered by a lack of gender diversity among editors and contributors. This knowledge gap limits the perspectives and experiences reflected in online content. To address this, we're excited to announce the formation of the Wiki Women* Task Force!

The Task Force is a global initiative dedicated to promoting gender equity and inclusivity within the Wikimedia movement. Our mission is to empower Women* and other marginalized genders to become active contributors and leaders in building the world's largest free knowledge base.

We Need Your Voice!

Our Goals:

  • Increase Participation: We aim to empower Women* and other marginalized genders to become active and influential contributors within the Wikimedia movement.
  • Build a Supportive Community: We will foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their knowledge and expertise.
  • Bridge the Gender Gap: The Task Force will work to reduce the underrepresentation of Women* and other marginalised genders in Wikimedia projects.
  • Enhance Diversity: We strive to expand the range of voices and perspectives reflected in Wikipedia and its sister projects.

Call for Collaboration


This outreach aims to achieve two key objectives:

  1. Recruit Members for the Steering Committee: We are seeking passionate individuals to join the Task Force Steering Committee, which will provide strategic direction and leadership for the initiative.
  2. Gather Your Input and Ideas: We value your feedback and insights! We welcome your comments and suggestions on the structure, function, and focus areas of the Task Force, as well as future Wiki Women* Camp planning.

Why Get Involved?

  • Make a Difference: Join a movement that prioritizes gender equity and inclusivity in knowledge sharing.
  • Share Your Expertise: Contribute your skills and knowledge to help shape the future of the Task Force.
  • Connect with Others: Become part of a supportive network of Women* and allies within the Wikimedia movement.

This is More Than Editing


The Task Force recognizes the diverse contributions made by Women* beyond content creation. We aim to create a space for Women* to share their experiences in organising, advocacy, and other vital areas that contribute to the Wikimedia movement's success.

Join the Conversation


We invite everyone in the Wikimedia movement to support the Task Force! Even if you don't join the Steering Committee, you can still be an advisor, ally, or champion for our work.

We believe the gender gap is not just a Women*'s issue. We encourage all Wikimedia leads to embrace a culture of inclusivity and facilitate the leadership and participation of Women*. We acknowledge and appreciate the work already done by allies, and invite you to join us in moving forward.

Operating Model


This project will operate under a model that allows for an organic growth curve driven by community participation. The Steering Committee will act as a rallying force, providing support and resources to facilitate this growth.

Implementation Plan

  1. Declaration Refinement: Collaboratively refine the Wiki Women* Camp Declaration to articulate clear goals and objectives.
  2. Global Consultations: Conduct consultations with global communities to gather input on priorities and initiatives.
  3. Nomination Process: Develop an open and transparent process for communities to nominate representatives for the steering committee.
  4. Steering Committee Formation: Set-up the steering committee based on diversity, expertise, and commitment to gender equity.
  5. Community Adoption: Seek community endorsement and adoption of the Wiki Women* Task Force's declaration.


  • July 31st: Launch the nomination process for the steering committee.
  • August 2024 Steering committee nominations
  • August 2024 Discussions during Wiki Women* Summit, declaration review and public announcement.
  • September 2024 Announcing the Wiki Women* Task Force
  • October 2024 Global consultations on WikiWomen* Declaration.
  • November 2024 Refining the Global Declaration based on feedback
  • January 2025 Releasing the Task Force Declaration

Get Involved


Contributors interested in promoting gender equity and bridging the gender gap are invited to participate in discussions, provide input on the declaration, and engage in the nomination process for the steering committee by sharing your profile here. If you would like to be considered for an appointment to the Task Force during our current recruitment cycle, please post your application on this page by 31 August 2024 15 September 2024.

Supporting Team for Wiki Women* Task Force


Please sign here if you want to join the support team


Please sign here if you want to join as an advisor


Your involvement is crucial in making the Wiki Women* Task Force a truly global and impactful initiative. Let's work together to create positive change within the Wikimedia movement!



1. Will the roles and responsibilities of "Advisor," "Support Team," and "Task Force Nominee" of Wiki Women* Task Force be clarified?

Advisors: Advisors will select the initial members for the Wiki Women* Task Force. They will participate in strategic discussions but will not be as deeply involved in the day-to-day activities as the members. Their role is more consultative, providing guidance and oversight.

Members (Nominations): Members are the core of the task force and are actively engaged in its work. They will review gathered materials, support global engagement, provide additional support, identify needs and priorities, and develop an action plan. Members will also determine their own recruitment process, term of service, and roles and responsibilities for future iterations, with input from Advisors.

Support Team: The Support Team consists of individuals who have contributed from the WikiWomen* Camp up to the formation of the task force and includes additional people who are not members or advisors but are willing to support the task force's work. Their responsibilities may include offering translation support, organising regional calls, and providing other forms of assistance as needed.

These roles will be outlined in detail on the Task Force main page to ensure clarity and understanding among all participants.

2. How many seats are available on the Wiki Women* Task Force?

The exact number of seats for the Task Force has not been finalised yet. We aim to balance representation with the ability to make decisions efficiently.

3. What is the estimated time commitment for members of the WikiWomen* Task Force?

We currently estimate the time commitment to be around 1-2 hours per week, but this could vary based on the specific role and involvement.

4. Do we need to be part of the WikiWomen* Task Force if we are focused on research?

Not necessarily. If your primary focus is research, you may not need to be an active member of the Task Force. However, involvement may provide additional insights and collaboration opportunities.

5. How can I join the WikiWomen* Task Force's Telegram group or mailing list?

You can join the Task Force Telegram group here. We are also working on reviving the mailing list for better communication.

6. Are staff members invited to participate in the /Wiki Women* Task Force?

Yes, staff members are welcome to participate and contribute to the Task Force, provided there is no conflict of interest. The work on the task force is volunteer.

7. What is the value of endorsements for the Wiki Women* Task Force?

Endorsements are valuable as they show support and solidarity with the Task Force's mission and goals. They help in building credibility and attracting wider participation.

8. Is the task force restricted to Women* only?

The task force is primarily for Women*, but we are considering having a section on the main page for allies. The roles and responsibilities for members, advisors, and allies will be clearly defined.

9. What will be the representation criteria for the Wiki Women* Task Force?

The representation criteria will be determined by the task force itself, with input from the support group to ensure diverse and equitable representation.

10. Is there a possibility of introducing appointed seats to address representation gaps?

Yes, the task force may consider appointing seats to address any identified gaps and ensure a balanced representation.